Thinking about Emma + Cuddles (Lime)
(A/N): Another Long Chapter. Next one will be short and to the point. Also, Lime warning. (It's like a lemon, but less so)
It's been a few weeks since the duel, and Emma's up and walking again. She's still not back at 100%, a fact that drives her mad, as she can't go on any hunting expeditions in this state. So in turn, she's been throwing herself into her work. Unfortunately, servants are not allowed to attend war council meetings so I mostly just stay in her room when she is out. It's fascinating really; she tells me about it (well, the parts she's allowed to tell me about) whenever we are alone, talking. She is in charge of clearing out rebel activity in Star Sector Primaris. That's right, she's the anti-rebellion leader for Homeworld's primary sector!
She's so good that she only gets assigned to oversee rebellions that are successful enough to have a proper name, rather than a designation. She's so effective that she was the first one to be chosen to lead the efforts against the Crystal Gem rebellion; something that she politely declined. She claims that it was so that the rebellions that were so close to Homeworld wouldn't be emboldened by her absence, and passed the job off to a flawless Hessonite. However, she told me in confidence that the real reason was that she empathised with their ideals. Not about protecting the planet or any of that nonsense but the whole "freedom for gems" thing they espouse. She thinks it's only a matter of time before Pink Diamond manages to sort everything out. 'After all, both Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond had to deal with rebels on their first colonies.'
As I sit here, waiting for her to get back from a war council meeting, I think about what she might be talking about. Strategy mostly, I'll bet. Must be hard, coming up with plans to fight on so many fronts. You wouldn't know it from looking; the Diamonds make sure of that; but there are currently 4 major rebel groups within Star Sector Primaris.
The weakest of them is the Dirt Movers, a group of almost entirely Aventurines, terraforming/siege gems that can control rock and dirt like a Lapis Lazuli can with water. High strung, and rather petulant gems, Aventurines have had a long standing rivalry with Lapis Lazuli's, who delight in setting off the ill-tempered Aventurines. One day, a group of Lazulis decided to pick on a particularly powerful and respected Aventurine and she finally snapped and attacked them. She gathered up any and all sympathisers and broke off from Homeworld to seek retribution against their hated enemy. No one really took them seriously, since their 'attacks' were more nuisance than anything. No one was even really hurt by them, and it was assumed that this was basically a bunch of gems throwing a temper tantrum like Pink Diamond has been known to on occasion.
Unfortunately, when their leader started listing legitimate grievances, such as the constant harassment of Aventurines by Lapis Lazulis, still no one listened. So they made a major attack against The Parthenon, a luxurious resting place built by Blue Diamond for Lapis Lazulis (most of whom swore loyalty to her) and completely destroyed it, filling in all the water fixtures and pools with dirt and crushing countless thousands of Lazulis under rock and rubble. After that, Homeworld took them seriously as a threat, and retaliated in kind. Now they are a scattered and waning force. Their leader has evaded capture, but it won't be long before they are wiped out.
Up next are the Proponents of Sentiance, an odd and eclectic group of gems that place science and learning even above reason, or ethics, or the Diamonds. They got their start when a top manager Peridot, fed up that her experiments and research was being hindered or ignored, stole a research vessel and split off from Homeworld. They've been gaining traction, and have managed to create amazing, and terrifying things. They've managed to match the Empire in technology despite being much smaller in scale.
However, it seems that, despite having a clear leader in the founding Peridot, they don't have a direction. 'Science' is not a good banner to rally a movement around, and most members of the rebellion are just doing what they want, regardless of what the rest of the whole is doing. Some are even testing out dangerous weapons or experiments on hapless gems. There are even rumors that the leader is thinking of splintering off from the group.
The strongest, far and away, would have to be the Sunsetters. They splintered off from Homeworld in early Era 1, back when Yellow and Blue Diamond didn't even have more than 5 colonies combined to themselves. They've slipped into and out of the various Star Sectors, always managing to stay one step ahead of the Diamonds. Originally founded by a rogue Amber, she was shattered a mere 400 years ago. Oddly her second-in-command did not take her place, and elected a different gem in her stead. That second-in-command? A Malachite with a terrifying track record of success. A normal Malachite is an assassin while she is like an angel of death!
Actually... talking about the commanders of the Sunsetters rebellion, I have to wonder what the hell they're doing. What's the goal of the Sunsetters? What are they trying to accomplish? What's the message? Their attacks and occupations were always rather pointed. Aiming to be seen and cause chaos mostly, but it always felt like it was part of something larger... until Amber was shattered. Now it feels more, I don't know, random? Like there's something missing from the picture. I asked Emma but she doesn't know either. "That tratorious Amber took her plans to her grave, and I'll bet even her closest allies have no idea what they were!" It seems like it.
But the worst, and the one that Emma is most dedicated to stamping out, is the Pearlescent Tide. Just thinking about them makes me shudder. A swarming horde of barbarians that are a perfect example of how even a refined and servile gem like a Pearl can become an abhorrent monster if they put their mind to it. A raving bunch of shatterers and torturers; but the worst of them go beyond that. They ply their dark craft of horror and mayhem to organics, that have no chance of stopping them, or resisting. Emma has even told me chilling rumors that the leaders of the Tide, a cabal of Pearls called 'The Sisters', have found a way to become nigh-unshatterable, with a crystal heart in their lightforms and 'blood' that repairs their wounds.
However... I do feel a little bad for some of them. You see, the Pearlescent Tide got its start when a Pearl decided to fight for equality. It's a story we've all heard before, but she managed to get a lot of followers amongst lower class gems, and especially other Pearls. When she was inevitably shattered... the gems that followed her did not take it well. She had always espoused peaceful rebellion as the way forward, and clearly, that did not work... so her grieving followers did the opposite. They tore the sector they started in apart. They swarmed out, devastating all in their wake till finally, thanks to Emma, and her brilliance, the Tide broke, and started receding.
Emma tells me that every member of the Tide falls into one of two categories. They are either: An unrepentant monster, who can and will destroy anything they can't control or manipulate to their benefit; or they are unfortunate victims who were either swept up in the initial rebellion, or were press ganged into joining. Still monstrous and vile yes, but pitiable. You can tell the difference, she says, because the monsters can maintain eye contact. The others are too weighed down by guilt to look a gem in the eyes for long. If you don't flinch from them, they will flinch from you.
As I think about these things, Emma returns from yet another council on rebel activity. She immediately starts ranting. Emma: "Ugh! I can't get anything done! I swear! 'Oh we can't get you more war ships, we need them to blockade Earth to bolster Pink Diamonds position. Sorry, we can't spare anymore quartz soldiers, we need them on Earth.' Yeah, well if I can't get more fire power at the spinward front, the fucking Pearlescent Tide will retake Kalashtar! We still have a lot of Rubies to pull from that planet and if we lose it, it's gonna be on my head; but I can't get any fucking reinforcements!" She sighs, and lays down on her bed. I sat down next to her.
Emma: "Sigh. I don't get it." (Y/N): "Get what?" Emma turns to look at me. Emma: "The Crystal gems. Usually, rebellions of this sort are solved rather fast. The rebels either learn the error of their ways and cease their rebellion, or they are all wiped out. But they really seem to believe in the sanctity of that little planet. They really think the life there is worth preserving, and that it can be a haven for 'off-color' gems. I've looked into the eyes of captured Crystal Gems, and let me tell you they are not about to give up any time soon. But their leader... Rose Quartz... She seems so powerful. She can heal gems without repair fluid?! What!?! And it seems so effortless and limitless for her! Other Rose Quartz gems aren't nearly as powerful! Is she a flawless example of her gem, like that Jasper they pulled from the Beta Kindergarten on Earth? Is it something else?! It makes no sense! This war should have ended two centuries ago at the latest." Emma looked extremely frustrated.
I embrace her. (Y/N): "It's not like they can keep this up forever, right? Pink Diamond will solve this problem just like Yellow and Blue did with their first colonies and life will return to normal." Emma shakes her head. Emma: "But that's the thing! Pink asked Yellow and Blue for help and they seem to have completely taken control of fighting the rebellion from her. I can't help but think this will only end when they let Pink handle this her own way; whatever that is." Yeah but... (Y/N): "What if she wants to abandon the planet?" Emma looked me in the eyes. Emma: "So be it." Oh? "We can always find another planet. We can just turn the Earth into a garden world. I hear that Pink Diamond was trying to preserve the life forms on it anyway, and turning it into a garden world would do just that."
She returns my embrace as she rests her head against my shoulders. I can feel my body start to heat up. (Y/N): "Well, it will all work out. We have to have faith in Pink Diamond." Emma giggles. Emma: "I know... Enough about that. Let me just enjoy this." She pulls me down, and we lay there, cuddling for some time.
As we lay there, loving each other's embrace, she looks at me. There is a deep... I guess I'd call it 'heat' in her eyes. She's looking at me with such intense... passion. I blush deeply. Suddenly, she speaks up. Emma: "I want to tell you something... and you have to promise you won't be mad if you don't agree with it." Y/N: "Sure, what is it Emma?" Emma: "I love you." I blunk in surprise. I figured that might be the case, but I never thought it would be said outright like that. Y/N: "I- I love you too! But... why? Why me?"
She leaned in, nuzzling her head into my chest. Emma: "You're so interesting, and sweet, and you have every right to be bitter but you find the strength to move past it. You genuinely don't want to hurt people, even if they deserve it. I love how gentle and caring you are." She looked up at me, as I looked into her eyes. Suddenly, she pulled me in for a kiss! I reciprocated, returning the kiss. It was as if all my emotions were pouring into her.
Suddenly, our bodies glowed, as if we were shapeshifting. We pulled back, and she looked... amazing. She seemed more voluptuous and, 'sexy' I guess would be the term. She looked me up and down, as we sat up to admire one another. Suddenly, she got a predatory look in her eyes. Emma: "I know what's going on." I was confused. Y/N: "What is it?" Emma reached out and touched my chest. Emma: "Do you trust me?" Y/N: "Of course." She smiled. Emma: "Just tell me if you want me to stop." And with that, she took off the upper half of my appearance enhancers.
Lime Start
I'm not sure how she did that, because I've never been able to do that before. Her hands roamed over my now naked chest, feeling my sculpted form. It felt... soothing. As she gently ran her hands over me, her hands started to drift lower and lower. Emma: "Hold on, this isn't very fair, is it?" I raised an eyebrow. Y/N: "Hmm?" She grabbed the edge of her torso appearance enhancers, and with one smooth motion, took it off.
I stared at the lovely, soft looking green orbs, something in me calls them 'breasts', and a deep, burning feeling boils up inside me... Before I realized what I'm doing, I reached out and started to massage them, my motions smooth and automatic, guided by programming (I think that's what it's called) to please her... And it seems to be working. Emma is panting in delight. Emma: "Whoa! Getting touched never felt this good before. Was I always able to do this, or is it all you?" Y/N: "I-I don't know." Emma gently grabbed my hands and led them away from her breasts. Emma: "Now, as fun as that was, I want to go first. Just sit back, and let me do my thing."
I placed my hands at my side. Emma: "Don't move till I say you can. Feel free to let me know if I do something that hurts, or if you want me to stop." Hurts? Stop what? "And... don't be afraid to tell me if I do something right." Y/N: "I don't know what you're trying to do, how will I know if you're doing it right?" Emma giggled. Emma: "Basically, I'm trying to make you feel good, so I think you'll know if I do something right."
She then grabbed the edge of my lower appearance enhancers, and pulled them down, my 'reproductive rod' springing at attention, freed from its confines. It took a tremendous force of will to not immediately try to cover myself up with my hands. Although Emma's reverent gaze on my rod helped ease my shyness. Y/N: "Emma." Emma did not break eye contact with my gently twitching rod. Emma: "Huh?" Y/N: "You're drooling." Emma snapped out of her daze, wiping her mouth. I had to restrain a laugh.
Emma: "Ya know, I've seen pictures, but nothing compares to the real thing." She reaches out and grips my rod, her soft hand just barely able to fully fit around the whole thing. Emma: "Oooh, firm." She begins gently stroking me off. I tensed up a little; it feels wonderful. I find myself thinking the same as Emma; am I always able to do this, or is it her that's made me like this?
She starts to grip me more firmly and stroke faster, and I can feel a tension start to slowly build inside of me. I let out a groan, as she started to really work my shaft. Emma: "Mmmmm, I like that noise." She brings her other hand to massage the head of my rod as she adjusted her grip to better caress spots that seemed to be giving me pleasure. As her... uhh, 'handjob' continued, I started panting heavily, and I could feel the tension in my body reach a boiling point. Y/N: "Emma, something is happening!"
Emma grinned a sinful grin at that. Emma: "Perfect." And with that, she took her hand off the head of my rod, and took it into her mouth. What?! But as she wrapped her lips around the head, she looked into my eyes, and the tension in my body exploded out! Y/N: "EEMMMMMMMMMMAAAA!" I moaned out, as I shot load after load of, what I assume is, my seed into her mouth.
Emma made some... very conspicuous gulping noises as she swallowed my seed. I think even if my brain wasn't fried from how good that felt I still would not get why she did that... It's affecting me though, if the return of that burning feeling of, i think it's called 'lust', is any indication. Emma: "Damn, you taste better than I thought you would. Next time, gotta challenge myself to do this all with just my mouth."
As I catch my breath, I have to know something. Y/N: "Why?" Emma looked at me. Emma: "The swallow thing? I felt like it." I could have assumed that, also- Y/N: "Not what I meant. I mean, why-" Emma: "Talk later, now it's my turn." Wait, hold up, what?
She stood up, and pulled off her lower appearance enhancer, leaving her bottomless. A bolt of arousal shot through me, as my rod jumped back at full mast. Emma: "Wow, nice to see we have the same effect on each other! But your meaty friend will have to wait his turn." She lay down on her bed and spread her legs. Emma: "Let's see what you can do to me, eh?"
As I stood there, admiring her perfect naked form, something inside me seemed to switch on, and it was like my body knew what to do, even if I consciously didn't. I grabbed her legs and spread them apart even further as I brought my head down to the soft pair of lips between her legs. Emma: "Ah, so you're gonna try to- AAH!" Her comment was cut off by a moan of surprise as I plunged my tongue into her entrance.
Emma squirmed and made soft noises of pleasure as my tongue sought out all the weak spots inside her and gently tormented them with affection. I let go of her legs as my hands began to gently run up and down them, loving in the toned feel of her trained body. Without my hands to keep them in place, Emma's powerful legs started to close in in my head, as she put her hand on the back of my head, gently pushing me deeper into the junction of her legs. I pulled my tongue out and gave a frim lick to the nub at the top of her sex. Emma suddenly clamped her legs around my head, and started to shake. Emma: "AAAAAAAHHH!"
I pulled away from her to look her in the eyes. Emma: "Well, I'm a quicker shot than you, isn't that embarrassing." She said jokingly. Y/N: "This was amazing, but... I can't help feeling like we're not done." Emma chuckled seductively. Emma: "That's the man in you, telling you to knock me up." I flinched at that language. Emma: "I'm not ready for that yet... but the great thing about a hard light projection body is, I only get pregnant if i want to be." I think I see where this is going.
She spread her legs again. Emma: "How 'bout it Y/N? Want to go all the way?" Yes. Yes I do. But... Y/N: "I don't think we should do this." Emma looked hurt at that, and instantly I felt bad for saying that. Y/N: "Don't get me wrong. I really, really, want to, but we could get in serious trouble for this. This is getting closer and closer to fusion and-" Emma laughed. Emma: "HA! Y/N, let me tell you, I literally couldn't care less about whether we are 'allowed' to do this or not. I want you, and you want me, right?" I nodded my head. Y/N: "More than anything Emma." She smiled warmly, and reached out to me. Emma: "Then get over here now, and complete me."
I gently grabbed her hands as we got closer. I lined myself up with her entrance, as we gazed into each other's eyes. We leaned in for a kiss, as I slowly started to insert myself...
When a loud knocking on the door interrupted us.
Lime Over
I jumped back away from Emma and covered my privates in a panic. Emma, however, was less startled and more frustrated... bordering on livid. Emma: "What is it! I'm busy here!" From behind the door, a worried voice rang out, sounding like one of Emma's Citrine guards. Citrine: "Emerald, I am sorry to disturb you, but the Diamonds have called a meeting of their courts! It is to discuss something relating to the rebellion on Earth, and they demand absolute attendance! No servant gems allowed. Sorry Amaz- I mean Y/N." Wait, all the Diamonds are calling a collective court session and everyone has to attend? Emma: "Alright, I'll be on my way, you can go now." We heard the Citrine walk away. Emma: "Well that killed the mood." She made her appearance enhancers reappear on her body.
Y/N: "This hurts. Like, emotionally yes, but also physically painful." Emma: "Really? I wish I could help, but this sounds important." I made my appearance enhancers reappear, and turned to face her. Y/N: "You don't think it's anything bad, do you?" Emma giggled. Emma: "Honestly, probably not. Hopefully, it's just to congratulate Pink on having lasted till the rebels surrender. That, or we're giving up. Either way, it's over." Giving up? Y/N: "What do you mean, giving up?" Emma: "There's some talk in the courts that Yellow and Blue think the planet is a lost cause, and should just be marked as a rebel world, and ignored. White is the only one insisting on continuing conversion, as Pink's desire to choose another planet has been well established." True...
... But I have a bad feeling about this. Y/N: "Ok. But, if it's bad news... promise me you'll tell me. No sugar coating it. I want to be there for you if it's bad." Emma gave me a hug. Emma: "I promise." We stood there, embracing each other for a few, fleeting moments, before she broke off and left the room. And now... I wait.
To be Continued
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