Welcome to Lugunica!

As Subaru stood above the building, examining the unfamiliar town he was in. He had many questions running through his mind.

'Ok! What the actual hell?! Did I time travel to this medieval era because of that machine?! Was I the only one that was flung here?! Is this another world entirely separate from Earth?! Am I the only one here?! Who was that cloaked woman?!'

Subaru was currently panicking. This had to be by far the weirdest thing that has happened to him! He has experienced and seen weird shit before, but this had to be the weirdest.

"Ok...Ok...lets all come down Subaru. You were fighting that Prowler guy...and you were about to fight Kingpin until that all happened...maybe I was flung to a different universe or something?! I mean, it wouldn't too far fetched but-!"

Subaru was interrupted as he was processing his current situation.

"It appears to be the case Subaru."


"Yes. I am Eve, your loyal A.I ."

Subaru quickly pulled up a hologram of Eve on his wrist.

She had white hair with a black highlight in the middle of it. She also wore a pair of white clothes and a black pair of leggings. And to finish it off,  she wore a white pair of shoes and wore a black piece of goggles with two white dots to serve as her eyes, of course, she could take it off whenever she wanted. After all, she was sentient.

(If you know you know)

"Did you manage to collect any data on that machine before we were flung all the way...here?"

Subaru asked his A.I. companion.

"Yes. While you were in the middle of fighting the "Prowler", I was collecting data."

"Oooook? And what did you find?"

Subaru asked rather frantically.

"I discovered that the machine is called the collider."


Subaru tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes. The Super Collider is a particle collider designed to bridge the gap between dimensions, with the ulterior goal of pulling people or things from a different dimension, into their own."

Eve stated as Subaru looked shocked beyond belief.

Different dimensions? Seriously? What was Kingpin hoping to succeed in trying to mess with dimensional travel?

"But due to circumstances, the machine blew up. As a result, it must have flung you and Prowler to this world."

"So you think it's a different dimension we were sent to?"

"That's the theory at best."

Eve concluded.

"I...I see..."

If that's the case then he needed to find a way back home ASAP. What would his mom say? How would she feel? Knowing that her only son suddenly went "missing" out of nowhere? It would break her, especially since his father is...in a better place.

She...She...She was...

"All alone..."

Subaru muttered as he thought of his mother.

"Alright, let's see what we can do here. We need to find any materials necessary to make some sort of...dimension hopping device of sorts. And we need to make a hard drive. I have a feeling I wasn't the only one brought here. So if that's the case, then we need to get a move on."

Subaru stated as Eve nodded her head.

"Understood Subaru."

Eve replied as the hologram turned off. Subaru smiled a bit before taking off his mask and hood. He was already wearing his jacket and some pants to go with it while wearing his spider suit. So he didn't really need to worry about attracting too much attention.

"Well, let's do some information gathering."

Subaru stated as he jumped off the building he was standing on and landed back in the alleyway as he took a peek out of the alleyway to see if anyone was near or watching.

(Credit goes to MattBoy52 👌🏾)

"Ok, walking out in the open like this is definitely a no go. I just need to take off my mask and walk out there. After all, I have a jacket to cover my upper body and some shorts to put on as well. So I should be fine."

Normally, Subaru would change out of his suit and into a pair of comfortable clothes, but by theory, this was another universe or another world in general. So the concept of "Spider-Man" probably didn't exist.

As Subaru took off his mask and put on his heavy jacket and zipped it up. He soon walked out into the open, as he received stares from other people. He noted that some people had animal ears and tails while others looked like normal humans. There were carriages being pulled by grown ass lizards and overall, things looked pretty medieval.

As Subaru continued walking, minding his own business. He came across an apple stand.

'They have apples here? Well that means that there are some similarities between earth and this world.'

Subaru thought to himself as he asked the man running the apple stand a question.

"Hey, what are these?"

"Those are appas."

'Appas? They aren't called apples? That's weird...'

Subaru thought to himself as the appa guy asked the young web slinger a question.

"Hey, are you foreigner? I never seen clothes in these parts before."

"Huh? Oh! Yes! I'm pretty far from home. You know, just exploring and all."

Subaru explained as the man nodded his head.

"Anyway, do you think you can explain to me where exactly I am?"

Subaru asked the man as the man himself looked at Subaru as if he grew a second head, but he complied with his request as he explained.

"You're in the capital of Lugunica kid."

"Capital of...Lugunica?"

Subaru asked in mild confusion. He never heard of such a place.

"Yeah. And currently you're in the third district, which is dedicated towards economic and commercial purposes."

The appa man explained.

"Ah...I get it now."

Subaru nodded his head at the information, getting an understanding of where he was now. He was flung into another world.

"Thank you sir, I'll be sure to pay you back one day. I don't have any money to buy any of your apples-! I mean, Appas!"

Subaru said as he walked off.

"It's fine broke kid. Just come back with a job next time!"

And with that, the conversation ended between the two. As Subaru continued his information gathering, he ended up walking into a demihuman bar where the one of the demihumans tried scratching Subaru. But the boy dodged and nearly broke the demihuman's arm. Only in self defense of course.

He also nearly walked into the women's restroom at one point. And he had trouble reading the writing as well.

And now currently, Subaru was sitting in another alleyway, his bag in tow.

"Jeez, just what is up with this world? I mean, I know it's not Earth but this is just too crazy! I nearly walked into the women's restroom!"

"Well on the bright side, you won't have to worry about being seen as a sexual deviant, since you didn't really see anything."

Eve stated.

"That's not helping!"

Subaru continued.

"Anyway, how is the Iron Spider? Is it fine?"

"Yes, everything is still intact. The iron spider limbs and the circuitry function normally."

"Alright, that's good. Now we just need to-!"

As Subaru turned around, he came across a pair of three figures standing before him.

"About damn time you turned around, you done talking to yourself?"

A lanky man around his height snickered. He had chains all over his body, and he had an unkept grayish blue hair and he looked like he came straight out of prison. Standing beside him on both sides was a rather short, bowl cut haired man with deep bags under his eyes and an unfriendly smile and a large, purple haired tanned man with a face of few friends.

The trio in general, was blocking the path out of the alleyway, looking very pleased with what looked like a rather easy target.

"If you don't wanna get hurt, cough up everything you got!"

They demanded as they still snickered at the boy. Subaru himself was rather calm, as these guys were just small stepping stones to him. During his 4 months of being Spider-Man, he has learned how to fight and handle these kinds of situations. To him, these guys were just the average villain of the week. Nothing special.

But even then, it wouldn't hurt to at least give them a chance to walk away without getting a beating.

"Ok look,  I'm sorry but I've been through a lot recently. And I mean A LOT. So if you could just move out of my way and you know. . .let me leave the alleyway, then it would be much appreciated-!"

"You don't understand the position you're in do ya?!"

The lanky man yelled as he pulled out two daggers from behind him. The other two thugs grabbed weapons of their own due to this.

"It seems no matter what world or dimension or wherever I'm in. I can't catch a break it seems."

Subaru had a defeated smile as he said this and braced himself. He gave them a chance and they didn't heed his warnings. So any damage they were about suffer wasn't going to be his fault.

As he was about to jump forward, his spider-sense tingled, alarming of him of what was coming as he quickly turned around and looked at his bag.

"Move it!"

A little girl with blond hair and red eyes was running in his general direction. He has seen these kinds of things before, it was a hit and run. She was probably trying to steal his bag or whatever he had on him. Probably his web shooters.

The boy simply dodged while grabbing his bag as he moved out of the way. This didn't stop the girl however as she didn't lose her momentum and activated her divine protection to accelerate and run upwards the wall at the end of the alley.

"What the-?! How did she do that?! Is she like me by any chance?!"

"No, not exactly."

Eve answered.


"That girl demonstrated some sort of mystical origin rather than it being biological or physical like your powers Subaru."

"I see, so like. . .magic or something?"


Subaru nodded his head as he looked back at his assailants.

"Did that convince you guys not to rob me by any chance?"

"No, if anything it made it worse! Get him!"

The trio rushed at Subaru, covering the entire alley, leaving no room to escape... or so they thought. Subaru just jumped over them gracefully and perfectly landed a roundhouse kick to the back of the head of the shortest thug right after landing.


With but a yelp of pain, the little dwarf fell unconscious. In other words he got one shot.


"You bastard!"

"Hey language! You kiss your mom with that mouth?"

Subaru taunted as the lanky guy attempted to slash at him with his two daggers. But was stopped mid-swing as a white substance was shot out of Subaru's arm and latched itself onto the thugs's chest.

"What the hell is this-?!"

The thug was yanked forward as Subaru punched him square in the face, breaking the poor thug's nose in the process as the thug passed out cold on the stone floor.

"Two down, one to go."

Subaru looked at the big guy after flawlessly handling his two friends.

"So what's it going to be big fella? You going to take your friends and leave? Or are you going to end up like these two on the floor?"

Subaru asked as he pointed to the two unconscious thugs on the floor. The big thug in response shook in fear as Subaru's expression turned serious, his sharp eyes piercing his very soul.

"Hurry up and take your friends and get out of here, before I change my mind."


The large man carrying his two knocked out friends on his shoulders ran out of the alleyway as Subaru shook his head. After all, he wanted to avoid violence, but they didn't listen.

"Now it's time to get back to-!"

"That's enough!"


A voice surprised the arachnid. He quickly turned around towards the exit as he saw...a silver haired girl. I mean, Subaru wasn't falling for her at first glance or anything but he had to admit, she was beautiful.

The boy was astonished. The last time he ever felt like this was back in middle school. Literally, this girl looked and sounded like she came straight out of a fantasy novel. A silver bell like voice, the immaculate white dress adorned with purple and gold. Silky smooth silver hair, amethyst eyes that looked like jewels, and magic...icicles?

A few icicles were floating around her before she raised her palm at Subaru.

"Please return what you stolen from me, and apologize for beating up those poor people."


"Wait! There is clearly a misunderstanding here! Those guys were trying to rob me!"

Subaru exclaimed as he defended himself.

"Your lies won't trick me. I know what I saw-!"

"He's not lying Lia."

A grey cat with emerald green eyes popped into existence besides the beautiful girl.

"It seems as though he wasn't in fact connected with the robbery we suffered. How unlucky."

"Eh? B-But then you...and the girl...and those men...did I go the wrong way?!"

The girl exclaimed as she brought her hands to her cheeks and crouching as if to make herself smaller. Her face was beet red, showing her embarrassment, her bravado long gone.

'Hah...she's so cute!'

Subaru thought to himself.

'But no one says dunderhead in this day and age.'

"Lia, we can't dawdle about, we have to catch the thief."

The little cat chastised the girl beside him for making a fool out of herself.

"I know Puck...Um, I'm sorry for having misjudged you so unfairly just now...um..."



"My name is Subaru. You wanted to apologize for earlier right? If you want to apologize, you ought to know the name of the person you're apologizing to."


"Um, Lia. We have to go find our thief remember?"

The grey cat, named Puck reminded the girl of their current predicament.

"Oh right! I forgot!"

The girl hurriedly pulled herself together.

"Im really sorry, but I have to go! I wasted too much time, and the thief could get away!"

The girl turned herself in order to prepare to leave the alleyway.

"H-Hey wait a second! You didn't even tell me your name yet! And besides, if looking for a thief is what you need help with then I can help, I swear!"

"My apologies, but I troubled you enough as is."

The girl looked flustered.

"No no! It's not a problem at all. I'm use to helping people

"Good to meet you Subaru! My name is Puck, a great spirit and Lia's adorable caretaker!"

Puck exclaimed with a smile, clapping his paws.

"And I'm..."

The girl hesitated.

"My name is Satella. Just Satella. No family name."

The girl corrected herself as Puck looked at her with a look of disapproval and Eve took clear notice of her facial expression, the correction, and the gaze Puck was giving her.

"You have terrible taste"

The little cat responded through their link as contractor and spirit.

"Satella huh? Cute name!"

The girl and Puck looked at him in surprise.

"Subaru, are you sure you want to trust them? You just met her and by her facial expressions alone, I can tell she just lied to you just now."

"...It's fine Eve. Besides, if we're in another planet or world in general and not another universe. Then we aren't really running the risk of endangering anyone just for them knowing that I'm Spider-Man. Hell, the concept of Super Heroes or Spider-Man in general probably doesn't exist here. So we should be fine."

Subaru continued.

"And besides, no offense. But when you compare her clothes to the ones that those thugs that I fought earlier, then clearly she's a big shot here. So she probably wants to keep a low profile about her object getting stolen if that's the case."

"Subaru? Who are you talking to?"

'Satella' stared befuddled.

"Huh? Oh! I'm talking to my partner.

"Your...odd clothing is your partner? Does a spirit inhabit it?"

"Spirit? No, Eve isn't a spirit. She's a-!

So everything in this world revolves around magic. Subaru made sure to keep that in mind.

"Look, we're running out of time here. We have a thief to catch right?"

"Oh, uh...right!"

"Alright. So do you think you can tell me what this thief looked like?"

Subaru asked 'Satella'

"I didn't see her face, but I saw her from the back."

'Satella' paused for a bit before continuing.

"She had black leggings, left leg torn, and um...blond hair with a red scarf wrapped around her neck."

"Wait really? If that's the case, then you should have just said so sooner! Eve recorded her earlier. Hey Eve, can you project?"


A bluish holographic screen appeared before them from Subaru's wrist. The image of the blond girl that nearly crashed into him earlier, the details of her face and even the object she had in her hand.

"W-What is thi-! Wait, that's her! That's my insignia?!"

'Satella' exclaimed in alarm.

"And it looks like we got a lead. Come on, let's go."


"Huh? What is it?"

Subaru stopped and turned around to look at 'Satella'.


'Satella' tripped on her words a bit, not knowing how to convey her feelings in her next words.

"I want to thank you. For offering your help, it's better to say 'thank you' rather than, 'I'm sorry'. Even if I also apologized for being so rude to you earlier. I still want to show you how grateful I am, so...thank you, Subaru."

'Satella' smiled beautifully as Subaru stared at her for a bit, his facial expression showing just pure shock

She looked too damn pretty just then. He was feeling butterflies and he hasn't even known for her a day yet.

"Subaru. How are we supposed to find her? Even if we use your image as reference, there is no satellites nor any data service we can use to run any facial recognition or identification on the girl."

Eve reminded the boy once again, of where they were and what they were dealing with.

"That's no problem, we'll just do it the old fashioned way, we ask around the place, and I'll just climb the buildings-!"

"This isn't Japan Subaru. We're in a world where animal people exist. No guns or anything, just swords and staffs, and just giant lizards pulling carriages."

"...Then I guess we'll just have to do this the old fashioned way, I can't really walk around in the open with my costume on anyway."

Subaru stated as he crouched down to open his bag to see if he had any spar clothes he could wear, of course he did. He pulled out a black and yellow tracksuit jacket with a small N on the right side. He also pulled out some yellow and black shorts and yellow and black shoes. He took off the heavy jacket he was wearing with his suit and placed it back in the bag as he began to wear his new fit of clothes over his spider suit.

(So basically this we already know what his tracksuit jacket looks like so there's no point in showing it)

(Those are the shoes he wears, I know they are different but they look cool to me, and I want my boy to be completely dripped out👌🏾)

(And the shorts he wears)

(So basically I based it off of this right here)

Subaru then pulled out his mask and also placed that in his bag. Now he was all set in more casual clothing while still having his suit on, people would just think it went with his "weird clothing" so there shouldn't be any issue as he zipped up his tracksuit jacket.

"Now we're all ready to go. Are you ready to go Satella?"

Subaru turned to ask the woman as she simply looked at him in wonder.

"What kind of clothing is that? It looks so strange..."

She wondered out loud.

'Right, this world is like a medieval based one, so clothes like these don't exist.'

"Well they're clothes from my homeland. Clothes like these are pretty common there."

Subaru stated as he proceeded to walk out the alleyway.

"Now let's get started on searching for your thief."


'Satella' exclaimed as she followed right behind the young spider.

As the pair left the alleyway, Subaru was greeted once again, by a world completely unknown to him. Of course, he still received stares from the people, the clothing he wore looked completely weird and alien to them.

"Okay! Uh...hey people! I was wondering if anyone here had seen a girl with blond hair and a red scarf? She looked around the age of 14."

The people looking at him looked rather perplexed at his question. Why would this suspicious and sketchy looking man be searching for a young girl? At that question alone, the fathers in the crowd gave Subaru nasty looks as they shifted on the defensive of their family.

"Hey! Hey! It's not what you think, I'm looking for a thief that stole something from this woman!"

Subaru pointed at 'Satella' as he explained his case. While this was happening, some people decided to back up a bit.


Subaru heard one of the people mutter that word.

'Witch? What witch? Are they talking about Satella? If so, then that's just rude, and very racist.'

"Look, if you have anything to say that can help us then what would be much appreciated-!"

'Satella' noticing his distress on her behalf, pulled him aside from the crowd before he even had the chance of finishing his sentence.

Some time later, they were now by the canal. Near the main street and beside some benches.

"So you wanna tell me what that was about? Why were they giving you those looks? And what was the stuff about this 'Witch' huh?"

Subaru asked the woman in question. The blatant racism he heard in their tone pissed him off to no end. Sure, he understood it was a medieval society of people, but he was born and raised in the modern world, so he really couldn't help but have the feeling to just judge these people and call them out on it.

"It's fine. This happens all the time, it's normal after all..."

The girl lifted the hair covering her pointed ears to reveal them.

"I'm a half-elf."

Finishing her statement with a bit of sadness in her voice.

". . .Ok and? It explains why you look so cute and all. But seriously, what the hell does your race have to do with that?"

Subaru asked again.


Meanwhile, 'Satella' turned towards him in shock. He wasn't going to give her nasty looks? Look at her in fear? Not calling her a "half-devil" or anything of the sort? No, if anything, the young spider was just smiling at her, looking at her as if she was a normal person, not some woman who had a resemblance to the "witch".

The feelings she felt in her chest were unbearable to deal with at the moment but it also felt...warm. She felt a feeling of embarrassment as she quickly turned her head away from him.

"Huh? What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Subaru asked in confusion.

"...Y-You dunderhead...you really aren't from around here..."

She replied with a small blush.

Suddenly a paw attempted to strike Subaru, only for him to dodge it.

"And what was that for?"

"Sorry, but seeing Lia just now, it felt right. Now let me punch you!"

The cat replied.

"Nah...I'm good. I don't feel like getting punched."

"A-Anyway, let's continue walking around for answers. We waisted enough time as is."

'Satella' stated as she recovered from her embarrassment.

"Sure, you're the boss."

Subaru simply replied as they both started walking around. Of course, whenever Subaru did ask people if they saw the thief, they always told him they didn't see a girl dressed like that, but also told him to stay away from the "Witch" next to him.

Again, why were people calling this girl a witch? She doesn't even look like one. Like at all. As they just kept walking around, they both noticed a little girl looking around with tears in the corners of her eyes. She looked lost.

"Hey Subaru, doesn't that little girl look lost to you?"

"Yeah. She does, you wanna help her out?"

'Satella simply nodded as she walked towards the girl and crouched down to her level. As she asked the girl if she needed help and offered to help, the poor girl simply shook in fear and looked like she was going to cry even more than she already was.

"N-No no! Don't cry, I'm not going to hurt you...!"

The half-elf tried to calm the girl down to her best abilities but it was no use. The girl would have cried and caused a scene, if not for Subaru coming in at the right time to defuse the situation.

"Hey there kid! You wanna see a magic trick?"

Subaru asked the girl as she meekly nodded.

"Ok then, feast your eyes on this!"

He pulled out a ten-yen coin.

"What I have here is grooved-edge ten-yen coin. I will now clutch in very tightly in my hand."

He clutched the coin tightly but not too tight, unless he wanted to crush it with his strength.

"And now...imagine that! The coin is gone!"

The girl looked perplexed as she looked as the smiling young man.

"And this...is where the coin was hiding."

Subaru stated as he pulled the coin from behind the young girl's ear while the girl now had a smile on her face. It was obvious she liked the magic trick.

"You can keep it, just make sure to take good care of it ok?"

The little girl took the coin as she smiled at him.

"Thank you mister!"

And now, we can see the pair walking down the streets of the busy capital. Except now, the little girl was riding on Subaru's back.

"So you got separated from your parents? That's rather unfortunate, but me and this girl can you help you out. Do you think you can describe your mother or father?"

"Mhm! My father looks very grumpy sometimes but he has a green beard and green hair. And he sells Appas!"

"Appas huh? Ok, I think I know who your father is. I met him earlier."

Subaru stated as the girl's face lit up. After a bit of walking, the group found the man selling appas, as well as a woman standing there talking with him.

"Mommy! Daddy!"

Upon hearing the child's voice. The two adults looked towards their direction, to see Subaru and 'Satella' with their daughter. As the little girl got off of Subaru's back and ran towards her parents. The mother ended up thanking the two for finding their daughter. And to repay them, the appa seller told them they could ask anything from him.

"Well, do you know of any incidents regarding theft that have happened recently?"

Subaru asked.

"Theft huh? I mean, there is that blond kid that's always stealing something. I think people call her Felt."

"Do you know where we can find her? She stole something that is very important to me."

"Hmm...my best guess would have to be the slums. But that's all I know."

"It's fine man, that's the best info we gotten today. Thanks for your help. And take care alright?"

Subaru stated as he and 'Satella' began walking off to the slums.

"Yeah! You make sure to get a job the next time I see ya, broke kid!"

The appa seller replied as he, his wife, and child waved the duo off.

As they made their way to the slums, Subaru couldn't help but notice how everything was out of shape, the residents especially. As they asked around for directions to wherever Felt was located, one of the people there were kind enough to give them directions to the Loot House. And now, they were standing in front of the door.

"Well, this is it. You ready to get your item back?"

Subaru asked.

"I still don't understand why I have to negotiate for something that was stolen from me."

"Don't worry, if things don't turn out well. Then I'll just negotiate for your insignia."

"Are you sure? You already did so much for me."

"No, it's fine. I'll think of something along the way."

Subaru knocked on the door as they heard a voice on the other side. As the door opened, they were met with the sight of the blond thief, who widened her eyes in shock.

"What the-?! How did you find me?!"

"That's not important, I demand you give me back my insignia."

'Satella' was not playing any games. She demanded for her insignia with authority.

"I already told you to give it up! If you want it back then you'll have to negotiate for it!"

Out of nowhere, icicles appeared. And they were all pointing towards the blond girl.

"H-Hey, wait a second...!"

The thief reeled back while the old giant grabbed a club. It looks like things weren't going to go down as peacefully Subaru thought...

He sighed.

"Just my luck..."

A brawl in the loot house was about to take place.


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