"so ryan is it" said a man 

ryan nodded 

"well ryan i am larson" said the man 

ryan didnt even try hard to get into his mind but he did and the man actually is nice, ryan found out he and his friends are now the omenga he was fine with it so when aaron shake him ryan just said "sorry in another world "

"what does that mean" said aaron 

"that is a secret but maybe in the future i will either tell you or you figure it out" said ryan 

"ryan you seem off" said aaron 

"what do you mean" ask ryan 

"i mean sure fay,realtin and alice are kinda weird they only go into their own worlds if they get angry or making up stories you on the other hand seem different you just...i dont know off" said aaron 

"sorry if i seem that way but i just think alot and i find it heard to think and do something sure i can do mupilte things but thinking and doing something else isnt something i can do well that might be what you find off about me"  said ryan like its normal 

"oh sorry then oh and your a- "said aaron before ryan said "omenga yeah that was obvious" 

"wh-....yeah it kinda was "said aaron 

"well ryan you can go where you like just not the houses well just the forest and if you are going to school" said larson 

ryan nodded and a man came up to him and said" your parents think we are related so that less be around someone like your friends anyone your siblings are kinda nosy" 

"you think i dont know that "smile ryan 

"true its hard not to notice "said the man 

ryan wasnt sure but this man seem familar actually alot of the people there seem familar but ryan didnt say anything as he listen then walk out only to be seen by fern and drag to the barn 

"dont scare the chicken" smile fern as she gave him to do or to be realtics he was helping her with her jobs some animal dont seem to like her but seems to ryan not suprising since animals love ryan.

it was 6 o'clock when they were finish i guess not doing what you are told you get all of the chores regis and the yellow hair girl wasnt helping so they were dirty from the jobs when aaron ask why were they soo dirty they told him regis and the girl didnt show up. ryan ask fern if the room he was in ealier was his, she ask aaron which he said "yes" and ryan went to the room and fell asleep.

the next morning was fine doe everyone was suprise by ryan lack of appetite and even check the fridge to see if anything was gone when regis said" how are you not super hungry like you are only eating toast"  

ryan stop eating his toast and went quiet after awhile he got up and walk away knowing people were looking, he walk for a long time then he was near a cliff and sat down and look down at the water.

it was about an hour when he smell aaron behind him and aaron said "do you come here often" 

"its in your grounds so i am not going to answer that" said ryan 

"i will take that as a yes now move over a little" which ryan did aaron was able to sit beside him 

"ryan i dont care about most things people do but you have a history of disappearing and reappearing plus your past have a dark thing to it i cant ask why you try to you know what but i get killing vampires i get you have an issues with wolves but yourself is a different story like you only 16 and you have a lot of troubles with the law so why "said aaron 

ryan look at aaron and said "i get bored, i cant stand people getting into my bussiness"

"you get people worry thats why i let you live, i use to be in trouble alot so you must have a reason your a smart kid so" said aaron 

ryan didnt answer then aaron did something unexpected he hug ryan. ryan remember fern saying aaron is like a father but hugging someone you just met yesturday was another thing but ryan actually never got hugs from anyone his family arent the hugging type and his friends dont really like hugs so he didnt know what to do 

"ryan just stop okay its not that you will get us in trouble its the fact you might go to jail so please according to the others you would never guess you had a problem with the law, they describe you to be smart and quiet so please stop" said aaron 

ryan was getting why fern sometimes got annoy by him and aaron was actually warm so ryan just nodded and aaron let go and said" at less try to eat something okay "

ryan nodded then look at the water but seconds later he was in it all he could hear as he was gasping for air and trying to swim was "why did you push him"

 "its not like he cant swim "

"guys i dont think ryan can swim look" 

he was going under water and grasping he really couldnt swim his parents pretend to others that he was taught be he wasnt thats why realtin,fay and alice never bring ryan a long to the beach they try but ryan always found an excise so they gave up. the next ryan knew someone grab him and brought him out of the water he was gasping and coughing when the people came 

"oh god ryan i am so sorry i thought you could swim" said antok 

"that isnt a reason to push him from a cliff he could have broken something" yell aaron taking his wet shirt off

"ryan are you okay" ask fern and ryan nodded 

"thank god for aaron jumping in but still you push someone off a cliff into a river which could have been only a meter or less deep you could have kill him" said kolivan 

ryan pass out all he could hear then was "oh god ryan wake up wake up" 

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