Chapter 1.Welcome to Kararagi of the many countries of Lugunica. The country is located west of Lugunica and in many ways is similar to Japan, or an older version of Japan but it has its own differences what with its history and it being a completely different world. Currently, Subaru was running towards Kararagi after finding out where it was from one of the locals and decided that Kararagi would be one of the many places he would explore.

Subaru ran through Kyo, the first city of Kararagi. Whenever he passed by the townsfolk, he would leave a huge burst of wind. He quickly made his way to Banan in the span of seconds. Banan is the second city of Kararagi, a bit to the west from its center.

Subaru chose this area to settle down in due to how he heard that Slavery is legal and rampant in Kararagi. Especially in Banan, where enslaving people with a source of income is illegal; that said, one could get away with enslaving street urchins if not caught in the act.

The G.U.N. agent decided to stand watch on a building and watch from above to see if anyone would be stupid enough to enslave someone, not noticing a certain wolf-man watching him from the distance.


Some time has passed. It was currently in the middle of the night. The streets were silent as a silent wind blew in the air. Everything was silent except for two demi-human children running away from whatever was chasing them.

'Just keep running! Don't stop! Just keep running and pray that someone will come and help!'

The two demi-human children kept running as far as they're little legs could take them as they ran into a nearby alleyway in hopes of outrunning their pursuers was a dead end.

"Well, there's nowhere else for you little brats to run!" one man said.

"Hehehe...yeah. You little shits are going to pay making us go through all this trouble!"

"You little demi-humans are a rare bunch! We could make a lot of money selling you!"

The two Demi-human children shook in fear.

"P-Please....just let us go...we just want to go home..." one of the little demi-humans whimpered as the men that were chasing them walked closer.

Seeing that they weren't going to stop, one of them looked up and took a big breath and screamed, hoping someone would hear their plea.

"Please...someone...anyone...HELP US!!!!!!!"

"Shit! Someone shut her up!" one of the men exclaimed as another lunged towards the two demi-human children.

Suddenly three yellow-like spears that seemed to be made of lightning lodged themselves on the ground in front of the men out of nowhere.

"The hell?" one of the men called out.

" seems like no matter what world it is, there are people like you who exist."

They all looked up to see where the voice had come from, only to see a figure on a building right next to them. The figure then jumped down in front of the two demi-human children and faced the group of men that were chasing them. The group seemed to at least 12 men in the group, they all had weapons and chains as well. Subaru could already tell that these people were slave owners.

Subaru suddenly turned towards the two demi-human children as he kneeled before them with a kind and caring smile.

"Are you two alright?"

The two demi-human children couldn't come up with a response. They were too shocked at the current events playing in front of them.

Suddenly, one of the slave owners charged at Subaru, attempting to fatally wound him with a weapon he had in his hand but the boy simply waved his hand as a bright yellow spear appeared and launched itself at the slave owner that tried to attack the G.U.N. agent.

The yellow spear lodged itself in the man's leg as the man screamed.


The man fell on one knee while clutching onto his leg, trying everything he could to stop the bleeding coming out of his newfound wound.

The other slave owners were stunned. Some were too scared to move while others were just shocked. This boy was no normal boy, and he was proficient in magic as well.

"W-What are you waiting for?! Kill that son of a bitch!" the boss exclaimed as all the slave owners charged at Subaru.

He took a deep breath, stood up and got into a battle position. After all, he's dealt with people like them, and has fought bigger groups and bigger threats. This was nothing to him.

"W-Wait! Mister-!" One of the demi-human children called out.

"Don't worry." Subaru interrupted the child.

"After all...I'm used to stuff like this!" Subaru exclaimed as he took off, leaving a trail of dust behind him.

The men suddenly stopped when they felt a strong breeze closing in on them. They then soon realized that it was the boy they were attacking running around them in circles, at a very high speed.

Within seconds tornado formed, trapping the group of men inside it as they were being thrown around inside it. Once the tornado vanished and Subaru stopped running. The men fell down on the ground, some were knocked out while others were barely conscious but couldn't move due to the pain.

Subaru then turned to the children as the children thanked him for saving them. Subaru nodded and quickly left the area as he vanished.

Meanwhile a stranger that resembled a wolf was watching the current events unfold.

"Damn...I never seen anyone move that fast before...interesting..." the figure quickly vanished and left the scene while the two children that were saved by the mysterious man fled the area.

Subaru's reputation from then on started to skyrocket. He was mainly known for saving slaves from slave owners and slave traders. Majority of them were demi-humans. Subaru ended up receiving multiple titles from that point. One of the many names that stood out to him was "The blue and black blur of the west".

The name wasn't so different from the title he had back home. One month later, he encountered his first friend in Kararagi. It was a wolf-man named Halibel. He encountered Halibel, when he noticed the wolf-man following him on his daily patrols.

Though it turned out that Halibel only wanted to see what kind of person the G.U.N.  agent was as well as seeing his character before judging. He noticed the huge burst of wind pass by him when he was minding his own business, so he followed it and it led him right to the G.U.N. Agent.

And Subaru saving those children told him that he wasn't a bad person in his eyes. Since then, the two hit it off really well and became really good friends.

Right now Halibel and Subaru were currently relaxing in a very open area that they would usually go to for training.

"So Su-san...what do you plan on doing once you leave Kararagi?"

"Well I traveled around the world, been to places like Gusteko, helped people, and I do owe an old man a favor. So I'm planning on visiting the capital to visit some friends of mine and from there, only time will tell."

"I see...well you do know about the impact you caused while you were traveling right?" Halibel asked.

"Well yeah, it's not common knowledge now, I caused a huge uproar not only in Kararagi but in the other kingdoms as well. But I'm not worried, after all if they try to do anything against me, they won't have any idea what they'll be up against."

They both got up and made their way back to Banan.

"I'm just warning you Su-san, there are dangerous people out there. Bigots who are nobles, the witch cult, etc." Halibel stated.

"Yeah, but let's face it. If they try to do anything to me. I'll just end them, after all you told me everything I needed to know about the corrupt and the cult. There's no way in hell they'll ever get their way with me. And I dealt with way bigger threats then them."

And Subaru was right, whatever threats were in this world were like small ants compared to the things he had to deal with in his world as well as his past lives. His Metal Counterparts, Chaos, The Time Eater, Dark Gaia, The Doctor, etc. The threats in this world are nothing compared to what he had to go through back at home.

Halibel only nodded as they continued to make their way to Banan. Once they got to their destination, they said their goodbyes and went on with their business.

'Alright, time for another patrol to see if there are any slaves to be saved.'

Subaru continued walking until he stopped dead in his tracks feeling a huge amount of bloodlust...

And it was aimed directly at him.

Subaru quickly used chaos control to teleport out of the way of the raging winds that were coming towards him.

When he turned towards his attacker, he was shocked to see a beautiful women with white skin. She had white hair and a small piece of lime hair but for the most part short milky-white hair with the uneven tips of a shaggy cut along with white eyelashes, and sharp almond-shaped eyes with a bright yellow color.

She wore an immaculate pure white kimono with green and black decorations and with the right side over the left, giving the impression of burial clothes, but with the skirt shortened to the mid-thigh and freely exposing her long slender legs.

Subaru frowned.

Whoever this lady was didn't seem to hold back in trying to kill him.


"Wh-Why the hell os she here?!"

"It's the Beautiful Grim Reaper!"

"Oh Od, please no!"


Everyone around the G.U.N. Agent screamed in panic as they all scrambled to get the hell away from the woman.

Subaru didn't waste any time as he lifted his hands up and summoned three yellow spears and launched them towards the woman now known as Zarestia.

Zarestia quickly retaliated by waving her hand, sending a powerful gust of wind, countering the yellow spear attack as they were sent in different directions.

'She managed to counter my chaos spear?!'

Zarestia was about to send another attack but didn't have time as Subaru quickly vanished and reappeared in front of her, sending a kick to her stomach.

She flew a good distance away from him as Subaru got into a stance.

'She seems to be targeting me only, so the best I can do is get her to follow me far from the city so no one gets hurt in the crossfire.'

Subaru quickly turned around as he instantly accelerated to great speeds, leaving a dust cloud behind him.

The reaper was somewhat shocked but got annoyed and used her wind magic to help her move faster and follow him.

Meanwhile with Subaru, he was running past many buildings at light speed. He knew that his full speed could impact the area around him, regardless if he's skating with the rocket function in his shoes or running. So running at his current speed he was running at would be enough until he made it out of the town and somewhere secluded so he can go all out.

Once he made it out of Banan, and into a secluded area somewhere in the woods. He stopped in the middle of a open field and simply waited for Zarestia to appear.

After a few moments of waiting, Subaru felt strong winds approaching him, he knew it was Zarestia. He got back into his stance, he planned on skating by using the rockets in his shoes this time instead of running.

If he ran at full speed and went all out then the fight would be over before it even started. So he would skate around, it would be enough to handle the fight.

Once Zarestia appeared before him, Subaru quickly asked her something he wanted to ask.

"Hey! Before we start, I want to know something. Why are you trying to kill me? I did nothing to you last I checked."

Zarestia didn't say anything but instead, sent out a wind blade. Subaru quickly blitzed out the way as he had his arm crossed. The reaper sent another wind blade toward Subaru as he quickly conjured a chaos spear in his hand and gripped it tightly.

He swung it horizontally as he countered the wind blade. Zarestia was going to conjure up more wind blades, but Subaru wasn't going to the chance, he needed to end this fight quickly.

He quickly dashed towards her as a blue and black blur and kicked her in the stomach. He then followed that up by using his rocket shoes to skate towards her at light speed and kicked her towards the air, then he used chaos control to teleport on the air and kick her towards the ground.

Once she landed, the G.U.N. Agent quickly teleported on the ground and used the rocket function in his shoes to skate and dash towards her, hitting her with a dash attack.

"Ack!" Zarestia screamed as she felt the pain of the attacks Subaru landed on her.

Subaru quickly pulled out a green emerald and screamed.

"Chaos Control!"

Suddenly everything stopped except for Subaru, he stopped time using his chaos control and quickly summoned 9 chaos spears that surrounded the great spirit of wind.

He snapped his fingers as time resumed itself and the chaos spears Subaru summoned, launched themselves towards Zarestia. They ended up lodging themselves in her legs and arms and some of them landed on her waist.


Zarestia screamed as she writhed in pain on the ground. Subaru looked at her with a bit of pity, he didn't want to do this to her, but the woman was trying to kill him, he wasn't just going to stand there and let that happen.

The reaper soon raised her head to see Subaru right above her as he had a chaos spear in his hand.

"I'm going to ask you this again, why did you attack me?" he asked.

She didn't speak, she only responded with a hateful glare.

He sighed.

He soon raised the chaos spear he had in his hand above him. He personally would've preferred using his gun, but he didn't have it on him, all the gear he had aside from his clothes, shoes, and rings that were on his wrist and shoes were at the place he was staying at so he had to make due with what he had.

"So, you have any last words?"

Subaru didn't want to kill the woman, he only wanted to know why this person was trying to kill him. But with her not talking, he could only assume that she was a mute or didn't want to talk.

She still didn't respond, she just gritted her teeth in absolute hatred and rage.

He was about to end it right then and there until he heard a feminine voice scream out towards him.


He turned around to see...his attacker's twin sister?

He was looking at an exact copy of his opponent. His senses screamed danger from the one he just beat.

He immediately jumped back a great distance away from the attacker and landed on a nearby tree branch.


The one that was just at his mercy roared with such rage and defiance as multiple wind blades blasted through all directions.


Quickly he jumped off the tree branch and speed out the area as the attacker turned the entire area into dust.

When he came back to the aftermath in a span of a few seconds, he was surprised.

"Holy shit...."

His opponent created a crater reaching 80+ meters wide.

The trees and even the boulders were cut in clean pieces.

'The people in this world are strong with they're magic and whatnot I'll give them that.'

He also noticed the look-alike of his opponent. Who was completely fine, although her clothes had a lot of cuts, showing off a bit of her feminine features such as her thighs, waist, and her "assets".

The G.U.N agent felt his face heat up a bit, but brushed it off as he focused on the matter at hand.

He turned his attention towards the culprit, who was hovering 6 meters in the air with hole caused in parts of her body caused from the chaos spears that were lodged in her. The culprit was gathering mana in the atmosphere. Looking at him with angry bloodshot eyes.

He could feel her malice, her hatred, her bloodlust aimed right at him. It almost made him flinch.


He took a deep breath and sighed.

"Looks like I'll need to go all out after all... I was hoping to end this in a matter of seconds using a little bit of my speed while holding back but she's stubborn..." Subaru muttered.

With a wave of his hand, he summoned at least 50+ chaos spears in the air above him. Both his enemy and the look-alike were stunned as they saw the spears all aimed at their target.

"Who are you?" Asked the look-alike.

He turned to her before answering.

"My name is Subaru, Natsuki Subaru. I'm known by many names, one of which you may recognize,
'The blue and black blur of the west'."

The look-alike had a face of slight shock.

"Now who are you?"

"Hmph! Such an attitude. Be grateful I found what I'm looking for." She glared at him.

"I am Zarestia, and that thing that looks like me is the thief that stole my Light Sphere!" She said, pointing at her look-alike.

'Wait! She's the real one?! So I was fighting a fake the entire time!?'

Subaru quickly asked the lady that was known as the "real Zarestia" about the imposter he was fighting.

"Is she your twin?"

"No! That filth isn't even an acquaintance of mine! This happened to her because she stole what's mine!" Zarestia said pouting.

Subaru blinked as he took in what she said. There were a lot of questions he wanted to ask at but decided to turn his attention on his opponent instead.

When he looked closely, he could see something on the thief's chest, a core of some sorts.

'How did I not notice that before?' Subaru thought to himself.

His opponent raised both hands above her head as a ball of wind the size of dinner plates formed. She then threw it at Subaru, who got into a starting position and revved his feet at supersonic speeds. He did it so fast that it look liked his feet was just moving in a circular motion, just very fast.

Subaru quickly sped out the way with no effort at all as he zoomed around the area, using the environment around him to gain more momentum.

The ball exploded on impact that caused a strong shockwave. Zarestia formed a wind barrier of her own to shield herself. She was surprised when she saw the way Subaru moved his feet in that manner, following it up by moving as a blur that not even her eyes could see.

'Just how can one human be so fast?' She wondered to herself.

The thief/attacker grit her teeth and shot more wind blades all around the area in hopes to hit Subaru. But it was all for nothing as Subaru was superior in speed and dodged them in split seconds while running around the area, getting faster every second he ran.

And Zarestia kept blocking the attacks with her barrier.

"Hey Zarestia!" Subaru called out to her.

"Don't just casually call my name human. What is it?" She said arrogantly.

Subaru's eyes twitched. He got irritated but decided it wasn't worth selling himself out, he was going to say he's not really a human or a "normal human" but decided against it. They had bigger problems to attend to.

"There's some kind of object on her chest, can you remove that?"

"Of course I can remove it. That task is way to easy for my beautiful self!" She said pointing at him.

"But she needs to be incapacitated." She said as she glanced at the thief who was continuously blasting wind blades towards Subaru as he continued running to dodge them.

"I see, well then don't worry, I'll make this quick and bring her to you." Subaru said as he accelerated to an even greater speed that was close to his top speed.

"Hmph, it's not like I need your help!" She said crossing her arms.

'Tsundere...' Subaru thought to himself before covering himself in a blue and black aura as he became a high speed projectile running around the area at higher speeds. He was threatening to break the sound barrier itself.

If he wanted to end this quickly then he would need to be close to his top speed at least and end the rampage of the faker.

He jumped on a tree and quickly bounced off of it. The thief tried to use her wind blades to counter the high speed projectile that was charging at her, but it was over the moment it hit her.

She was sent flying as the impact of the attack sent her a good distance, but it wasn't over yet. Subaru quickly jumped towards another tree before jumping off of that tree and hitting her again.

This same process repeated itself with Subaru jumping off of the trees in the environment and hitting the thief all over the place at high speeds that not even Zarestia herself could keep up with, he was literally a blur in her eyes.

Once he was done with that, the thief was still in the air, so he jumped high into the air and started to curl himself into a blue and black ball and started to spin rapidly.

He soon charged towards his target and his her in the stomach as he bounced right off of her and uncurled doing a trick as the thief was sent crashing to the ground.

On impact, a huge dust cloud appeared and once the dust cleared up, the thief was laying in a huge crater knocked unconscious as she was battered up with bruises from all the high speed attacks Subaru gave her, one could look at her and say she was on the verge of death.

Zarestia's mouth was agape as she stared at the unconscious thief before her.

Subaru landed on the ground and walked towards her.

She shook her head and walked towards the thief. She was barely breathing, but Zarestia didn't care. She flipped the thief to face upwards before putting her hand over the thief's chest and taking back what was rightfully hers, the light sphere.

The thief's figure slowly turned into that of a young woman in her twenties with brown hair.

She was also naked too.

Subaru quickly turned around as to not look. Once that was over, Subaru quickly sped to the town went to his house and grabbed a blanket. He then ran back to the wood area and covered the naked woman with the blanket and turned to Zarestia who had a shocked look on her face.

"What?" He asked.

"How did you do that? I didn't feel any magic or use of divine protections at all." She said.

"Well why do you want to know?"

"Just answer me human! How. Did. You. Do. It?" She said.

They both stared at each other in silence until Subaru reluctantly answered.

"Ok one, I'm not really a human or a "normal one" I'm the ultimate life form. Secondly, I used my speed, I'm just naturally fast, so fast that I could travel around the world in a span of a few seconds. My abilities aren't magic, that's all I can tell you." He explained.

AN:(Since Subaru is the reincarnation of Sonic and Shadow, he's going to have a thing called ultimate life form genes, his aging process is slow he's more durable, more stronger, and faster,  then a normal human so people will have a hard time killing him, including great spirits. He can still die though.)

Zarestia's eyes widened before giving him a scrutinizing gaze.

She looked up and down at his figure and was intrigued by the clothes he was wearing as well as the rings on his wrist and ankles as well as his abilities.

After a while, she closed her eyes and nodded as if approving something.

"Make a contract with me." She said demandingly.

"It was silent for a bit as he took in what she said and made a confused face?



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