● 6 ●
Bruce and Steve were going to meet Clint and Natasha in the hospital wing, but they hadn't expected to see a raven-haired boy with glasses and brilliant green eyes, poking the heavily bandaged leg of a red-headed girl with startling hazel eyes, the boy looking annoyed and the girl looking very hyperactive, when it should have been the other way round.
Nevertheless, they made their way to the bickering pair.
"Hey Bruce." greeted Clint, grinning.
"Hey." Bruce returned the greeting. "How's your arm, Nat?"
"Fine." Nat replied, offering a faint smile. Bruce smiled broadly in return.
"How did the mission go? Did you manage to save Jack?" Bruce enquired, readjusting his glasses.
"Not exactly." said Clint bitterly. "And it's James, not Jack."
Bruce's smile faded quickly.
"What are you talking about?" Bruce dropped his voice an octave.
"HYDRA got to him before we could." Nat said, nodding her head solemnly. "But we can get him back, I'm sure of it."
"Poor guy looked like he'd just been resurrected from death." Clint recalled, snickering.
Suddenly, an alarm sounded, making them all jump a foot in the air.
"FRIDAY!" Steve boomed.
"Mr. Stark requests your presence, Mr. America." A voice said, but it didn't sound like FRIDAY at all.
In fact, it wasn't even a woman's voice.
"Who are you?!" Bruce heard the raven-haired boy shriek.
"Um, I'm FRIDAY?" The voice seemed uncertain of itself.
"I don't believe you!" This time, it was the redheaded girl.
"Oh, uh, how do I prove it~" Before the voice could finish, everyone heard Tony yell, "UNDEROOS!"
As though on cue, the voice seemingly vanished.
Tony burst in through the door, huffing and panting.
"Where is he?" He demanded.
"Where is who, Mr. Stark?" An innocent voice, startlingly similar to the mysterious one that had replaced FRIDAY, questioned, and Tony turned around so fast Bruce was sure he cricked his neck.
"Where've you been, kid?" Tony asked, his voice deadly calm.
"I just thought I'd look around a little bit." He said quietly, but everyone could hear him.
"Well, then, do you know what happened to FRIDAY?" Tony interrogated.
"N-no..." He stuttered out, his voice now squeaky.
"Right." Tony said unconvincingly.
Aurora and Harry watched as Tony questioned a mysterious person on what happened to FRIDAY. Aura had a big, superior smirk on her face that told Harry that she knew who this mystery person was.
"Aura, who is it?" Harry asked.
"Lemme give you a clue." Aura countered, and Harry groaned, hitting his face flat on the bed.
"Just tell me who it is!" He whined.
"Nope on a rope, buddy." Aura said, her voice sounding final, yet goofy.
"Fine." Harry gave in.
"I'm pretty sure you know him, and you even idolized him once. He has a red suit, with black and white designs on it." Aurora hinted.
"Hang on." Harry sat bolt upright, leaned in and whispered, "Spiderman?"
"Bingo!" Aura exclaimed.
"That-" He pointed to the doorframe, where a small hand was visible. "-is Spiderman?" He asked in a hushed voice. Aurora hummed in response.
"Wow." said Harry blandly.
"'Wow'? No fanboying?" Aurora questioned, apparently disappointed.
"I'm not you, Aur." Harry retorted.
"That I understand, but, not even for your idol? You disappoint me, young man." Aurora said in such a broken voice that Harry almost apologized.
Instead, he simply turned around and watched Natasha and Clint talk with Steve and Bruce. Aurora seemed to be straining her ears to listen to their conversation, because Tony was technically barking at Spiderman.
Harry zoned out for a bit, and was annoyed beyond measure when Aura shook him from his trance.
"What?" He snapped at her, but his anger dissipated when he saw her stunning hazel eyes wide with shock.
"Harry," she began in a tense whisper. "Harry, they're talking about Dad."
Harry stared at her disbelievingly. "Aur, don't be ridiculous."
"I'm not," she said calmly, though her eyes were full of fear; she was completely serious. "They're not talking about Bucky, I know it. It's Dad, trust me."
Harry's head was spinning. "Aur, are you sure? There are so many people called James-"
"-and only two known characters share that name in the two fandoms combined! Harry, I'm telling you, if it's not Bucky, it's Dad." Aurora said, her voice still dead calm, which was scaring Harry.
"Kid?" A voice called, making the pair of them jump.
"Hi," chorused the twins awkwardly.
"I'd like you to meet someone," Tony continued, ignoring the awkwardness altogether. "Twins, meet Peter. Peter, this is Harry and Aurora."
Aura's eyes widened with awe (again), and she grabbed Harry's arm painfully to stop herself from screaming.
"Hi," the boy waved his hand, just as awkwardly. He had stunning chocolate brown eyes and curly hair, his cheeks tinted a permanent light pink. He looked just like in the movies. Aurora waved back at him, blushing furiously.
"Right, I'll leave you kids to talk, I've gotta go check up on those two-" he pointed towards Nat and Clint, "-so I'll leave you to it, then. Bye." Tony left before any of them could protest.
"So, um, how- how are you?" asked Peter, in a terrible attempt at conversation.
"Uhm, we're - we're good, thanks. You?" Aura allowed a small smile onto her face.
"I'm alright. What happened to your leg?" He asked, now genuinely concerned.
"Oh, I tripped over Harry's tr- suitcase," Aurora waved it off, blushing even more, apparently embarrassed.
"Oh," said Peter, who seemed to have been expecting a great alien-attacking story.
And Aura seemed to sense it, because they immediately set off in a conspiracy theory about an old alien movie.
Harry decided to slide 'smoothly' into the conversation and cleared his throat.
The pair looked at him, as though daring him to say anything. He had gotten the same gaze from Aura and Ginny, which was, in all honesty, threatening to be under.
"So- ARE THOSE WEB SHOOTERS?!" Harry exclaimed as soon as he spotted the devices hanging from the brunette's sleeve.
"Uhh... Ye-no?" Peter said uncertainly.
"HOLY SH- THOSE ARE WEB SHOOTERS!" Harry answered his own question in a hushed, awed whisper.
Tony seemed to sense Peter's situation, so he excused himself from the Avengers group and made his way over to the teens.
"Underoos, did you leave them hanging?" Tony asked, exasperated.
"I thought it would be a good idea to be prepared in case bad guys attack..." Peter mumbled, turning an exotic wine red.
Tony sighed and confirmed Aura's words. "Yeah, kid, he is Spiderman."
This was the last straw for Harry, who started 'fanboying', as Aurora would call it.
It was a blessing for sore eyes.
He was bouncing on his chair, squealing in an almost Aurora-ish way, and Aurora was saying, "Yeah, now you understand my joy!"
Tony left and went back to the adults, who were trying really hard not to laugh.
Harry stopped after a while, cleared his throat, bowed his head in embarrassment and muttered a small 'sorry'. Peter, being the king of awkwardness, just blushed and started fiddling with the blanket.
"The sexual tension here is palpable, folks..." Aurora commented in an undertone, earning a smack on her head from Harry, hoping Peter didn't hear that.
If he did, he didn't show it.
Maybe now that Spiderboy's here, their holiday would prove to be a little more brighter.
OUR LIL CINNAMON ROLL IS HEREEEE, 🎉 TADA 🎉 now how much will Aurora fangirl?
And... should I make one of my books mature? Like only one chapter, and it'll be in the prologue, but should I?
And remember, WICKED is good. (I've been reading too much TMR)
~ Skylar
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