Chapter 1 - {Celestial; Reborn}
{Some of you may have noticed that there are more details in the Celestial: Reborn story. Well, consider this more insight into Deva himself along with what he truly once was. Deva is actually ME in sense as I put some of my past into him. Both of us have Autism, shitty fathers, damaged mothers, and how we came into the Undertale Fandom. Hope you enjoy the reading little moths~! Also, the video up top is the first video I made with Kinemaster! Yes, I have a youtube channel and I plan to make gacha videos to help explain some things better through videos. Also, the female in the video is what I look like except with blonde highlights. I have gray orbs for eyes that look green/blue/silver in the right lighting. My family thought I had green eyes for most of my life because of lighting.}
As everyone started to settle down did Bardo perk up and ask Deva something.
"Deva, why didn't you talk about your Father in the story? Did he do something?"
Deva gained a blank look as everyone looked at him with curious looks and questions in their eyes. Deva hummed as he looked at Bardo.
"From what little my memories can give me he was a total douche."
That caused many to choke or look at Deva with wide-eyes. Bardo looked at him in confusion and Deva elaborated.
"My grandparents and mom told me that he didn't care that I was born. From what little I was told he told my mother that I wasn't his and took her to court to prove that I wasn't his. But I was his and he tried to murder me in my mother's womb."
Era looked at Deva in shock and horror along with Quirk. Everyone also looked shocked while Bardo and Nova looked very angry and ready to murder.
"What!!!!! Did he get arrested or at least has a restraining order!!!!"
Deva shrugged as he answered.
"Nope, he got away with it and had to pay child support and was allowed visiting rights. But surprise, surprise he didn't visit and I literally thought that I had no Dad. He visited when I was ten and I really thought he was a friend of my grandparents but found out he was my dad. He never visited four years after that. Then he stopped visiting after the last time he visited at the age of fourteen. I was glad about that as I never liked him and plainly never cared about him."
Some gave pitying looks or even sad looks. Some were just plain angry from the way how his past dad got away from it all. The Judges were very angry with this and very sympathetic towards Deva. Bardo and Nova hugged Deva harder as he lightly patted them.
Then the screen started to show the next scene as everyone settled down. Bardo and Nova sat by Deva who just allowed them to hug his arms while the scene played.
("Thank you~! Make sure to enjoy the treats~!
"Oh! I will Deva and thank you for the treats~!"
"No problem, madam!")
Everyone smiled as they saw how happy Deva was to give the person some treats. Some saw the cafe/bakery and admit to themselves that the little cafe was homey to look at.
(I smiled lightly as I watched the orphanage director go back to the orphanage with the rest of the sweets and the other foods I made for the day. When she walked out I sighed as the day caught up to me. Today was a busy day but I loved it as it brought me joy to see everyone enjoying food. I hummed as I started to clean the wooden floors that made them shine. I smiled as I saw some small bonsai's on the tables. I loved little bonsai's as the last gift I ever gave my grandparents was a sakura bonsai tree.)
Many cooed from the last line of thought while Empireverse Nightmare, Error, Ink, and Dream perked up from hearing the thought. Era saw this along with Quirk and both smirked at each other while chuckling. Deva ignored them chuckling while wondering why they chuckled.
(As I looked over the place my thoughts started to wonder. I remember when I opened the place it took about three days before someone actually visited. They were surprised when they got a taste of my old world's cooking. Their very joy was very pleasing and they became a regular for my cafe. Their name is Susie Lane, a human, and the director of the orphanage in the town. We have some fun talks now and then. Though she tries to set me up with others.)
That made almost everyone burst into laughter while four specific people felt an amount of jealousy in them from the last line. Bardo, after she was done laughing, decided to ask Deva something.
"Deva, are you interested in boys or girls?"
That made everyone look to Deva in curiosity. Deva looked thoughtful as he hummed slightly. He looked at Bardo as he answered.
"To be truthful, I never cared about gender as I was never really was attracted to anyone unless..."
Deva then blushed a mix of blue and red blush as he looked away. Bardo then gained this mischief look as she asked with an 'innocent' look.
"Who was your Undertale AU crush?"
Deva blushed more brightly as some of the others also blushed. Deva looked very shy as he started to fidget as he put both Nova and Bardo in the other seats. He coughed into his clutched phalanges as he looked at the ground.
"Umm, uh, Error, Nightmare, Dream, Ink, Ganz, Fatal Error, and Cross."
Many with those names blushed, flattered, or even shy from the wiggling bone brows from the others. Both Era and Quirk looked flattered and also blushed slightly. Deva groaned silently as the screen continued on.
(As I looked the counter over and cleaned it did I hear the door open and the bell jingle. I mentally facepalmed as I realized that I forgot to flip the sign that I was closed. I turned around to ask what they needed but I stop in my tracks as I blink at the colorful skeleton in front of me.)
Laughter burst out again as they saw how Deva looked so confused from seeing that version of Fresh while Empire Fresh looked proud to see his confusion. But all of the Fresh's were interested in Deva's knowledge of them and how he felt about them.
(I tilted my head slightly as I looked at the colorful skeleton along with a colorful skateboard. From what I saw he had no Sun or Moon marking on his face so he may be neutral. But something about him tickled my memory. Over the years I've forgotten a lot of things from my human life. Sure, they can be triggered but right now is not the time to try to understand who he probably was. Right now he is a customer and that's all I know.)
Some Fresh's pouted but understood that memories can disappear if you haven't looked at them for too long. Maybe later they can get what they thought of them later.
(I saw as he studied the little bonsai tree on one of the tables. Why was he confused by a bonsai? I shrugged as walked up to him and lightly tapped his shoulder. He surprised me when he shots up while I saw his sunglasses show exclamation points. Huh, that was cool of how his glasses did that.)
Some gave a grin when they heard that thought while others saw how Deva was at ease with Fresh even though Fresh is a parasite. Fresh gives off an aura that causes unease among everyone but everyone saw how at ease Deva was with Fresh.
(I saw as he started to tip over and I simply grabbed him and righted him easily. I lightly dusted him off as I looked at him once I was done. To only feel confused as I saw that he looked very lost as he looked at me. Like I did something that wasn't expected. My memories tried to tell me something but it still wasn't coming to me so I ignored them for now.)
Everyone was looking at Deva with wide eye sockets as they saw how he easily helped Fresh. Deva seemed to really be at ease with Fresh. Or he really didn't feel the danger right in front of him. Deva just mentally shook his head as the story continued.
("Hello, Welcome to Simple Life. How may I help you?"
That finally seemed to jolt the other out of his thoughts as he coughed into he clutched phalanges as gave an easy-going smile. But it was easily fake from what I could tell. I frowned mentally in worry for the other but didn't call him out on the fake face.)
All of the Fresh's looked at the screen in shock while everyone had a bone brow raised at how Deva saw through it so easily.
("Ah, well my broski, I was wondering where some people can hold a meeting for some high-class peeps? Well, some peeps I know are high class and they want to hold a meeting where they can talk in peace, ya know?"
"Ah, I understand.")
The Moon Empire perked up and had a eureka moment as they realized how Fresh found the place. Though they still wondered why Deva allowed them to use the upper portion of their cafe.
(I put my left phalanges to my chin bone as I thought about it. There were not a lot of places that many could consider the high class and the only place for nobles to go for high class is town hall. But everyone will be able to hear or spy if you find the right spots to listen in or plant something to do that.)
Soon the Moon Empire understood and gave soft smiles as they understood how kind Deva is. They know knew how he wanted to treat everyone equally and didn't care what they've done. He just wanted them to feel comfortable.
(The only other place that can be considered private enough is the second story to my cafe. I built it with soundproof walls so those that couldn't handle others or just wanted privacy can go upstairs. I snap my fingers as I gestured for the other skeleton to follow me upstairs to show them the room. Once we came to the room I showed him the room as I watched him as he looked at it.)
Everyone felt their jaws drop as they saw the room. Bardo and Nova 'oooohhhhed' while many others looked on in awe. Deva gave a sheepish smile when he saw everyone looking at the room.
(As I saw him look around the room did the information finally click in my head. Thankfully the other being was distracted by the room to notice.)
Everyone perked up as they looked to the screen in trepidation. Deva blinked as he hummed inaudibly.
(This skeleton reminded me of Fresh! Sans that was created by the very same Creator who made Error! Sans and Geno! Sans.)
All Error's, Geno's, and Fresh's looked at the others with shock while everyone else had various reactions. Many Ink's puked up, well, ink from surprise, some Fells looked very angry yet also done with everything, many Blue's nodded in understanding but you can still see the surprise in their eye lights, and everyone else just went bonkers. Some of the Errors, Genos, and Freshes were whispering to each other while putting notes down on some pieces of paper that were conveniently there.
(I don't know much about him or his history as the Original Creator never actually stated much about him. He is known as a parasite as he needs a host to survive. The appearance that everyone else sees is actually his 'false' body in sense. I don't know if it's thanks to being a parasite or something that happened in the past but the Original Fresh lacked empathy and practically did anything he wished for his own sake than anyone else. But he may feel emotions but it's up for debate as I don't know much about him. He was actually created for fun than anything from what little I can remember but other Creators loved him and decided to build upon him. I've actually seen his parasite body once from what little the Original Creator posted. I went to a friend who created Fresh's real body and used it as a huggable plushy. His real body is freakin cute and I love them to bits.)
All of the Fresh glasses blanked out as they heard what Deva and the other Creators thought of them. Some started to weep from joy while others smiled so bright that it must physically hurt. They saw as the screen showed a human Deva hugging a plushy form of their real body and felt joy that someone cared for them. Many helped the Freshes through their episodes as they too smiled from seeing this. Though some frowned slightly as they understood that they were slightly guilty too for hurting Fresh in the sense of isolating him because of what he was.
(Though this Fresh might be different from other Freshes. Every Fresh is different thanks to the actions of others. Some Freshes weren't parasites but called that thanks to a misunderstanding. While some took up the mantle of Destruction/Corruption since some Errors actually failed to escape the Anti-Void but yet retained sanity. I felt myself frown slightly as I thought back to one AU I remember from Harrish6 and how she created the first insight to F! God Error.)
Era felt his eyes widened as he listened to how Deva knew about Harrish6. Fate felt herself shudder as she too looked at the screen with wide eyes. Destiny also looked alarmed along with the other deities. Some Errors started to glitch out while others looked away from the screen with mixed feelings. Era then spoke out to Deva as he asked him a very important question.
"Deva, are you a Creator?"
That caused the screen to freeze along with everyone else. Bardo and Nova felt alarmed as they knew who Deva actually was. After all, they were his old friends back in his past life as a human.
Deva looked at everyone who was giving him wide-eyed looks while looking at the ceiling for three seconds then brought down his gaze to Era as he answered with a serious gaze.
"Yes. I was known as a Creator."
Everyone looked at Deva with wide-eyed sockets as many looked to be deep shock. A Creator? Deva was a Creator? Deva sighed as he continued.
"I finished the worlds of the various AU's that were left abandoned by other Creator's. I felt sympathy for them as every world deserved to have a fighting chance. I created one Alternate Universe but I won't tell you the name."
Many groaned out as they wanted to know what AU Deva created while some cried out in disbelief and anger. Deva continued as he answered.
"The reason is: I Destroyed the Au from ever existing."
That shut everyone up pretty fast as everyone looked at Deva in disbelief. Deva looked saddened and forlorn as he looked at Era.
"It's best to move on from this conversation. Some AU's are best left forgotten."
Many shifted as they all saw how depressed Deva was from speaking about this. Just what kind of AU did Deva create that he had to destroy?
(I soon came out of my musings as I saw that he was turning towards me. I mentally shook my head as I saw the awe in his face with his glasses spelling [CO_OL]. I lightly chuckle as I saw a small purple blush on his face from slight embarrassment but all in all, he looked cute.)
Deva coughed as he looked anywhere else but everyone. Others cooed while some looked a little jealous. Empire Fresh blushed more from the attention but the conversation from before was still on everyone's mind. Everyone wondered what Deva created for him to completely destroy it.
("Will this place do? This is the only place I can think of for a meeting. These walls are soundproof as I have some customers that can't handle noise nor people. I can book you guys to have this for a day or two along with food if that is all right?"
I gave a smile to Fresh as he looked thoughtful then he smiled back as he nodded very fast. He pulled out a notebook as he wrote from what seemed to be the date of when they shall come in. As he handed me the piece of paper for the date did I see a shadow flash from behind him but I ignored it as I looked at the date. I gave him a nod as I wasn't busy that day. Plus I had a feeling that I had to make food fit for an army.)
Many burst into laughter as everyone knew the appetite of a Horror. Empire Horror looked smugged as he knew the deliciousness of Deva's cooking. But everyone focused on one thought after their laughter fit. What was the shadow that Deva saw?
(Just as I put the paper in the back of my pocket did I finally realize something. I smacked my forehead as the other skeleton looked at me in curiosity.
"It seems that I've been a bad host. My name is Deva, owner of this cafe, who might you be?"
He gave me finger guns as he smiled.
"Name's Fresh, my broski.")
Some coughed as to not laugh while others just did it anyway. Empire Fresh chuckled as he shook his head slightly from side to side. Deva gained a crimson and blue blush as he looked away from everyone.
(I gave him a small smile as I lead him out of my cafe as I hummed slightly. He gave me a wave once he was outside the door as he summoned a skateboard that's just as unique as him. I watched slightly as he rode away then locked up the cafe. Just as I started to walk home did I see a shadow of a skeleton at the end of the road. I felt my breathe halt as I stared right at the skeleton with growing fear.
I-It c-c-can't be-)
Everyone looked at the onscreen Deva in alarm and confusion. But everyone felt worried as ever Nightmare and Dream felt the growing horror and fear from Deva on the screen. Deva looked away as he trepidation in his heart. So he wasn't going crazy, he really saw THEM.
(I shook my head as I looked back to see nobody there. I felt myself sigh as I ignored the being that I thought was there. I soon walked home with only the moon and stars for company.)
Everyone sighed in relief but everyone knew that something was wrong.
How did Deva know that individual?
Why was he so scared of them?
Just who were they?
The screen then switched to show a hotel room with Fresh casually knocking on the door. But it was likely the occupants didn't hear as there seemed to be a lot of shouting from the room. Donovan[Empireverse Nightmare] looked done as he gave his court a piercing look as they looked very 'innocent'. Every other Nightmare also looked done while everyone else just started to laugh, giggle, or chuckle very loudly. They all saw as Empireverse Fresh shrugged as he opened the door to show everyone what was going down. The narrator soon spoke as he explained the scene.
(As Fresh looked into the hotel room did he see that some of the skeletons looked close to a fight. Fresh turned to the ultimate goop king as he was reading while his second in command looked ready to tie them up to save the remaining sanity he had.)
Every Nightmare felt very offended while everyone busted a gut from laughter. Many Error's chuckled as they saw the chaos while some facepalmed. All of Nightmare's Gang/Court just gave the 'innocent' looks.
(Fresh looked to see Cross yelling at Fell for stealing his chocolate. From the way, Fell was clutching his phalanges Cross may be punched soon by the other. Dust and Horror were placing bets while Killer was for some reason just smiling through all of this.)
Dono[Empire Nightmare] looked done while he voiced out.
"And this is the terrifying knights of the Moon Empire. How endearing."
The rest of his court voiced back.
"Love ya too NootNoot!!!"
"Stop calling me that!"
Everyone burst into laughter as they watched the exchange. They all settled down as the scene continued.
(Fresh saw as they looked at him. Some waved while others just flipped him off but they generally ignored him as Fresh went up to Nightmare. Nightmare looked up while somehow looking regal while doing it.
"I found a place, broski. And it's very rad I might say.")
Everyone burst into laughter again as Bardo looked smugged along with Nova.
("Oh? What's this place called?"
"It's a rad little cafe called Simple Life. The owner has a place that is completely soundproof so no un coolio dude will hear. We also get food."
Horror visibly perked up while Dust and Killer looked amused to see this.)
Everyone else was also amused to see this. All of the Horror's looked at Wen(Short for Wendigo)[Empireverse Horror] in jealousy. Wen just shot them a smug look while thinking about Deva's food.
("I see. Both you and Error will come with me to talk to the owner."
"kay, broski."
Fresh then went to do his own thing as everyone else went back to their own thing. As the Moon rose higher in the night did certain individuals feel that everything is changing. To what? They don't know.)
Everyone looked at the screen as it turned black. Deva looked away as he put his hands into his arms as decided to sleep everything off.
This was too much for him.
He never thought he would see the day that they would come back from the grave for all to see.
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