Chapter 6: old friends

It has been about a week since Subaru and his fireteam have trained with Shaxx and have now armored up and are preparing for a salvage mission in the Cosmodrome.

(To give you an idea what they look like)

Subaru and Shane are hanging out in the tower. Subaru is waiting for his ship's repairs to be finished when suddenly...

???: "Capn'!?"

(The only thing different is Garfiel is wearing the Lucky Pants)

Subaru: "Uh, do I know you?"

???: "Capn' it's me Garfiel! You're back!"

Garfiel tackles Subaru actually knocking Subaru off his feet and surprising him.

Subaru: "Wow, you're stronger than you look."

Shane-0: "Uh what's with the pants?"

Shane gestures to Garfiel's pants.

Garfiel: "Oh these are just lucky pants.  Cayde gave em to me told me they were definitely not illegal."

Subaru: 'Something tells me otherwise.'

Shane-0: "I will admit those are nice pants."

Garfiel: "I gotta tell Frederica!  And Otto!  And Petra!"

Subaru: "Did I know these people?"

Garfiel: "That's right!  I forgot you don't remember us because of your lightbulb thing."

Alavaerum materializes.

Alavaerum: "I am not a light bulb!  I hated when Ram called me that."

Garfiel: "I know we should go find big bro Autumn he'll be through the roof to see you back!"

Subaru: "Autumn?"

Garfiel: "Yeah big bro Autumn! He left for Venus a few days ago said he needed to meet some Exo Stranger."

Subaru: "That doesn't answer anything."

Garfiel: "I know and when I asked em' all he said was 'I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain' really pissed me off."

???: "Garfiel!"

A pink haired girl who looks almost completely identical to Rem walks up to Garfiel looking very angry.

Garfiel: "R-Ram! I-I'm sorry I was just about to talk to Amanda about getting a ship to get to the ED-!"

Ram: "You've been keeping Boon waiting for two weeks!"

Garfiel: "My ship got shot down by a skiff and I lost most of my salary thanks to Cayde pushing me into a crucible bet!"

Ram: "Then you're an idiot for taking a bet against a professional gambler like Cayde.  And who are-?"

Ram looks at Subaru and goes wide eyed.

Ram: "Barusu!?"

Subaru: "Uh, it's Subaru."

Ram: "Barusu."

Subaru: "Suuuubaaaruuu."

Ram: "Baaarrrruuussssuuu."

Shane-0: "I think she's teasing you."

Subaru: "Thanks captain obvious."

Ram: "Garfiel why wasn't I told about Barusu being back?"

Garfiel: "I didn't know!  You should ask the gravedigger who found him."

Ram: "And who is that."

???: "That would be me, sister!"

Subaru's face became flushed seeing Rem now in her casual wear while Ram was stunned.

Ram: "Sister?  Why didn't you tell me?"

Rem: "I wanted to keep it a surprise I haven't told anyone yet I wanted to surprise everyone so think you can keep it a secret.  Please."

Rem put on her best begging face a face that Ram could never resist ever since they were children.

Ram: "Fine I won't say anything for now.  And Garfiel that goes for you too."

Garfiel: "Yes Ma'am!"

Ram: "And as for you Barusu.  You had better take responsibility for the turmoil you put my little sister through thanks to you being an idiot and getting yourself killed."

Subaru: "Uh, okay?"

Ram: "And if you make my sister cry a second time I'll kill you myself."

Normally Subaru a Titan who now stood a whole foot taller than the pink haired girl probably would've laughed at the threat but something in him was telling him it was a bad idea.

Subaru: "Loud and clear. Anyway me and Shane have to go scavenging in the Cosmodrome for a jump drive so I guess I'll catch you-."

Rem: "I can help, Amanda gave me some pointers about scavenging parts from jumpships."

Shane-0: "What do you know about jumpships?"

Rem: "I know you won't be able to make it past the moon without a proper NLS drive. You probably don't even know what one looks like let alone how to install one."

Shane-0: "Fair enough."

Emilia walks onto the scene now in her new robes carrying a whole shopping cart full of guns.

Emilia: "Ikora lent me some funds to give us a little extra firepower. I got a new auto rifle, shotgun, and rocket launcher for Subaru straight from the gunsmith. For you Shane I got a new handcannon, sniper, and sword. And for myself I got a new pulse rifle, fusion rifle, and machine gun."

Shane-0: "Ya really didn't need to go shoppin' for us you know that right?"

Dink materializes and smacks Shane in the side of his face.

Dink: "Be grateful it's free guns."

Subaru: "Thanks Emi you're a life saver. I've been meaning to get an upgrade to my arsenal."

Emilia: "It's nothing I'm just trying to help out my new team."

Rem can't help but stare at Emilia and Subaru and pout a little.

Subaru: "What's with that face?"

Rem: "It's nothing."

Emilia: "Wait are you upset I didn't get you anything? I'm such an idiot please don't hate me!"

Rem: "No it's not that really it's nothing besides I prefer my morningstar over a gun."

Subaru: "Alright with that settled let's mount up in the ship there should be enough room. This is our first actual mission as guardians and with that comes a chance to prove ourselves. Now follow me!"

Subaru starts walking to a different part of the hanger.

Ram: "Your ship is the other way idiot."

Subaru: "I know that now!"

Subaru and his fireteam board the Arcadia class jumpship which has now been repaired with Subaru now in the pilot's seat.

Shane-0: "You know how to fly this thing right?"

Subaru: "Al has been giving me pointers don't worry."

Shane-0: "Pointers aren't the same thing as knowing how to fly!"

Rem: "Relax Shane have faith in Subaru-kun."

Shane-0: "What did he do to make you ride his meat so hard? He'll more than likely cause us to crash and let us down."

Rem smiles for a second before punching Shane in the face.

Dink: "Guardian down!"

Dink quickly revives Shane.

Shane-0: "Message received."

The engines of the Arcadia class jumpship roar to life as the ship blasts out of the tower hanger and off into the horizon.

(And that's chapter 6 next chapter will be a lot more action heavy so I plan on making it a bit longer also check out weeeeee1437 he also does some fun destiny related stories and soon we'll be collaborating with a prequel story set in the same universe anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I'll catch you all later.)

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