The Christening of the Battlecruiser Rebel Rebel!
We hurried through the halls, Gems that we had converted to our rebellion joining up with us as we went. The crowd was getting bigger and bigger, but we hadn't seen much resistance yet. Something is very wrong here. Shouldn't people be more concerned? Asking questions? I don't like this. Aside from Azurite, we've not had any other issues yet. We reach the entrance to the shipyard.
As we step out into the open spaces of the shipyard, joining up with other groups that are coming with us, we come face to face with an army. Mostly Quartzes, but a few other gems can be seen. All of them combat gems though. There's no way our ragtag army would be able to take them on in a normal fight. A Red Jasper at the forefront steps forth to speak.
Red Jasper: "Well, it seems the rumors were true. Emerald Facet-1A9T Cut-8XR was planning to rebel against Homeworld, and so soon after Pink Diamonds shattering." Emma steeled her gaze. Emma: "Homeworld is dying Jasper, and we need to leave before it's the death of us." The red Jasper scoffed. Red Jasper: "Get over yourself! There is no excuse for turning traitor! But, seeing as it's you, in honor of all you've done for Homeworld, I'll give you a second chance. Turn back now; all of you go back to your posts, and we'll just forget this ever happened." Emma adopted a quick drawing stance. Emma: "No chance." The Red Jasper smiled, as the Quartz horde adopted battle positions. Red Jasper: "I was hoping you'd say that!"
This is not good. Emma talks a big game, but she knows that if we fight, only a handful of us are getting away. Need a plan. I quickly scan the crowd; and find none of my fellow Amazonites in the massed army. And with the open space of the shipyard, I am in no danger of breaking anything in siege mode. Perfect! I have an idea; I just hope this works. I step forward.
(Y/N): "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Could you please repeat yourself?" The Red Jasper faltered, and Emma looked confused. Emma: "What are you doing? Get back!" Red Jasper: "Excuse me? Repeat myself? Who the fuck do you-" I start to grow to into Siege mode, shooting up to 108ft. (Y/N): "You'll have to speak up! I can't hear you when you're all the way down there!" I put my hands on my hips, and try to look menacing.
I can hear gasps of shock from both the army in front of us, and the Gems that are leaving with us. Emma laughs, having just now realized I have room to grow. The army steps back; they weren't expecting this. The Red Jasper stutters nervously, all her bravado crushed beneath my towering presence.
Red Jasper: "Well, I-I, uhhh..." I glower down at her. (Y/N): "I said, speak up!!" My voice shakes the shipyard with its volume, and the red Jasper falls over on her behind, as the rest of the army flinches back. The Red Jasper shakily stands up, and tries to stare me down. Considering I would dwarf even White Diamond right now... it's not very effective. I can see her start to break out in a sweat.
Red Jasper: "Screw this! RETREAT!!" And she turns tail and runs, the rest of the army scattering. None of them were prepared to fight me; which is good, because I didn't really want to hurt any of them, easy as it would be. I pick up Emma and place her on my shoulder. Emma: "Ha! Look at 'em run! That's what they get for forgetting about you! Alright, onward!" She led me, and the rest of our rebellion, to a large, reinforced hangar. I set her down and return to normal size, as she enters a code to open the hangar doors.
Inside, I see the biggest, most heavily armed, and brutally designed ship I've ever seen!
The shining apex of old Era 0 attempts to replicate the technology of the Gem-Makers. It takes so much time and resources to make one that there are only 4 in all of Homeworld, one for each Diamond, and they so brutal and over armed that Pink Diamond herself declared them to be "Barbaric war vessels, that are so disgustingly over armed, that if we ever needed it to defend ourselves, it would only be because we have done something so terrible, that we would not deserve to be saved from the consequences of our actions." A statement that seems ironic, considering this ship was originally supposed to be Pink Diamond's. She refused to use it, and gave it to Emma as a gift.
We file into the massive battlecruiser, and immediately, Gems get to work starting it up. Emma marches into the ship's helm, and sits in the captain's chair. A maddeningly complex control panel shoots up in front of her. It's all labeled in an archaic version of Gem Glyph. The hangar, detecting the ship turning on, opened up to allow it to fly off.
Emma turned to face me. Emma: "Before we take off, this ship needs a name, right? Any ideas (Y/N)?" What, me? Uhhh... (Y/N): "Well, uhh... How about, Rebel Rebel?" Emma blinks in surprise. Emma: "Really? Ha! I love it! It's almost like a slap in the face to call this relic Rebel Rebel! It certainly gets the point across!" She turns on the intercom. Emma: "Henceforth, this ship shall be known as the Rebel Rebel! Now let's get the hell out of here!" A cheer went up from the bowels of the ship, as we sped off from Homeworld.
??? POV
Elite Amazonite: "So, Emerald and the Big Man were the first to take advantage of the Empires newfound weakness to flee? I'm surprised, honestly. The 'Titan Slayer' never seemed the shifty type, and I would have figured Big Man was too cowardly to take a stand." I glance aside toward my long standing friend. ???: "Your fault, for underestimating people... again."
She glared up at me. Elite Amazonite: "Oh? And I suppose you saw this coming?" I smirk. ??? "Never said that. I just knew that the Male would have the courage to flee." She scoffed. Elite Amazonite: "So, what now? Should we hunt them down like the dogs they are?" I laughed darkly. ???: "No. Not yet."
She raised an eyebrow at me. Elite Amazonite: "Oh? Then when?" I smirked. ???: "When the Diamonds find out about this, they'll turn them into wanted criminals. Then we just have to wait until the time is right to strike. We'll be able to reap maximum benefit, for minimum effort. Hell, I'll bet the Male will survive the Diamond's punishment; he's too valuable. But, he certainly won't be allowed any freedom. And, for turning him in..." I grinned darkly, allowing the implications to set in. I can't spell out everything for her.
She stood there, thinking for a moment, before a greedy smile spread across her face. Elite Amazonite: "Shocked Quartz, you're a Star Damned genius!" Shocked Quartz: "I know Darling, I know." And now, to play the waiting game.
Emma was in the middle of explaining the controls of the ship to me, in case I needed to take over. Emma: "... But generally, you won't need to use most of this, as the ship can basically run itself; just point it in a direction and 'push stick to go forwards'." She pointed to a red button marked 'Full Speed'. Emma: "This button is wired to every thruster on the ship. Every. Thruster. Thanks to this, and the power of these old Era 0 designs, we'd quickly become one of the fastest objects in the universe if you press this button. It also makes steering the ship a pipe dream at best, so it's only really good as long as nothing you care about is between the ship and anywhere else in the universe."
Emma gestured to a button filled panel. Emma: "This deals with the shielding arrays. You can layer them, project them onto other ships, polarize, depolarize, teleport-" I blunk in confusion. (Y/N): "Teleport?" She nodded, and pressed a button that brought out another sub-control panel. Emma: "This ship is so big, that not only is it capable of maintaining its own warp junction, but it can teleport others into itself forcibly! You can make the shields teleport Gems that they touch, and there is a battery of turrets whose sole point is to teleport Gems out of fighters and boarding vessels! Oh, speaking of turrets..." She then brought up another sub-control panel (how many functions did the designers think the captain would need to control directly?) to control the various turrets.
She talked about the various 'turret walls' that could be used. 'The Wall of Fire and Iron' for the flak cannons, 'the Wall of Light' for the laser turrets, 'the Wall of Starlight' for the plasma turrets... it's a wonder anything could get near this ship. And for anything that was out of range, there were larger batteries, lances, torpedo launchers, all kinds of things. One section of one side of this ship has more armaments than a traditional Armada! What possible reason would one ship need this many weapons. She even told me about something called a Nova Cannon, that is made to take out entire Armadas from a distance!
But, as she got onto talking about the long range scanners and communications array, and their impressive output and range, I noticed there was a large button behind a new looking, locked clear panel. The button was pure white, with a word in a language I did not recognize, yet paradoxically understood clearly, as if I was made already knowing it. It read 'Mundicide'. It was surrounded by warnings in Gem Glyph, far more recent and up to date than all the other labels, all of which either warn away from using pressing the button ever; or state that this button is only to be used as an absolute last resort. I asked Emma about it... and she got pale.
Emma: "That... I was hoping you'd just never ask about that. That button prepares planet-killer weapons." I flinch in shock. Planet-killer? Emma: "There are five different functions tied to the button. Synchronized Bombardment Barrage Protocols, the force of which is the equal of a full ten thousand ship volley, that can scour life off of a planet; Atmospheric Incinerator Torpedos that ignite a run-away thermonuclear chain reaction within the atmosphere of a planet; Virus Bombs that turn all organic life into an extremely flammable slurry, that is then ignited with a Lance strike; Cyclonic Torpedoes that blast off a planet's upper crust and set fire to the atmosphere; Two-Stage Cyclonic Torpedoes that burrow into the planet's core, before blasting it apart."
I stood there in a cold sweat. This was one ship, yet there were five, five different ways its captain could single handedly, with no more than two button presses, destroy a planet. (Y/N): "I guess I can see why Pink Diamond thinks these are... barbaric." Emma nods. Emma: "That kinda ruined the mood... But, let's not think about that! We have no need for them, right!? Onward!" She entered some coordinates into the control panel and shouted some orders into the intercom, and we were off into the void!
For now... We were Free!
To be Continued
(A/N) This chapter was way too hard to write for some reason... also, with apologies to my fellow 40k fans.
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