[life rant]

Okay so last week I went to this orientation for this program in my university called the "Student Volunteer Program" it's a program where students voluntarily join and it aims in helping communities, the less fortunate, the betterment of our society, the world we live in, and all those things. I was also an usher/facilitator of the orientation.

So get this. We had 2 speakers. One was a woman, who I fetched from the school's gates, and she was running really late for the orientation. Before fetching her I was fresh from my economics class and I really did not have any idea on who were the two speakers or what they even look like or their names.

So I was seriously waiting for a person that I didn't even know. :D :D :D

Classic rebel. You should've asked someone. Duh.

Fast forward to when she finally arrived, she's a pretty woman maybe in her 30's and she looked like a sweet person. But man, was I wrong. Tbh, she was just really bossy and complained a lot. (((EVEN THOUGH SHE WAS THE ONE THAT'S LATE AND THAT THE ORIENTATION CAN'T START WITHOUT HER BECAUSE SHE WAS THE FIRST SPEAKER))) But me being the nice girl and supposed to be a really great person in front of her, just smiled and kept being nice.

Even if I was silently praying to reach our destination faster so that I won't have to take her crop paper anymore. (change the "o" of "crop" to "a" the remove "paper")

She treated me like her packed mule or personal slave or something. I mean yeah its fine since I'm the one that's supposed to be handling her and all but dude... she's not even polite about it. For some reason she brought 10 (TEN) huuuuuuge piles of papers (I was assuming) AND ALL OF THEM WERE HEAVY AS HECK.

And she was like, "ok so carry all of these while I watch u suffer." I mean can't confirm or deny that she said that... But she might as well have said it.

I mean I don't work out like... at all... and I might be the most weakest (I used "most" and "weakest" together to satisfy my point) person you'll ever meet when it comes to carrying heavy things or anything in general. (Well except my dignity and pride!!) But I had to put a face and had to carry EVERYTHING. She didn't even bother saying "oh r u ok child" and its obvious I could've died of exhaustion. (Mind you, the place for the orientation was BUILDINGS away). I know I don't really have the right to complain (and I get that) but she was giving me the worst face a woman can ever give to another human being. AND SHE DIDN'T ALERT EARLIER THAT SHE'LL BE BRING THESE STUFF so we could've brought more man power and not only me.

BUT THANK THE HEAVENS, I bumped into my guy friend and he helped. BLESS. HIM.

THEN GOOD THING, my head sent someone to help and arrived in time.

I feel so lucky.

So there we were splitting those HEAVY AS HECK piles of papers. I'm not joking when I say "heavy"! Imagine having to carry those black circle things in barbells from the gym but rectangular fat versions of that.

I'm complaining because I love food more than anything. (You may bash me BUT I WILL NEVER RENOUNCE MY ONE TRUE LOVE)

Btw, in the end it wasn't actually paper. THEY WERE FRICKING FAT MAGAZINES IN THERE.


We finally arrived in the place and a lot of volunteers were already there blablabla. So I sat in the front row since some of the other ushers sat there too. And there was an empty seat beside me. Then... there was a guy.


Okay warning this might start to become those cliché wattpad stories but I am seriously saying this now THAT EVERYTHING I'M ABOUT TO SAY IS TRUE. It might sound unreal or something, I mean yeah it will be hard to believe since even I STILL can't believe this really happened. But yeah just read on, friend. And if you don't like these types of things, just skip to the end. I don't mind.


The guy was... hm. Let me try to give you a mental image of him. Firstly, HE LOOKS LIKE A FRICKIN CELEBRITY. He's literally Andrew Garfield and Freddie Highmore's love child. BUT WITH BLUE FRICKIN EYES????? (Refer to the attached image for reference.)

I do not own the image used. 

He has Andrew's (left) hair, nose, mouth and body then Freddie's (right) blue eyes, adorable charm and gah I can't even. Imagine Andrew wearing those sexy glasses of his, then his bod and stuff then have that little adorkable thing that the both actors have. He's just... I just... wow. Oh and P.S., HE'S FRENCH. The accent is just bae. I can't.

His name's Louis btw. So him and I actually talked. Like a normal convo and whatnot. He wasn't really talking to anyone else and he looked like he was alone so I was fine in chatting and being friendly with him.

Is this how life pays me back after that other woman? All the muscles that ached after carrying those heavy magazines?? THANK ALL THE GODS OUT THERE OR IF THERE ARE ANY FOR THIS WONDERFUL BOY.

And I was so dumb and I didn't know THAT HE WAS THE SECOND SPEAKER. I seriously did not know he was! HE LOOKED LIKE A STUDENT. He seriously looks like he was just few years older than me. But I later on knew that he was 23. So not really far?? And wow he's young.


It was time for him to speak. So he stands up, delivers his talk in front then at one point I wasn't listening to him because I was talking to the other ushers then I realized the room was quiet. Like I noticed he stopped talking. So I was wondering (what why how) everyone's so silent. I looked up to see his hand, his HAND, gesturing to me. I was so confused on why he was. Then he continued talking about that he was happy that I talked to him????? And that he was sorry that he looked as if he was really shy????? Then he said those in such a cute way. And gosh, he was adorable ok. My friends were fangirling directly in front of him. (remember we're in the first row) HOW EMBARASSING.

I wasn't really sure how he ended up in that topic but yeah he gave me a huge special mention in his speech. Like bruh whut. So I was looking around the audience then I see these 3 girls who were looking at me as if they wanted to kill me.

Like whaaat. I don't even know you people. So I brushed it off.


So the orientation was done and the only ones left were us (the ushers/facilitators), Louis and guess who... THOSE 3 GIRLS....

They weren't ushers or anything so they should've went home earlier. And for some reason they didn't. Again, I was talking with my friends then I see 3 of them coming near us and I see their eyes throwing daggers, swords and spears (I swear it was all the sharp weapons) looking at me as if I threw their phone in the toilet or something.

Then I realized where they were going. Louis. He was standing near us and talking to our college president but was abruptly cut off by those 3 girls. So Louis being the nice guy apologized to the president then started talking to them. Seriously, two of them gave me a smirk. Like what the heck.

This seriously looks like those wattpad stories when the evil cheerleader comes and steals some guy. And I swear, it felt like it was. No joke. AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE THE GUY??? I JUST FIND HIM CUTE AND REALLY NICE!!


I was minding my own business and then they started talking WITH REALLY LOUD VOICES...

"hey Louis. I luv ur speech lyk I love the one abt u saving the chickens or something like you're SOOOOOOOO heroic lyk"

"oh my gosh Louis you're like rlly handsome like ohgosh can we just get married or something?? HAha, JK. LYK im just joking duh but if you want tho.."

and there's that other one just clinging onto him. -_- I'm not jealous... like at all. THEY WERE JUST BEING SO ANNOYING AND THIRSTY



Anyway, Louis started looking at me with a smile so I smiled back (a friendly gesture) (and im pretty sure he found them annoying too) and those girls looked at me... and I'm pretty sure I'm dead to them. Hahahahaha.

I cry. Laugh. Its just amazing how these types of people are actually real.

So kids, if there's drama around you... Just seriously leave it. These types of people are never worth your time! :)


I think I should really end this now. This was a long rant. Haha. (I feel like you guys got bored not even half way through) Sorry it wasn't that great and that my life isn't really that exciting to share. Heh.

But anyway, question of the chapter: what was your experiences with mean girls or guys? Did you talk back to them or you just didn't really care? If you never had any experiences, give me a fictional scenario of a conflict with mean people and tell me what you'll do!

Thanks for reading and see ya next chapter! ;D


P.S. I SAW LOUIS IN A MAGAZINE COVER THE VERY NEXT DAY. I didn't know he was famous?????    

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