30 - Requirements (1 of 3)
If I told you what I was,
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous,
Would you be scared?
30 - Requirements
"I don't get it," I told Mei as we suited up for the mission.
She paused from tying her hair in front of the mirror to look at me, not saying anything.
With a huff, I picked one of the matching black Nysmic jackets Vladimir had provided. The only positive thing about this mission was that I got to wear pants. Somehow, the masters realized--finally--that gowns and suits were a thing of the past, not to mention, inconvenient in combat. Among the group, Belial was the only one who didn't want to give up her robes. No one dared argue.
"Why would Vincent and Alex go by themselves?" I asked pointedly. "And where?"
Again, Mei didn't say a word. Although, the remorse in her feline eyes told me two things: one, Vincent didn't want me to know and two, I think I knew why. I just hoped I was wrong.
As soon as we were both ready, we headed to the parking lot. The boys waited for us beside the black Rubicon. Vincent and Alex had taken the red one.
Vladimir gestured for everyone to huddle, a pensive look about him. He drew a map and flattened it over the vehicle's hood.
"Kyo-nii, you will be taking Belial and Aramis with you," he instructed. "And the Jeep. Use this route." He ran an index finger along the main road leading to the school. "It's safest. They won't be expecting you to use such an obvious entry. Once you reach the hospital, Archie will Link to you for further instructions."
Kyoshiro raised a brow. Despite his nonchalant expression, I could sense something dangerous and dark emanate from him.
"Wherever Irvine is, that's where I'll be," he said, pulling his gloves on.
Pursing his lips, Vladimir threw his older brother a frown. "We make plans for a reason, Kyo-nii: that is, to follow them."
"I promised Eun Jae and Yuki a jar of fireflies when I return to Halo. I never break a promise." His tone couldn't be more casual, but he wasn't joking.
Letting loose a sigh of retreat, Vladimir went back to business. "Cairo, Mei and Amyr, you're with me."
A tiny yapping sound interrupted him. Byron Flynn's head popped out from the inner pocket of Vladimir's jacket, a low vibrating sound curling his lips.
Lifting his brows, the boy pushed the puppy back in. "Yes, I haven't forgot about you, Flynn. We'll draught from the northwest entrance so that we can anticipate the enemies--assuming they have more tricks up their sleeve--from all directions. Archie spotted Sharifa here--" he pointed a finger on the cemetery behind the hospital.
"It has to be a cemetery," Amyr groaned. "They couldn't have asked to meet us at McDonald's?"
Vladimir didn't seem to mind the interruption. "We don't exactly know where Irvine is or if he's even here, but we are not going to take chances this time. Our goal is to get the Grimoire. Once it's in our possession, fall back and regroup straightaway."
"What about Vincent and Alex?" I asked when no one was obviously going to.
With Vladimir's face becoming blank, the others dropped their gazes. "They... will rendezvous with us once they are done."
"With what?"
I could feel the blood rising up to my temples. I could also tell my questions were beginning to test Vladimir's patience when he started wiping his glasses absently with a handkerchief. As he did, he stared up at the almost-full moon, thinking.
The hesitance told me a lot of things. It was either Vincent had gotten himself in trouble or was about to. Behind my back!
"It's better you ask my brilliant, wonderful brother when you see him," he muttered between the clenched teeth and the apologetic smile. "You know I love him so. But it's not the first time in more than six hundred years that I just want to ki--"
"Kill him?" I cut him off, feeling the blood rise to my temples.
"Kick him," he corrected. "Right in the face. Twice if possible."
Kyoshiro raised a hand. "Me too."
Vladimir narrowed his eyes at his older brother.
The Tenth smiled innocently. "After you, of course."
"Why not?" Vlad exhaled, gently shaking his head. "Everyone is soon to get in line for it."
Kyoshiro opened his mouth, thought better, but then said it anyway. "If Sharifa doesn't have the Grimoire, what then?"
Cairo's expression was tight. "Capture her. Irvine will be more than willing to exchange the Grimoire for her."
Amyr clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "It's gunna be a long night."
"Indeed," Vlad agree, motioning his group members come closer. "Everyone, Nysmic jackets on, please."
The tension in the air was almost visible as they shrugged on their jackets. Once all set, Vladimir tapped the toe of his boots against the ground.
"Keep your Links open," he tapped on the tiny silver stud on his right earlobe.
He rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, his thighs tensing as he leaned backward before draughting out of sight. In one blink, all the others were gone, too, leaving a bluster of wind behind them.
Belial eyed the Jeep, folding her arms across her chest. "Well, I ain't drivin'."
"Oddoai-kun!" Kyoshiro called, looking at me.
My brows pulled together in confusion.
"Yeah, you. Oddoai." Slinging his jacket over his shoulder, he jiggled the keys in front of him and threw it to me. "Your car, you drive."
"It's not mine," I murmured in protest, but the two of them had already clambered into the vehicle.
Two minutes of driving and still, no one spoke a word. Kyoshiro had the front seat reclined, his eyes closed, an arm behind his neck. Belial was, well, uninterested like always. The silence was becoming more and more unbearable for me with each second that passed, not knowing Vincent's whereabouts. I tried to Link to him, but neither he nor Alex was kind enough to answer.
"I don't get why Irvine and Sharifa would come here," I grumbled when I couldn't take it anymore. "I mean, Alex has been busting his ass trying to predict where they would be hiding and now, they just come out and expose themselves? It has to be a trap."
From the rear view mirror, I saw Belial roll her eyes. "When'd the possibility of a trap ever stop you, Hun?"
"Good point."
Kyoshiro opened one eye but didn't make any further movement. "They're running out of time, like us."
I peeked at him from the corner of my eye. "What do you mean?"
Belial straightened herself, her attention on Kyoshiro.
"There will be a lunar eclipse tomorrow night." His voice was low, almost as if he was sleep-talking. The boy closed his eye again. "Whatever Irvine's planning to do, it's has to happen exactly during the eclipse or it won't work. Why did you think they gave Vincent until full moon to cooperate with them in exchange for your father?"
Belial didn't offer an opinion, but her eyes slightly narrowed as if in deep thought.
"So basically, we just have to stall them until the eclipse is over?" I theorized.
All he could give me was a shrug. "If we only get our hands on the Grimoire, we can dump Legion back to the abyss, then I can finally get some sleep."
I dropped the matter and focused on driving. Kyoshiro's speculations weren't getting us anywhere. A minute passed before Belial finally spoke.
"No," she muttered, amber eyes blank. "It don't matter if we stall the ritual."
Kyoshiro scooted up from his seat, his head whipping to Belial's direction. "What ritual?"
The expression on Belial's face scared me. I had watch her cackle while fighting an army of Undead. For her to display fear, this mission must be way over our pay grade.
Immediately, I maneuvered the vehicle to the roadside before turning to her. "Belial, say something!"
Belial motioned a shaking hand forward.
"Keep drivin', Hun," she told me, her voice raspy. Then, she caught her head, muttering, "Oh, Sathariel. Your sweet baby child's in mighty big trouble," under her breath.
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