Chapter 5. All Is Fair In Love And War

Today was now Subaru's fourth day working as Emilia's bodyguard in the Roswaal mansion. He just got done checking on her to see if she needed help with anything but she was completely fine. He didn't think any threats would show up so he figured he'd walk around and look for a certain maid to speak with, maybe help out with the chores.

And within seconds, he found her.

"Oh, hey Rem! Need any help today?" Subaru would ask as he walked up towards the blue oni maid currently cleaning the dinning room.

His voice caught the maid off guard.

"O-Oh! Subaru, I don't mind at all." Rem would reply as she blushed a bit. The event of their last encounter playing in her mind as she would remember seeing him shirtless.

That 8-pack of his would never leave her mind, she'd go as far as to say you could grind meat on those things. And even then, she could see some of his pack sticking out through his hero suit.

"Anyway, I can take care of these plates and wash them. And don't worry, I won't shatter them this time; I have my powers under control. Not to mention, I don't want Ram hopping on my ass for being a brute." Subaru would say as he would sweat a bit remembering how Ram would brutally tear into him with her comments.

"Though recently she has been ignoring me recently, whenever I tried to speak with her she just walked off or outright ignored me."

He thought back to a moment prior.

"Hey Ram, do you need any help with-?!"

Ram walked right past him without saying a word.

"Wha-? Ram, hey wait up!"

He still got no response. But if he could see Ram's face, he wouldn't believe it even if he was dreaming about it.

Her face was a bright red as she gritted her teeth, telling herself that Roswaal was the only one for her and that Barusu was simply a hopeless pervert for apparently 'flashing' her.

". . .Weird."

Thinking back on it, Subaru had a hunch on why, but decided to put that in the back of his mind as he focused on helping Rem out with the dishes.

He couldn't see Rem's face as she was watching him, but the blue maid was shy. Aside from seeing his 8-pack a few days ago, it felt like her and Subaru were oddly getting closer and closer as the days went on. From the first day they met, she thought he was a stranger, a witch cultist even with how much he smelled but his mannerisms and the way he acted said otherwise.

He even apologized for apparently breaking her Morningstar, in which a cultist wouldn't do that unless they were trying to keep up an act. But Subaru felt genuine. Her chest tightened as she watched him continue washing the dishes for her as he smiled to himself.

She didn't know why, but she was happy she got to spend time with Subaru like this. Or not even that, she felt happy that Subaru went out of his way to look for her whenever he had the chance so he could help her out with chores.

'What is this...feeling? Is Rem in...? No that surely cannot be the case, it's only been four days. And even then...I surely couldn't...' Rem would think to herself as her fist tightened.

She remembered that someone was coming to visit the mansion later on during the day. Though her thoughts were interrupted as she heard the young hero's voice.

"Alright Rem, dishes are done! Anything else you need help with?" Subaru would ask her as Rem would begin to think to herself before looking at the nearby pantry.

"Well, we are running out of ingredients. So if it's alright with you Subaru-sama, would you accompany Rem to the nearby village later to restock?"

"Oh sure! And Rem, you don't have to call me 'Sama'. Just Subaru is fine. Anyway, I'll see you later alright? I'm going to go annoy a certain drill-haired loli now."

Subaru would chuckle to himself as he left the kitchen and proceeded to make his way towards the forbidden library.


". . .How do you keep finding your way into Betty's library, in fact?!" The little spirit exclaimed in outrage as she glared at Subaru.

"I don't know, I just keep opening a random door and your library just shows up in front of me. Maybe you should ip your game a little, you know? Make things more interesting."

"What an aggravating man you are, I suppose! If you came here to annoy Betty then leave!" Beatrice would say as she raised her hand towards Subaru and shot out a gust of wind.

Only for him to stand there perfectly fine with his shit eating grin plastered on his face.

"Damn Beako, already getting rusty?" Subaru teased.

"Who gave you permission to call me that, in fact?!"

"Oh come on, we're close aren't we?"

"Just what kind of relationship do you think the two of us have? I barely know you, I suppose!"

"Then let's get to know each other better, I'll start first!"

Subaru would eagerly say as he sat down on the floor and looked happily at the spirit who stared at him with that same disinterested look on her face.

"My name is Natsuki Subaru. I'm the recently hired bodyguard of this mansion and I'm super strong! Pleasure to meet you!"

". . .I don't see the point in this, I suppose."

"Oh come on Beako, we're learning about each other right?"

"Stop calling me that! I'm a great spirit, so it'd be wise of you to treat me as such, I suppose!"

"Even though you look like a kid?"

"I'm about at my wits end with you, in fact. . .!" Beatrice muttered dangerously as she raised her hand at him again.

Subaru not wanting to face the spirit's wrath decided to let up with his teasing and give in.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop for now. But isn't there anything you want to know about me? I mean, what I just said earlier are things you already know. And I already know you're a spirit that owns this library."

At Subaru's comment, Beatrice stopped herself from getting ready to send him out of her library as she began to think to herself a bit. What came to mind was the event that happened the day prior when Subaru had his "sparring match" with Rem.

"Actually, there are some things Betty would like to discuss with you, I suppose. And it would be wise for you to be truthful, in fact." The spirit would inform as she sat down on her wooden stool.

"Sure! What is it that you want to know?" Subaru asked.

"What exactly are you?"

Silence. It was silent for a good 5 seconds before Subaru replied.

"What? It's obvious right? I'm a human obviously-!"

"No human is that strong, I suppose. If you truly were human, that spiked ball and chain would have killed you on the spot, in fact."

"Well, I could be a demi-human you know?"

"I ruled out that possibility, you don't have any demi-human qualities within you, I suppose. So let me ask again...what are you, in fact?" Beatrice asked the question again, seeing through Subaru's bullshit without any effort.

Seeing as he had no choice, he sighed and began to explain everything about himself as he sweated a bit. After all, he didn't really like the fact that he was an alien, or well part alien.

"Well you see, I'm a Viltrumite."

"A Viltrumite? I never heard of that term before, I suppose."

"Well...I wouldn't blame you. After all, they aren't from this world anyway." Subaru stated.

Beatrice looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean by that, in fact?"

"I mean, they aren't from here. They aren't from any of your countries or from your world in general. Like me, I'm from a completely different world that is anything but like this one."

The librarian was stunned into silence.

"You...You mean to tell me that you come from beyond the great waterfall, I suppose? Surely you lie."

"Beatrice, I'm being one hundred percent serious here right now. I'm not messing around." Subaru stated in a serious tone, completely different from the one he had before.

He stared at his hands as he gripped them into fist at the sudden memories.

"Viltrumites are...well...they're a race of highly advanced beings with extremely potent and developed genetics. Some time ago, they started a civil war among their own people to cull weakness from their population. While this greatly diminished their numbers it also meant that the remaining Viltrumites were the strongest of their people."

Beatrice was shocked, an entire race started a civil war among their own people? To simply take out the weak as the strong prevailed? It reminded her of Vollachia. But it also disgusted her to no end.

"What a bunch of savages, I suppose."

"Yeah, I don't blame you for thinking that. Kinda thought the same thing when I found out I was one as well." Subaru remarked.

"Are you not a Viltrumite, in fact?"

"Well I mean I am but my mother is a human. From what Uncle Nolan said, Humans are so close to Viltrumites genetically that a Human/Viltrumite hybrid is genetically almost the same as a full-blooded Viltrumite and with time will become just as powerful."

Beatrice took this info in before she spoke.

"So your Viltrumite dna practically took over the human dna, leaving barely any room, I wonder?"

"Well I still have my human dna. Its just that Viltrumite DNA is more dominant. More or less, I'm ninety or ninety nine percent Viltrumite while I'm ten or one percent human...but because of that, that alone makes me a monster."

"What do you-?"

"They conquer PLANETS Beatrice. They seek to expand whatever empire they have. They are apparently widely known and feared across the galaxy as a merciless, militaristic, people endowed with frightening superpowers and uniquely advanced technology far beyond whatever you guys have now. If they were to show up in this world, they would've done so in mere minutes. And if anyone, and I mean ANYONE, were to try and stand up to their rule...they'd die. They don't care about those weaker than them, they don't take no for an answer. They'll kill without a second thought, and I don't think anyone would be able to stop them!!! One Viltrumite alone is enough to annihilate an entire civilization within seconds anyway. . ."

Subaru looked down as he was breathing heavily, referencing to the fact that he and Mark wasn't able to stop Nolan from terrorizing the earth as he couldn't save anyone. Hell, Nolan referred to the people who lived on earth as "animals" or "cavemen". Millions of people died like insects from him simply crashing into a building or just skidding across the road.

Fragile beings indeed.

Subaru wasn't able to save them, and he hated himself for that. More than anything, he hated himself for being a Viltrumite. He's nothing short of a monster pretending to be a hero.

Once he calmed down, he finished his explanation.

"They have a 'Might Makes Right' mentality. I should know since I fought one myself the day I found out I was part Alien. They believe only those with great strength are worthy of living and will not hesitate to subjugate entire planets, species or outright annihilate them if they see them as weak..."

After Subaru finished speaking, Beatrice took a moment to take all of this info in. Everything she has seen up to this point, all made sense. How Rem's weapon shattered upon contact with his skin. Everything made sense.

"You aren't lying, I suppose. That's a lot to take in, in fact."

"Yeah...anyway, I heard from Roswaal that you're the only person in the mansion that has an affinity for shadow magic. Do you think you can be my teacher?"

"Hmph! And why should Betty spend her time teaching you magic, you're plenty equipped on your own, I suppose."

" have a point but I want to expand my arsenal. And besides, from what mom told me....I feel like I haven't unlocked my full potential yet. Even though she's a human, she had a very powerful ability tied to shadows that has been passed down for generations now...and there's a small chance that I possibly inherited it even though it's extremely low due to my Viltrumite dna. I want to know if Shadow Magic has any connections to my mother's abilities...Please! I'm begging you!"

The spirit stayed silent for a bit before she got off her stool and asked.

"If Betty does decide to teach you magic and help you uncover this supposed "new ability" of yours, what does she get in return, I suppose?"

"I can tell you everything you want to know about my world. The different cultures, the technology, the way the world is structured, anything really! And even more, if I do end up awakening this second sub-ability then I can give you more info on it and see if we can draw any connections."

Beatrice would ponder over this for a bit before sighing.

"Fine, but those stories better be worth it, I suppose."

"Y-Yes! You won't regret this!" Subaru would say as he was glad Beatrice agreed to be his teacher.

If there was a small chance that his mother was right, then he wanted to take that chance. But the issue was how he was supposed to awaken this ability if he really had it. These magic lessons should be able to help him figure that out at least.

At Beatrice's demand, the Viltrumite and Spirit were out in the front yard of the mansion. Beatrice drained Subaru's mana from his gate when they first met, she could confidently say that he had absolutely no experience using magic. It was like a newborn's.

So, she was going to start him off with a basic spell.

"Alright, today Betty will teach you a basic spell since you're a beginner, in fact. This spell is known as 'Shamak', I suppose."

At this, Subaru would raise his hand like an elementary schooler.

"What exactly is Shamak, Beako-sensei?"

Despite him calling her that irritating name he came up with, she continued explaining.

"Shamak, is a basic spell with the special quality of separation, in fact. A low-grade Shamak makes a target unable to sense where exactly they are, however they can still feel the ground and sense what's happening to their body, while a high-grade Shamak can rend space together and achieve an effect similar to teleportation, I suppose." Beatrice explained as Subaru listened.

"Ohhh, now I get it. That sounds similar to what mom could do with her shadow powers. Teleporting to one place or another. So I'm starting off with the low-grade Shamak?"

"Of course you are, in fact. You can't just expect to pull off a high-grade Shamak and actually expect it to work, I suppose."

"Well, you're the boss. So what do I do first?"

"Well for starters, you have to learn how to use your mana so it can properly come out of your gate. Your gate is essentially an invisible portal-like apparatus that exists in every living thing. It allows mana to pass through the body and be stored in the Od, in fact." Beatrice finished her explanation.

"I see, so how do I do that?"

"Try to visualize the flow of mana through your body. Then expel a part of it, through your gate, our of your body, I suppose."

"Visualizing huh? I can do that no problem!"

As Subaru closed his eyes and began to visualize the flow of his mana, he could see it clearly. A sphere like object in the center and shadows surrounding it as if they were trying to get out.

He began to focus as he breathed in and out, this was his first time using magic so he would be inexperienced, but with Beatrice's help, it would not be an issue.

Once he got the general feeling of his mana circulating throughout his body, he opened his eyes and uttered...


From the moment Subaru uttered that incantation, a blanket of black smoke erupted from him as it covered a large portion of the area. Once the smoke dissipated, Subaru sat there as he looked at his teacher looking at him with mild surprise present on her face.

"So how did I do?"

"...Not bad for a beginner, I suppose. I honestly thought you would mess up the process, in fact."

"Honestly, same here. I'm surprised I did well enough." Subaru replied as he looked down at the ground and thought to himself.

'Was mom right...? Did I also inherit some of her powers as well? I mean she did say our family has been connected to shadows for generations, Beatrice said it herself, I'm a beginner. I should have messed up, but I didn't. So if I have a connection to shadows like mom said...then it's possible that I possibly inherited abilities from both my parents. Though it's just a theory at best, it's not like I can prove it.'

Subaru's thoughts would then be cut short as Beatrice caught his attention.

"Now that you have a grasp on how to use magic, you will continue to use that spell until I feel you made considerable progress, in fact."

"Yes ma'am!" Subaru saluted.

From there on, Subaru would continuously use Shamak and occasionally take breaks from time to time as to not damage his gate. Soon enough, he got more and more accustomed to using his gate and mana. He had a feeling of familiarity for it now.

"Alright. That should be enough for today, I suppose."

"Wait really? That sucks, I thought we were going to move on to more magic spells after that."

"Don't be ridiculous. You can't speed through the process, in fact. You'll get there eventually, I suppose. As a teacher, it's common sense to praise her student, in fact."

"Awwwww, thanks Beako!" Subaru would smile at her as she clicked her tongue.

"Don't push it. Hm?"

As she turned her head to the side, she noticed a dragon-drawn carriage pulling into the domain.

"It seems we have an unwanted guest, I suppose." Beatrice would state as she began to walk away and back into her library.

"I will never understand what goes through Roswaal's head." She'd mutter to herself as Subaru could hear her.

"I wonder what that was about." Subaru would wonder out loud, unaware of the fact that he was about to meet someone he wouldn't like in the slightest.

After Subaru had decided to head back inside the mansion, he ran into Roswaal as well as the maid sisters. When he asked the Clown Mage about the guy outside, he simply said the man was a business partner and left it at that. But he did want Subaru there with them since he was the bodyguard and all; to which he agreed.

Though he noticed Rem looked expressionless, almost as expressionless as Ram is sometimes. And that's when he recalled Beatrice's words when she retreated back to the mansion.

"It seems we have an unwanted guest, I suppose."

Whoever this guy was, the residents didn't seem to like him very much. And he was about to find out why in a few seconds as the door opened.

"REM!! MY LOVE!! I HAVE RETURNED!" exclaimed the man with gusto.

'My. . .love. . .?!'

That sentence seemed to irk Subaru for a reason he didn't know as he looked at the entrance he looked at what the man looked like.

A guy who looked pretty young with brown hair and yellow eyes who typically wore the most expensive clothes money could buy walked through the door as he was accompanied by...robots?! They had robots in this world? Of course, they looked a little out of date. Not as advanced as the ones he saw back on earth but still a robot nevertheless. They all looked like miniature steampunk robots but he wasn't going to judge a book by its cover. For the torso, the robots' body was literally a like a bronze circle with a glowing yellow eyes in the middle of it all. There was also a handgun or cannon equipped on the left arm of the robot. And Subaru also noticed that the guy also wore an antique pocket watch.

He then turned towards Ram.

"Hey uh...who is that guy?"

"That man is Arsene Moriarty. He's an up and coming noble in Lugunica known for being a genius inventor having access to technology from 100 or more years ago. And he's also. . ."

The pink maid would look down and grit her teeth as Rem clenched the hem of her Maid Skirt.

"He's also Rem's Fiancé. . ."

One second had passed.

Two seconds had passed.

Three seconds had passed.

Four seconds had passed.

Five seconds had passed.

"Wha-?! Wait wait wait....WHAAAAT?!?!?"

Subaru screamed out loud in shock before looking at the man known as Moriarty with a look of contempt and confusion. That rich looking pretty boy was Rem's Fiancé?!? Seriously?!?

After Roswaal and Moriarty exchanged pleasantries, the clown ordered Rem and Ram to take Moriarty's luggage to his room. Though Subaru offered to help, as he didn't exactly like the guy as he could already tell what kind of person he was.

So now Subaru was carrying most of the luggage as he didn't want the maids to waste anymore time. While he was doing this, he began to ask Ram and Rem the questions.

"So how the hell did Rem become that guy's fiancé?! He looks like a total scumbag!"

"As much as Ram would like to scold you for talking about our superiors in such a way, I can't help but agree with you Barusu."

"So what exactly is the deal here?" Subaru would ask once again.

"Well Moriarty isn't exactly Rem's fiancé per-say. But more or less an arranged marriage. Basically Rem is engaged to Moriarty because Roswaal-sama believes his influence and technology could help him win the Royal Selection. And the only way he's getting Moriarty on his side is if Rem marries him because Moriarty wants her as a trophy bride since she's the last of her race."

"Wait that's it? He doesn't want to marry her because he loves her? He just...wants her as a trophy?!" Subaru exclaimed as he felt anger for Rem building up.


"What a load of crap!" Subaru exclaimed as he placed the luggage on the floor for a second.

"The way you're saying that makes it sound as if he sees her nothing more but as an object! L-Like a...a pet....!"

"...That's exactly how he sees her."


"He sees Rem as a pet rather than a person." Ram explained. "Due to how she's one of the last of her kind, Rem is seen as 'exotic' in his eyes."

If Subaru didn't look angry enough as it was, then he clearly looked angry now. His already scary eyes narrowed dangerously, slight veins appearing on his forehead as he gritted his teeth and balled his fist tightly.

Seeing this, Ram and Rem's eyes widened slightly with shock. It was the first time they ever saw Subaru look this upset. Ram would begin thinking to herself, was it because of Rem? Was that why he was so upset?

"That guy...I hate people like him. That ass...who the hell does he think he is...?" He muttered dangerously as he picked up the luggage.


"Come on. We don't have all day." Subaru interrupted her, leaving no room for discussion as the maid twins looked at each-other.

Though for Rem, she was shocked at how Subaru would get so angry for her. For some reason she felt...happy.

Once they made it to Moriarty's room, Subaru immediately realized that his room was actually Rem's room. And that annoyed him even more as a scumbag like that should never have to share a room with someone as nice as Rem. It was insulting!

Once Subaru placed the luggage inside the room, he hastily made his way out the door before he felt someone grab his sleeve.

". . ."

As he turned around he saw Rem looking at him with a worried look on her face.

"Subaru...Are you alright?"

". . .I'm fine Rem." Subaru lied as Rem could see that he clearly was lying as well.

"Do you remember Rem's request earlier? About accompanying her to the village today?"

"Yeah...what about it?" Subaru asked.

"Rem plans to leave for the village right now. I'll be waiting for you near the entrance."

Without saying more, Rem walked out the room. Leaving Subaru to stand there as Ram approached him.

"Barusu seems to care a great deal for my sister."

"She's. . .a friend. And I can't stand the fact that she has to be married off to some scumbag all!"

"Ram doubts Barusu sees Rem as just a 'friend' and finds it revolting how the both of you have gotten closer these past few days. Considering you flashed Ram on your second day here...pervert."

"I already apologized for that! If anything you shouldn't have been standing there in open!" Subaru would exclaim as Ram would smirk at him for bit before going back to her serious look.

"I already have an idea on what you plan on doing, normally I'd be against going against Roswaal's orders but..." Ram stopped as she looked down.

"Rem's happiness is on the line right? And you don't want your sister to be miserable with a bastard like that right?" Subaru would say as he turned around to face her.

Ram slowly nodded and looked at Subaru.

"That's why I'm asking save Rem. Save my sister from this arranged marriage Barusu...please."

Ram would ask of him genuinely. She saw how close her sister and Barusu had gotten these past four days. It was obvious Barusu made her sister happy unlike the lowly piece of dirt known as Moriarty.

"Ram...I promise. I'll do everything I can to get her out of this. As a a friend. I'll make sure I get Rem out of this arranged marriage! I swear it!"

". . .Then I'll hold it to you Barusu. I assume you already have a plan?" Ram would ask Subaru as he nodded his head.

"Yeah...something tells me that there is more to this then we'd like to think. That guy is planning something...something that will screw Roswaal over if not handled with. And I know exactly how to get Rem out of this situation."

He then turned around as he began to walk out the door to meet Rem at the entrance of mansion.

"After I come back from going to the village with Rem, I'll make sure to relay the plan to you."

Subaru would say as he left Ram in the room to think over his words. Whatever plan she had, she would just have to trust him on this.

As Subaru walked down the hall, he gripped his fist as his glare intensified.

"Rem...I promise. I'll save you from this entire situation!"

Subaru was filled with determination to solve this issue and get Rem out of this arranged marriage. Whether he knew the reason for his sudden anger and determination or not. He'd find a way to get her out of this situation. That was a promise he made to not only Ram...but to himself.

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .



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