Chapter 2. Forming Contracts and Fighting Assassins
That was the only word Subaru could say. This lady was suddenly asking him about a contract? What kind of contract. Was the one thing he was curious about the most.
"Hah?! Is that all you have to say?! I'm telling YOU to make a contract with me!" Zarestia stated as she pointed her finger towards him.
"W-Wait a second! You lost me on the contracts, so can you explain to me in detail what you mean?
"HAH?!" Zarestia screamed out loud. This guy...didn't know anything about spirits?! Or contracts?!
'Is this guy an idiot or something?' Zarestia thought to herself as she sighed and began to explain everything about spirit arts, contracts and spirits alike.
" that's what it is." Subaru wondered out loud.
The G.U.N. Agent got into a thinking position as he went over the information. This girl was a great spirit. Add to the fact that she seemed to know a lot about magic and this new world.
Subaru knew he could take care of himself, and protect himself, no problem at all. But he could easily get himself killed or struggle against an opponent with abilities he didn't know about.
Though the chance of that was small to none. At best all it would do is catch him off guard. As he looked at Zarestia still looking at him with that pout on her face. He smiled as he decided.
"Alright!" Subaru placed his hand out in front of her.
"Huh?" Zarestia looked on in confusion.
"I'll be your contractor Zarestia! Can't wait to work with you partner!
Subaru smiled brightly as he looked at her.
Zarestia blushed as she looked at him and placed her hand in his and shook it.
"I-Idiot...who do you think you're talking too?"
And thus a contract was formed between The Great Spirit of Murder: Zarestia. And The World's Super Sonic human: Natsuki Subaru.
After everything that happened, they both made it back to the town as everyone was shocked that Zarestia was walking with Subaru so casually as the G.U.N. agent was carrying the unconscious woman that attacked him and turned her in to the authorities.
The news of Subaru becoming Zarestia's contractor spread like wild fire, merchants heard the news and wanted to meet Subaru, nobles heard of it and wanted Subaru for their own personal gain while some other nobles never really liked Subaru and feared him more because of this.
Even a certain Royal candidate that lives in Kararagi was shocked and wanted to meet Subaru herself and see if she could get him in her camp.
Subaru was making a name for himself.
Subaru also got closer to his contracted spirit, Zarestia. They shared their backgrounds and told each other about their abilities. When Subaru told her about how he came from an entirely different world, Zarestia didn't believe him until he showed her some gadgets from his world as well some footage of past incidents that occurred.
Zarestia was simply shocked, and came to the conclusion that Subaru came from the great waterfall, only difference was people made those claims to get attention, but her contractor was the real deal, his abilities and background proved that.
Zarestia also told him of her backstory. She explained that she predated both the Witch and the Dragon. Stories of those times described her as a great beast. Her head would raise the wind, her hands would add fire, her tail would hoist up the water, and her feet would dig up the soil, all of which she enjoyed and would do repeatedly.
She rejoiced in her freedom, undisturbed by anyone, and was praised and admired by all. In turn, she began listening to their requests and would usually lend them her aid whenever she was awake, though sometimes she missed her former freedom and would ignore them.
And eventually, people began bringing gifts for her when they came to ask for favors, though she had little interest in them. However, she appreciated their feelings, and was glad they were happy with her doing what she liked.
Over time, requests became increasingly more specific and her followers began asking for more and more from Zarestia. Though she enjoyed her freedom, she also enjoyed how they would praise and pamper her. Before long, she had grown accustomed to doing as everyone told her. One day, they came to her with a particularly odd request. They asked for fire and nothing else.
She initially found the request disagreeable and asserted her freedom by turning it down, only for everyone to leave her. Finding her freedom to be lonesome, she went to them and agreed to their request for fire. However, she secretly raised the wind as well, as only the wind was indispensable to her as the symbol of her freedom.
After Zarestia returned, the people invited her to a party where she was given alcohol for the first time, and she fell asleep away from her nest for the first time as well. While she slept, the people removed her limbs, stripping her of all elemental powers besides wind. Confused, she asked for an explanation and they accused her of burning their towns and villages as her wind had caused the flames to spread.
They bathed her in alcohol and lit her ablaze, and she saw they were pleased to watch her burn as she screamed in pain. Realizing she still had her head and power over wind, she resolved to kill them all and slew each and every one of them.
Since then, Zarestia has been filled with blood lust, and to express her freedom she would kill anything and everything. She took for herself the title of the Most Beautiful Reaper after how the people called her "shinigami" when she killed them in the end and how they had once called her "beautiful".
After hearing her story, Subaru was enraged but he couldn't do anything but hug and comfort her.
But they both could relate to each other, Subaru loved freedom, he was free spirited and he would come and go as the wind. Zarestia was the same as the wind was a symbol for her freedom.
The two would often bicker due to their personalities but soon started treating each other like family, if someone messed with Subaru they messed with her, and if someone messed with Zarestia then they messed with him.
She also met Halibel, but refers to him as "Mutt". When they first met, they were wary and hostile towards each other. Eventually, they became good acquaintances.
Currently Halibel was sending Subaru and Zarestia off. As they were both leaving Kararagi and heading towards the capital of Lugunica.
"Alright. You two take care of yourself alright?"
"Oh come on Halibel, you know I can take care of myself."
"It's as he says Mutt. We're more then capable of handling ourselves." Zarestia stated with pride.
"I'm just going to ignore you calling me a Mutt"
"Anyway, we'll be off Halibel. So until next time right?"
Halibel smirked as he shook Subaru's hand.
"Yeah, until next time Su-san."
After they said their goodbyes, Subaru turned around waved as he left the village with Zarestia following right behind him.
"Man...I feel like some shit is going to occur later on today." Halibel stated as he puffed out some smoke while looking up at the sky.
Subaru and Zarestia were currently walking through the woods as they stayed quiet for the entire walk, not uttering a word to each other until they made it far enough where no one could see them.
"Alright. This should be good."
"Are you not going to run Subaru?"
"Nah I have something better." Subaru stated as he pulled out a green emerald.
Upon seeing it, Zarestia knew what he was going to do as she grabbed onto his shoulder.
The pair was covered in a bright green light as they instantly vanished from the wood area and appeared in an alleyway. The pair was then about to leave until a voice called out to them.
"Stop right there!"
The pair of spirit and contractor turned around as they saw a woman with silver hair, glaring at them as if they did something to her.
"Um, what can we help you with ma'am?" Subaru asked, confused on what was going on.
"I want you to return what you stole from me."
"What I stole from you?"
"Yes! What you stole from me! It's very important to me so I would appreciate it if you returned it."
The woman stated as she had her hand in front of the pair, seemingly not noticing Zarestia giving her a mean glare. Subaru was soon about to interject until a voice started talking out of nowhere.
"Now wait a second Lia. I don't think these guys stole your insignia."
"You shush Puck."
Zarestia soon made herself known as she started speaking.
"You may want to listen to your spirit, foolish woman. I can assure you my contractor and I did not steal your little badge."
The silver haired woman was going to talk back until she realized who she was talking to the woman was wearing a black and white kimono, she had white hair with green highlights as well as yellow eyes. And she looked beautiful. She recognized the woman to be the great spirit of murder, Zarestia.
And if that were the case then that must mean that the guy next to her was...
...Her contractor...
Putting two and two together and realizing this fact. She immediately bowed and apologized.
"I-I'm so sorry! I thought you guys were the ones that stole my insignia!"
"No it's fine. Just a common mistake right?"
Subaru tried to brush the situation off as Zarestia had her arms crossed glaring at the girl.
The woman then got up and apologized once again stating that she was chasing a thief and she must've taken the wrong way. Before Subaru could call out to her, the woman with silver hair was gone.
"...You want to help her don't you?" Zarestia asked as she looked at her contractor.
"Yeah...something tells me that if we don't help her then something bad will happen."
The great spirit of murder said nothing as she nodded her head and followed Subaru as he walked out the alleyway.
"Until then, we're going to go visit some people k met awhile back."
The two made their way through the market area, ignoring any glares the knights gave to them. Why were the knight glaring at them? Well because Subaru pretty much did ninety percent of their job in a span of a few seconds on his first day in Lugunica.
He helped more people and saved more people. The crime rates reduced greatly as well. The people liked Subaru and started disliking tour knights due to how Subaru acted more like a knight then them. Hell even the G.U.N. agent could tell that there were corrupted knights but a select few were good.
After all, it wouldn't be his first time being called a knight or being compared to one. He learned all about being a knight and earned the title "Knight of The Wind" in his past adventures. Now he wanted to wield Caliburn that he thought about it, he was technically King Arthur.
A few hours have gone by and they have helped multiple people. They even found Plum and brought her back to Kadoman's Appa shop. Where he and his wife thanked him for finding their daughter and bringing her back safely.
They soon said their goodbyes to the family as t they began walking away. Zarestia then asked.
"So are we going to that area next?"
"Yep. The old man lives in the slums, and I have a feeling we'll run into a few people in that area."
Subaru then picked up Zarestia bridal style and began running towards their location at light speed as he became a blue and black streak of light compared to everyone else.
"W-W-What are you doing?!"
"Sorry Tia! But this is the best way to get their fast enough. I'm not even running at my full speed and you're complaining!"
"Well that's because you picked me up so suddenly! Next time give me a warning before you do that!" Zarestia blushed a bright red as she looked away.
"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you after everything is over and dealt with." Subaru stated as he was already out of the capital.
"...You better...idiot..."
A few quick moments later, they were already in the slums. Subaru came to a stop as he placed Zarestia on the ground.
"So how was it Zarestia?"
"You brute..."
"W-Wha-?! But I said I was sorry!" Subaru explained himself, but Zarestia wasn't having any of it.
"You better make it up to me later you hear me?!"
"Hmph!" Zarestia turned her head away from Subaru as she was hiding a pink tint that appeared on her cheeks. She wouldn't say it in person but she enjoyed the way Subaru picked her up. And she enjoyed being held so closely by him as well.
Their banter was soon interrupted as they heard noise in the nearby loot house. They both looked in alarm as Subaru narrowed his eyes.
"Something must be going down in there. Just what did you get yourself into this time old man?" The G.U.N. Agent mumbled to himself as he looked at the building.
Inside the loot house, were four people fighting. One fighting for the kill, the other three fighting for their lives. It all started when the silver haired woman managed to find the thief and arrived at the loot house as she demanded for her insignia back.
Things only went down hill from there as a woman came out of nowhere and tried attacking the silver haired woman only the woman's great spirit Puck protected her from a deadly attack. From that point on, a fight broke out, a giant and a small blond girl joined the fight as they tried to attack the attacker, only for it to be futile as the woman managed to fatally injure the giant and nearly killed the small blond girl.
The silver haired woman managed to hold her own, but her spirit eventually reached it's time limit and clocked out the fight. And now, the silver haired woman was currently on her knees panting, as the woman stood above her, smiling darkly as she licked her lips.
"I expected more from this, but you all bore me."
"D-Don't underestimate me! I can still-!"
The silver haired woman tried to stand only to immediately fall due to her exhaustion and injuries.
"You already reached your limit. I did say I was going to disembowel everyone here eventually. I can't wait to see the bowels of a half-elf!" The woman exclaimed as she swung her knife towards the half-elf's stomach area.
It nearly made contact with the skin until a black and blue streak quickly came and attacked the woman at high speed.
The woman turned around and tried to react, only to get attacked again as she was attacked again. The mysterious figure then landed on the table as it turned around and waved it's index finger from side to side with a cocky smirk.
"Well that was a pretty snazzy performance there!"
The woman in silver haired exclaimed in shock.
"It's you?!"
The woman obsessed with cutting people open slowly got up as she looked at her new dance partner.
"Ara ara~ I wasn't expecting a new dance partner so soon..."
"Yeah well here I am!"
The woman charged at the G.U.N. Agent as she positioned herself above him to swing her knife across his neck, only for a gust of wind to charge towards her and send her flying towards one of the walls as dust formed.
"Hey Tia! What took you so long?"
"Hmph! You went to fast you idiot! At least wait for me!"
"Cmon! You already know that if you want to come along then you'll have to keep up!"
The duo of spirit and contractor continued their banter until the crazy woman spoke.
"You know conversing with someone while ignoring your opponent is rude~~"
"Zarestia , I need you watch those three and make sure they're fine. Especially the old man, he doesn't look so good."
Zarestia said nothing but nodded as she understood what Subaru was planning. He was going to fight this woman alone, and judging the look on his face, Subaru wasn't going to fight her, sure he was going to toy with her a bit, but in reality....
Subaru was pissed, it may not have shown on his facial expression but deep down, he was absolutely livid. The old man was fatally wounded and was bleeding out. Subaru felt his anger rising more and more as he saw the woman smiling without a care in the world at her handiwork.
The woman seemed to sense his emotions as she smiled and pulled out two of her knives as she began to introduce herself.
"Let's start this dance shall we? I'm Elsa Granhiert, the bowel hunter."
The woman introduced herself as she licked her lips, very eager to see what the boy's bowels looked like.
Subaru got into his own battle stance as he introduced himself as well. He had many titles back at his home, but he was going to use the title that was given to him in this world back when he was saving slaves in Kararagi.
"My name is Natsuki Subaru...the Black And Blue Blur of the West!"
The woman now known as Elsa widened her eyes in shock. She had heard rumors about the boy in front of her, his mysterious abilites, the way he fights, how inhumanely fast he apparently is. Now she was excited, the woman then rushed at Subaru at the speed of light, fully intent on cutting his stomach open.
But to Subaru...light speed is small time to him. Subaru curled into a blue and black ball and rolled underneath Elsa's legs, Subaru still in ball form then bounced and charged towards Elsa, homing attacking her in the back as she was pretty much blitzed into the wall.
Everyone watching aside from Zarestia, was shocked, this guy was handling Elsa with complete ease while they had a harder time doing this.
"Come on, I know you're not done yet."
"You're very skilled, I hope you can entertain me more!~~" Elsa seemed to blush as she felt more excited to fight her new opponent and see his insides. For the rest of the fight, Subaru's speed was superior to Elsa's. She kept trying to cut him across the stomach but Subaru would always dodge and use homing attacks while bouncing off of the environment around him.
It also gave Felt enough time to escape, with Elsa getting annoyed due to how she let one get away.
Subaru decided to tease her as he bounced off her head.
"Well you let one get away, how do you feel?"
"I'm quite annoyed but it doesn't matter now." Elsa replied as she kept trying to cut Subaru but only kept hitting his afterimages.
"Well you can't win 'em all!" Subaru stated as he bounced off the ceiling and launched himself at the speed of sound, appearing in front of the Bowel Hunter, catching her by surprise as he gave her an axe kick.
"!!!" Elsa nearly blacked out from the impact of the kick. Her body bounced on the ground due to the impact as she saw Subaru land back on the table in front of her.
'How is he so fast? I don't sense any magic or divine protections...a technique maybe?'
Either way, Elsa acknowledged the fact that Subaru was completely faster than her. But that didn't stop her from giving up the fight, if anything she wanted to fight him and see his entrails even more now, she blushed as she laid on the floor at the sheer thought of it all.
Subaru stood there watching as Elsa stood still on the floor, but he knew something wasn't right. Whenever he was bombarding her with homing attacks, he noticed that some of the marks or bruises he left on her were gone, and now that confirmed as he now saw the mark he left on her head after that ace kick he delivered already healing.
'She has some kind of regenerating ability...' Subaru though to himself as he saw Elsa slowly get back up with that same smile on her face.
"I must admit, you almost got me there...let's see if you can still entertain me, Natsuki Subaru~!"
Elsa charged at Subaru as she swung at his stomach, though it was no effective as Subaru conjured up a chaos spear to block it.
"It seems I'll need to take you more seriously...this next attack will surely make sure you don't get back up after awhile...!"
"Oh? Well then, show me your strength! I want to see the strength of the blue and black flash of the west! I want to see what color your insides are!"
'She's crazy!'
Subaru quickly pushed the assassin off of him as she immediately came back charging towards him, sounds of blades clashing were in the air as sparks appeared as the Subaru and Elsa clashed once more, by this point Zarestia and the silver hair woman already managed to take the giant, Old Man Rom out of the room so it was just Subaru and Elsa fighting in the loot house.
"Sonic Wind!" Subaru screamed as he raised his right hand and balled it into a fist and called out the moves name. He created a small cyclone made of sharp, sky blue winds that ensnared Elsa and caused major damage to her as she made crashed into a wall.
She was going to move but quickly realized she couldn't.
'That live must've impeded my movements...!'
She didn't even had time to react as she saw a blue streak heading straight towards her as she crashed through the wall and onto the street. Elsa tried regenerating her wounds but Subaru was attacking her faster then her wounds could heal.
As soon as Elsa was able to move again, she charged towards Subaru as he landed but she noticed a green gemstone in his hand as she heard him scream.
"Chaos Control!"
Time stopped, everything stopped moving except for Subaru, who didn't waste this chance to completely obliterate Elsa as he charged towards her and landed a punch to her face, he then kicked her and followed it up with a punch and kick, the rockets in his shoe started heating up as he gave her a round house kick, with the fire from the shoe following as it sped up his momentum.
The kick sent her flying but that was not the end of it, Subaru quickly reappeared behind her as he spin dashed towards her legs and launched her in the air, quickly uncurling and giving her and axe kick as she bounced off the ground and high into the air, Subaru then began spin dashing rapidly for six seconds as he covered himself in a blue and black aura as he charged at Elsa at the speed of light and landed multiple mid air homing attacks, sending her flying to different spots in the air until he finally delivered a final axe kick to her head as she was sent crashing down to the roof of the loot house.
As he landed, the loot house collapsed with the assassin still inside.
"Well that takes care of that, now I should probably find Zarestia and those other two."
Subaru began to walk off but stopped as he saw Zarestia, the small blond girl, and the silver haired girl accompanied with a knight in red hair as they all, except for Zarestia looked on in pure shock.
"I see you handled that quite well Subaru."
"Of course I did Tia. That lady was crazy, she kept trying to cut my stomach open."
The knight in red hair gasped in surprise as he quickly appeared in front of the G.U.N agent as he asked.
"The woman! What did she look like?!"
Subaru being slightly confused by the behavior answered.
"She had, black hair, purple eyes, and a black cloak all that kind of stuff. Why?"
As Reinhard was going to answer they heard a noise come out of the loot house as they saw Elsa coming towards them with a glare on her face.
She threw a few needles at Subaru as he of course, deflected them. But he quickly realized that it was a distraction as she was right in front of the silver haired woman, in the position of cutting her stomach open.
She swung her knife, expecting to see the woman's entrails but instead, was met with another quick attack that sent her flying once again into the rubble.
It was Subaru who attacked her.
"You don't know when to quit don't you?"
The woman said nothing as she quickly vanished and reappeared on a nearby roof as she looked at the group.
"I'll come back for your bowels one day..."
She then looked at Subaru as she blushed and licked her lips.
"Especially you, Natsuki Subaru."
Subaru didn't know why but he felt chills going down his spine as he watched the woman vanish.
Thus the fight between Subaru and Elsa ended.
...To Be Continued
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