You made your way through the kitchen, then to the parts and spares room. Someone was here besides the animatronics. You didn't expect any new comers to join you on your night. You heard banging and racket from the parts and service room. You sighed knowing You had to open it. "Fuck... " You whispered. Your hands shook like crazy, scared of whatever is behind the door. You twisted the nob and cracked open the door. You peeped in and saw a man. A very grape looking man. And by that you mean his skin was purple. His pupilless eyes glared at the animatronic standing infront of him "Come at me, fucker... " the man chuckled. He seemed hurt as it was, and you couldn't let him die. The animatronic was Chica. "Chica? " you called coming into the room. You glared down at the purple man as you spoke. "Did you do this? " Chica laughed loudly as her grin grew wider. "Yes. He was screaming profanity around the pizzeria! I couldn't just let the kids hear it!" Chica rolled her big bird eyes. "Chica, you know no kids are here.." you muttered helping the man up. He had a pervy grin stuck on his face. "Don't hurt him anymore Chica. Anyway, where is Mangle? " you asked, before screaming your head off as a head and a metal robotic figure lunged at me. It's cold body hugged me as she laughed. "We have to go, Mangle. Where are the boys? We need to avoid them.. " I asked Mangle. Mangle frowned, but notified me that they were near the office. Great. "Alright, Mr. Grape, do you need any help? " I asked. "You can give me a blow job and that's it.." the perverted man smirked. You rolled your eyes you helped him to the office. "There, thy scally wags are! " Foxy yelled, pointing his hook at you and the man. "Aye, she has a male! " Freddy chuckled devilishly. "Two kills in one night, so cool! " Bonnie laughed. The man seemed calm, too calm..
"Freddy, Foxy, Bonnie, please! This guy is hurt! Please give us mercy!" you begged. Foxy bared his teeth as he walked up to you. "Let's give them a head start, Fred.. " Foxy chuckled. Freddy nodded and they both backed from the office. You breathed hard as you felt their stares. "Thank you for your understanding.." you thanked Freddy. Freddy's grin grew more gruesome. You pushed the purple man in and closed the doors on both sides. "What is your name, grape? " you asked looking at the cameras. The man seemed to chuckle. "Vincent. I would say you're y/n?" Vincent lifted and eyebrow, tapping at your name tag. "Why are you here, 'Vincent'?" you asked, slapping Vincent's hands off your tag. "I work here.. " Vincent answered quickly. You narrowed your eyes and yanked his pony tail. He yelped in pain as you pulled it more. "Why are you really here? I never seen you before so you don't work here. So answer me. Why are you here? " you growled, tightening your grip on his hair. "Fine! I'm a day guard. I just came back to do something.." Vincent frowned. "And that was? " you asked chocking Vincent with his tie. "Do you have to know everything? " Vincent smirked. His pervy smile was disgusting.
"Let me see your badge." you commanded, holding out your hand. "Let me go and-" "Shit, it's Foxy..." you interrupted, looking at the window. "Argh! You two having sex in here?! " Foxy asked obnoxiously. "W-what no!" you stuttered, blushing. You let go of Vincent making him fall on his face. A loud female laughter echoed through the hall. Chica pounced on Foxy and hugged him. "Hey, Foxy! " Chica smiled brightly. "Hello, Chica.. " Foxy smiled, kissing her. But Vincent stayed on the floor, staring at the couple. "Get up, Vincent.." you muttered rubbing your face. The six am bell ranged, making you smile a bit. Vincent got up and glared at you. He tried to open the door to leave, but you blocked it. You grabbed his wrist and dragged him. "I'm not that stupid, let me see your badge, you purple freak.. " I growled. "Calm down, kitten. Here.. " I looked at the badge carefully. "Oh.. " I frowned, handing him his badge. "Aw... Big bad night guard thought she was covering the case.. " Vincent teased.
"Shut your trap before I shut it for ya!? " you growled, balling up your fist. Vincent threw his hands up in defense. "Hey, hey I was just saying..." Vincent chuckled. "Hello, Mike sir! "you smiled as Mike slowly walts in. He gave you one single glare before looking at Vincent. He stopped dead in his tracks. "Why are you with Vincent?" he asked you. "He needed help. Chick was about to eat him like a turkey dinner.." you chuckled. Vincent got out of my grip and ran out. "Stay away from him. Trust me.. " Mike growled. "Alright?"
So you did Just that. Even though it was harder to ignore him. Somehow he got the boss to put him on night shift with you. Vincent was sitting rather close to you, his hand was on yours, trying to take the tablet. "Give it to me, you prick! " you screamed. "Let go! " Vincent yelled in respond. The animatronics only stared at you in response. You let go quickly, leaving Vincent flying out his chair. You chuckled and waved at the animatronics. Vincent growled under his breath, clinching his teeth. "How dare you do that!? " he yelled. "Are you okay? I didn't mean t-" "You think I want to here exuses?!" he interrupted you.
"I didn't mean to hurt you, I promise Vincent.." you frowned. He got up and grabbed your throat, banging your head on the seat rest. "Vincent stop! " you yelled. Chica watched in horror as Vincent proceeded to choke you to death. He paused. His face frowned but seemed to have calmed down. "I didn't mean to hurt you either.. " he sobbed. The nine o clock bell signifyed us to go home. I put on my jacket. Rain is a bitch isn't it? 'Why did he try to kill me.? He's been so nice until now. He Just snapped over a little joke? Who does that? ' I thought, feeling the rain pour down on me. "You need a ride? You are getting soaked.. " a raspy voice asked. You turned to see Scott. "T-thanks but no thank you.. " you smiled before turning back around, keeping my eyes on the cement, waiting for my ride. "You sure? " Scott seemed to be closer. "Yeah.. " you smiled. 'No.. ' you thought.
He patted your back. "You've been off lately.. What's the problem..?" "Nothing. My ride is here.. " you frowned, walking up to the car that just pulled up.. You greeted your sister and drove off.
At home you laid on your bed and was lost in thought 'It was just a joke.. Why would Vincent do that? Was he hurt? Did he die of anger inside!? Who knows, but maybe Mike is right.' I fell asleep, tired of what Just happened.
When I woke up, you put on a cute purple top instead of your uniform. It was something to say sorry to Vincent.. Even though he should be saying sorry to you.. When you saw Mike you smiled. He only glared at you. You would have to admit that your really liked Mike, even though he's a bug fat jerk to other people and maybe you sometimes, but he's your best friend. "HI Mikey. Did you see the Ninja Turtles kick the foot clans butts!?" you joked Mike rolled his eyes. "Funny.." he muttered. "Very.. " you smirked. Mike walked up to you and hugged you. Like right infront of Vincent. Then he kissed your cheek. You blushed slightly before he said, "I love you so much. " he smiled. You knew it was fake.. Mike hardly ever smiled and if he did it would be fake smiles. "What did you do with my Mikey? " you whispered in his ear.
Mike chuckled before glaring at Vincent, who seemed a lot more irritated with his coworkers. You played along with Mike's silly game until Vincent saw enough. You pushed off of Mike, blushing madly. "I'm protecting you. Vincent knows his boundaries when it comes to flirting. He left Scott alone after he started dating Rebecca.." Mike scratched his scard up head. "So you didn't mean what you said?" you asked. Mike shrugged. Your e/c orbs left his brown ones, feeling embarrassed for actually meaning the things he didn't.
"Just be careful around Vincent. I care about you, a lot.. " Mike smiled. It seemed decently real, even though it seemed like he forgot how to smile a few years ago. He kissed your lips with a soft pace, making sure it was actual meant to be. "Trust me. I meant that.. " he smirked. I smiled softly, feeling Vincent's stares.
'God. Vincent is going to kill me. '
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