● Chapter 1 ●
Aura was sitting on the couch, waiting. Sirius had owled her, saying that he'd meet her and the trio at 1 in the morning. So, here she was, waiting for Sirius as Harry and Hermione dragged Ron out of bed, promising a stack of chocolate frogs in order for him to come down. Aura chuckled and turned her attention back to the fireplace, making a mental note to buy him those levitating sherbet balls next Hogsmeade weekend. But, the portrait hole swung open and Professor McGonagall and a certain black dog followed her through. Aura instantly stood up and all she could say was, "Professor." and McGonagall replied with, "Good morning to you too, Ms. Potter. Now, Mr. Padfoot has requested a private audience with the four of you. I'd suggest you take him to somewhere no interruptions are expected. I will be waiting outside for you." and with that she left. "Paddy!" Aura whisper-yelled, "You're not supposed to be here!".
Sirius just chuckled and whispered, "I said I'd be there, just not how. Now, Prongslette, can we move somewhere more private because people may be listening." and Aura just gave him a look that said, 'Get your shit together' as she led them to a forsaken corridor through the secret she and Ron used all the time. "Now, listen, no interruptions, I'm really worried about you four, so, I have talked to Dumbledore. You all are going to be living with a friend of mine, OK? He has agreed to take care of you until the holidays end, then Molly and Arthur will pick you up. Alright? But, the thing is..." he trailed off, leaving Aura more anxious. "What is it, Paddy?" she asked, her voice slightly cracking. "He's in New York City." he said, "Meaning that Ron and Hermione might not be able to visit~" but he was cut off by Ron saying, "I'll ask Mum and Dad if they can Apparate there! Hermione can come over to my house first then we can all go over there! Right?" and the four of them nodded vigorously. "I said, no interruptions! Now, are your trunks packed? Great, because the sun's about to rise. He'll be waiting on Platform 10, OK? Alright, now, I have to go." Sirius concluded as Harry and Aura hugged their godfather. "We'll miss you, Paddy." and he chuckled and replied, "I'll miss you both too. Prongslette, make sure Prongs Jr. doesn't disappoint us.". "Aye aye, cap." Came Aura's reply, as she did a weird action with her hands and Sirius mirrored her action. "Mr. Padfoot, sorry to disrupt your little reunion but the sun is rising. We are going to be spotted if we don't hurry." a stern voice came from around the corner. "Coming, Professor. Alright, be good and annoy everyone, alright? Bye!" He whispered hurriedly, gave them all a quick hug, transformed into his Animagus form and ran off behind Prof. McGonagall. "Come on, we've gotta go," Ron muttered loud enough for everyone to hear, absent-mindedly putting an arm around Aurora, who blushed like a madwoman.
They made their way to their own dorms and dragged down their trunks, while Aurora accidentally placed her trunk on her brother's foot. After a long, silent breakfast and an argument-filled journey to an empty compartment in the Hogwarts Express, the quartet finally settled down (Don't mind Ron and Aurora fighting over the last packet of Drooble's 😀 and yes, Aurora won). They were chit-chatting over what Harry and Aura's new home would look like. Aura even lost her shit and thought there was a possibility they were going to live in Stark Towers. "From the Avengers! You know them! Nat, Tony, Pepper, Clint, Bruce, Steve, end of thinking capacity. What do mean you don't know? They're the fucking Avengers! Hermy, you know them, don't you?" Aura protested, outraged. Having grown up on tales of the superheroes, it was almost impossible to imagine her life without thinking about the Avengers atleast thrice a day. "Aura, I'm telling you, I haven't heard of them, so please, just quit the antics and tell us who they are." Hermione said, fed up of her, well, antics. "No, find it out yourself." Aura snapped, turning away to face the pile of chocolate frogs Ron was eating on his own. Aura grabbed one and Ron grabbed it back from her, saying, "Mine!".
Harry saw Aura and Ron fighting over chocolate frogs now and sighed deeply, earning the other three's attention. "What?" Harry asked, a bit uncomfortable, now that everyone was looking at him. "Thought you said something." Ron said, still protecting his chocolate frogs from Aurora, who was held at a good distance away (Ron was holding his frogs in one arm and his other arm was on Aurora's face, who was trying to get to the frogs). "That's it! I'm gonna go visit the Silver Trio!" Aurora exclaimed, getting up and walking out the compartment door. 'Finally,' Harry thought. Just as he was about to look out the window, the sight of Ron blushing caught his eye. He smirked and asked, "Got a little crush?". "What? No! No, I haven't! Shut up!" he replied quickly, blushing even more. "Yeah, and Snape doesn't hate us." Harry deadpanned and turned back to the window, leaving Ron looking like a tomato. And all this while, Hermione just couldn't care less and buried her face in 'Hogwarts: A History'. Harry had his suspicions that she was re-reading that book for the millionth time.
Aurora marched over to the Silver Trio's compartment (the trio included Ginny, Neville and herself, since Luna isn't here yet) and saw, to her immense displeasure, a mop of short platinum blonde hair and immediately recognized it. She knocked on the door, and she was met with Malfoy's ugly-in-her-opinion face staring right at her. He opened the door and asked, "Why are you here, Potter?". "Isn't a girl allowed to visit her soul-sister and her BFF?" she replied sassily, crossing her arms. Malfoy scoffed and said, "Well, why didn't you sit with them in the first place?", thinking it would hurt her. "Well, why does it bother you is the first place?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking. By the looks of it, it seemed Malfoy had lost, and realizing that he scoffed again and walked out.
Aura smiled at the sight of Ginny and Neville and opened her arms, as they both hugged her. "Since when was I your soul-sister?" Ginny questioned as the three pulled away from the hug. "Eh, since I met you." Aura shrugged it off, giggling. "So, what's up?" Neville asked, flopping down on his seat. "Get this, those three don't know the Avengers!" Aura said, like it had mortally offended her. Hell, it had mortally offended her. Ginny choked on air and Neville gasped and sat upright in alarm. "What? How do they not know? I grew up in a household that knows nothing of the Muggle world, and yet I know about the Avengers!" Neville said, clearly outraged. "I know right! It's an outrage! A scandal!" Aura scoffed, quoting Hagrid. Ginny looked like she was planning her brother's funeral. "So, dumbos, got any tea for me?" Aura asked, stretching out on her seat. "Did you hear? Micheal Corner broke up with his girlfriend!" Ginny said, obviously more excited. "She was crying at the Ravenclaw table. I have my suspicions on Boot, though. The way he looks at her~" "~is not the way friends look at each other." Neville finished her sentence. Aura stared into space thoughtfully, bit her lip, and said, "What's the ship name?" and Neville laughed and Ginny squealed.
Neville and Ginny were Aurora's best friends. One wouldn't last a minute without worrying about the other two. Aura and Ginny equals BFF goals. They did everything together, and that included getting in trouble. They were literally like soul-sisters, inseparable. But, you wouldn't call their relationship exactly innocent, given all that name-calling and cussing that they did. Aura and Neville was completely different, too pure for this world. Half the motivation and confidence Neville got was from Aura. She was his comfort character, inside and outside of Hogwarts. And it was the same way for Aurora. He was her spirit character. They both would spend their time in the greenhouse, caring for plants and laughing their asses off because of the dam jokes Aura would crack, or the plant jokes Neville would tell. They were like a more civil version of siblings. The three of them together, equals chaos. They would be arguing over who is the best Avenger, or the time-paradox Kelly, Darbie and Hannah created in the last season of Just Add Magic, while Aurora secretly listened to all the gossip the people around them were talking about and told the other two about it. Sometimes, when Aurora is too absorbed in food, Ginny and Neville would do the eavesdropping, each one getting exclusive information about, well, everything.
Aura was the ringleader of the gang, sweet-talking the teachers into giving the questions from their tests or exams, and informing the others. Neville was the spirit animal, always too innocent. He was the one to lift their spirits when they felt down, and always tried to avoid pointless arguments. Ginny was the mom of the group, being the sole reason the other two ever did her homework. She would comfort Aurora when she wakes up from her nightmares and help her get back to sleep and help Neville get over his fears. The three of them can be spotted nearly everywhere, which is probably why they know all the tea going on at Hogwarts.
"So, you're telling me, that Drarry is worth a bet?" Ginny asked slowly and disbelievingly, after about an hour of arguing. "Uh-huh" Aura nodded. "Nuh-uh, hoe. There is no freaking way they're getting together." Ginny shook her head, her tone firm. "Try me, bitch. They are getting together." Aurora taunted, crossing her arms, while Neville listened to the conversation carefully from behind the cover of the book fake Moody had given him and snorted with laughter. "What's so funny?" Ginny asked, trying not to sound annoyed but failing miserably, resulting her talking a high-pitched baby voice. Aura bit her lip, trying hard not to laugh. Neville glanced at Aurora and they burst out laughing, and Ginny, who realized how hilarious her voice must've sounded, joined in. They didn't stop for a good three minutes, until Ron knocked on the door and called Aurora for picking her bag up and getting off the train.
Aurora sauntered into the previous compartment, grabbed her bag and was about to leave, when Harry asked her to sit here. "Not happening, Hazzatron." she said, before walking out. "I hate you, mate. I know what you were about to do and I hate you." Ron whined, getting up and walking out the door. He knew, that if he sat there any longer, Harry would go as far as locking Ron and Aurora up in the same room using that Anti-Alohomora spell Hermione had taught him for the Triwizard tournament. Like brother, like sister. Ron found Aurora leaning against the wall (if it is even one), looking out the window. She was a beautiful girl, with big brown doe eyes and flaming red hair like the Weasleys. She always had this cute little fringe cut to hide her scar, since she never liked it. Once you get to know her, she would immediately consider you her friend, but no one, except Ginny and Neville, know what's really going on in her mind. She may look innocent, but she secretly has murders planned out, according to Ginny. Ron shivered at the fact that he might be one of her victims, but that didn't stop the boy from liking her any less.
"Hey, Aura." Ron said, walking up to her. "Hiya, Ron!" She immediately responded, with a bright smile that made his heart melt. "I'll miss you over the holidays. Write to me, will you?" He asked, hoping for a yes. "I have something even better." She said, whipping out a gift-wrapped box with a tiny ribbon. "That's for you." She gave it to him. He took the box from her small hands, unwrapped it, and gasped. When she said her Christmas present would be 'late but great', he didn't expect a brand new mobile phone. "I got one last Christmas from my foster twin, so I figured I would buy you one, so we can video-chat." she said, her eyes full of hope. He looked up at her and pulled her in for a bear hug. She hugged me back, smiling widely. "So... how do you use this thing?" He asked, pulling away. She smiled and led him back to the compartment.
"This button is for volume control, you press the top part, it raises, you press the bottom part, it lowers." Aura taught him, and was met with Ron's *very* beautiful awe-struck eyes. "So, I just have to press it the right way?" He asked disbelievingly. "Yup" She said, popping the 'p'. "This is bloody brilliant!" He exclaimed, leaning back into his seat. Aura smiled at him and said, "Remember, touch with your fingertips, not nails. That's reserved for when you become a grandpa." and chuckled at her own joke. 'What kind of humor sense has she got?' He thought as he turned the phone off. "Now, go ahead and take some pictures!" She urged, giving him a playful shove. After barely closing her mouth, the train was coming to a halt. Aurora grabbed her bag and ran outside, wanting to be the first to get off of the train. She was, to her immense disappointment, met with a huge line as she groaned and stood in line.
Finally, everyone got off the train. Aurora picked up her trunk with a simple levitating spell. She knew she wouldn't get in trouble for that - so many other people used magic in the same place. She carefully placed it on a trolley and dragged it behind her as she went to hug Mrs. Weasley. "Aurora! So nice to see you again, dear." The short woman said soothingly. There was something about Mrs. Weasley to Aurora that felt like her mother was resurrected. She carried her motherly nature around wherever she went, and just standing near her would feel like her mother was alive. Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she shook hands with Mr. Weasley, hugged everyone goodbye (she hugged Ginny and Ron the longest), and met up with Harry. "Whew!" Aurora let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in. "Ready to go?" Harry said. Aura nodded and the pair of them went straight through the wall.
Hii y'all! i am SO SO SORRY for not posting so here's an extra long chapter for ya! and happy late september 1st, fellow witches and wizards! my reading list is STILL not done so i'm sorry. i'm gonna be writing a rant beneath this para so just scroll down til the end.
i just moved into this area and the council still hasn't replied with any school names... i'm getting scared that there won't be any more seats left for me :( ik i overthink but i can't help it, and tbh i think my parents are too. usually they'd be there to calm me down but now even they're freaking out. i'm scared. ok i'm done sorry for bothering you wtf is wrong with me
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