Chapter 3 - {Celestial; Reborn}

Silence rang through the room while some came to terms with what happened. The Original Ink, or Canon Ink, frowned slightly as he messed with his vials slightly. The fact that this Creator could create this powerful being was cool but how did their creation just slip from their control? The Creators are powerful and nobody can escape their clutches. They are powerful, they are the Creators for star's sake!!!!

But the fact that this creation escaped?

That's more alarming that Ink would dare to elaborate on. Ink saw as his Error caught his eye lights and he knew that the other felt how bad this was. The fact that this being can escape the Creators grasp means that he has full control of going wherever he desired and nobody can stop him. This being was more dangerous than even Error 404 or even Omni 404. Or any other powerful Sans for that matter.

"You know, if you plan to think about me, then start by calling me Shifter. It would be easier ya know."

That caused many to jump into fighting positions as Era, Quirk, Teivel, Prime, and other skeletons/beings grouped around Deva along with the two baby bones slightly. Everybody else either brought out weapons or were tense. A few seconds passed then everyone heard a loud smack around the room. Confusion settled in while Deva barely concealed his laughter as he knew what happened.

"OOOOWWWWWWWW!!!! Mom!!!! Why did you smack me!?!?!?!"

"One, you scared the poor dears to near-death!!! Second, you need to stop scaring others unless they deserve it!!!! Shifter, you really need to stop doing that, or you're going into the time-out corner!!!!"

"Not the time-out corner!!!!"

Some of the skeletons let loose some chuckles while everyone finally relaxed. Then Nana, the moth, came out while a grey-boned skeleton followed her. Everyone noticed how the other had tear markings that resembled Error's while being rainbow in color that looks like paint that various Ink's drink. Many Ink's and Error's felt the connection yet it felt glitched out and wrong in some way. Others also felt a connection to the skeleton but they felt it was wrong and glitched out too.


All of them just blinked and Shifter was gone. Many looked on in alarm once they noticed how he snuggled Deva so happily while others felt unsure of what to think of the other being. Certain skeletons felt jealous but kept quiet as they all faced the moth when she let loose a cough to get their attention.

"Excuse me, Shifter just wants to meet his Creator. I watch over Shifter and clean up any messes that he makes. He's a good kid but he has problems with going overboard on certain things that set him off."

Many 'ah' or nodded to Nana's words while Deva had a knowing feeling in his soul. Deva looked at Shifter who gave him a knowing look. Deva breathed out as he gave a soft chuckle. He hugged Deva back as he knew that Shifter couldn't hug his/her body since he was 'fictional' and all. 'Nana' then coughed as she flew out of the room through a portal. Popcorn, candy, and various other foods popped around the room for everyone.

The Horror immediately ate while everyone was skeptical at first but started to eat once they knew the food wasn't poisoned. Shifter got sparkily eyes as he ate some chocolate while giving Deva some Milk Chocolate he could find or summon.

Shifter gave the audience knowing eye lights as he gave a smirk while making a 'shush' motion to you.

*[Shifter wishes to tell you that a special chapter will be issued thanks to his wishes to know all of you better. He hopes that all of you enjoy the show.]

The screen flickered on as the next scene played out for all to hear and enjoy.

(The sun surged up from the east, ready to greet the day with its rays of light and death alike.)

Many snorted at the wording as the screen showed the sun rising up from the east. Shifter giggled slightly while Deva gave a chuckle also. Both knew of how the 'Author' has a weird pessimistic and optimistic view on everything.

(One of the rays landed on a still sleeping Deva who cuddled further into his sheets to only sit up in them when he knew that he had to do something later that day. Various pops rang out with Deva sighing in relief as he went to do his morning rituals.)

Many skeletons there felt blushes rise on their cheekbones as they heard the pops of bones. Popping a bone is......more sexual to a skeleton monster in the right setting. If you do the popping just right that is. Otherwise, if they hear a bone pop then that either means a broken bone or crack in the bones. Though everyone noticed how they didn't get to see Deva's face.

Helios, Odin, and Khaos knew of what truly lies on Deva's face and mentally prepared themselves for their Multiverses reaction.

Shifter gave a mischievous grin as he secretly recorded this moment for all to see. Deva gave Shifter a knowing look who just gave an innocent look back.

(After Deva grabbed some clothing for the day and got done with his morning shower did he looked into the slightly fogged mirror to see markings that defined everyone in this Multiverse. On the right side of his cheek rested a golden yellow sun that had a band leading up. On the left rested a silvery-white moon that also had a band leading up. Both markings seemed to glow slightly then dies down, as if a trick of the light.)

Silence rang about the room until Donovan fainted in his seat with a loud thump. Then everyone just went off into whispers and talks of Deva. Deva sighed as he used the wet towel he summoned to wipe down the makeup that covered his face for his markings to now be out in the open. Everyone that was from the Empireverse, except three certain people from the Sun Empire, looked at his face in shock while others just felt unsure of how to proceed with this tidbit just showed to them.

Deva sighed as he caught Shifter just silently giggling at everyone. Deva lightly smacked Shifter's arms to tell him to stop or others will notice. Shifter coughed slightly as he put the hidden camera away as the scene on the screen continued.

(Deva sighed as he grabbed some makeup that would cover his markings. His family always did it and Deva never found the need to stop. His family looked terrified enough once they saw his markings, he didn't need to bring more trouble than necessary to them. He never could figure out what having both markings entitled but the way his family reacted.

Yeeeeaaaaaah, Deva planned to take his markings to his falling than anything else.)

"Was your family really that terrified of your markings?"

Surprisingly, Odin spoke up. Deva looked slightly surprised at the question but answered none the less.

"From what little I could gather, having both was considered the number one target. In our old hometown, everyone had some rumors about having both and none of them were lighthearted in the least. There were actually others that had both markings but....."

Deva grew silent as he felt Shifter lean more into him with a knowing look.

"All of them were killed before they became eight years of age or were used as slaves. Some were even sold into prostitution then sacrificed when they had no more use. My family thought it was best that I cover my markings, to save me from a Fate that could have happened."

Deva trembled slightly as he knew how lucky he was to escape what would have happened to him if he stayed in that town. Deva leaned into Shifter once he felt the other give him a one-sided hug.

Everyone else was either horrified or was planning to 'visit' this town for a special 'greeting'. The entire Moon Empire was already planning torture with the Sun Empire joining in.

(Deva stopped once he saw that he looked like a normal skeleton with two different eye colors. His left eye a red tone with other mixes of red while his right a blue tone with other tones of blue. Deva then quickly put on a green sweater that faded to dark green, some nice black slacks along with some combat boots. He gave a small smile as he grabbed his keys along with his wallet then locked up his home as he went to his cafe.

He waved at the other townspeople while giving some smiles. He kept out of everyone's way as he came up to his cafe to see Fresh with two others that tickled his memory.)

That stopped everyone for the time being as they decided to put the plans aside for now as they weren't exactly going anywhere. Set and Dono perked up as they saw them in the scene. They wondered what Deva thought about them.

Helios wondered why his brother was at Deva's cafe then he remembered that Fresh was trying to get a secret place for some people he knew. Wait, was Fresh.......!!!

(Deva slowed slightly as he looked at the other skeletons that just made his instincts scream, 'RUN IF YOU DON'T WANT CHAOS KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR!!!!!')

That made Chaos, Shifter, and Void bust out laughing while the non-deities, except Deva, looked at them in confusion. The other deities just gave Deva pitying looks while others were already planning his funeral.

Jokes on the rest of the deities, Deva revels in the chaos.

(Then what they were struck Deva right there and now. As Deva looked at a certain goopy king, did only one thought run through his mind.

'I should have demanded a refund while I still could.')

That made everyone bust out laughing.

Donovan wanted to be annoyed but he couldn't find it in him to do that as he joined in on the laughter. Dono knew better than anyone that his counterparts were......a bit much and that fact that Deva knew that he had chaos at his feet?

Yeah, he can see why Deva wanted a refund.


[ Shifter here with some news!!!!! Mom is allowing me to do this so you can ask those here some questions!!!! You can also ask me questions too!!!! These are the others that are currently in this story!!!!

-Chaotic Inducement:


#Grand(Classic! Sans from Original Timeline)

#Primo(Classic! Papyrus from Original Timeline)

*Note: These three came here before Chapter 2 of that story is released! Nobody else from that story is here until we get to the story! Or until about seven or eight chapters are released!

-[Kingdomverse] Into the Past:






#Sin(Error 404)

-Loving of Stories:

#Various from One-Shot to Story Idea {Include which one from which story you want to ask! If you don't want to voice your question out loud then privately message Mother if you feel that you don't want anybody else to know!}

-Being a Diamond[Rewrite]:


#Teivel(Original Nightmare from Multiverse 6)

#The Gang/Little Terrors of Era and Teivel

#Craft(Ink from Multiverse 6)

#Ra(Dream from Multiverse 6)

#Cosmos(Blue from Multiverse 6)

#Clear(Ink from Gemverse)

#White(Toriel from Gemverse)

#Black(Reaper from Gemverse)

#Grey(Core! Frisk from Gemverse)

#Gold(Dream from Gemverse)

#Purple(Nightmare from Gemverse)

#Pink(Fresh from Gemverse)

*Note: The Children of the Gemverse are here along with Astra, Flora, and Opal. If you don't know who they are then check the Original Being a Diamond for Opal and Flora while the Rewrite will show the children of the diamonds in the latest chapter.

-Reborn; Celestial:

#Deva Starr

#The awesome me, Shifter!!!!

#Bardo, the most mischievous bean!!!!






#Genesis(Gen/Tree of Feelings)











This is all you need to know for now!!!!! Hope you enjoy this as the chapter will come out when there are enough questions to answer!!!! Oh wait, almost forgot.

You only get to ask one question to those that you want to ask!!!! Choose the question carefully and I hope you can get a satisfying answer!!!!

See you another time readers~!!!!!]

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