
Welcome to the World of Pokemon! A place where bountiful creatures roam the land. Magnificent beings of all shapes and sizes, inhabiting the land sea and sky's.
Pokemon are such wondrous creatures. And currently, we can see a Pikachu minding its own business.Pikachu is an electric type Pokémon. Pikachu are small, and cute mouse-like Pokémon.

They are almost completely covered by yellow fur. They have long yellow ears that are tipped with black. A Pikachu's back has two brown stripes, and its large tail is notable for being shaped like a lightning bolt, yet its brown tip is almost always forgotten.

Pikachu have short arms with five tiny fingers on their forehands and three sharp fingers on their hind legs. On its cheeks are two circle-shaped red pouches used for storing electricity. They turn yellow and spark with electricity when it's about to use an Electric attack, such as Thunderbolt. It has also been known to generate small surges of electrical energy in anger or for protection.

Pikachu are also usually friendly creatures that love to be cuddled. They love having their tails rubbed, especially at the base; they also like being stroked. However, if threatened or angered, this Pokémon can be quite aggressive. If someone pulls or steps on its tail, it is most likely it will bite or shock anyone in the area, including the one who pulled its tail.

And now currently we can see this Pikachu currently relaxing on a nearby tree with a few items on him. A bracelet and three yellow stones. This Pikachu was different from other Pikachu. Its tail was the same as any other male Pikachu's tail except this time, it had a black tip.


The yellow Pokémon yawned as it soon went to sleep while rubbing its cheek. Unaware of what was currently going to happen, as it slept away.

Meanwhile, in a space between parallel worlds, two Pokémon were fighting each other. One of them bipedal Water/Dragon Pokémon. The majority of its body had a light pink-gray-white coloring with linear sections on its body being purple. Its arms and shoulders are covered by large, armored plates, and each hand holds five nails. The round plates on its shoulders each have a large pearl in the center, representing its affiliation to Pearl. This Pokémon is known as Palkia.

The other one currently floating in front of Palkia was a sauropod-like Pokémon. It was mainly blue with some gray, metallic portions, such as its chest plate, which has a diamond in the center. It also has various, light blue lines all over its body. It has a, somewhat, wing-like structure on its back, and a crest on its head, resembling a type of dinosaur. It also has two horns on top of its head, two fang-like horns around its mouth, long claws, and a short tail, almost the impression of armor. This Pokémon was known as Dialga.

These two Legendary Pokémon were currently battling it out as they both roared out their own battle cries and charged towards each other again, as they both clashed and head butted each other. Palkia then charged at Dialga as it used Aqua Tail against Dialga. Only for Dialga to counter it, using Iron Tail.

Palkia, using the chance it had, quickly used Dragon Breath as it launched the attack towards Dialga, hitting the Pokémon directly as it flew back a few feet. And as a result, Dialga was very much paralyzed as it let out another roar.

Palkia seeing this, then took the chance to use one of its many moves, Spacial Rend. Now about Spacial Rend, the user tears the foe along with the space around it. This move has a high critical-hit ratio. Dialga fighting through the paralysis, quickly used a move of its own. This move of was called "Roar of Time".  The thing about this move is that, the user blasts the foe with power that distorts even time. The user must rest on the next turn.

The two moves from the two legendary Pokémon collided and caused a chain reaction of sorts, and while all of this was happening. Back in the green field where our Pikachu was sleeping, a fabric of space time opened and slowly pulled the Pikachu towards it. As soon as the Pikachu was inside, it closed and a dark shadow hand finally managed to find the Pikachu and grabbed it as it was unconscious through the whole thing.
In a big city where animal people roamed the streets, there was a blond little girl jumping from roof to roof with an item in her hand, she looked at the item and smiled to herself as she snickered and continued making her way through the city.

Around that same time, in a random alleyway. A person with animal like characteristics flew out with the objects it had and the bracelet on his wrist.

It opened its eyes as it groaned.


It noticed something. Something was very wrong. It sounded weird, it felt weird, it looked down towards a puddle as it showed it's reflection. The Pikachu was completely shocked, it became a human but it's characteristics were still there. That being, its ears, its cheeks, and of course, its lightning shaped tail.

Pikachu, also realized another thing, and that was...

"P-Pika...I-I mean...I can talk...? L-Like a human? What is this? How did this happen? I was asleep and in the next second, I'm in some random alleyway? I hope to Arceus this is some weird dream..."

The Pokémon looked around, he noticed a few things, he had clothes on, and on his right hand was a glove, a glove that was used to hold a mega evolution keystone and in his pocket was a Pokédex. He even had his trainer's empty Pokeballs...for odd reason, what was he supposed to do with them? These items belonged to his old trainer.

The Pikachu that turned into a human had many questions running through his head, and for starters, he needed to figure out where exactly he was. Making that his first priority, he walked out of the alleyway and was met with a sight that shocked him. There were people like him, walking around.

'Are they other Pokémon like me?!'

Subaru thought to himself as he ignored the stares he was getting.

"Mommy, who is that man?"

One random demi-human child asked.

"I don't know sweetie. But he doesn't seem to be from here. Maybe another country?"

There were also some humans glaring at him but Subaru didn't really care. He noticed the writing, and he could...understand the words. Now all he needed to do now, was find someone who could give him some basic info.

"Hmmmm... maybe someone in that nearby bar could help me out."

The Pikachu stated as it walked towards the bar, as he got there, he saw the sign that said "Demi-Humans Only!" The Pokemon could only guess that demi-humans were the people with the animal traits like him.

'So these guys aren't called Pokémon...? Huh...weird...'

Upon entering the bar, he was greeted with demi-humans of all kinds conversing with each other. There were even some humanoid lizards walking around. The Pokémon got reminded of Charizard a bit before taking a seat and looking at the bracelet. It was a Z-Ring that he and his old trainer received back when they traveled to the Alola region. And they even acquired lots of Z-Crystals to perform Z-moves.

The Z-crystals he currently had on him was the Electrium Z crystal, the Pikanium Z crystal and the Pikashunium Z crystal. The Z ring itself was black as his old trainer had it modified to where he can switch between different kinds of Z-crystals instead of taking the crystal out and replacing it with another.

As Pikachu rubbed its hand over the Z-Ring. A bartender that looked like a humanoid lizard noticed it and approached him.

"Hey Kid, you aren't from here right?"


The Pokémon replied hesitantly.

"Where are you from?"

The bartender asked.

"I'm not from here. That's all you need to know."

"Alright, Alright. Well I can tell you're a foreigner from the clothes you're wearing. So welcome to Lugunica!"

The lizard smiled.


"Yep, you're in the Capital of Lugunica. You never heard of it?"

" I haven't...would you mind telling me more about this place?"

It was then that the bartender agreed and proceeded to give the Pokémon all the info he needed regarding where he was.

"Also, what's your name kid?"

The Pokémon stopped in its tracks for a few seconds before answering.

" Natsuki...Subaru."

"Ah...well it was nice meeting you Subaru. Come again whenever you feel like it. I enjoy talking to ya!"

The bartender smiled.

"Y-Yeah! I'll make sure to come back when I can. Thanks again for the help sir!"

Subaru stated as he ran out.

"No problem!"

The bartender replied as he went soon went back to doing what he was doing before. As Subaru walked back to the alleyway he was in. He gathered his bearings, he noticed something on his head.


Subaru looked up and noticed it was a cap that belonged to his old trainer. He placed it back on his head as he sat back down against the wall.

"It must've been sent here along with me, now I have two items from home with me, my old trainer's Z-Ring and mega evolution bracelet as well as his Pokédex and his Cap as well. And for some reason. . .his empty Pokeballs. Now I need to figure out h-!"

Subaru's tail twitched as he checked his surroundings. He heard footsteps walking towards him. They looked like thugs, one looked skinny and lanky while the other one was well...short. And finally, the big one looked...big, he seemed like the muscle of the group.

Subaru quickly got up as he already had a vague idea on what these guys intended to do to him. They were going to rob him. Or try to at least. He wouldn't give them the chance to rob him.

"Hey there buddy. That looks like a pretty valuable bracelet you have there."

The lanky and skinny thug stated as he looked at the Z-Ring on Subaru's wrist.

"Yeah. And there seems to be some sort of gemstone in there as well."

The big thug said as he followed behind the lanky one.

"And we could make a lot of money from that thing there. So be a good demi-human and give it to us and beg like a dog for us to spare your life!"

The short one stated.

"Fat chance buddy...!"

Subaru stated as electricity crackled around his red cheeks, surprising the three thugs.

He was about to hit them with a thunderbolt, but a voice stopped them.

"Hey! Move out of the way!"


The thugs and Subaru turned around to see a little blond girl running towards them. She quickly used Subaru as a means to jump on top of  a nearby building, but before she used Subaru to make it to the building...she stepped on his tail.


All Subaru could think about was shocking the girl responsible for stepping on his tail, he was thinking about how he could go back to how he looked before he appeared in this weird world. And suddenly, he was quickly covered in a bright yellow light as yellow smoke appeared around him and covered him.

As soon as it disappeared Subaru felt...smaller. He felt normal.

"Chu..? Pikachu!"

Subaru quickly realized that he was back to normal as he wasn't speaking sentences and communicating like a normal Pokémon would usually.

'So it's like...all I have to do is think about going back to my normal appearance and then it'll happen. So I guess the same thing happens if I wanna be in my human form!'

Subaru thought to himself as he was back into a Pikachu.

'Now...where were we...? Oh yeah! I was about to electrocute these people, I can't get the little blond kid but I'll find her later. I can shock these guys with a thunderbolt and get it over with.'

Subaru once again thought to himself as lightning produced from his red cheeks.

"Well that was weird. But enough about that, let's rob that guy-!"

The lanky thug stated but came to a stop as the guy they were about to rob wasn't there. Instead, what was in front of them was a yellow animal, glaring at them with lightning surrounding it.

"What the hell is that? It looks like the kid we saw but...smaller."

The big thug stated.

"Yeah! And he has that bracelet! Let's snag it!"

The little one shouted as he charged at the Pikachu and tried to snag the Z-ring from it.


Pikachu(Subaru) jumped into the air as more lightning surrounded it.


It soon rubbed its cheeks.


Pikachu(Subaru) screamed as it shot a bolt of lightning towards the thugs. Subaru just used thunderbolt. The three thugs screamed and tried to move out of the way, but they couldn't as the attack was too fast. Upon contact, all three of them were out cold as their hair looked fried and they all were burnt, with smoke evaporating from them.

Subaru landed on the ground as he huffed.

"Chu! Pikachu!"

He stated angrily...even though no one could understand a word he was saying. As he continued his rant, he heard another pair of footsteps running into the direction. And as he was preparing to turn around, that's when he heard a new voice.

"Stop right where you are villain-!"

The girl currently in front of him had smooth silver hair, and purple eyes. She had her hand out, as if she was about to shoot something.


Subaru titled his head cutely, the cuteness catching the woman off guard as her demeanor instantly changed.

The scene in front of her was unbelievable. Three unconscious thugs and one small and cute yellow creature that looked completely harmless. There's no way a cute creature like this managed to cause...that much destruction...right...?

She moved closer towards the Pokémon and crouched down in front of it as she asked it one question.

"Hey there little guy. Were you the one that caused this?"

The woman asked

"Pika Pi!!~"

Subaru replied cutely as the woman in front of her was surprised, but that surprise soon turned into awe as she quickly scooped up the yellow mouse Pokemon in her arms as she began cuddling him.

"Awwww....! You are so...cute...!"

The woman said as she snuggled him.


Subaru squealed as he enjoyed the feeling of getting affection. It always happened to him back when he traveled with his old trainer, so he was willing to let this slide.

"Puck. Have you ever seen a creature like this before?"

Emilia asked as she continued snuggling Subaru in her arms as the small Pokémon eased into it.

'Yep. This girl is cool with me. Not to mention,  she's pretty cute too!'

Subaru thought to himself as he eased into it.

A small gray cat suddenly appeared as it spoke.

(Fuck you Puck🖕🏾)

"Nope, I never seen a creature like this before Lia. And that's shocking, seeing how long I have lived."

The cat now known as Puck spoke as he looked at Subaru in slight jealousy and moved closer towards the Pokémon.

"Hey...are you trying to steal my daughter away from me? If so, I won't let you-!"

Puck couldn't say anything as he was shocked by electricity. His fur was now standing up and he looked very...very poofy...and burnt.

Puck coughed.

" that thing?"

The feline asked in annoyance from behind electrocuted.

Meanwhile, the woman snickered a bit.

And Subaru...well Subaru was laughing.

"Pika! Pika pi! Pikachu!"

It chuckled.

"OI! What's so funny?!"

"Pfft! S-Sorry Puck, b-but you look funny...!"

The woman laughed with Subaru.

Puck completely looked ridiculous as he was a little burnt and his fur was all over the place, it looked like he just got out of a bath and dried himself, only for his fur to just puff up.

The feline looked at the culprit as he glared at the Pokémon as he summoned icicles. And as a response, Subaru produced more lightning from his cheeks.

After sometime calming the two animals down, the woman went back on topic.

"I nearly forgot! We have to find the thief that stole my insignia!"

The woman stated as she placed the Pokémon down.


Subaru titled his head in confusion.


As the woman talked with her cat companion. The Pokémon thought over the words he heard and tried to remember if there was anything relating to a thief.

He suddenly came to a realization as he had a flashback.

'The little blond kid that stepped on my tail!!'

Subaru remembered as he quickly looked at the woman.

"Pika Pi! Chu! Pikachu!!!"

The Pokémon exclaimed.

The woman and the annoying cat turned to look at Subaru as they showed looks of confusion.

"What is it...saying...?"

The woman said.

"I don't know Lia,'s trying to tell us something. Maybe about our little thief."

Puck replied.

'They can't understand me. At this point, I'll have to look like a human again.'

Subaru thought quickly as yellow smoke quickly covered him and as quickly as it came, the smoke disappeared. Revealing a human that had features exactly like the creature that was standing before them.

"I was trying to tell you that I may know who stole your item!"

Subaru stated as the woman and the cat looked on in shock.

"H-How did you do that?!"

The girl asked.

"Do what?"

"Y-You just turned into a human? No...are you a demi-human? Is that some kind of ability?"

Puck replied as he inspected Subaru up close.

"W-What? No! I'm not a human or whatever a demi-human is! My normal form is literally the way you saw me before I turned into...this! I don't even know how this happened, it's never happened before!"

Subaru explained as the woman looked skeptical but her cat companion confirmed that Subaru was indeed, not lying.

"I-I see..."

The woman uttered.

"A-Anyway, look! I think I know who stole your item. And if you want, I can help you."

Subaru stated as he looked at the silver haired woman.

"Eh? Y-You would help me?"

"Of course I would. There's nothing wrong with helping someone that needs it right?"

"N-No of course not...but the thing is...I'm-!"

"It's fine Lia, I can tell he isn't lying. He genuinely wants to help you find your insignia. Which means we have a lead we can go off of."

Puck stated as he floated back towards the woman he kept calling Lia.

"M-Mmm...Ok then. You can help's your name?"

The woman asked.

"My name is...Subaru...Natsuki...Subaru."

Subaru said as he remembered his old trainer and how he gave him that name as in his old trainer's words, "he was an honorary member of the Natsuki Family" even if he was a Pokémon or a human, it didn't matter, he was still apart of the family.

"What about you ma'am?"

Subaru asked the Woman in silver hair.

"M-My name is...Satella. You can call me Satella."

The woman known as "Satella" said as Puck looked at her surprised.

Subaru was silent for a moment.

"...That's a lie."

"Huh?! N-No it isn't! My name is actually Satella-!"

"No no no! You see, I know your lying because that annoying talking cat that reminds me of Meowth way too much called you Lia. So I know it isn't Satella, or whoever that is. What's your actual name?"

Subaru stated as he called her out on her lie as the woman herself looked embarrassed for getting caught in the act.

"M-My Emilia. Just Emilia."

The woman finally known as Emilia stated as she looked at the smiling Subaru.

"Well it's nice to meet you Emilia! Now let's find that insignia!"

Subaru stated as he turned back into his normal form and ran towards Emilia, and made his way on her shoulder.

"Pika! Pikachu!"

Subaru stated as he smiled cutely.

Emilia giggled as she began walking out of the Alleyway with a jealous Puck.

"Despite you having a human form, you're still so adorable."

Emilia said as she rubbed Subaru's ears.


Subaru exclaimed as he enjoyed the feeling of his ears being rubbed.

"Oh come on Puck, don't be like that. Look how cute he is!"

Emilia stated as she looked at Puck, giggling at his expense.

"I don't see anything cute about him."


Subaru growled at Puck as electricity sparked around him. Both cat and mouse glaring at each other. Emilia then grabbed onto Puck's ear as she gave him one of those "looks" which prompted him to stop, and the same could be said for Subaru.

After walking around for a bit, they heard crying.


Emilia turned to the source, only to find a little girl, crying. The girl had green hair and blue eyes, and she was standing in the middle of the capital,  crying her eyes out. She looked lost.


Subaru uttered in pity.

Emilia also seemed to notice this as she walked towards the child, in an attempt to comfort her. But upon seeing Emilia, the child began crying more, causing Emilia to further panic.

'Why did she cry more when she saw Emilia?'

Subaru thought to himself as he hopped off of Emilia's shoulder and ran in front of the girl as he looked at her.


The girl sniffed.


"Pika Pi! Pika!!!~~"

Subaru said as he made funny faces, some faces imitating various Pokémon from his world. And seeing the little girl snicker and soon laugh, told Subaru that he was doing a good job.

And now, we could see Emilia, the little girl now known as Plum. And Subaru who was now being carried by Plum, walking down the streets of the capital.

The little girl had been separated from her mother, that's why she was standing in the middle of nowhere. And Subaru(Pikachu) was able to calm her down due to the funny faces he has made, which made Plum laugh instead of crying but also because of his cute appearance. She was poking his cheeks as she walked with Emilia.

"He's so cute!"

Plum exclaimed as she continued poking the Pokémon's cheeks as Emilia agreed as she smiled.

"I agree, his fur is very soft and he's just so adorable."

Emilia herself admitted as Puck looked flabbergasted. His contractor? Finding another creature like Subaru? Cute?! Such a thing was unheard of. It was like some sort of rivalry was forming between the two.

Soon enough, the little girl spotted her mother talking to a man near an Apple vendor, which was apparently her father as she ran to them, with Subaru in her arms.

"Oh! Mommy!"

Plum's mother heard the voice of her child as she turned around and instantly bent down to her height as she hugged her daughter, unaware of the uncomfortable grumbling from the Pikachu.

"Well it looks like she's found her mom."

Puck stated.

"Yeah, I'm glad."

Emilia smiled as she walked up to the mother and daughter. As the mother thanked Emilia for helping her daughter, Plum petted Subaru and also thanked him as she placed him on the ground.


Subaru stated happily, happy that he helped out. After bidding their goodbyes, Subaru made his way back to Emilia's shoulder and they continued their search for the blond thief.

It was then that they decided to take a small break and sat near a bridge, Subaru then went back to his human form as he leaned on the said bridge.

"I think we took the pretty long way around, don't ya think? But hey, at least Plum was reunited with her parents."

Subaru stated as he felt good about helping her.

"Yes, now we can continue our search with our minds at ease. Though I do need to wonder, why did you help that girl?"

Emilia asked Subaru as she looked at him with a questioning look.

"That's easy, she was distressed. And no one else was helping. Not even someone of a high authority like a police officer or whatever version of a police force you have here did anything. So I wanted to help, as that's what my old trainer would have done. He would have helped her in a heartbeat."

"Subaru, what do you mean by old trainer?"

Emilia asked.

"He was my partner, a very kind person. But something...happened to him, you see this bracelet on my wrist and this hat that I'm wearing?"

Emilia nodded.

"These are one of the few things I have left to remind me of my partner. Even if he isn't here with me now, I know he's here with me in spirit."

Subaru stated as he looked at the distance.

"I see, well...why did you decide to help me?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Subaru turned to her.

Emilia looked down as her face was shadowed, she looked troubled.

"I'm a half-elf."

Emilia closed her eyes, this was it. He was going to say something, look at her in disgust, and leave her. Or so she thought.

"Elf? The heck is an Elf?"


Emilia looked at Subaru as if he grown a second head.

"What's a half-elf? I know my old partner would mention something about them, but it was never anything bad from what I remember."

"Y-You don't know what a half-elf is?"

"No? Am I supposed to know?"

"A-Ah...well yeah...I resemble Satella, the Witch of Envy."

"And I told you, I have no idea who Satella is. Besides, what does you being an elf have to do with me helping you? I don't judge people on their looks, I judge them from their actions. And you haven't done anything to me, so why would I judge you know?"

Subaru stated as he looked at her.

Emilia stayed silent for a bit before hopping off the bridge and crouching down while covering her pointed ears.

It was then that Puck flew out of her hair and charged towards Subaru with a furry fist balled up, getting ready to punch him. But of course, Subaru's senses were sharp as he quickly whipped Puck with his tail, sending him flying a bit.

"What's up with you all of a sudden?"

Subaru asked.

"Firstly, Ow! Secondly, I just had to do something about this unbearable tingle I feel!"

"You know, I can't really accept a reason like that."

Subaru stated as he looked at Puck but figured that Puck and Emilia had some kinda bond, like partners of some sort.

"I didn't hit you out of anger or anything. The opposite, in fact."

Puck stated as Emilia soon turned around and looked at Subaru.

"Subaru, you're such a dunderhead!"


Subaru titled his head in confusion at the term Emilia used. What in the hell was a "Dunderhead"? No one says that in this day and age, or so he thought.

"And why are you insulting me?"

He once again asked.

"Hmph! Whatever! More importantly, we have to get back to our search."

Emilia stated as she began walking. Subaru stiff there for a moment as he remembered his encounter with the thief.

Three thugs tried mugging him, a blond kid ran towards them and stepped on his tail, and he ended up electrocuting the absolute hell out of the thugs. But when thinking about the thief, he remembered the attire she was indeed wearing. She looked like someone from a much more...lesser area in a city.

Add to the fact that he also caught a whiff of her scent and a bit of it was still there meant that the scent of the thief could lead them to wherever she went.

"Hey Emilia! Wait a second!"

"Hm? What is it Subaru?"

"I think I know where the thief is. Is there like part of the capital somewhere?"

Subaru asked.

"Well yeah, there are the slums. But why would you-!"

Emilia stopped as she realized where Subaru was going with this.

"The thief might be in the slums, and I can further confirm this because of the fact that I caught a whiff of the thief's scent, so I should be able to track her and lead us to wherever she is!"

Subaru gave her a thumbs up as Emilia's face lighted up with happiness, knowing that she would soon be getting her insignia back.

"T-Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Subaru nodded his head and soon went back to his original form as a Pikachu.

"Pika Pi!!!"

Subaru stated as he began running, with Emilia and Puck following close behind. Upon making it to the slums, Subaru immediately noticed how rundown the place was, it even disturbed him how many children were so skinny that you could see their ribs, these kids were starving. Hell, there were even some dead bodies lying around.

'Why aren't the higher-ups in this world doing anything about it?'

Subaru thought to himself as he continued walking forward, the thief's scent leading him to the location. When they made it to their location, they realized that it was a loot house.

"Subaru...are you sure this is where my insignia is?"

Emilia asked as Subaru went back into his human form.

"Of course it is, the nose never lies Emilia, I tracked her scent and it led us here!"

Subaru stated as he knocked on the door

"Oh! That must be for me. I'll get it."

Subaru and Emilia heard a voice from the other side, the footsteps for closer and closer until the door finally opened, revealing the thief. She had blond hair and red eyes.

Upon seeing their faces, the thief's face went from relaxed to that surprised and anger.

"W-What the hell?! How did you manage to find me so quickly?!"

The thief exclaimed.

"Those are minor details, now I'm going to say this once, give me my insignia."

Emilia stated as she formed icicles and pointed them towards the blond thief and the big giant standing behind the table as he got his club out.

"Whoah! Whoah! Now wait a second! I'm sure we can do this without solving it through violence!"

Subaru stated as he got in between the two.

"That tail. . .I recognize you from the alleyway."

The blond thief girl stated.

"Yeah, I know. You stepped on my tail remember?!"

Subaru exclaimed.

"I should electrocute you for that but I guess I'll have to let it slide-!"

Subaru stopped his sentence mid way as he turned around as his tail turned into Iron. He then literately sped blitzed his way to Emilia and blocked off an attack that was aimed at her stomach. Subaru then hit the assailant with a head butt as the said assistant was sent flying a good few meters.

"Ara~Ara. I wasn't expecting the owner to show up so soon. And I sure wasn't expecting some dance partners to show up."

The voice of a woman that sent chills down everyone's spine. The assailant got up, she had black hair, was wearing a black cloak, had purple eyes, and she was wearing some revealing clothing.

She looked at everyone in the room, and laid her eyes on Subaru as she once again, licked her lips.

A battle in the loot house was about to occur.


GAWD DAMN! 5k words! Lol. I'll admit, I had fun writing this. Now I had a PokeBaru story idea for quite some time now, and to be honest, I thought of him being a Pikachu, an Oshawott, an Umbreon or Espeon, a Garchomp, a Lucario, an Emolga, I even thought of making him a Zorua at one point. But of course, Pikachu won because why the hell not? Lol. Anyway, I did say I may make another one but Subaru being a different Pokémon this time. So you guys have a good day/night. And I'll see you all next time👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾

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