Alright, let's do this one more time. My name is Subaru Natsuki. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the past 4 months, I have been Japan's one and only Spider-Man! I'm pretty sure you know the rest. I do good in school, I don't have a job and the police don't seem to like me very much.
I have to keep my identity a secret. Especially from my friends and family. Anyway, I saved a bunch of people, I fought a bunch of bad guys, and I mean a lot. I saved my mom from a villain attack. I...I couldn't save my father...Natsuki Kenichi. So now I do my best to save everyone else, as I refuse to just sit around and let someone experience the same thing as me. I don't want anyone going through that kind of pain.
I help my mom around the restaurant that she owns, and so far, things have been going pretty good to say the least. That is, until one night in particular, this very weird thing happened. And weird things happen to me all the time! But this was really weird...
It had been a long day for Subaru. He stayed at School and studied, nothing unusual for him. But trying to keep up with classes while also protecting your home from oblivion was not such an easy task to begin with.
Anyway, Subaru was now currently in his room, laying on his bed as he was thinking over some things that he wanted to do in the future. Of course, he enjoyed being Spider-Man. But he also needed a job outside of being a vigilante.
"Man, this kind of stuff is tiring. Things probably would have been easier if I actually dropped out of school. Maybe then I would actually have more time to be Spider-Man instead of trying to manage. It gets tiring after playing catch up so many times. Besides, I can't do anything, my grades are doing far too well to just drop out now."
Subaru stated as he yawned to himself.
Ever since he was bitten by that spider, he has had this huge responsibility on his shoulders. And with great power comes great responsibility, but when there's also too much power, it is the responsibility of the people to take it away. Sometimes, he wished he hadn't been bitten or didn't become Spider-Man, maybe then his father would still be alive and his mother would be happy.
"If dad were still here, he'd probably do some kind of wrestling move on me while being very eccentric."
Oh how Subaru missed those days. But he had to keep pushing forward, if not for himself then for his mom. He still had to be there for his mom.
She had to be wondering why he would sometimes show up late at times. He would always come up with some half-assed excuse as he kept his identity as Spider-Man a secret from her. He loved his mom and he would tell her if he really wanted to but...he only had to wonder...
'How would she react if I told her. . .?'
What was he supposed to do? Just say, "Hey Mom! I'm Spider-Man!" It wasn't that simple, if he told her then there would be a chance of putting her life at risk, and he didn't want that as he promised himself he would protect her. And he didn't want to lose one more family member either.
Speaking of his mother. . .
There was a knock on the door.
"Subaru? May I come in?"
"You can!"
Subaru replied to the voice of his mother as the door opened. Naoko Natsuki, the wife of her late husband Kenichi Natsuki and the mother of Subaru Natsuki. She was a middle aged woman of average height as she had brown hair and brown eyes. Subaru actually inherited her sharp eyes. Her hair was tied into a pony tail with an orange ribbon.
"So, how was school to day honey?"
Naoko asked Subaru as she sat on his bed.
"It was alright. The same old stuff happened, nothing new. And my grades are doing well so that's a thing."
Subaru stated as he turned to look at his mother.
She had bags underneath her eyes, it was obvious that even after all this time, she was still trying to recover from the loss of her husband. And there were also signs of her not getting any sleep as well. Subaru couldn't help but feel guilty.
"Mom, have you not been getting any sleep again. . .?"
Subaru asked as he sat up from his bed, looking at his mother with concern.
"N-No! B-Business at the restaurant has been keeping me busy as of late is all."
"Mom, you should be resting."
Subaru insisted.
"But then who would manage the restaurant?
She wondered.
"Whoever you made employee of the month. They can handle it."
Subaru stated as he sweated a bit.
"Or I could manage the restaurant whenever you feel tired-!"
The boy tried suggesting, only to get cut off from his mother.
"No. You need to focus on school Subaru."
"I-I know, but I can tell you're still hurt about dad passing away...I just wish I could do more to help..."
Subaru looked down as his mother hugged him.
"Subaru, it wasn't your fault. Your father was a great man and do great things. He continued doing so up until the very end. Besides, I still have my son here with me. So I know I'm not completely alone because I know he's watching over us."
His mother smiled at him as Subaru thought to himself.
'Yeah but I couldn't save him on that day...'
Subaru couldn't help BUT feel guilty about the passing of his father as he had flashbacks to when it all happened.
"If your father were here, he would be so proud of you no matter what. Just like I am. So cheer up a bit yeah?"
His mom kissed his forehead as she smiled at him again.
Subaru looked at her and nodded his head.
"Yes Ma'am."
"Also, I made you some dinner. It's sitting on the counter so you can feel free to eat it when you feel hungry ok?"
"Of course mom. After all, I love your cooking."
Subaru smiled.
"Good, now I'm going to go to bed. It's been a long day, you know."
"I understand, you have a good night mom."
"You as well Subaru."
The mother and child bid each other good night as Naoko left the room, leaving Subaru alone to his thoughts once again.
"I have been studying a lot. A break wouldn't hurt I guess."
Subaru got off of his bed and went downstairs to where the kitchen was located. Sitting on the table in front of him was indeed a dish. A dish of miso ramen and some beef cutlets.
It did indeed, smell good.
"H-How the hell am I supposed to eat this much?! Actually, forget it. Mom's ramen and beef cutlets are one of the many highlights of her restaurant."
Subaru stated as he sat down and started enjoying the dish made for him. After a bit, he got done eating the ramen but decided to save the beef cutlets for later. Maybe for lunch at school tomorrow or something.
He got up, placed the dish in the sink and washed it. After that, he grabbed a container and placed the cutlets inside of it and made sure to seal it tightly. As it could stay warm before actually cooling off and getting cold.
"Alright, now I can put this back in my bag and continue studying-!"
Subaru froze.
He saw flashes of things that didn't even happen yet.
His spider-sense was going off.
It took a few seconds but he realized that...
"Something isn't right. . ."
Subaru said as he quickly made his way back to his room and quickly suited up. His suit was a black with dark yellow lines all over. The suit also had a hood attached to it with the same color palette. The big white irises that were supposed to serve as the eye sockets for the mask was white with a dark yellow outline.
(Like this)
Subaru also decided to bring his bag with him. Call it an instinct but he placed other clothes he needed inside of his bag and placed his beef cutlets in there.
He then put on a black and yellow leather jacket that went very well with his suit.
(Imagine it like this except his jacket looks like that, and the red spots are orange instead.)
The suit to say the least, was very badass. And on the back of it, was a spray painted spider with the same color as the dark yellow on his jacket and suit.
"Ok, let's just get this over with so I can continue doing what I was doing."
Subaru stated as he left his room through his window as he began swinging from building to building, doing some parkour along the way.
'My spider-sense was acting crazy, those flashes. . .that stuff didn't happen yet, so what the actual hell is going on?'
Subaru thought to himself as he was running on a building and jumped off of it as he shot out another web and began swinging. He soon made his way on top of another building and kept running.
"Hopefully, I can be able to-!"
Subaru came to a complete stop as he saw those flashes again. Majority of them being of a woman wearing a black cloak saying "I love you" over and over again.
Some other flashes appeared as well. A woman with silver hair and pointed ears, two maids, a short blond little girl with twin drills and many more. Of course that was all he could describe as the flashes were only quick and brief.
"What the hell was that? Actually you know what? I can worry about that later. Right now I need to figure out what exactly made my Spider-sense act up the way it did."
Subaru stated as he made his to wherever the threat was. And to his own surprise, he stopped at a tower that he recognized all to well.
"Oh you have got to be kidding me."
Subaru stated, making an annoyed facial expression as the eyes on his mask did the same.
"I won't be getting any sleep tonight, that's for sure. . ."
Subaru said as he hopped off the building and swung his way towards the building. He saw two guards on standby in front of the entrance. So he simply had to camouflage and knock them out swiftly before taking one of the key cards and using it to get inside.
"Well that was easy."
Subaru stated as he was crawling on the ceiling, looking for an air vent to enter.
After some time, he managed to actually find an air vent to crawl through as he soon began to make his ways through the ventilation system, webbing up those giant spinning fans whenever he came across them.
"Ok, now I should be getting closer to-!"
Subaru felt the entire area around him starting to rumble as his spider sense flared up again.
It was then that he noticed a bright light near the exit of the ventilation system as he soon crawl towards it. As soon as he made it, his eyes widened in surprise at what was currently happening.
Right now, Subaru was witnessing two machines, one on the left and right side of the room. They were shooting beams at each other while in the middle of it all was some kind of portal.
"Hey Eve, can you tell me what that is-?!"
Subaru's spider-sense was tingling. He quickly turned around only to be met with a tackle from some mysterious individual as the pair flew around the area.
"Hey dude! I'm kinda busy right now so can you like, let me go please?"
Subaru asked the individual had Subaru in a chokehold as Subaru resisted and tried to punch the guy, only to be kicked back under some rotating piece of the machine.
"God I am so tired..."
Subaru got back up, only to be kicked in the face as he grunted in pain. The boy quickly blocked an oncoming kick aimed for his upper body as he used his spider sense to keep up with this guy, as it was obvious this person was experienced in hand-to-hand combat. Or more experienced than Subaru at least.
"Dude, are you mad at me? I feel like you're mad at me!"
Subaru quipped as he ducked under a right hook and threw a punch at the guy, but the guy caught his punch and threw Subaru over his shoulder.
The hand-to-hand combat session continued between the two before Subaru was sent flying back to where he landed previously.
"Is that all you got?"
Subaru asked as all he got was the silent treatment.
"Not much of a talker huh? Fair enough."
Subaru analyzed his opponent. This guy wore black clothes with gray gauntlets, as well as a purple cloak and purple and black mask. Though it was mainly purple.
He also had two energy constructs in the form of knives sticking out of one of his gauntlets.
(Think of it like Wolverine)
"Ok that's pretty cool!"
Subaru stated as he launched himself towards the guy and began his onslaught. Subaru landed a good few punches in before he had to dodge an incoming attack from the mysterious man as that attack would have cut him.
While this was going on, behind a glass wall, a big man clicking on a pen while wearing an all black tuxedo was watching everything from afar, with a whole bunch of scientist operating the machine.
"Ah, here comes the Spider-Man."
The voice rung through the entire room.
Subaru turned towards the source.
"You like my new toy? It cost me a fortune but. . .you can't take it with you right?"
Subaru stayed silent as Wilson Fisk continued talking.
"You came all this way, watch the test. It's a hell of a fucking light show you're gonna love this."
Kingpin stated as he smirked.
"I don't know what you're planning Kingpin! But I WILL stop it!"
Subaru exclaimed as he looked at the man.
"Yeah sure. Prowler, finish him already."
Kingpin stated nonchalantly as the the man now revealed as the Prowler charged at Subaru again.
Subaru dodged an attack aimed for his head.
"So your name is the Prowler! Nice to meet you, my name is Spider-Man!"
"There is usually not this much talking during a fight."
The Prowler for the first time spoke, his voice sounding very deep.
"Geez, I was only trying to lighten the mood."
Subaru quickly shot out two strings of webs at the Prowler as the webs this time looked black with a purple tint. The purple webs practically glued themselves onto the Prowler as he felt himself getting slower and slower by the second.
'W- What is this?'
Prowler thought to himself as he looked up, only to receive a kick in the face from the spider. Subaru then landed a barrage of punches and kicks as the man fell off the part of the machine they were fighting on. Of course, Subaru webbed him up and turned his attention back to the big man, Wilson Fisk.
"Kingpin, you have no idea what you're doing! You'll end up killing us all! I may not know what that machine is but I know it's bad news! Whatever you're doing can't be worth the risk."
Subaru exclaimed.
"It's not all about the money Spider-Man. Besides, you should be more worried about yourself."
"What are you-?!"
Subaru didn't even have time to finish as he was knocked off the piece of machinery he was standing on, falling straight into the middle where the two beams were colliding.
The Prowler grabbed him and literally began pushing him in there. Seeing this, Kingpin got up and started screaming.
"Prowler what the hell are you doing?! Get him out of there!"
Meanwhile Subaru was trying his hardest to get out of this man's grip. But while he was in the process of doing that, he saw things. More quick flashes. They were of him, in a strange place and strange people he had not met nor seen before. And to top it all off. . .
He saw people wearing the exact same costume as his or just variations of the said costume.
'What the hell. . .?'
Subaru thought as he also heard a whisper.
". . .Ove you. . ."
"Love you. . ."
It was the same voice of the woman he had heard earlier. A shadow of the woman was forming as she inched closer and closer to Subaru's face, tenderly rubbing it. Before he knew it, everything went white, the machine exploded with Subaru and the Prowler in the center of it all. It covered the entire room, and by the end of it all, Subaru and the Prowler along with Fisk and a few scientists and many other people from Earth, either good or bad, also disappeared. Even if Subaru himself knew it or not.
"Whoah! Whoah! Whoah! What's happening?!"
Subaru stated as he was being flung through space. This continued until he eventually shot out of a portal that sent him flying into a brick wall.
"Ow. . ."
Subaru muttered as he soon saw himself in an alleyway, with all of his belongings. He crawled up to a wall and to his surprise, he wasn't in Japan anymore, he was in some medieval type of town.
"Where...Where am I...?"
Subaru asked as he was unaware of what the hell just happened.
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