Chapter 2. Viltrumite vs The Bowel Hunter

"I will not ask again, give me back my insignia!"

The girl practically ordered as she summoned a bunch of icicles aimed at Felt and the old giant standing behind the counter. In response to that, the giant pulled out a club, seemingly getting ready for a all-out fight. But what truly shocked them was the features of the woman.

Silver hair and pointy ears.

"Silver hair...a half-elf?"

"A-A-Aren't you the-?!"

"Nope! That's just an accidental resemblance! That's all!"

The half-elf automatically responded as though she were accustomed to being judged for her looks.

And Subaru seeing this was going nowhere tried to resolve this by speaking to them, hoping his words got through to the pair.

"Hey man look, just give the lady here what you stole from her and all of this can be avoided. Besides, I'm not really trying to fight a giant and....a little girl. I already fight someone like that on the daily."

Subaru stated as he remembered Monster Girl.

"Listen here buddy, what's 'bout ta happen is you and your girlfriend over there-"

"I'm not his girlfriend!"

'Well damn.'

Subaru thought.

"...Are gonna piss off and leave my girl alone, or else I'm gonna-!"





In seconds, Subaru went from standing next to the half-elf, from holding the giant by his collar and pressing him against the wall as if he was interrogating someone, he's had plenty of experience doing this when he fought crime back at home.

"Listen pal, there are days when I can joke around but right now is not one of those days. Look at my face and tell me, does it look like I'm joking around to you old man?"

Subaru asked menacingly as he glared at the old giant. Meanwhile with a bud a sweat, the old giant finally decided.

"...Just give them the damn insignia Felt."

The giant resolved, taking back his earlier statement.

"W-What?! Not you too old man!!"

Felt stated in shock while their discussion began to go back and forth.

As this was happening, Subaru's enhanced hearing came in as he realized someone else was in the room with them, or to be more specific, behind the girl he was helping. And his senses were screaming at him that whoever this woman was, was seriously bad news.

So he quickly acted.

"Hey! Look out!"

He screamed out in alarm as he quickly turned towards the half-elf. Who uttered out a quick "what?" before the unknown assailant swung the weapon downward, making contact with ice instead of skin.

"That was a bit closer than expected, you saved us."

A small...talking cat materialized and gave Subaru a thumbs up while thanking him.

'What kind of world did I get brought to man? This better be a weird dream or something...'

Subaru deadpanned.

"Ara~, and here I thought I had a perfect angle."

A rather...very seductive voice made itself known from the shadows behind them. A gorgeous black haired woman in a very...revealing dress that showed of her navel and breasts approached them. The aura around her however, was just outright ominous. With Subaru being on high alert, signifying just how dangerous this woman truly was.

"A spirit, that's a spirit right? How wonderful."

The woman giggled creepily.

"I have never dissected a spirit's stomach before."

'This woman is crazy! Talking about dissecting people as if it was just as easy as breathing!'

Subaru thought in further alarm.

"Hey! What are you saying-?!"

Felt asked only to be interrupted.

"If the item's original owner is here, we can hardly negotiate. So I changed my plans, I shall slaughter everyone here. You failed to see your job through to the end. You talk a big game but you do very terrible work. You truly are just another slum dweller."

"Tsk....! You bitch....!"

Felt simply growled back.

"And you think you're any better lady? Like seriously, killing everyone here just because the owner of that badge got here. Now you wanna have a little hissy fit because you couldn't negotiate? Well sorry to say idiot, but you won't be killing anyone here, I mean, you can try but it'll all be in vain."

"What are you blabbering about?"

"I'm saying you'll fail miserably trying to kill us. Cause I won't let it happen, you can even try and cut me down first if you like. I mean, it's not like it'll do anything anyway, so go at it."

Subaru taunted as he began walking towards the woman.

The woman giggled before she sped towards Subaru while pulling out a kukri knife. To everyone else, she was fast but to Subaru, she was too slow. She swung her weapon towards his stomach, and what happened was unexpected....

Her knife broke upon contact with his skin.


Her eyes widened in shock and alarm as she looked up to face the boy she tried to cut open.

"What's wrong? Weren't you going to cut me open along with everyone else here?"

He grabbed her arm and lifted her up to eye level.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that if you want to kill me lady!"

Subaru punched the crazy woman in the stomach, launching her through the wall as everyone present looked on in shock.

"Alright...Felt right?"

Subaru turned towards the blond.


"Get out of here while there's still time."

"What? And leave Old Man Rom to fight that crazy bitch by himself? Like hell I'm doing that!!"

Subaru sighed.

"Listen, you're the-!"

Subaru stopped mid-sentence as he heard the woman get up again, but not towards him, but towards Felt and the old man who apparently went by the name Rom. Without wasting anytime, Subaru instantly appeared in front of the woman and grabbed her head, and slamming it into the ground pretty hard.

He caused a whole bunch of damage to the floor.

"As I was saying, you're the youngest one here. So naturally, keeping you alive is top priority. Go out and find help, meanwhile, everything here will be taken care of."

Subaru looked back towards Felt as she gripped her fist and shook in place. Before she eventually decided to do what Subaru said and quickly ran out the loot house.

"Finally. Now then, let's get back to what we were doing shall we?"

Subaru literally yeeted her into the air. Giving the Half-Elf and her spirit cat the chance to attack her with icicles. And they bombarded her with those things.

"Holy shit! You guys destroyed her!"

Subaru exclaimed as the woman was practically obliterated or lodged into the wall where all those icicles were lodged into. Of course, he was pretty used to seeing people die but the sight of blood....unnerved him a bit.

He did a few breathing exercises to bring him back to reality as well as calm himself down.

Even then, it seemed the value of life was extremely low here. And then again, he supposed restraining someone and waiting for some sort of police force isn't really an option here either.

"Not quite."

The woman in black responded. She was revealed to be incased in ice after the dust dissipated. But the ice crumbled away when her cloak began to shine.

Apparently the half-elf knew what happened as she suddenly aimed her hands towards the woman.

"Don't underestimate a spiritual-arts user!"

The half-elf answered as several ice shards manifested around her.

And in response, the woman slashed at the elf, only for the elf to transform the shards into a shield, blocking the attacks the crazy woman dished out. The woman then began to move around very swiftly around the elf, looking for an opening while dodging and blocking the attacks from above that came from the cat. It was then that Subaru would start attacking as he dashed forward, punching the woman right in the face as she was skidding across the floor and soon came to a stop.

As she look toward Subaru...he was gone.

"Looking for me?"


The woman quickly turned around, only to be met with a foot stomping on her head. The attack dazed her as her vision blurred, seeing this,  Subaru grabbed her by the leg and swung her around before throwing her towards the counter, all that was heard was the sound of glass breaking.

"Sorry about your store old man, but this is a matter of life and death. Last thing I need is that woman cutting your arm off or something right?"


The old man responded, still in shock at the abilities Subaru had showed up to this point. And what truly shocked him was the fact that it looked like he was still holding back, toying with her even.

'What the hell is he?'

"So uh, you good lady?"

The half-elf nodded slightly, still in shock.

"Good, because that woman isn't done yet."

Subaru stated with his arms crossed as he looked toward the direction he yeeted the woman. Only to see the said woman get up with her bleeding from some areas of her body.

And he coulda swore he saw the said wounds on her body slowly begin to heal itself.

"Knew it. You can regenerate."

"Oh? And how did you manage to figure that out, I wonder?"

The woman asked with an intrigued look.

"It's really simple to put two and two together. That attack from earlier with the ice that elf girl and the little cat shot at you, should have definitely killed you."

Subaru explained.

"Ara~, it seems I've been found out. What's your name young man?~"

"Natsuki Subaru, but you can rather call me....Unbreakable."

Subaru stated.

The woman smiled and pulled out another knife out of nowhere.

"Elsa Granhiert, the Bowel Hunter. Please be sure to entertain me more.~"

Without saying anything else, she charges towards the group, or to be more specific, she charged at Subaru.

As he himself got ready to charge forward, Elsa did something he wasn't even expecting.

She cut her arm as blood gushed out, and since she was pretty close to him, some of the blood managed to get onto him.

'....Oh no....!'

Subaru thought with dread.

"I figured you were holding back, that strength of yours surely would have killed me. So I had to see why, and it turns out I just figured out your weakness on a whim~"

Elsa stated as Subaru started breathing heavily and looked at his hands with the bit of her blood on it.

Immediately, he started getting flashbacks to the incident, the moment that changed his life for the worse, the incident with someone he saw as an uncle.

"I will burn this planet down....before I spend another minute, living among these...animals!"

"It's right to pity them Mark, Subaru, it's wrong to value them over your own kind."

"This happened because of you, how many have to die Subaru?"

Every single person that died from the crossfire of their fight...every punch, every kick, every bone that was broken, every single ounce of blood that was spilled, he remembered all of it.

He started shaking as his breathing became more erratic, he fell to his knees and held his head as any words of concern of the old man or the half-elf said to him, fell on death ears.

"I-It wasn't wasn't my fault...I-I'm sorry....!!"

He continued rambling as his breathing became more and more erratic with each second, at one point he even started crying.

It didn't take long for everyone there to realize that Subaru was having a full on panic attack.

"I-It wasn't my fault. . .I didn't mean for anyone to die!!!!"

Elsa realized what caused it to happen. And she smiled to herself.

"Ara~. This boy seems to have PTSD, that's rather triggered by seeing blood. I wonder what happened to him in the past. . .no matter, with him out of the way I can kill everyone else here without any regrets~."

The woman licked her lips.

And as if on cue, the old giant grabbed his club and charged toward Elsa.

"Alright you crazy bitch! It's just you and me now!"

Old man Rom roared as he charged towards Elsa.

"Elf girl! Give me some cover will ya?!"

"Eh?! S-Sure thing. . .!"

The half-elf shouted as she immediately got into a position and started shooting icicles towards the assailant that was currently fighting the old giant.

Elsa noticed this and smirked as she began to duck and weave.

"My, my...tag teaming now are we?~"

"Whatever helps take you out!"

The old giant swung his club downward as Elsa dodged it gracefully before making her way on top of it. Her knife was way to close to his neck.

"I forgot to say. . ."



Both Rom and elf looked on in alarm.

"Thanks for entertaining me~"

Elsa swung her knife down, intending to cut Rom's neck. But the elf quickly acted and shot out a projectile that managed to hit the knife and instead of cutting the old giant's neck, it cut deep into his shoulder.

"A-Agh. . ."

The giant was bleeding profusely as he was now out of the fight, falling over in pain and seemingly passing out."

Now with Subaru and the Old giant out of the way, it was just. . .the half-elf vs the Bowel Hunter.

"Now it's just you and me elf girl. Will you be able to keep me entertained as well I wonder?~"

Elsa asked as she licked her lips.

'With Puck not being able to come out. . .It'll be tricky fighting offensively. . .I'll need to hold her off until help arrives.'

The half-elf immediately formed a whole bunch of ice shields surrounding her as Elsa charged forward. Hacking and slashing at the shields of ice. Whenever the Bowel Hunter managed to destroy one of the shields, the half-elf would immediately make a new one or shoot out an icicle to fend her off.

It was rinse and repeat.

But even then, Elsa still managed to leave small gashes on the half-elf as it looked like she was getting exhausted. Because of this, it was gradually getting more easy for Elsa to land more blows on her.

Before long, the elf was covered in cuts, bleeding all over, and now, she was resting on one of her knees.

Panting from exhaustion while Elsa licked her lips. At this point in time, Subaru had already passed out from mental exhaustion.

"Well, it seems our little game has come to an end. I'll make sure to send you to the angels!~"

Elsa stated with a sickening smile as she got ready to cut down the half-elf kneeling in front of her. And she would have killed her if it weren't for the ceiling breaking out of nowhere and causing a dust explosion.

"It seems I've made it just in time. Are you alright, Emilia-sama?"

Standing in the dust, was a man with bright red hair, blue eyes, and wore a white and black uniform. This man, was none other than Reinhardt Van Astrea; the Sword Saint.

"I-I'm fine Reinhardt. But it's these two I'm more worried about."

Emilia replied as she began to heal herself before going to the old man and started to heal the wound the bowel hunter gave him.

While this was going on, Reinhardt spoke with Elsa, asking her to turn herself in as he'd rather not hit a woman. But she simply denied the offer. She tried to attack the Sword Saint, but she was easily disarmed. But that didn't mean she was going to give up. She'd use whatever the hell she could find in order to fight. If it was shattered glass then so be it. If it was some random knife, then so be it.

And that's exactly what happened, Elsa would grab anything she'd find to clash blows with Reinhardt. Because of this, the sounds from their little exchange managed to wake Subaru up from his little nap.

By the time he came to, Reinhardt was already getting ready to use the random sword he grabbed and covered it with mana. He then swung the sword horizontally as it quite literally destroyed anything in it's path.

The woman was nowhere to be found.

"Holy shit..."

Subaru uttered in stunned silence.

"Subaru! You're awake!"

Emilia ran up to Subaru with a look of relief on her face.

"I was so worried for you after you passed out. I wanted to make sure you were alright but I was occupied with that woman!"

Emilia explained as she checked Subaru all over.

"I-I'm fine. But more importantly where's the blond kid and the old man?"

Subaru asked as Emilia simply pointed at them and Subaru followed.

Old man Rom was currently unconscious while Felt hugged his unconscious form. Saying how sorry she was for practically causing the situation to happen in the first place.

"Well at least they're both alright. More importantly, who's the redhead?"

Subaru gestured toward Reinhardt's direction as he approached Subaru and Emilia after knocking out the blond thief. Apparently, something happened that was pretty important, so important that he had to knock her out as he grabbed Emilia's insignia and gave it back to her as he introduced himself.

"My name is Reinhard Van Astrea. I was currently off duty but when I saw that blond girl screaming for help, I made my way over here."

"Well it's a good thing you did. Otherwise things would've been worse."

Subaru stated as he hears the knight's explanation.

"I'm Subaru Natsuki by the way. It's nice to meet you Reinhardt."

Subaru stated as he placed his hand out.

"The pleasure is all mine Subaru."

Reinhardt smiled as he shook Subaru's hand.

As the two conversed and got to know eachother. Subaru heard something. It was faint but he could still hear the footsteps approaching. When he turned his head in the direction the sound was coming from, he saw that it was Elsa. She had her weapon in hand and was making her way toward Emilia, intending on cutting her down.

'Shit! She's aiming for the gut!'

With quick thinking, Subaru managed to get in the way as Elsa swung her knife and it broke upon contact....again.

And before she could react, Subaru punched her with enough force to send her skidding across the floor.

As she struggled to get up due to the initial blow. She looked at Subaru, gritted her teeth, and only said one and one thing only.

"I will be back, so take good care of your bowels until then."

With that, she made her escape.

"Well that's over. I honestly wasn't expecting her to come back from all of that."

Subaru stated.

"Indeed, though I am surprised her knife didn't cut through you. Are you a demihuman perhaps?"

Reinhardt asked.

"Oh no no! I'm just very durable. That's all."

Subaru stated as he rubbed his head a bit.

"More importantly, are you alright Emilia? I overheard Reinhardt calling you that earlier. So I assume that you lied about your name earlier."

Emilia looked down in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry for lying about my name earlier...I just didn't want to bring you into my problems is all."

"Don't worry about it. I'm not going to blame you for that. Besides, things could've been much worse if it had gone any differently right?"

"I suppose...but you did save my life. So I need to repay you! Whatever is in my power, I'll do it!"

Emilia reassured the young Viltrumite.

"Um...I suppose I do need a place to stay. I'm kinda homeless at the moment."

Subaru flung his bag over his shoulder as he said this.

"So if it's not too much trouble for you, would it be alright if I stayed with you?"

"Of course! It's no problem at all Subaru."

Emilia smiled at him and Subaru smiled back.

He'd finally get to rest after such a long day.

While this was happening, Reinhardt was carrying Felt as he looked at the full moon.

He had a feeling this would be the last time he'd ever get to look up at the moon peacefully like this...


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