chapter 1
*After what felt like a hour that was likely 15 minutes Ruby then notice Y/N was starting to stand with the man. Happy that Y/N might give ruby something to eat she starts whimpering as her tail wags.*
Ruby: Yyy/Nnn ruby hungry. Time to eat if you would,” Ruby follows him and the man out constantly asking for food till the man sighs and had a idea.
Y/N: wait just a moment good doctor perhaps there's something else you can do,” Y/N begin as he eyes a yapping blue eye girl.
Dr: certainly Mr Y/N,” so the door close but the man hadn't left and Ruby frown.
*Y/N leads them into another empty space with few toys in the room as he gestures for ruby in. Ruby looks surprise and a bit suspicious of the place. Once in Y/N close the door behind her. Ruby knocks on the door loudly not wanting to be trap there. As she continuously to bang on the door Y/N then looks to his doctor.*
Y/N: is it possible to have her get brain surgery or something,” Y/N gestures to the her by his mean of ruby who plays with the toys seeing he won't open the door.
Dr: well Brain surgery may be extreme for one so small,” he begin. “How about something like hypnotist. It'll be a bit safer for her and still get her to be better management. My cousin does that sort of work. I be happy to give him a call.”
Y/N: that be wonderful,” Y/N shook his hand happily as the man smiles.
*Y/N then leads the man out as ruby plays with some blocks sitting by herself. Her ears perk up and tail wagging slowly*
Ruby: urge… Y/N so mean to starve ruby,” she huffs. “I'll tell my on him”
*she sniffs realizing how much she misses her brother. When Y/N return he found her crying on the floor as her ears droop. Not sure what to do he thinks about weather to interfere then perhaps it was just a attempt to try and get her way of things. He stand watches and felt a slight guilt as he then goes to open the door to see her. Ruby hadn't notice his approach till she felt a warm hug from someone and look up. Y/N pick her up and held her close. Ruby sniffs as her crying sustain for then. Y/N said nothing as he carries her to the kitchen and sat her at the table before going to fix her something to eat. Ruby watches curious as she rubs her eyes. Soon about 5 minutes or so Y/N return with her ham sandwich.
Happy to be given food Ruby eats and tug on Y/N sleeve wanting more. It was about the evening when Y/N had satisfied little ruby's apatite. He was tired and drain. After a crying spell and eating ruby yawns tired herself. Seeing she had finally worn herself out he picks her up and takes her upstairs. Once passing a few rooms Ruby was brought to one big one. It had a large bed with white as the main theme. It was a little too white for Ruby and she turn away to bury her face in Y/N chest. Going to sit her on the bed Ruby cling to him as she shook her head. Sighing Y/N takes her to his room with some colors in it.
He had a dusk with papers scatter on top; a nightstand by King's size bed, a bathroom with a tub and a shower head, a wardrobe and balcony. The floor were a light wood brown as the walls were blue and the ceiling white. The bed covers are of a superman using his laser beam on a bus to stop the half that had people in it from falling into the sea. The pillows then show when superman is normal then transformation into a super. Ruby ooh over the room as she found it exciting and way more interesting. There were a picture hung over the bed frame. Ruby looks to it to see a beautiful lady with lovely brown long hair wearing a purple and elegant dress with a red ribbon tie around. There's also a tv in the corner on a shelf like top attach to the wall to set things on top. Y/N close his bedroom door and then goes to the bathroom after he sat Ruby down on the bed. Looking around she climbs down to goes to his dusk reaching up to take a paper down accidentally pulling more than one.
As ruby looks around she notice there seem to be parts of something he was working on. Maybe for a story. Ruby curious skim through some papers till she heard someone footsteps and try to put his papers back. Y/N walks out with a towel over his damp head and looks down to the guilty looking Ruby.*
Y/N: what did you do,” he eyes her suspiciously.
Ruby: nothing,” Ruby whistles softly.
Y/N: un...huh,” he shakes his head and turn on the TV.
*Looking for a good channel he stumbled upon a Strawberry shortcake show. He was going to change it when ruby bit him before getting on the bed to watch. He grumbles as he left it on although thought about turning it off for being spiteful. With Ruby busy watching that Y/N step out to get some coffee. When he returns ruby were cuddle and fast asleep. He turn off the TV and lay her under the covers. Turning the lights off he heads downstairs going to order some take out Chinese.*
Ruby: timeskip brought to you by Ruby and friends!
*A few hours later. Ruby woke up late that night as she yawns. Looking around seeing how dark it was ruby whimpers and tries to call for Y/N, but got no reply. Thinking that he might be busy and would come back any minute ruby cuddles in the blanket. She starts to close her eyes when she thought she thought she saw something dart across the room. Feeling her heartbeat move faster ruby started to feel panicky and try once more to call Y/N. Yet again no reply. She felt trap. Her breathing becoming pace. Her mind starting to wonder what lurks in the darkness.
What was it she thought she saw. Fears starting to arise and Ruby wanted the comfort of Y/N even more. Wanting to look for him, but scare whatever in the dark would get her Ruby takes a hard swallow and starts to climb out of bed. Shaking and tail between her legs Ruby moves to find Y/N. Maybe whatever was in the dark was after Y/N. Even though ruby may not like him at first Y/N didn't deserve to be hunted by whatever was there. Ruby didn't know if Y/N was anything and assume he was human. She thought to herself how a human would be vulnerable to a beast of the dark and had to protect him or at least try. So Little ruby makes her way downstairs jumping nearly at the slightest of creeks of the floorboards. Checking for any signs of life ruby calls to Y/N in a meekly voice.
Hearing no reply she takes a smaller gulp and heads downstairs. Feeling like she's being watch and that something was out there ruby felt chills. Walking downstairs quietly she looks around then smell something familiar like food. Following her nose she goes to what might be a living room to see the TV left on and there sat Y/N...he was asleep watching some back in the day movie with western and cowboys and such. The Chinese food right on in his lap with a pair of chopsticks in his hand. Ruby gasp. Normally there is nothing horror and scary about this scene. Only that the man fell asleep watching his show, however to Ruby with an already frighten mindset her little heart throbbed with fear as the sleeping Y/N look alot like a dead Y/N. Seeing the food she thinks he's been poison and goes to throw the Chinese food away along with chopsticks.
Sniffing as she returns to Y/N rubbing her eyes trying not to cry she Looks to him*
Ruby: ohh Y/N,” she start. “You may have try to starve ruby and may not have been the best of persons...but you still nice to ruby. She will never forget you… Y/N!
*Ruby cries as she howls startling Y/N awake as she bawls thinking he's dead. Y/N takes steady breath as he looks down to Ruby thinking she's hurt from her howl he picks her up nearly scaring her as she yelps*
Y/N: Ruby are you okay,” Y/N ask as he stares worried.
Ruby: Y/N,” Ruby exclaims. “You're not dead!”
*Looking confused he sat her back down as she hugs him now happy. Y/N reach over on dusk nearby and turn on the lamp giving some light on their situation. Once calming down Y/N had ruby explain why she thought he was dead. After explaining what happen Y/N sighs and goes upstairs with Ruby to prove to her there are no monsters in his house. After checking every creek and nanny Ruby felt better. Both tired from the ruckus Y/N thought it best to not leave her alone or let her sleep in the dark without worrying what she'll do next. Making some popcorn the two sat on the couch and watched the Western movie together. Soon enough they both fell asleep waited for morning. Y/N woke to the abrupt sound of his telephone. Ruby burrow herself in the couch cushions to ignore the ringing. Feeling groggy from last night's events he reaches for the phone to answer to hearing his doctor's voice on the line.*
Dr: Mr Y/N I was able to get ahold of my cousin,” he began as Y/N sat up from his lying position. “He said he'll see you and your little problem by this evening. At exactly 3:45
Y/N: thank you very much,” Y/N stood up as he stretches. “We'll be ready by then.”
Dr: excellent,” the doctor hang up as Y/N close the phone.
*he looks around for ruby and sets his phone by the lamp*
Y/N: Ruby come out we're going out today,” Y/N tell her as he starts to head to the kitchen.
Ruby: going out,” Ruby crawl out of the crouch as she looks to him. “Where?”
Y/N: we're going shopping and to the doctor,” Y/N shouts from the kitchen.
*Ruby cheers loving the idea of shopping. Y/N works on breakfast. Soon ruby heads to the kitchen hungry. Y/N chuckles seeing her expression as she smells the aroma of maple syrup. Ruby sat at the table as Y/N made pancakes with maple syrup. Her tail wags as he added berries on top of it with the syrup all glistering and shiny which ruby loves upon loved. Shiny + sweets & berries + food = 😍 a very happy kitten. Eating breakfast Y/N gets another call and leaves to take it. About 6 minutes pass and he returns to see a full ruby finishing off licking his and hers plate clean. Her clothes and hair having a bit of syrup in them. His left eye twitch as he tries not to lose his temper*
Y/N: Rrruby….”
*Ruby looks up to an angry Y/N and whimper as she hands him the clean plate which sorta crack in his grip*
Ruby: “ah well...another day for ruby nyaa…”
*She sighs knowing she's in trouble.*
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