Pikachu VS The Bowel Hunter
"Everyone, stay on guard! This woman is not normal!"
Subaru stated as he had electricity being produced from his cheeks. As he soon went back into his normal form.
He growled as he got into a defensive stance. This intrigued the assailant and shocked the thief and the old man.
"My my....how interesting. So you're just a cute and defenseless creature. A spirit maybe? It's a shame I'll have to kill a cute thing such as yourself, I know someone who would have loved to have you in her collection."
The woman stated as she looked at the Pokémon with a good amount of interest in her eyes, she'll admit, he looked handsome in his human appearance but now, he looked even cuter! Add to the fact that he managed to react in time before she managed cut to the half-elf's stomach open. So this woman was even more interested in Subaru.
"But don't worry, I'll make sure you greet the angels! Do be sure to entertain me, ok?~"
Upon hearing this, the woman pointed her dagger at the group.
"H-Hey wait a second! This wasn't part of the deal!"
The blond thief exclaimed.
"We can hardly negotiate if the item's original owner is here. So there's been a slight change of plans. I shall slaughter everyone here since you failed to see your job through to the end."
Felt stood there as the woman continued talking.
"You talk a good game, but you do terrible work. You really are just another slum dweller."
Subaru got in front of Felt as he glared at the woman, electricity being produced from his cheek pouches. He may not have known the blond for that long, but from what he could tell, she was just trying to do her best to get by. And now this woman was just going to slaughter everyone here because negotiations failed? Subaru had no plans on dying here, and he sure as hell didn't plan on letting anyone else get killed by this creepy woman.
"Oh? I can't understand a word you say little guy. Is 'Pika Pika' all you can say?"
The woman asked curiously, intrigued as the Pokemon continued glaring and growling at her. What intrigued her more was the electricity, lightning magic wasn't an attribute as it didn't exist, so how could this creature use it?
Subaru then turned to Emilia.
"Pika Pi!"
Emilia looked at Subaru as she couldn't understand a word he was saying, but...there was something that was telling her that she could just understand Subaru somehow despite not knowing what exactly he was saying. Subaru's eyes were telling her to...
"Got it."
Puck appeared as he floated next to Emilia.
'She understood me? Or was it something else?'
Subaru thought to himself about the possibilities, but quickly put those thoughts on hold as he looked back at the woman.
"You tried to kill my daughter, for that, I can not let you get away with that. I don't think I haven't introduced myself yet, have I"
Puck stated as he summoned icicles around the entire area.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"My name is Puck. Take my name with you...to your grave!"
Puck exclaimed as he began launching them towards the woman.
Subaru charged at the woman at high speeds. He used agility to run towards her as he was platforming from table to table.
He then jumped high into the air as lightning surrounded him. At this point, the ice already made its way to its intended target.
Subaru screamed as he used thunderbolt.
The lightning attack made its way towards the block of ice as upon contact, caused an explosion to occur right after. Subaru landed on the ground as he looked at the dust in front of him.
"Did they get 'er?"
The old giant asked.
'Don't trigger that flag, old man!'
Subaru thought to himself as he continued staring at the cloud of dust.
"One should always come prepared for anything."
The woman's voice made itself known as Subaru got on guard. The ice disappeared as the damaged cloak the woman was wearing dissipated, but the damage from Subaru's thunderbolt managed to do something to her, as there were little traces of lightning dancing around her, meaning that she was most likely paralyzed. But there was also a good chance that she could still move despite that.
The woman charged at Emilia, blade in hand as she licked her lips.
"You can't beat a spirit arts user that easily."
Emilia stated as she formed an ice shield of some sorts as she blocked the attack. The woman then proceeded to backflip out of the way as she dodged oncoming icicles that Puck was shooting from above.
"You're well accustomed to battle, for a girl."
"My, it's been a while since I've been regarded simply as a girl."
The woman replied as she cut some icicles in half and dodged the rest of them as she moved to various places around the loot house. She was even crawling on the walls like a spider.
"Well, from my perspective, all opponents are basically babies. Still, you're so strong, I almost pity you."
"I am deeply touched to be praised by a spirit!"
The woman stated as she jumped off the wall and continued dodging and cutting icicles thrown her way. Of course she had to be mindful that there was indeed, someone else she had to be careful around, and that was Subaru.
'That attack he used had some kind of effect on me, it's impeding my movements a bit-!'
Elsa was interrupted mid thought as she heard something behind her.
"Chuuuu!!! Pika!!!"
Subaru used Iron Tail as he swung it downwards.
The woman barely managed to dodge it due to her current paralysis, as the attack itself, managed to graze her. Subaru broke the floor and created a dust cloud around himself upon impact, showing just how much power he had used in that attack.
"My my, you have a lot of surprises don't you?"
Subaru jumped out of the cloud of dust he formed as he began running towards her at high speeds, surrounded by a light aura.
Due to how fast Subaru was going, he managed to catch the woman by surprise as his attack made contact with her stomach, sending her crashing through the wall as everyone else was surprised with how much power Subaru had.
'What kind of creature is he? Like seriously, I thought he was completely harmless, but I guess even looks can be deceiving.'
Puck thought to himself as he looked at the damage Subaru was causing, there was definitely some power in his attacks. And it was almost like he's had experience in battle.
Subaru jumped a good distance away from the area he launched the woman in as he panted a bit.
(End the music right here.)
"W-Wow...how strong is he?"
Felt asked out loud.
He looked at Emilia with that same look in his eyes. Once again, Emilia didn't know what to describe it but she could tell or feel that Subaru was telling her to stay focused on the battle. Nodding her head and steeling her nerves, she focused back onto the battle.
Meanwhile Subaru was currently thinking to himself again as he looked at the cloud of dust.
'If this turns into a battle of attrition, we should have a chance but...'
He then looked at Puck.
'Something tells me that Puck won't be able to battle for much longer.'
"Oh, don't tell me you're leaving. And just when we were having so much fun. What a bore."
The woman stated as she walked out of the rubble. Puck began shooting more icicles as he spoke.
"That's what sucks about being a ladies' man. The girls won't let you sleep."
Puck said as he continued doing his job.
'More like not letting me sleep. Emilia was cuddling me almost instantly the moment she saw me.'
Subaru sweat dropped.
"But you know, staying up late is bad for your skin, so we should wrap this up."
Subaru slightly smirked as he already figured out what he was doing, Puck wasn't throwing those icicles around just for nothing. The woman on the other hand kept dodging and cutting before she felt her movements getting impeded again as she couldn't move her foot.
"Ah...Does this mean I've been had?"
The woman asked.
Puck exclaimed as both him and Emilia shot out a huge icicle towards the woman as she somehow...dodged it, showing just how flexible she was as she landed on the side opposite to the attack that was just launched towards her.
"My, how lovely!"
Her foot was bleeding from underneath.
"I thought I was going to die."
The blond girl and the old giant, including Subaru looked on in surprise.
"Puck, can you keep going?"
Emilia looked at Puck as he stretched.
"Sorry...I'm really sleepy."
"I underestimated her a bit. My mana is gone, so I have to disappear."
Puck rubbed his eyes.
"I'll take care of things here, so you can rest. Thank you."
"If anything happens to you, I'll act according to my contract. If it comes to it, call me, even if you have to squeeze me out of my od."
Puck lit up as he then dispersed into light blue particles.
"You're going away?"
The crazy assassin asked as she grabbed a piece of the ice and placed it on her foot, stopping the bleeding and serving as a replacement for her heel.
"Well, that's terribly unfortunate."
She charged at Emilia as she created an icicle and an ice shield that shielded her left and her right from Elsa's constant attacks as she skated on the floor using that makeshift ice shoe she placed under her foot.
While this was going on, Subaru made his way back to the blond girl and the old giant as he went back into his human form and watched the fight.
Or more specifically, her movements.
"We can't keep just sitting around an' watchin', Felt!"
The old man stated as the blond girl, now revealed as Felt stood up as she replied.
"Yeah, I know."
She then turned to Subaru.
"I still don't get how you can do that, but if you're going to run, now's the time."
Felt stated as she looked at Subaru, who looked at her as if she grew a second head. Did she not see him fight like 3 seconds ago?
"You did see me handling my own against that woman right?"
Subaru asked.
"Of course I did, but-!"
"No! No! I can handle myself perfectly fine against that woman, it's you that I'm worried about! Out of all of us here, you're the youngest, so you need to get out of here."
Subaru pointed his tail that resembled a lightning bolt, at her to emphasize on it.
"Hah? What are you talking about?! I'm fifteen years old! That can't be much younger than you!"
Felt stated as she looked at the fight.
". . .I'm turning 18 this year."
Subaru stated as he looked at the battle. He was indeed not turning 18. He didn't even know how old he was, but he looked like he was turning 18 so he figured telling a lie wouldn't hurt.
"What?! No way! You look like an adult! Life's been way too easy on you!"
Felt stated as she reeled in shock.
The woman continued slashing at Emilia as she blocked the slashes with her ice shield. Elsa zipped around Emilia's right as she quickly blocked another attack, but Emilia was way too slow to react as Elsa spun around and kicked her across the table as the Half-Elf landed on the counter.
And before Emilia had any time to get up, Elsa was already in front of her, spinning gracefully as her knife was raised, intending to cut her. She would have cut Emilia and finished the job, had she not have to dodge a sudden ball of electricity coming right towards her.
Upon impact, the ball of electricity literally broke a hole through the wall.
"Dammit kid! Quit damaging my house!"
"Shut it old man! I'm trying to stay alive here!"
Subaru replied to the Old Giant as he looked at the woman.
"I have bigger things to worry about right now anyway. . .!"
Subaru stated as he glared at Elsa, electricity dancing crackling around his cheeks.
"Don't forget lady, you also have me to deal with as well!"
Subaru got into a fighting stance.
"Oh I haven't forgotten about you. But I am glad I can understand you better now~"
She licked her lips as she spoke in a flirtatious tone all of a sudden. She then charged at Subaru as the Pokémon braces himself.
She appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye as she swung one of her knives horizontally towards his stomach area, but Subaru was much faster as he jumped backwards to dodge it with the woman following up on her assault.
"Well you know how to fight with those knives, if you were a Pokémon you would most definitely be a ghost type, or maybe a dark type."
Subaru stated as he continued dodging her knives.
"I don't know what a 'Pokémon' is but I will gladly take that as a compliment!~'
The woman stated as she continued her assault. Subaru would admit, this woman was definitely keeping him on his toes. She kept trying to cut him open for some strange reason, it freaked him out.
"You should really stop. . ."
Subaru spoke as he dodged another one of the woman's strikes as the woman widened her eyes a bit, seeing Subaru's tail turn iron again.
"Aiming for my stomach already!"
Subaru exclaimed as he used Iron Tail, whipping his tail horizontally as he smacked the woman on the side of her face, an audible crunch being heard as she was once again, sent flying into the wall.
He then turned to Felt.
"Hey! Now's your chance to run! Get out of here!!"
"Wha-?! B-But she's-!"
Felt tried to argue, but was once again cut off by Subaru and the fierce tone he was using.
"I said get out of here while you still have some time left! Go out and find some help!"
Subaru exclaimed.
Seeing how she didn't have much of a choice in the matter, Felt closed her eyes shut as she began running towards the door, screaming for anyone to come and help her as she knew time wasn't on her side. She just hoped that Old Man Rom, her grandfather would be ok while she was gone.
The woman would have attempted to stop the little girl from escaping but she had to cut a table in half as it was thrown at her. The person that threw the table was non other than Subaru.
"Well you let one get away, how do you feel?"
"I'll admit, I feel quite annoyed."
"Hey there's a first for everything."
Subaru stated as he began thinking to himself.
'Ok, that's one person out of the way. Now it's just me, Emilia, and the Old man. Hopefully we'll be able to-!'
"Here I come!"
The old giant grabbed a club as he charged towards the woman.
"Ah, but isn't it a bit boorish to cut in on a dance?"
The woman asked as her and the giant clashed, they kept clashing their respective weapons against each other as the old giant replied to her question.
"If you wanna dance, I'll show you the best dancin' you've ever seen!"
The giant stated as he swung his club downwards, he expected to land a hit on the woman, but she simply moved out of the way with that same smile stuck on her face.
The old giant grunted as he charged towards the woman again.
"Here we go...Round an' round!"
He spun around as he swung his club. Upon impact, it shattered the ice but the woman wasn't not there...
"Eh? What in the-"
Subaru immediately noticed this as he screamed.
But it was too late, the woman was already standing on the old giant's club.
"You are so strong, I was able to do this."
She quickly swung her blade downward, a strike fitting for a killing blow, had a knife not intercept. A random knife was flung towards the woman as it clashed with her blade, messing with the direction of her swing as the blade cut the old man in a very fatal area. Blood spilled, as the old man fell to the ground, unconscious. The blade came from Subaru as he managed to grab it off of a random table and throw it at the women.
"Well it seems you're the only one standing, little demi-human. Do you think you can entertain me more? You're just so interesting to me that I can't help but want to see your guts!~"
"That's where you're wrong lady, I'm not the only one standing, I have an ally still with me!"
As Subaru said this, an icicle was shot towards the woman as she cut it in pieces.
"Ah, you're so stubborn."
"I thought I told you to never underestimate a spiritual arts user! I'm not one to fall so easily!"
Emilia exclaimed as she continued shooting icicles at the woman, prompting the woman to charge at Emilia while cutting down any projectiles thrown at her.
By the time Elsa got close enough to Emilia, the half-elf made a shield of ice in order to block off the slashes that the woman in black was dishing out. Meanwhile, Subaru was watching as he prepared to join in.
'Alright, if I just use iron tail to deflect her blades, I should be fine.'
Subaru thought as his tail turned into iron again. Whenever he saw a chance to strike, he would immediately charge in with quick attack and slam his tail against her, and the damage was pretty damn noticeable. She crashed into a wall many and sometimes a ceiling many times now, all from Subaru's attacks.
And now currently, it was a close combat session between the two.
"The way you fight, the way you transform, I think I can see why mother is so obsessed with your kind now! You're a mysterious and very interesting specimen!~"
The assassin stated as she once again, swung one of her blades towards Subaru's stomach. Only for the electric mouse to deflect with his iron-like tail.
"Yeah I get it already, you want to see my guts and I'm not letting that happen!"
Subaru exclaimed as he jumped back and covered himself in lighting as he charged forward.
The woman widened her eyes in shock as Subaru closed the distance between them as he managed to tackle her and quite literally throw her around the place like a rag-doll. Even Emilia was caught off guard as she was left wondering how many magic attacks Subaru had in his arsenal.
Subaru just used Volt Tackle.
As he stood there waiting for the woman to get up. He turned towards the half-elf.
"Hey, Emilia."
"I need you to get out of here while she's still recovering from that."
"W-What?! But-!"
She stopped in her tracks. That same unfamiliar yet also familiar feeling she had. She didn't know why but the look in his eyes practically told her everything she needed to know. And right now, those eyes were saying that he would be fine, even if she was still worried for him.
If she had to describe the feeling she had, it would be...
'It's...like...a bond...or something greater...'
The half-elf thought to herself as she turned to leave and aid the old giant.
'Good...with her out the way, I can get this fight over with.'
Subaru thought to himself as he turned back to see the woman standing up without any visible injuries.
'Yep...she can regenerate.'
"I must admit, you are very full of surprises aren't you little demihuman? That one almost got me."
"Yeah well...I'll make sure you won't come back from this one."
"...It seems this battle is coming to an end. It's a shame, but I'll make sure to see your bowels after this...Elsa Granhiert, the Bowel Hunter."
The woman known as Elsa readied her blades.
"Subaru...Subaru Natsuki. I don't really have a title yet. But you can call me the electric type."
Subaru simply replied with a glare as he suddenly went back into his original form. As a Pikachu, and got into a battle stance with electricity producing from his cheeks.
Elsa charged at the electric mouse pokemon as the Pikachu jumped backwards while launching some electric attacks towards her.
She simply deflected them.
"Pi...! Pika!"
Subaru jumped on a table and jumped off of it to dodge another slash from Elsa. While being in the air, he flipped in the air while launching an Electro Ball towards her.
As Elsa managed to jump backward in order to dodge Electro Ball. Subaru landed on the ceiling and proceeded to cover himself in a aura full of electricity.
He suddenly charged forward and managed to land a very good hit.
"Chu! Pi!"
Elsa moaned in pain and...pleasure? As she rolled around and crashed against the counter. As she tried to get back up, she struggled.
Seeing this, Subaru didn't hesitate to continue his onslaught of attacks. As he landed, he felt more powerful, he felt more electricity build up as there was a light bluish energy surrounding him.
Oh yeah. He knew what this was. He was going all out now.
He covered himself in a huge ball of lightning and charged forward towards her. And upon contact? Let's just say...the damage was super affective.
The yellow Pokémon was speed blitzing around the entire area all the while, keeping Elsa in the center. He was treating her like a ping pong ball, just tossing her all over the place until finally, he released an electric discharge that literally decimated the entire loot house from the inside out.
By the time he was finished, Elsa was nowhere in sight.
"Subaru! Are you alright-?!"
Emilia, hearing and seeing the destruction, ran back to where Subaru was. This time, she had the little thief and a man in red hair with her. They also stated at the scene. Flabbergasted and shocked at seeing everything just utterly decimated while a yellow creature stood in the center of it. The Bowel Hunter...someone who has killed knights left and right...was utterly defeated...by an animal.
How could such...a small and innocent-looking creature cause this much destruction?
That was the one question that ran through their minds.
As the mouse Pokémon turned around to look at the group. It only cutely titled it's head and looked at them. Acting as if he didn't just decimate a whole building with someone in it.
Was all Subaru said as the moonlight sky shined down upon him. This is how the first day in Lugunica for the Pokémon went. He was definitely getting some sleep after this.
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