
ryan had walk back to school after an hour and the princail did nothing because if he doesnt have his alone time then he cant cool down and one time he didnt have his alone time and trash the classroom in anger so the princial let him go during pe since he does run and walk everyday so he has abls even doe he was only 16 so he was fine but also under weight so they agreed not only will he try to eat but also try to stay calm if he let him out into the forest but the princial knew he ran to the actually forest because ryan nickname the big trees in the back of the school the forest but he goes disappearing and come back with sweat and its only like 3 rows of trees so where ryan goes is a mystery and some people try follow but he disappears.

ryan walk to his english class and sat down in his normal seat which a change was about to happen.a new came and the teacher ask if ryan and the blacks and they replied they and ryan were on good term which the teacher move ryan next to regis and behind him was remus and ryan. ryan noticed that remus was having trouble with making sense and was trying hard on writing everything neatly and couldnt listen as well but the teacher grew to like correcting him and tricking him to see if he was listening while writing so when the teacher ask "what is the last line of the poem i just said "

remus look confuse but look at his friends but they seem to have not listen so ryan put his head down and whisper can you hear me and look back at remus who slightle move his head in a nod and ryan look at the teacher and put his head down but still look at the teacher and whisper it "isnt a poem its a story well in a way"

 "i dont think of it as a story or a poem"  smile remus as if he knew what the teacher was talking about

"fine but what is it about "smile the teacher 

"romeo and juliet" whisper ryan 

"romeo and juliet "smile remus and the teacher nodded and told them to do some question in their work book and ryan heard remus whisper" thank you" but he didnt replied and as soon as class was over he walk out of class and didnt talk to them but that the end of school he had lots of homework and the train was a long way away so when remus ask if he want a lift since he owns a car and has it to himself so ryan agreed to get in since he kinda knew remus since their lockers are near and he would ask him things when the others were not around so they kinda knew each other. 

they were there and ryan got out of the car and said" thank you" 

"no problem doe i never thought you would be a city boy" smile remus 

"we move a couple of years ago to the city so i was raise as a county boy most of my life" smile ryan 

"oh well how is the others" said remus 

"i know you were told2 frown ryan

"can you read minds or something" ask remus 

"thats for me to know" smirk ryan

"thats not far "said remus 

"oh i got to go its nearly time for the train to go" said ryan looking at the clock then putting his bag on his back and said "goodbye" 

ryan wasnt normal on this train normal he was on the next one so his parent were surpise to see him early 

"where is ellenor,liam,brittney and evan" ask ryan mother

ellenor was their real daughter and her twin brother liam and the year younger sister brittney and the youngest being 13 is evan so it was a surpise for them to only ryan home first since they give ellenor and liam a car to drive to the train and sometimes to school doe the train is faster still it was a suprise.

"a friend gave me a lift to the train since i help him out" said ryan 

"oh so the other are not home" ask his mother 

"no they probably doing their clubs things the only reason why i come after or with them is because i walk to the train and it takes a while so i have to sit on a brench and wait for it to come and do my homework waiting and on the train" sighed ryan 

"oh i never get anything out of them anyways i am suprise you dont do any clubs you are good at things" said his mother 

"thanks but i am a quiet person and i go to the trees in the back of the school when p.e is on" said ryan 

"well can you put them in their place for me" smile his mother 

"please do" sighed his father 

"i will" smile ryan 

"well i will ask the princail to put you up against them" smile his mother

"lets see how high they are after i am running" smile ryan

"great now that settle do your homework "said his mother 

"yeah do you want me to help you make dinner before the other come because i have most of it done" said ryan 

"no i can handle it just finish your homework" smile his mother and she got up and they both went into the kitchen so his mother could see if the dinner was cooking well and ryan was finishing his homework once he was done he went up stairs and to his room you see ryan father was unknown author and his mother was also unknown author so they had alot of money from it so they all have their own rooms but ryan had the smallest even doe being the oldest but he didnt mind and he like to write stories which no one knew  expect for Fay,Alice and Realtin they wrote stories as well.

ryan was so into writing that he didnt heard his silbing coming and they open the door and said are you friends with remus 

ryan look at them and said" kinda i just said friends because you know our parents if they dont get an answer they will guess things and i talk to him sometimes since we came here not when anyone of his family or mine or my friends are around you know how i made emines anyways i guess we are friends but we are more like people who know each other "

"wait i knew it "said ellenor 

"what" said his mother 

"knew what" ask his father 

"i saw ryan,alice,fay and realtin writing alot to see if their hobbies are writing stories and it was but i thought they stop but it seems ryan hasnt "said ellenor 

"is this true "ask his mother 

"i am a terrible writer so i didnt want to embarrse you guys" said ryan 

"well how long have you been writing stories "ask his mother 

"since i was 10 why "said ryan 

"is it the same for realtin,fay and alice" ask his mother 

"yes all 10 why "said ryan 

"because i am going to read all of your stories starting with your" smile his mother 

ryan sigh and got up and walk over to his bed and pull a piece of the flooring out to reval a lot of notebooks and he said "there they are same thing hidden under fay,alice and realtin floor" 

"okay "smile his mother 

"oh i have a number on the inside which tells you like for explexale "said ryan taking out one of the copies and point at a number which was 7 

"so thats the 7 story you made "said brittney 

"yep same for the others" said ryan then got up and move past his family and went for a walk 

ryan was walking when he saw remus and stop. remus look at ryan came up to him and said" do you know where the tattoo place is "

"you never been here "ask ryan 

"we have but we had to get a map or something" said remus then pointing at the others 

ryan sighed and said "do you want me to show you "

"sure but aren't you doing something" said regis 

"no i am just walking its not to bad but i still pefer the countryside"  said ryan 

"well show us "smile remus 

ryan nodded and begin to walk doe the others were finding it hard since countryside is different from the city but ryan still walk but look over his shoulder to make sure they were still there following him. 

they made it to the tattoo shop and went inside and the shop owner said "ahh you have met ryan "

"you know him" ask a man 

"yes his parent ask me if i knew the tattoo he had before he was adopt by them and he was adopt as a baby so they ask but i dont think i tattoo a baby so unless someone tattoo a baby with the same kind as yours i think its made up" said the owner 

"its still there" said ryan 

"oh it serouisly doesnt come off "said the owner 

"it doesnt and i cant scratch it off in case it poisin my blood "said ryan 

"oh i am sorry to heard" said the owner 

"anyways they want a tattoo i think" said ryan 

"oh well are you going to do it "smile the owner 

"no of course not" said ryan 

"what is he a good drawer "said antok 

"yes in fact the boy who draw new tattoo for the wall is ryan since he often came here" said the owner 

"why "ask the man 

"i get lonely the other are not always around" said ryan 

"and i think we are friends so he does it for free but i sneak money into his pocket "smile the owner 

"well are you going to do the tattoo or are you going to make a chat ^said ryan 

"tattoo of course and at least i am not a baby like your sisters and brothers have tattoo but not fay,alice and not your friend realtin "said the owner 

"i hate needles" said ryan 

"and you can hold them so not that great "said the owner 

"just do the tattoo" said ryan 

"fine anyways normal "said the owner 

"normal" said the man 

ryan was confuse and remus must have noticed and said "we all get the same tattoo" 

"family thing then" said ryan 

"yep and are you planing on ever getting a tattoo "smile remus 

"never thought about it" said ryan

"why not now "smile remus 

"your kidding" said ryan 

"No and it will cheer Adam up" smile remus 

"If any one of you put a needle near me I will kill you, burn your bodies and put the ashes in the river" said Ryan

"Oh god" said Adam 

"He can come up with something worst" said the owner getting ready to do the tattoo 

"Well that's something" said the man 

"Not really I like to watch crime things so yeah" said Ryan 

"Well aren't you late for something "ask Regis 

"No I was just walking around" answer Ryan 

"Remus how do you two know each other "ask Antok 

"Well" said Remus 

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