Chapter 7: Making an entrance
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Subaru is currently flying the Acadia class jumpship for the Cosmodrome with Shane and Dink playing music to pass the time.
Shane-0: "Hey fearless leader what's taking us so long?"
Subaru: "Needing to fly in atmosphere for starters and my inexperience as a pilot showing."
Alavaerum: "I could take the helm."
Subaru: "No Al I got this. I won't learn if I don't do it myself."
Rem: "You really haven't changed much since I last saw you Subaru-kun?"
Subaru: "I've been meaning to ask, what was I like before?"
Rem: "At first Subaru-kun was immature, brash, and very naive. You used to envy Autumn-kun because of his powers but soon you grew and matured without you neither the White whale or the great rabbit would've been defeated and the archbishop of sloth still would've terrorized the land of Lugunica had you and Autumn not laid a trap."
Emilia: "That sounds...familiar."
Subaru: "I'm flattered you think so highly of me Rem. So how did you come to see me like this?"
Rem: "Even when you weren't as mature as you are now you were still a hero you saved my life from a pack of Mabeasts and even later you saved me from some Vex goblins."
Subaru: "What's a Vex?"
Alavaerum: "Time traveling killer robots bent on exterminating all life across all timelines."
Subaru: "They sound pleasant."
Shane-0: "Are we there yet?"
Subaru: "Actually good timing we just arrived at the drop zone only one problem looks like the transmat zone is down."
(Stop the music)
Emilia: "What does that mean."
Subaru: "Al set the ship to autopilot."
Alavaerum: "What are you planning?"
Subaru: "Something stupid. Everyone grab a parachute."
Shane-0: "He's not actually gonna do what I think he's implying is he?"
Rem: "My Subaru-kun you've gotten bold."
Subaru: "Well these are dark times and a little boldness could go a long way. Al hit the music."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Play this)
Subaru pulls a leaver while Emilia, Shane, and Rem get their parachutes on.
Shane-0: "Do we have to do this so high up!?"
Emilia: "Don't you need a parachute too?"
Subaru: "Don't worry I got that covered."
Subaru's fist crackles with arc light.
Shane-0: "You know this is insane right!?"
Subaru: "We're guardians Shane we can't die. Now let's make an entrance!"
Subaru jumps out of the jumpship skydiving to the cosmodrome with Emilia not far behind him.
Shane-0: "You know what I think I'm just gonna stay on the ship and-!"
Rem pushes Shane out of the jumpship with the Exo hunter screaming like a little girl before jumping out herself.
Emilia: "So what's the plan after this!?"
Subaru: "Al you picking anything up?"
Alavaerum: "A lot of fallen chatter if I had to guess they've taken the transmat zone."
Subaru: "Then let's take it back."
Shane is currently flailing around wildly while screaming.
Shane-0: "I hate all of this so much!"
Subaru: "Are you afraid of heights or something?"
Shane-0: "No! I'm terrified of peacocks! Of course I'm afraid of heights asshole!"
Below the group sees what appears to be a whole lot of Fallen with what appears to be a cross between a spider and a tank.
Shane-0: "What's your plan for that fearless leader!?"
Subaru: "Simple. A grand entrance."
Subaru crackles with arc light as he casts fists of havoc falling to the ground like a meteor made of lightning.
Meanwhile on the ground we see two fallen Dregs standing around not doing anything.
Dreg 1: "Hey?"
Dreg 2: "Yeah?"
Dreg 1: "You ever wonder why we're here?"
Dreg 2: "It is one of life's greatest mysteries. What is our purpose for existing? Does the great machine have some grand plan for us? Is there just nothing? I don't know but certainly keeps me up at night."
Dreg 1: "What? No. I meant why are we here in the middle of nowhere? There aren't even that many humans or lightbearers out here it's making me stir crazy."
Dreg 2: "Oh well in that case I have no idea. Apparently the Archon is interested in something. The hell is that music?"
Suddenly they see a ball of lightning falling down at high speeds towards the spider tank.
"You've been..."
The ball of lightning then collides and goes through the spider tank destroying it with ease.
Dregs: "SON OF A BITCH!"
The dregs run for it as Emilia lands with her parachute as does Rem while Shane was too slow to pull his cord and ended up hitting the ground at terminal velocity.
Dink: "Guardian down!"
Dink quickly revives Shane.
Shane-0: "Never! Do that again!"
Rem: "Shane you're an immortal guardian don't be such a big baby."
Subaru: "Alright let's fix up the transmat zone real quick and get a move on."
Emilia pulls out a small device from a satchel on her side which transforms into a transmat beacon which she plans in the ground.
Emilia: "Transmat zone ready to go."
Subaru: "Alright now we can look for that jump drive. Al you know where it is?"
Alavaerum pops out.
Alavaerum: "There's a ship graveyard close by that should have what we're looking for."
Shane-0: "So gotta ask why isn't Beatrice with us? Isn't she sort of your little sister?"
Subaru: "Beako had some errands to run back in the city she did say she'll join us next time though but for now we're on our own. Now let's get a move on."
A few minutes later the team are scanning the wreckage of various wrecked jumpships.
Shane-0: "Scraped."
Emilia: "Already taken."
Subaru: "and this one is leaking. We're gonna have to keep looking."
Rem: "Actually I heard some Fallen chatter about there being an Archon in the area."
Subaru: "What's an Archon?"
Emilia's ghost Puck floats over to Subaru.
Puck: "Oh you know. Fallen top brass. They're big, powerful, intelligent, and really dangerous. They also tend to be important figures on Fallen Ketches."
Emilia: "Ketches have a tendency to have unreliable jump drives barring Ketches owned by Kells or Barons so this Archon may be trying to replace his ship's jump drive."
Subaru: "Makes sense. Al can you locate the Archon?"
Alavaerum: "You're not actually going to pick a fight with an Archon are you?"
Subaru: "You tell me."
Alavaerum: "Fine. Slicing communications now."
Alavaerum scans the Fallen's comms for any information regarding the Archon's location.
Alavaerum: "Looks like we're heading back to where we first found our ship. The Archon is there along with his hoard."
Subaru: "Rodger that. Fireteam Nikke let's move out."
Subaru and his fireteam move out however in the distance they are observed by a mysterious individual wearing a cloak.
???: "So you've been reborn Subaru. Let's hope you'll be able to make a difference this time."
(And there we go hope you guys enjoy this chapter I hope to make the next one longer and I'll see you all later.)
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