Name: Natsuki Subaru
Age: 17
Race/Species: Mutant
His Mother: Natsuki Naoko
His Father: Natsuki Kenichi
His Grandfather: Logan/Wolverine
His Aunt: X-23/Laura Kinney
Likes: Fighting, Relaxing, Spending time with Rem, Emilia, Ram, Beatrice, Arlam Village, making sure his friends are alright, humiliating those higher in power.
Dislikes: The Knights, The Witch Cult, The Brotherhood of Mutants, Government Organizations who hunt down mutants, People hurting those he cares about, etc.
Mutant Physiology: Subaru is a mutant who had inherited his abilities from Logan, his grandfather but unlike Logan who was given an Adamantium skeleton by the Weapon X Program; Subaru's skeleton is genetically coated in adamantium so it's 100% organic so it won't constantly poison or harm him in his later years like it does to Logan.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Subaru's mutant ability is an accelerated healing process that enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with far greater efficiency than an ordinary human. He can regenerate greatly damaged or destroyed tissue with few seconds. He is capable of fully healing injuries resulting in massive tissue damage and blood loss, such as multiple bullet wounds, slash wounds, and puncture wounds, within a matter of minutes. It's developed to such a degree that like X-23, he can reattach severed limbs such as a hand.
Contaminant Immunity: Subaru's natural healing also affords him virtual immunity to poisons, viruses, diseases, and most drugs.
Fatigue Resistance: Subaru is partially resistant to fatigue poisons produced from physical activity.
Decelerated Aging: In addition, Subaru's healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process; Although well over 100 years may pass, Subaru retains the health, appearance and physical vitality of a man in the physical prime of his life.
Immortality: Due to his healing factor, Subaru is technically immortal. He can still die, he's just very hard to kill.
Retractable Bone Claws: Subaru's skeleton includes six retractable foot-long bone claws, three in each arm, that are housed beneath the skin and muscle of his forearms. Subaru could, at will, release these slightly curved claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The bone claws are naturally sharp and tougher than normal human bone. His claws are indestructible and is capable of piercing any material. It's also worth mentioning that unsheathing them causes his skin to tear and bleed, but the wounds are quickly dealt with by his healing factor.
Hot Claws: An ability that allows Subaru to heat up his claws several thousand degrees in seconds. A trait which is seemingly tied to his berserker rage, how hot they can get remains a mystery but they can reach high enough temperatures to cause gasoline to ignite on contact with
Superhumanly Acute Senses: Subaru's super-human senses are a combination of a separate mutant ability and his Healing Factor since his sense organs atrophy at a much slower rate than normal humans. His most improved senses are sight, hearing and smell. Due to these enhanced senses, Subaru is able to function in complete darkness as though it were daylight.
Superhuman Hearing: Subaru is capable of hearing sounds from a far greater distance than any human.
Superhuman Sight: Subaru's sight is improved, allowing him to see further than a normal human.
Superhuman Smell: Subaru's sense of smell is even more magnified and allows him to recognize and track objects and people just by smell alone.
Superhuman Taste: Subaru can distinguish individual ingredients in food or drinks he consumes at a smaller part per volume than a normal person.
Superhuman Touch: Subaru's sense of touch gives him greater sensitivity to air direction and temperature differentials in his environment.
Superhuman Strength: Subaru's reinforced skeleton allows him to withstand high levels of physical pressure. His strength is also boosted to enhanced levels, allowing him to lift more than 800 lbs but no more than 2 tons.
Superhuman Speed: Subaru is able to move at low level superhuman speeds. He has attacked faster than the eye could follow and even Wilhelm briefly thought Subaru was faster than he was in their first fight. His combat speed seems more enhanced then anything else, as he has frequently kept up with those like Julius in combat, and blitzed people before they even had the chance to cast a spell.
Superhuman Stamina: Subaru's healing factor grants him superhuman stamina and is partially immune to fatigue toxins generated by physical exertion and thus has greater endurance than actual humans. His stamina has been described as metahuman, indicating the ability to continually exert himself for several days at peak efficiency.
Superhuman Durability: Subaru has superhuman durability due a combination of his healing factor and Adamantium skeleton.
Enhanced Reflexes and Agility: Subaru's reflexes and agility are enhanced beyond the capabilities of the normal human body.
Animal Empathy: Subaru has been seen to be able to understand the emotions of animals around him and communicate with them on a very basic level.
Skilled Tracker: Due to his superhuman sense, Subaru is a dangerous tracker that has memorized many scents as well as being considered to be one of the best trackers.
Master Martial Artist: Subaru's an excellent hand-to-hand combatant that just greatly improved with his coming battles.
Berserker Rage: The ability to go into a mode where all one thinks about is fighting for their life. The user gets physical enhancements and enhanced fighting skills. It's a savage state where he focuses solely on fighting for survival. While Subaru has tried to control his rage, he still retains some control later on when he gets used to his powers.
Sensory Overload: One of Subaru's weaknesses is the fact that his heightened senses could be taken advantage of.
Hot Claws: The new addition to his abilities comes with the drawback of weakening his regenerative ability the longer he has them active.
Drowning: Of the few ways to kill Subaru, given drowning cuts the brain's oxygen supply. He has admitted that being kept underwater can kill him, with the healing factor only prolonging the agony. Subaru added that he is not fond of being on water, as the addition of nearly 100 pounds of Adamantium to his body reduced his buoyancy. If it wasn't obvious, Subaru has a pretty big fear of water due to the fact that he cannot swim.
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