Rebellious Phase // Klance
Lance McClain. 18. Straight A student, flirty, popular, son of the super strict principal of the private high school of Berlin, Germany - Principal Matías McClain. Tanned skin and chocolate hair that clashed with electric blue eyes due to his mixed ethnic background - half Cuban, half American - made him eye catching for both girls and boys alike.
Lance walked into the school, sending the occasional wink or smirk to the students fawning over him. It may not have looked like it, but he was in a bad mood. Another argument with Matías about his grades and keeping up a good reputation.
He sighed, getting the key to his locker out of his pocket. He checked his schedule - English first - before grabbing his books, shutting his locker and making his way to class. He took a second to make sure his white blazer was still properly tucked into his black dress trousers; it was uniform after all.
The brunet sat down and while he waited for the bell to go he thought of the ways he could get back at Matías. He wanted to show the man that he wasn't a kid anymore and wouldn't just do whatever his father told him to.
The clatter of a chair announced the entrance of another student. He looked over to see a boy sitting at the far left of the class. He was leaning back on his chair, feet on his desk and a cigarette in his mouth.
Keith Kogane. 18. Bad grades, smokes, drinks, bad boy persona, adoptive son of the well known model - Takashi Shirogane. He had greyish-blue, almost violet eyes and sightly long, black hair that he wore up in a messy ponytail. Lance was sure would go down to his shoulders if he let it down.
“You shouldn't smoke in class Kogane.” Lance pointed out.
“Don't tell me what to do.”
“It's just a suggestion .”
And the room was silent once more. Or at least it was until an idea sparked inside Lance’s head.
He walked over to Keith’s desk and pulled up a chair to sit beside him. What better way to get back at Matías than to befriend the biggest - reputation wise - delinquent in their high school?
He plucked the cigarette from the boy’s hand, earning an instantaneous glare. “You're gonna get lung cancer someday you know.” Lance said, resting his face on his hand, his elbow on the other student’s desk.
“What do you want?”
“You see, dear Keithy, I'm on a quest to make new friends! And you are a prime candidate!”
“Last time I checked we weren't on a first name basis, McClain. And what makes you think I'd ever want to be your friend?” Keith pointed out, shoving the brunet’s elbow off the table.
Lance looked at him with a dark smirk. “Well, Kogane, to be completely honest, you don't have a choice in the matter.”
Keith groaned and turned around. “Go away. I don't hang out with people who are goody-two-shoes like you.”
The brunet lazily slung an arm around the other boy’s shoulder, pulling him towards himself. “But Keith, I'll have you know, I may have good grades-” he paused to look the raven haired boy in the eyes. “-but I'm anything but a ‘goody-two-shoes’.”
Keith stared at him in shock - or maybe it was confusion. Lance took this chance to examine the other’s appearance. Short wispy strands of Keith’s shiny black hair had made their way out of his ponytail to frame his face, blending with his black band tee and leather jacket. He wore ripped black jeans and had two piercings in each ear - one of them a skull, Lance noticed.
He never wore the usual boy’s uniform, but Keith does what he wants so he chose not to mention it.
“A-as if.” the boy muttered, lowering his eyes.
“Yup! So from now on we're the best of friends!” Lance chimed, Keith rewarded him with a half-hearted punch in the stomach.
“Just fuck off.” he growled.
“Yes Keithy~!” The brunet ruffled the his dark hair before skipping off to his desk, ignoring the string of insults and obscenities flung in his direction.
Keith never got his cigarette back.
Lance knew he was early, but he didn't know he was this early. It took a few more minutes of awkward silence and one-sided glares before other students started filing into the classroom. It took another couple of minutes before the bell rang and the teacher arrived.
“Today we're going to begin a collaboratory project!” the teacher announced. “Please get into pairs as quickly as possible.”
Lance was immediately flocked with potential partners. Around half the class, he noticed, looking around. He ignored all the people attempting to obtain his attention. “Lance, shall we be partners?” and “McClain, pick me!” meant nothing to him.
He strutted over to Keith’s desk, pulled up a chair and sat down for the second time that day.
“So how about it? Wanna pair up?” he asked innocently.
“Hell no!”
“Oh come on, don't be like that.”
“Stop bugging me. Go play with some of your followers or something.”
Their ongoing bickering was interrupted by the teacher loudly calling out their names. “Lance McClain and Keith Kogane, as you're the only ones without partners, I assume you're fine with pairing up together?”
Keith looked around, anger flooding his features. All the students that were previously clustered around Lance had given up and paired up with their friends. Lance smirked at his reaction.
“Idiot, this was your plan from the start wasn't it?!” the teen glared menacingly.
Lance disregarded his comment.
“Well then, it's settled. I look forward to working with you partner.”
It had been a week since that - in Lance’s words - fateful encounter. Let's just say, their relationship had progressed since then. Keith didn't seem to hate Lance's presence that much, and Lance was beginning to see the other boy as more than just a tool to get back at his father.
Currently, the two were stuck in detention together. Keith had gotten himself into a fight with people bigger than him - again - and Lance had decided to egg him on as he somehow sent the other students flying. Usually Lance would have just watched from afar and then congratulate Keith’s victory later, but for reasons unknown to the raven haired boy, this time he’d come up to the fight and mocked the opponents, causing Keith to have to work harder to keep the others from killing the annoying brunet; who had no physical strength whatsoever.
“Why did you do that?” Keith asked, the annoyance in his voice clear.
“I couldn't just let my best friend get in trouble by himself could I?”
“That's never stopped you from standing by before.”
“I felt like doing the right thing today.” The truth was, things weren't going the way Lance wanted. Apart from the occasional comment about hanging out with the ‘wrong people’, Matías hadn't really been showing any reaction when the brunet brought up the topic of his new delinquent friend.
“If doing the right thing is getting in my way and making them angrier, then sure.”
“Well you did a good job of fending them off.”
“By ‘fending them off’ you mean having to defend both of us because you can't do crap.”
“At least we’re unharmed though!”
“You're unharmed.” Keith retorted, looking at all the cuts and bruises scattered along his arms and legs. He noticed a slightly deeper cut that was around ten centimeters long, going diagonally along the length of his calf.
“Then let me treat your wounds Keithy~!” That was another thing that had changed. Although Keith still refused to call Lance by his first name, he didn't seem to have a problem with the brunet calling him ‘Keith’ instead of ‘Kogane’ anymore - unless he added something weird of course.
“What? No way. Were in school anyway, where would you even get supplies?”
Lance gave the boy his ‘I know something you don't ’ look and began to unbutton his shirt.
Keith immediately turned away, blushing furiously and earning an amused laugh from the brunet.
“Keith~ look at me~” Lance whined.
“What the hell?! No way!” the hot headed teen shot back.
Lance got up from where he was seated, grabbed Keith by the shoulders, and forced him to face him.
Keith’s eyes widened at the sight. On the inside of Lance's shirt there multiple pockets, filled with things like bandages and safety pins and pens; all pressed as flat as possible as to not make a bulge.
“How do you get away with that?”
“Well the thing is-”
“Short version.”
“Okay, okay. No one will notice if the things inside the pockets are small and flat enough. Also they're kinda cool.”
“Except no one knows how ‘cool’ they are.”
“Yeah it's like a super amazing secret that only we know about.”
“There's nothing amazing about it idiot.”
Lance just nodded in response before pulling a folded up bandage from one of the pockets and buttoning his shirt back up.
“Roll your jeans up.” he ordered.
“No! what the hell?!”
“I can't patch you up like that, or do you know how do it yourself?” Lance asked, his inquiry more of a statement than a question.
Keith looked down, embarrassed, before beginning to roll his jeans up to her knees. “Fine..”
The brunet grinned in amusement at his embarrassed friend. Once he was done, he began to carefully wrap the wounds in bandages, securing them with safety pins. His legs were covered in scratches and scars - most likely from getting into fights. Lance paid it no mind.
“Now you look like a mummy!” He exclaimed happily, stepping back to admire his work.
Keith rushed to pull his jeans back down. “S-shut up idiot.”
“Keith! Could it be that you're self conscious about something?”
The door handle clicked and both teens jumped back into their seats just in time for the teacher to walk in.
“You kids can leave now.” She told them. The they just nodded before getting up to leave the room.
“Also, Kogane, please wear your uniform tomorrow.” The teacher requested. She got no response of course, because Keith was a delinquent, no matter how easily embarrassed.
Lance knew he was in for a world of hell when he got home. He could tell from the moment he walked in the door. Matías was sitting at their dining table, a blatantly fake smile plastered on his face.
“Lance, please take a seat.” He said, gesturing to a chair at the other end of the table. It was a strange relationship they had. They were father and son, yet they never acknowledged each other as such.
“I hear you were in detention today?”
“You heard right.”
“Care to explain?”
“No not really.”
Matías let out a sigh of resignation. “Steps will have to be taken to prevent this from happening again. You know that right?”
“Really? Like what?” Lance asked, leaning back on his chair and resting his feet on the table - an imitation of Keith, might I add.
“It depends. The reason you're acting like… this, is because you've been hanging out with Mr Kogane isn't it?”
“Maybe I'm just acting of my own accord.”
“No. That goes against everything we've worked for! There's no way this could happen without an outside influence.”
“He's a nice guy when it comes down to it.”
“Sure. He smokes, drinks, has terrible grades and is a huge trouble maker.”
“I don't know. Maybe he has trouble going on at home.”
“That's not a good enough excuse. I don't want to see you hanging with that...child that belongs in a juvenile prison again. Got it?”
“No not really.”
And that was where their conversation ended. Lance went and shut himself in his bedroom, happy with how his plan was going. He texted Keith. Yes, he'd somehow managed to break into his phone and get his number.
You - 5:46pm
Lol Matías is sooo pissed about today. It’s great.
Keef Kogane - 5:47pm
Good to know. Idc. Stop texting me I'm busy.
You - 5:47pm
You wound me! What could possibly be more important than me?
Keef Kogane - 5:48pm
You - 5:48pm
Keith does homework?! Omg, I didn't know.
Keef Kogane - 5:48pm
Not the time.
You - 5:49pm
Mk have fun.
The next day, Lance walked into class and sat at his friend's desk as usual.
“So how did yesterday go?” He asked, finding a reason to start a conversation.
“What do you mean?”
“Doing homework like a nerd.”
“I'm not a nerd. Plus, you do homework.”
“That doesn't answer the question.”
Keith sighed. “It went okay.”
The teen just grunted and started staring at the board at the front of the class, trying to ignore Lance’s presence.
“Do you need me to help you?” The brunet inquired.
“No. ”
After a few moments of silence he added:
“You would just make fun of me anyway.”
Lance knew he wanted to keep talking, but didn't want outright say it. He could tell by the way his cheeks took on a pink tint, and the way he averted his eyes.
Lance smiled.
Class was over, but before leaving they had to quickly hand in their project; which Keith had done most of. Lance had just made it look good and then been distracted by a cooking show that was on. For someone with such good grades he was surprisingly lazy.
The project had been about the water cycle. Something that had bored the entire class to death because they learnt about it in preschool.
And then - as they went to leave the classroom - the single greatest thing in Lance’s entire life happened.
No normal person would have noticed. To any normal person, it would have just looked as if Keith’s hand lingered on the door handle for a millisecond more than one usually would. But Lance wasn't a normal person, and Lance noticed everything.
He noticed the way the shorter boy’s fingers tensed in that millisecond. He noticed the slight backwards jerk of his hand before he pushed the door open - keyword: backwards.
The brunet burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter as soon as they exited the room. “You so pulled that push door!!!” He basically screeched.
“No I didn't!” Keith complained, punching the hyperventilating boy’s arm in a failed attempt of getting him to shut up.
“You so did!! This is amazing!!”
After a few more minutes of laughing hysterically, Lance finally managed to calm down.
“Damn,” he started, wiping a tear from his eye. “Anyways, about your homework-”
“Don't you like me?”
“That's not my reasoning, but to be frank - no. I don’t.”
“Would you rather I help you at your house? In your room?”
“Hell no! We're not dating so don't imply those things!”
“Not yet.”
Their conversation ended there and they made their way to the school courtyard for lunch.
They sat in a corner - away from the commotion of all the other teens - and Keith pulled a bottle of whiskey out of his bag.
“Can I have some?” Lance asked, admiring the beverage’s golden colour.
“McClain, you're underaged.”
“And you're not?”
“It's fine if it's me, my dad is too busy care. You have the principal on the other hand.”
“That's exactly the point.”
“Fine.” Keith gave in, passing the brunet the bottle.
Lance took a huge gulp before spluttering and passing the glass bottle back. He swallowed, a sour look upon his face.
“It tastes… ugh.”
“Always does on your first time. Personally, I prefer wine.”
“Someone’s fancy.”
“Mhm. It’s the only thing I can get drunk on.”
“Weird, doesn't that have a lower percentage than whiskey?”
“Yeah. My body just reacts weirdly I guess.”
“Oh, okay.” Lance searched his mind for another topic. “Why do you get drunk?”
“I don't know. Life just sucks sometimes I guess.”
“I gotta agree with you there.”
They sat in silence for the rest of the lunch period, passing the alcoholic beverage between them.
Their next class was amusing to say the least. Well, for Keith it was.
Keith had been able to build up his tolerance over time, but Lance was obviously a lightweight from the get-go. Ten minutes into the lesson and he’d forgotten how to draw a triangle. Yes, they were in math, and due to a certain teacher’s seating plan they were sat right next to each other.
The teacher glared daggers at the brunet. Usually he was intelligent, answering every question correctly with a smirk; but now whenever he put his hand up he answered ridiculously. Answers like:
“What’s the name of this triangle?”
“Label this angle.”
“E equals MC squared.”
Frankly, Keith was in tears. He made a mental note to record the brunet the next time they drank. Their teacher asked to see them after class, to which she earned a: “Anything for you princess.” from Lance.
Keith was laughing too hard to reply.
Lance was - strangely enough - an affectionate drunk. He flirted with the girls more than usual, and the boys too. Hell, he even flirted with the teacher. He brushed hands with Keith whenever one of them got up - and inched his desk closer so eventually he could reach over and touch the dark haired boy’s leg without anyone noticing. It scared Keith. It scared him because he didn't mind it - and yet physical contact was not by far something he liked.
It was nearing the end of the lesson, and Lance - again - had his hand resting on Keith’s knee. Keith ripped a bit of paper off the corner of his worksheet and scribbled a note for the brunet.
It read: “Okay I know you’re drunk but why do you keep touching me? It's weird.” He passed the note to Lance.
It wasn’t long before he got a reply. Lance had written it on the back of the piece of paper the other teen used. He picked it up and turned it over.
“Because I love you!” was what was written.
Keith groaned internally and decided to leave it at that.
When class was done, they stayed behind to talk to the teacher - who smelt the alcohol in the breath and immediately sent them to the principal's office.
Lance grinned as they walked down the halls. “Ish all goin to plan!” He slurred.
“What plan?” Keith asked, curious.
“Matías’s always like ‘ya gotta get good grades!’ and ‘ya gotta have a good reputation!’ and ish su~per annoying.” Lance ranted. Ilse merely nodded and let him continue.
“But then, I had the most best idea! I could make him su~per angry by being friends with the most baddest student and doing bad things.” His vocabulary was equal to that of a child.
Keith stopped in his tracks. “So you only wanted to be friends with me to get back at the principal?” his voice dropped to a quieter tone.
“Yup! And this is gonna piss him off so~ bad!” Lance grinned wider - if that was even possible.
“Oh, uh, Okay.” Keith mumbled as he caught back up to the other teen.
“Hmm? Are you okay Keithy?” Lance’s voice was suddenly clear - as if he'd never been drinking in the first place.
It surprised the shorter boy, greyish eyes snapped up to meet electric blue in confusion. There was no way he could have sobered up that fast is there?
The dark haired boy snapped out of his stupor.
“O-oh yeah. I'm fine. I guess I just kinda thought you wanted to be friends because you liked me. But I'm glad that misinterpretation was cleared up.” he started off quietly but managed to steady his voice.
Lance gasped. “Am I getting to see a soft side of my Keithy?!”
Keith spun around, flaming with anger. “No of course not, idiot! And the hell is with that name?!”
The brunet chuckled. “Anyways, as I was saying, annoying Matías was my original plan, and still is, but I don't exactly see you as just a tool for my use anymore - I guess you could say I've warmed up to you.”
“...What?” Keith was dumbstruck.
Lance’s ‘let's annoy Keith’ grin appeared on his face again. He clasped Keith's Hand in both of his. “In other words, I love you Keithy!”
Keith’s cheeks flushed almost as red as his firey attitude. “W-what… asshole, you're so weird!” he shouted, walking faster. “Hurry up!”
And so they half-walked-half-jogged the rest of the way to the principal’s office; hand in hand, and Keith thought - maybe he didn't mind this so much.
“Pretending to be drunk was really fun though.”
“You were pretending?!!”
“Yep! I must have a pretty high tolerance.”
“Oh Jesus Christ you're an idiot.”
“You both reek of alcohol!” Matías struggled to keep his temper under control. “Lance! I raised you better than this!”
Lance merely shrugged his shoulders.
The principal took a deep breath. “That’s it. First detention and then this? Something has to happen.” He looked both teens up and down. “You two are not to see each other anymore outside of class. You're not to speak to each other anymore. Kogane is a terrible influence on you Lance, and if I hear of any more bad behavior from you two - there will be a punishment.”
Lance smirked at his parent, his eyes cold. “And how do plan to enforce this new rule of yours father? I'll have you know, Keithy and I are inseparable as of late.”
Matías’s face contorted into a look of anger once more. “Keithy will be suspended otherwise. I have plenty of reasons to do it already, I should have done it long ago.”
Lance stiffened but Keith stepped forward.
“Mr McClain, I'm not particularly worried about suspension. It's just some time off school to do whatever I want. Not very threatening.” he turned to his friend. “Anyway, I plan on staying with Lance.” he added.
Matías went red with rage. “I-”
He was cut off by Lance, who was holding his hand up in a request for silence. “Now now Mr Principal. I must say, I agree with this small angry bean here.” He heard Keith growl beside him.
“On that note-” Lance didn't finish his sentence. Instead, he grabbed Keith by the collar and pressed their lips together in a kiss - flipping Matías off at the same time.
The principal sat there with his mouth hanging open. Lance merely smirked and dragged an embarrassed and bright red Keith out of the office.
Lance was the first to speak as they walked down the hall.
“You used my first name.”
“You kissed me.”
“I liked it.”
“I liked it too.”
“Say it again.”
“Wait, what you said before, did you mean it?”
“Depends on what you're talking about.”
“When you said you loved me.”
“I meant it.”
“Well then, I love you too.. Lance.”
At that, something inside Lance snapped. He couldn't hold back anymore.
“Say it again.”
“I love you Lance.”
He shoved Keith - his Keith - against the wall and looked over him.
“I love you Lance.”
The brunet took the blue-grey eyed boy's face in his hands and kissed him again. It was hard, but short; lasting no longer than five seconds.
"I want you."
"I want you too."
Lance took the opportunity to lift Keith up. Keith wrapped his legs around Lance’s waist and their lips met again - this time filled with a mix of lust and passion.
Keith's back hit the wall hard, but he was too immersed in the brunet's scent and taste to care. Lance lightly ran his tongue across the boy’s lower lip, asking for an entrance. Keith obliged and opened his mouth, letting the brunet in. He refused to submit so easily though, and their tongues battled for dominance. Keith was eventually overpowered and Lance took over - letting out possessive growls every now and then.
Lance’s tongue brushed over the roof of Keith’s mouth, sending a shiver down his spine. They pulled apart for air. Both of them were bright red and panting like wild animals - hunger in their eyes. They looked into each other's eyes, saying nothing.
Lance let his line of vision wander over Keith’s face, before placing a line of butterfly kisses on his jaw line. Keith's hands were in Lance's hair - roaming and dropping around his neck. The brunet bit gently down the other boy’s neck, making him whimper. Finally, Keith moaned. Lance smirked and bit down on the newly found sweet spot. Keith shivered. Lance pulled away, triumph evident on his face. He inspected the mark he'd left on Keith's skin - a fresh reddish purple bruise. Now everyone would know who he belonged to.
"You're more sensitive than I thought, Keithy." Lance’s voice was an octave lower than usual.
"Shut up." Keith muttered, pulling the brunet back for another kiss.
Lance slid his hand up the back of the dark haired boy's black band t-shirt, basking in the warmth of his skin mixed with the taste of his lips.
Keith ran his hands over every part of the brunet's face, wanting to memorize his features.
They tore themselves away from each other again - both hot, blushing messes.
Lance let Keith loosen his tie and take his school blazer off for him. He slipped his hand into the back pocket of the shorter boy's ripped jeans.
"Are you ready?" He asked.
"You want to go further?"
"Yeah. Only if you're ready though."
"I'm ready."
"Okay." Lance was halfway through taking off Keith’s shirt when they heard footsteps from the other end of the hall.
They quickly jumped apart and picked up their discarded pieces of clothing. Lance shoved his blazer on and fixed his tie just as the teacher rounded the corner.
"Why are you not in class?" the teacher asked when she noticed the two slightly messy looking teens standing in the hall.
"We were just in Principal McClain's office, Miss. We're on our way to class now." Keith answered calmly.
"Well hurry up about it." The teacher said, walking past them.
Once they were sure she was out of earshot, Lance turned back to Keith and wrapped his arms lazily around his neck. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance's waist in return.
The brunet smiled down at him.
"Matías won't be home for a few hours. Are you up for ditching a bit of school?"
Keith smirked.
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