Chapter 1. This Is Just a Dream...Right?
It was currently raining in the city...pretty ironic for the current circumstances. We can see a boy around the age of seventeen. He had a bag slung on his back and sharp looking eyes, his hair was pitch black, and from the looks of it, he looked...sad. Depressed even. As if he had seen things that he'd rather not talk about.
And he looked like he hasn't gotten any sleep either. Considering what had recently happened, no one could really blame him. He was currently waiting in line to pay for some snacks that he bought.
He bought a few drinks, some chips, and two cups of ramen. After all, he had the money thanks to the pay he got back when he worked as the hero known as "Unbreakable".
As the name suggest, his name was meant to reference his sheer invulnerability as to also spread hope to those he wanted to save. That no matter how bad things have gotten there was still hope.
Subaru chuckled bitterly to himself.
"How ironic...I don't deserve that hero name. I'm no damn hero."
Subaru whispered to himself as he was now outside the convenience store. He wasn't planning on going back home, after all he had a big argument with his parents or mainly, his father.
He figured he could crash at Eve's place for the time being, after all, he wanted to forget and leave his life as a superhero behind, and just live a quiet normal life. When he told Cecil about it, he wasn't really happy at first, but understood.
Subaru told him that when he was in a better place mentally then he would consider it. But for now...
"I...I just can't right now."
As Subaru was about to walk off and go somewhere discreet so he could fly to Eve's place, he stopped in place. A deep chill ran down his spine as he quickly looked around.
He felt as if something or someone was watching him or better yet...trying to get their grasp on him.
". . .I guess spending all night in my room playing video games would make anyone start seeing things."
Subaru stated as he began to rub his eyes.
He blinked.
And for a second he could've thought that he was in a completely different place. Only for a second though.
He blinked again.
His eyes began to adjust to the sudden light before he was revealed to be...
In a completely different place.
"...What the hell?"
Was all the Viltrumite could utter. He was in a medieval looking town of sorts. And animal people were walking around, there were also carriages being drawn by...giant lizards?!
Subaru was processing this while thoughts were running through his head.
'What the hell is this? Where am I? Did I just get summoned to another world or something? Is this a dream? This has got to be a dream!'
It just couldn't be possible. These kinds of things were only things in light novels...anime of the isekai genre. There's no way all of this was real...right?
Subaru pinched himself to make sure he wasn't tripping.
"Nope. I'm not dreaming, oh god. I've been summoned to another world!"
Subaru exclaimed as he looked around, taking in the view as he sat on the fountain to make sure he had everything that he took with him when he...ran away from home.
After confirming that he indeed had his belongings on him. He got up and began walking around.
"From the looks of things, I can come to the conclusion that magic indeed does exist here, and the era here is medieval, since there is no service here at all. And finally, demihumans exist, this is...pretty cool but also concerning."
Subaru recalled his last talk with his parents not ending well. He also began to wonder, was he reported missing? If so then that would mean, his parents, Mark, Cecil, and possibly the rest of the heroes we're looking for him...
Though he wouldn't count Rexsplode. The guy was an ass. Plain and simple. As Subaru continued walking he pondered to himself again.
'I would go around using my powers to make things more quick but...'
He had a flashback to a memory he'd rather forget.
'I don't wanna get anyone else hurt because of monster like me...'
He thought to himself grimly.
"The best I can do is walk around and ask for help or instructions on where I am. And maybe I-!"
The retired hero was cut off from a few screams. Being confused, the turned towards the source of those screams, and his face soon turned to alarm as he saw what the people around him were screaming about.
There was child in the middle of the road, curled up like a ball. And what made it worse was the fact that a dragon drawn carriage was heading right towards the child. At this rate the child would be ran over if no one did something about it.
'This...isn't my problem. I'm sure someone else will come in and save that kid.'
Subaru thought to himself as the carriage was getting closer and closer to the child.
The carriage kept approaching, no signs of stopping anytime soon.
Before Subaru knew it, his body moved on his own. In the blink of an eye, he ran towards the child and moved out of the way. Of course to everyone else, he was a blur.
As the carriage passed by, the crowd soon started cheering for Subaru saving the kid. While this happened, he made sure the child was alright.
"Are...Are you alright? Nothing broken?"
"N-No, I'm fine. Thanks for saving me mister."
The child replied with a small smile of gratitude.
"Don't...don't mention it. And next time, stay out of the road alright? Otherwise you'll get ran over, that kind of stuff is dangerous."
As the boy nodded at Subaru's words, Subaru made his way out of there and soon found his way into an alleyway.
"Why did I save that child? I told myself that I was done with this hero stuff, so why did I...oh..."
Subaru realized it almost immediately.
"Whenever I see someone that's in danger, I can't fight the urge to help them or save them. Just like body moved on it's own...though I guess in reality I'm no hero...I'm just a monster in a hero's disguise."
He looked at his hands and quickly shook his head. He'd rather not think about that incident...that incident where he and Mark found out the truth about themselves and their true purpose. He had no right to even carry his suit in his bag at all.
He sighed.
"I might as well get back to doing what I was doing earlier. Walking around and gathering info."
Subaru turned around as he was about to leave the alleyway, but a voice stopped him from doing so.
"Hey! Hey! What do we have here?"
One voice snickered.
"He looks like a nobleman. He must have something worth a lot on him!"
Another made itself known.
"He's easy pickings. This should be easy."
(Heh. Sure buddy.)
'Great...robbers. Nothing new, just the average crook of the week.'
Subaru thought to himself as he turned to see three individuals. For starters, there was a very big dude, a skinny dude, and a short dude with a bob cut.
Subaru looked at them unimpressed.
"Can I help you or...?"
"Yeah! Give us everything you own, and we'll let you go!"
The skinny one exclaimed.
As Subaru contemplated this for a few seconds, he came to his conclusion.
"Sorry, I can't do that."
The trio of thugs became outraged as the short one began ranting.
"Who do you think you are?! Do you even realize your situation?! It's one against three!"
"...Fine then. If that's how you want to do it."
Subaru placed down his bag of items he bought from the store earlier and stood there. Silently challenging one of them to attack him.
And unfortunately for one of them, the big guy was one stupid enough to attack. He started running towards the teen.
"Don't forget you brought this on yourself!"
He exclaimed as he reeled his fist back and launched it toward Subaru. Landing a solid punch on the boy's cheek.
". . ."
Nothing but complete silence.
Everything looked fine until...
"Ah...Ah...AGHHH! SHIT!"
The big guy suddenly clutched his arm in pain as he fell to his knees. He was breathing heavily as if trying his best to reduce the pain.
Meanwhile, the other two looked shocked. The strongest one of them...was grabbing his hand in pain as if he was hurt from this week looking boy.
"What's wrong. Weren't you going to hit me?"
The cold voice of the boy brought them out of their thoughts. All three of them feeling uneasy.
Subaru looked down at the big guy.
"Come on. Hit me. Again."
Subaru once again challenged.
"Tch...! You little shit!"
The big guy reeled back his arm that wasn't hurting, and threw a punch towards Subaru stomach. But that didn't really make anything better for the man.
With both hands being possibly broken, he had no means to defend himself, as he looked up towards Subaru's dark, cold, pitch black, eyes, he felt like he was nothing more than prey being looked down upon by a predator looking for its next meal.
The big guy began to shake.
"Come on. Hit me."
He began to breathe more as his heart rate increased.
"Hit. Me. Again. COME ON!"
Subaru demanded.
"I-I'm sorry! W-We were trying to rob you! W-W-We'll leave you alone, just let us go!"
The big guy begged as he was sweating buckets.
". . .Sure. Just leave me alone and get out of my sight."
All three of them agreed, as the two thugs picked up their injured friend and left the alleyway, leaving Subaru there by himself once again.
"Finally, I can go back to thinking about what my next move should be. This is a fantasy world, so maybe the very concept of what a 'Superhero' is doesn't exist. If that's the case then I need to figure out how to make a living and get a place to live in. That way, I can live a peaceful life without having to deal with any-!"
"Hey! Move out of the way!"
Subaru was interrupted from talking to himself as he barely managed to dodge a child with blond hair, she had red ruby eyes, wore a brown coat and black leggings with a red scarf, and she overall...looked like a thief.
But what surprised Subaru was how she instantly picked up her speed and was already platforming between the walls to make her way onto the roof.
'Super speed? So super powers might exist here as well? But then again, it is a fantasy world.'
Subaru also realized that the girl seemed to be in a hurry. Since she looked like a thief, she probably stole something.
"I should probably go find an adventurer's guild or something like that. I don't wanna but hey, how else am I supposed to afford a room at an inn I doubt Global Defense Agency heroes get any special treatment here."
Well whatever, it wasn't Subaru's problem to begin with. He was retired from the hero business, he was done with that kind of stuff.
But it looked like fate had other plans for him.
Because shortly after he picked up his things and turned around to start walking out the alleyway, another girl ran in right past him, and he noted that she also looked like she was in a hurry.
Damn, was he that unnoticeable? Well, once again. It was not his problem to deal with.
But he soon stopped as he heard her speak.
"Where did she go?!"
'What's her problem?'
Subaru thought to himself.
"I...I can't believe it got stolen! That insignia is very important to me and without it I...!"
While she went on her own rant without even noticing Subaru standing there, he began thinking to himself.
As if he was having an inner battle with himself.
'Subaru Natsuki, don't even think about it. If you just walk away now, you can just let it be her problem! Besides, why should I help her when I'm retired? I don't need to do anything.'
Even with these thoughts, the urge to just help was too strong.
"I can't believe I lost it on my first day! If Roswaal hears about this, he'll be greatly disappointed!"
'It isn't my problem! It isn't my problem!'
"At this rate, I might be kicked out of the selection...! And I won't be able to-!"
"Ah god damn it!"
The girl turned around to see Subaru, who slowly turned around to look at her. Meanwhile, Subaru was clearly annoyed with himself for not being able to leave well enough alone. But he also noticed the features the girl had, like her silver hair, her amethyst eyes, her pointy ears-! Wait a second, pointy ears? Elves exist here? What's next? Do demons exist in this weird world as well?
"What's wrong ma'am? I couldn't help but notice your clear state of distress..."
" didn't happen to see someone run past here a few moments ago have you?"
The girl asked the boy.
'Ah...I get it now.'
That thief must've been the one that stole something from this girls standing before him.
"Yeah, did this thief have blond hair, red eyes, wore a brown jacket and a red scarf? And also, black leggings by any chance?"
Subaru asked while he described the appearance of the thief. At his description, the girl's eyes widened as she nodded.
"Do you know where she went by any chance?!"
Subaru nodded at the question.
"Yeah, she ran up those walls and just kept running in that direction."
With that one answer alone, she bolted past him and towards the exit of the alleyway, not before thanking him.
"Hey! Wait a second!"
The girl stopped as Subaru exclaimed.
"If you want, I can help you. If you want me to help that is."
The girl stood there, pondering over the words. She looked...hesitant at first, but she soon nodded her head in agreement.
"Alright then, do you have any idea on what we should do first?"
Subaru nodded at the question.
"Usually, when it comes to things like these, the best course of action would be to go and gather info. So what about we split up and meet back here after we gathered info?"
"Hmmmm....that sounds like a reasonable plan. Alright let's do it...ummm....?"
"My name. Natsuki Subaru."
Subaru introduced himself.
"I see, thank you for helping me Subaru, I'll be sure to meet you back here after we gathered information."
With that, the girl left the alleyway.
"Ok...let's get this over with."
Subaru crouched down and suddenly sprung high into the air, making sure to hold back a lot in order not to cause too much destruction as he took off into the air.
If someone were to see him right now, they'd think Subaru was using magic.
"Now let's see here...that thief looked like someone you'd fine in a place where unfortunate people would go. The kinds of people you'd find on the streets. Now if I can just see where that kind of area is located here then maybe this shouldn't take as long."
As Subaru secretly used his powers to make things quicker and easier for himself and the girl he was helping, he did manage to see an area that looked pretty wore down.
A good place for people less fortunate than others to reside in a world like this. Confirming that he had a lead, he flew back down gently enough to not cause a scene, and simply waited for the silver-haired girl to comeback.
He just spent that time playing some games on his phone until he heard that familiar voice again.
"Hm? Ah, you made it. So you found any info?"
"Y-Yes, we have a lead. And we have the name of the thief."
The girl explained.
"Oh really? What's the thief's name?"
The boy asked.
"Her name is Felt, and she's currently at the slums, from what that appa seller told me."
"The slums huh? Seems I was right to assume to check there first after all. She looked like she came from a place like that."
Subaru explained to the girl before moving on.
"Shall we get going then? Before that badge of yours gets sold?"
Subaru began walking with the girl following close behind him.
"Y-Yes! Let's hurry up and get my insignia back!"
The duo made their way towards the slums, making small talk and whatnot. By the time they actually got there, the sun was setting. The general area looked gloomy, void of light. Subaru looked around and noticed how there were children that looked like they haven't eaten in god knows how long. And to make it even worst, there were dead bodies already in the process of decaying.
Was all he could utter.
Why didn't they have any homeless shelters for these people? In fact, who in the hell ran this damn country and decided to leave these kind of things unattended? Now that he thought about it, when he looked at the girl he was helping, she looked filthy rich!
'It's no wonder she had something stolen from her, when it comes to things down here, it's do or die because this country is to lazy on their ass to do anything about it...!'
As he watched the girl talk to one person who actually gave her directions to where Felt was currently located, Subaru muttered something to himself.
"No one...No one should live in such a shitty environment such as this."
With a hardened glare and fist clenched, Subaru told himself that one way or another, he was going to figure out a way to help these people...even though there was a part of him that didn't want to do it.
Now, the two were standing in front of a house or from what the man said, "Old Man Rom's Loothouse".
"I still don't understand why I have to trade for something that was stolen from me."
The girl huffed in annoyance.
"Well don't worry about that, the least possible way this could end up is in some all out brawl. Hopefully, they can give it up without much resistance."
Or so he hoped.
As Subaru knocked on the door. He heard a voice from the other side.
"Oh! That must be for me!"
Now they heard footsteps approaching closer and closer to the other side of the door. And it opened to reveal that blond girl Subaru saw earlier.
And when the blond girl saw the duo, her eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
"Wha-?! How did find me?!"
The thief exclaimed.
"Don't worry about that, now..."
Out of nowhere, icicles spawned into the air. And they were all pointing towards the blond and this...old giant?
"You have something that belongs to me."
The silver-haired girl said with a tone of authority. Meanwhile Subaru just stood there, looking around the place. Of course, he was on guard. But man, this wasn't how he was expecting his day to turn out.
'I really have my work cut out for me...'
Subaru thought to himself as he sweat dropped. This was going to be a long day. That is, if nothing else were to happen, then things could end off as peaceful as possible....
But we all know fate isn't so merciful right...?
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