Chapter Seven

"Are you sure you are ready to go back to work already?" Madison asked worriedly as she prepared breakfast for the kids and Brandon. Right now Brandon was seated at the table dressed in his suit and tie with his hair slicked back. He had the paper in front of him but he wasn't reading it, instead he was trying to convince Madison he was ready to go back to work.

"I've been off for two weeks and I've already attended a therapy session and a follow up at the hospital" Brandon said "besides I'll be working shorter days for now and will be home just after lunch. I still have my appointments that I need to attend. Plus I won't start until Monday".

"I know you'll only be working half days but I don't see why John can't just run things for now".

"He has been for the last two weeks" Brandon said "but it's my company now". Brandon sighed a little and ran his hand through his hair "it was such a struggle just to get him to retire and let me take over. I can't have him coming in now thinking he can change everything.

"I've worked hard to get things to be the way I want it. I fought him on a lot of things when he was still CEO; he was never open to my ideas. But now that I have my own control I have been changing a lot over the last year" Brandon said with a sigh "I thought I explained all of this to you a year ago? You should know how much this bothers me".

Madison realized her slip. If they had really been together for the last fifteen years she would have heard about Brandon's struggles with his father before. "Sorry dear" she apologized serving out a plate of bacon and eggs "I just must not be with it today". She walked to the staircase and called to the kids "breakfast is ready".

Emma and Ella came running but Noah trailed behind them busy on his phone.

"Little early for the phone don't you think?" Brandon said taking a big gulp of his black coffee.

"He's talking to a girl," Emma said crawling into her seat and taking a bit of the crispy bacon she held in her hand.

"Anna" Ella said taking some egg onto her fork and eating it carefully.

"Anna?" Brandon asked curiously "do you mean Isabelle's daughter Annabelle?"

"She goes by Anna now" Madison said grabbing her own serving and sitting down "kids grow up too fast these days". She glanced at Noah "talking about growing kids, you seem to be talking to Anna a lot these days".

Noah shrugged trying to play it off but Madison noticed the faint blush on his cheeks. She glanced a knowing smile at Brandon who just chuckled a little.

The kids ate their food pretty quick before they all excused themselves. The girls went to the playroom in the basement to play with their dolls but Noah went out back.

"Have we ever gotten around to giving him the talk yet?" Brandon asked collecting the dish to wash.

Madison shook her head wiping down the table "only a quick one about puberty, like hair and stuff. But nothing about girls... or sex". She knew she should have talked to him about a couple years ago but she kept putting it off. Maybe it was because she didn't want him to grow up or maybe because she though this talk was best coming from man to man. But considering he was starting high school in two months maybe it was best to sit down and chat with him.

Brandon nodded "how about this weekend I take him to a baseball game and on the way back chat with him a little?" Brando suggested. "He seems a little distant from me". Madison opened her mouth to argue but he silenced her with his hand "there is no denying it. And I can't say I blame him. He's a teenager now. He doesn't need his daddy hanging around trying to baby him. He and I have to find things we can do as men".

Madison nodded "in truth it was actually a really good idea. A baseball game would give the guys some time to bond "alright then it sounds like a plan" she said glancing out the window and noticing that Anna was now seated on the back porch with Noah. "Couldn't be soon enough" Madison mumbled.

Brandon chuckled and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Hey don't you remember being their age once?" he teased kissing her cheek.

"Yeah that's the problem," Madison said with a small sigh. "Anyways what's this about having the ladies over for lunch on Sunday?" she asked. This morning Rebecca had called her to ask if she could serve tea to a few of the clients wives. It was scheduled to be at her house but their backyard was being redone and in desperation she was hoping Madison could serve it.

"It's for an old client of ours. We have to wheel and deal," Brandon said "our families go way back since my grandfather ran the company. I'm surprised I haven't mentioned them to you before".

"What are their names again?" Madison asked grabbing her tea and taking a slip.

"Stevens" Brandon said leaning against the counter. He seemed a little uneasy and couldn't meet her eyes. "They run the larges movie Production Company in Toronto. They usually get an advanced copy of any books we feel are worthy of the bestseller list. If they deem it good then we start the ball roll on getting the book produced as a movie. As you can see we work pretty closely with each other".

Madison eyed him curiously, she glanced him up and down. His body language seemed to be saying it was more than just a business relationship. "There's something you're not telling me Brandon".

He let out a low groan "you know me too well" he said. With a soft sigh he added, "fine, the daughter of the CEO and I dated throughout high school. But it ended before I met you".

"Oh?" Madison asked taking a slow careful sip "and how did you guys end?"

"She insisted on moving to California to try and make it big as an actress but I wanted to stay here to go to school and work for the company. We didn't survive the distance and separated" Brandon explained softly "but Samantha didn't make it in Hollywood and now she's home running the production studio. She'll be there tonight".

"And these are the people your mother invited to tea?" she asked as calmly as she could knowing that Brandon's ex was going to be there.

"They are, it'll be Sammy and her mother" Brandon said "but there will also be the wives of several other clients too. Isabelle will be there and I am sure you can invite Brooklyn if you want".

"I guess I could wear one of my sundresses" Madison said biting her lip nervously "is your mother going to be there too?" when Brandon nodded she wasn't sure if that made her more nervous or if it made her relieved.

"We better get going" Brandon said glancing at the clock "it's almost time for my appointment".

Madison nodded and sent a quick text to Isabelle to ask her to keep an eye on the kids. When she sent back an agreement Madison and Brandon slipped away.

"Are you sure you're okay with waiting?" Brandon asked. "I could talk to the doctor about removing you having to sit in for the ten minutes. It seems pointless to have you wait all that time".

She really longed to say she didn't want to be there but she knew she couldn't. This was one of the things she agreed with the Haywood's to do. "I want to be there for you baby" she insisted.

When she said the words in the car it she sounded a lot more certain then she really was now that she was sitting in the waiting room she found she was always looking over her shoulder. She wanted to avoid running into Kennedy at all cost, but it seemed that it was unavoidable.

Two little boys no older then the age of four was seated in two chair near Madison. She glanced around the waiting room. There were several others there but none of them were paying any attention to them. They could belong to someone in one of the offices, but that was pretty irresponsible to leave the two there all alone. The one boy was holding an old Franklin the Turtle book and flipping through the pages looking at the pictures.

Madison smiled a little to herself, Noah used to love those books when he was little. They would always go to the library to borrow more and more. She slid over the one seat so she was seated next him. "Do you like Franklin?" she asked the little boy softly.

His small face turned up towards her, his chocolate brown hair fell in small waves over his forehead "I like bear the best" he said.

"I always liked otter," Madison said smiling softly at the little boy. Her heart ached a little in longing. She had dreamed for years about having a large family. She knew that three seemed like a lot to many people but she would have had five or six kids if she could.

"She's nice too" the little boy gave her wide smile showing off his missing front tooth.

"I think fox is better" the second little boy said, joining in the conversation.

"Fox certainly is sly". She giggled a little "so what book have you got there?" she asked glancing at it "Franklin's Sleepover".

"It's my favorite," the first boy said turning through the pages again.

"Can you read it to me?" she asked smiling a little.

The second boy shook his head no "our mommy reads it to us at night".

"Did your mommy bring you here?" she asked curiously glancing around the room again. No one seemed to be too interested in the little boy other than her.

"She works here" the boy shrugged a little. His little mind didn't seem too focused or concerned about anything other than his book. "Can you read it to us?" he asked holding the book out.

"Of course" Madison said smiling. She took the book and happily started to read it to him.

"Look its Bear" the first boy said pointing to the picture.

Madison giggled a little pointed out the other animals on the page "who's that?"

"That's Fox" the second boy cheered "and that's Rabbit". He glanced up at Madison confused "why is everyone else named after an animal but Franklin?" he frowned a little almost disappointed that his name was different.

"You know, I have always wondered that too" she said, "I suppose it's because his family wanted him to be different".

The boys nodded and accepted that answer. They nodded for her to continue reading. When she finished and handed it back to him she asked him "are you in school yet?"

The boys shook their head "not yet. We go to kindergarten this year".

Madison smiled "oh so you're big boys then" she said kindly "my daughters start grade three in September".

"There's two of them?" he asked with big round eyes.

She laughed a little and nodded "they are twins".

"Just like us!" they cheered.

"What's their names?" the first asked curiously. He seemed to be the boy of all questions.

"Emma and Ella" she answered "and what is your name?"

"Caleb" he said showing his beaming smile again "C-A-L-E-B" he said spelling it out for her.

"And what about you?" she asked the second boy.

"Callum" he said with a smile "C-A-L-L-U-M. I'm older than Caleb by five minutes".

"Oh now that is very impressive" Madison said "I'm Madison but you can call me Maddie okay?"

"Okay Maddie" Caleb said smiling.

"Caleb? Callum?" a frantic woman's voice called "Caleb? Callum? Where did you go?" Kennedy rounded the corner and sighed a little in relief "I thought I told you to stay back in the break room? You know better than to wonder off like that".

Kennedy caught eyes with Madison "oh Madison, I didn't see you there. I am sorry if they bothered you at all. Come on Caleb and Callum, you better go back to the break room before my boss notices you out here".

"Wait a second" Madison stood cutting her off. The timing was too perfect to be true. She assumed that Kennedy was with Alex for a while and if she was still with him four years ago then that means.... She never knew – or even expected that Kennedy had a child with Alexander. But yet here they were seated in front of her.

She grabbed onto Kennedy's wrists and pulled her a little ways from Caleb and Callum so they couldn't listen in. "You have two sons" she said. It wasn't a question but instead a statement.

Kennedy sighed and looked down a little. But she couldn't deny it. It was too noticeable. Slowly she gave a small nod of her head. "Yeah, I do".

Madison groaned a little and ran her hand through her hair "you've got to be kidding me" she hissed.

"We were going to get married. I thought he was serious about me" she said "but listen you cant tell anyone".

That was similar to what happened with Madison. It was like he was avoiding being a father at all costs.

Something else dawned on her after that. If Caleb and Callum were Alex's sons than that made them Emma, Ella and Noah's half siblings. They were their half brothers that they knew nothing about. And she needed to keep it that way. Her children already had enough bad memories of their father – especially Noah. They didn't need to know that he had two secret sons somewhere.

"I'm sorry" was all Madison was able to say. She glanced back over at Caleb and smiled. "He certainly is a sweet boy".

"I am very lucky to have him," Kennedy answered.

Madison knew how she felt. When Alex left her she relied on her children to keep her going and for a long time the only reason she smiled or laughed was because of her children.

Caleb carried his book over to her mother. "Are you mad at me?" he asked in a small voice.Caleb seemed to be the more timid one of the two. Much like Ella and Emma.

Kennedy sighed and kneeled down "I was just scared baby. I thought you were lost and I don't know what I would do with myself if that ever happened".

Caleb nodded in understanding. He glanced over at Madison shyly "do you still like me?"And this time Callum came over to join his brother.

Madison smiled softly and kneeled down to his height. She smiled soft and ruffled his hair a little. "Well now Caleb you are one of the sweetest boys I have ever met," she said. She looked at Callum "and you're the other sweetest boy I ever met. I couldn't help but like you".

"Madison?" Brandon asked walking down the hallway towards the two adults and child. "Who are your little friends"?

"Oh uh" Madison cleared her throat a little "this is Caleb and Callum".

"They are my sons" Kennedy said at the same time.

Brandon looked between the two women curiously "and you two know each other?" he questioned.

Madison glanced at Kennedy "well she's an old friend from elementary school" she said.

"Yeah we lost touch after college but we just ran into each other here" Kennedy added with a small shrug "I work here so yeah".

He nodded seeming to expect that "well since you're an old friend maybe you would like to join Madison at our house for tea. I mean" he glanced at Madison "she's having a few woman from the neighborhood over and it might be nice for her to have a friend there".

"Oh now I don't know" Kennedy said "I think I might be busy that day".

Brandon raised an eyebrow "but I never said what day it was".

Madison stepped in "I think she means to say is it's been a long time since she and I have been friends. And throwing her into a strange setting with a bunch of woman she doesn't even know might be a little too much".

"Oh I understand" Brandon said. But he didn't seem to be letting it go. "How about I write down our address and you can decide if you feel like coming or now" he suggested. "Its Sunday afternoon at one".

With the address written down and an awkward goodbye to Kennedy Madison and Brandon were finally in the car heading home.

"So" Brandon said "I wanted to talk to you about something".

Madison eyed him curiously "what is it?"

"I've been thinking about it for a while, but when I saw you with Caleb and Callum it just confirmed what I've been feeling for a while now" Brandon said softly looking at her out of the corner of his eye. "What do you think about having another baby?"

Before Madison even realized it she was digging herself a hole. "I've always wanted a big family," she said with a small shrug "when I was younger I used to dream about having five or more kids".

"Well you could still make that dream a reality," Brandon said. "I mean think about it baby" he said excitedly. "We are still young, we can have another couple babies. And can't you see Emma and Ella as big sisters? I think they would love to have a little sister running around. They can play dress up together or watch Disney movies".

"Could always be a boy," Madison said still not realizing how deep she was digging this hole. She thought she was only playing along with him. She never expected that he would be serious about it.

"So you think it's a good idea then?" Brandon asked, "You want to go for it".

Now Madison snapped out of it "what's a good idea?" she asked confused.

"Lost in a dream world already?" Brandon chuckled. He parked in front of the house and turned to face her. He reached forward and took hold of her hands. "Madison" he said softly "I want us to start trying for a baby".

Madison jaw dropped. She was stunned. She truly hadn't expected him to come out and say that. Of course he had been hitting at it before but she hadn't thought he was serious.

"I-I don't know" Madison trailed off a little "I mean it might not be the best time".

"But Madison it is. The girls are old enough, and Noah will be starting college before we even know it. If we wait any longer it might be too late" Brandon insisted, "We have so much to offer to another baby".

Madison thought about how her heart hurt when she saw little Ryan. She would love to have another baby or two. And maybe in time she could if she found the right guy. But she couldn't do this with Brandon. He didn't know the truth. And just imagine if they did have a baby and then he found out the truth. She couldn't do that to a child. Having a baby a put them already into a divided family?

No she couldn't do that. No matter how much she longed to have a baby – how much she longed to have Brandon's baby. She couldn't allow herself to do it. She couldn't let it happen.

"I don't know Brandon" she said again "you just went through an accident. Maybe we should talk about it later, when you are one hundred percent better".

Brandon gave her hand a squeeze "I am positive about this Madison. I want to have another baby with you. I long to see you walk around proudly with your belly round with our child. See their first steps. I want to walk down the street hold our toddler's hand. Teach them to ride a bike".

Madison noticed these were all things he missed out on with her children. Maybe he was starting to realize that he had gaps in his memory, that he had missed out on things he still longed for.

She sighed a little and realized she wasn't going to win this today. She knew she could fully give in but she needed to find a way to procrastinate and put it off until she could think up a better excuse.

"I'll think about it okay baby" she said softly leaning in to kiss his cheek "if I feel as though the time is right then we can consider having another baby" she promised.

Brandon smiled softly, looking as though he had already won. And if he hadn't then he wasn't going to give up until he was able to convince her that now was the right time.

Photo: Kennedy

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