Chapter 3: mansion,fiend,maids,and more

"Talking" 'thoughts'

Denji feels something soft in one of his hands and for that matter on his whole body for that matter Denji felt something he really wasn't used to, being comfortable

Denji stirs awake and the soft feeling in his hand retracts away as he turns to side of the bed opens his eyes and is greeted by a disembodied head with pink hair fashioned in a top knot similar in appearance to a gun hammer and dark pink eyes staring at him

(Think of Ram but with Aki's hairstyle)

???: "Rem Rem, our guest is awake please help me to my body."

Denji immediately jumps back and starts screaming

Denji: "Talking disembodied head!"

???: "Sister sister, Rem thinks your appearance scared him."

???: "Yes yes, Ram thinks she should've stayed with her body now."

A blue haired maid with beautiful blue eyes comes into Denji's view

Denji: "Are you an angel?"

The blue haired maid is taken aback by Denji's sudden compliment

Ram: "Sister sister, it appears Emilia-sama's guest has recognized your cuteness."

The blue haired maid immediately blushes and tries to hide it fast

Rem: "Rem will get Ram into her body now!"

The blue haired maid quickly picks up her sister's disembodied but miraculously still living and functioning head and brings it over to an immaculately constructed doll about the same height as the blue haired maid with an identical maid outfit on it. She then places her sister's head on the doll and rotates her head screwing her sister's head into the doll. After completing this the doll begins to move as if it were a living body and the pink haired maid stands up and proceeds to clasp hands with her twin sister

Denji just stares at them for a minute

Denji: "Shit!  Where the hell am I!?"

Rem: "Sister sister, guest-sama seems to not remember what happened."

Ram: "Rem Rem, our guest may have become brain damaged from the blood loss."

Denji: "Wait where's-?"

Denji looks around for Pochita looking everywhere but then turning his gaze to the pull cord in his chest

Denji: "Pochita..."

Denji remembers what happened yesterday and how Pochita sacrificed himself for Denji

Pochita: "Show me your dreams."

Denji grips the pull cord with determination

Denji: "I will Pochita I promise."

Rem: "Sister sister, guest-sama appears to be crazy."

Ram: "Rem Rem, be careful he may possibly be insane."

Denji: "Hey I'm not insane! I'm just talking to my friend!"

Ram: "Rem Rem, guest-sama is talking to an imaginary friend."

Denji is about to pull the pull cord in his chest out of frustration when suddenly Emilia walks into the room

Emilia: "Jeez Denji can't you wake up quietly?"

Denji: "Oh, Emilia.  It's good to see you."

Denji looks around the room for a minute

Denji: "So, am I at your house because this place ain't half bad and this bed is the best one I've ever slept on."

Emilia: "Well to answer your question this is my benefactor's mansion."

Denji: "What's a mansion?  Is that like a house."

Emilia wants to question him for a moment but remembers how poor and uneducated Denji is

Emilia: "Yes Denji a mansion is a bigger and fancier house.  And my sponsor lord Roswaal L Mathers wants to reward you for saving my life.  Also Reinhard came here to reward you for killing the bowel hunter."

Denji: "Wait the red head is here?"

Ram: "Ram is surprised that guest-sama knows the sword saint."

Denji: "What the hell is a sword saint?"

Rem and Ram look at Denji like he just said the weirdest thing either of them had ever heard

Emilia: "Denji grew up as a slave in Vollachia and his masters didn't teach him a lot. The most comfort he had before he escaped to Lugunica was his pet devil Pochita and the shack he called his house."

Rem and Ram: "Forgive us for not knowing guest-sama's past Emilia-sama."

Emilia gives Denji a look that says 'just roll with it'

Emilia: "Rem and Ram brought you clothes your old clothes were dirty and covered in blood so I figured you would want to change."

Rem sets a butler's outfit on the foot of the bed before bowing and taking her leave with her sister all the while Denji can't help but be oddly mesmerized by her

Emilia: "It's creepy to stare you know."

Denji: "Sorry!  I'll get changed!"

Denji quickly jumps out of bed noticing he's wearing what appears to be some luxurious pajamas and on top of that he just noticed something has returned

Denji: "Wait one fucking second.  Is it?  No way."

Emilia decides to quickly take her leave before she sees too much

Denji: "Holy shit it's back!  Did I get my eye back too!?"

Denji looks in a nearby mirror and notices that his right eye has indeed returned

Denji: "Pochita this had to be you thanks so much!"

After getting dressed in the butler's uniform Denji leaves his room and starts looking around

Denji: "Damn, this Roswaal guy has a nice place he probably won't mind me looking around a little."

Denji walks up to a random door and opens it to find a room filled with books and in the center of it a little girl with blonde hair styled in drills wearing a frilly pink dress with strange blue and pink eyes

???: "What an irritating man I suppose."

Denji: "Aw, you look so cute with your wittle dress and your cute wittle cheeks."

Denji's baby talk only seemed to cause the little girl more annoyance

???: "Betty has no time for your demeaning talk.  You will leave or Betty will make you."

Denji: "But why would I leave such a wittle cutie patootie?"

Beatrice is pouting in a mix of embarrassment and annoyance as she's had about enough of this man

Denji: "Aw, you're even cuter when you're mad!"

Betty: "Betty will make the annoyances go away now in fact."

Betty closes her book walks up to Denji and puts her hand on him

Denji: "Aw, what you trying to do?"

Betty: "Betty is making you go away in fact."

Denji: "Oh really and how are you gonna-?"

Denji's body suddenly feels like it's been set on fire as he screams in pain and falls unconscious

Betty: "...What a bitch."

Betty then throws him out the door and into the dining room with Betty slamming the door shut before moving her room somewhere she was sure Denji would never find

Rem and Ram happen upon the passed out Denji and quickly put two and two together that he just had a run in with Beatrice

Ram: "Sister sister, guest-sama just had his mana drained by Beatrice-sama."

Rem: "Sister sister, it's strange he still lives given his odd scent."

Ram: "Sister sister, I think we should leave him to Power."

Rem: "Yes yes, Power can handle him."

???: "Who speaks my name!?"

(Imagine Power but wearing a maid outfit also I can already hear the doujin artists getting to work)

Ram: "Power, fix guest-sama's suit and wake him up."

Power: "I don't take orders from you mortal!"

Ram gives Power the death stare which quickly shuts her up as she picks up Denji and sits him down in one of the chair to fix up his suit and after fixing Denji's suit she promptly slaps him awake

Denji: "Ow! What the fuck was that?!"

Power: "It was Rem she slapped you!"

Rem looks at Power with a disinterested expression knowing that her sister's friend was a pathological liar Denji on the other hand did not know this

Denji: "Why!? What did I do to deserve getting slapped!?"

Power has a shit eating grin on her face while Rem stares daggers at her

Rem: "Rem did not slap you guest-sama. Power slapped you and lied about it because she is a shameless pathological liar."

Power: "Don't listen to her she's lying to you! She's the liar here not me!"

Denji is super confused and doesn't know who to believe but since Rem is cuter... (put your pitchforks down)

Denji: "You liar you're just pinning the blame on Rem!"

Power: "Whaaaat!? I am insulted that you would think I'd pin the blame on my best friend's sister when clearly it was you who slapped yourself."

Denji: "That doesn't even make any sense!"

???: "Oh myyyyyyy."

Denji: "Who's the clown?"

Rem and Power suddenly go quiet horrified at what Denji just said

???: "It's quite alright for you to think that. Allow me to introduuuuuuuce myself. I am Roswaal L Mathers the lord of this land."

Denji: "...Oh. Sorry about the whole clown thing."

Roswaal: "Like I said it's quite alright for you to assume that it's a common thing for people who don't know me personally to say when meeting me."

Just as Roswaal finishes introducing himself Reinhard enters the room with a large bag full of what is assumed to be coins

Reinhard: "Denji! It's good to see you! Wait where's your pet devil?"

Denji looks at the floor for a moment before reaching down his shirt and showing Reinhard the pull cord in his chest

Denji: "When Elsa cut me up Pochita... He saved my life and gave me his power. It's how I was able to kill that bitch who attacking Emilia."

Reinhard: "I'm sorry for your loss. I wanted to deliver the bounty reward for killing the bowel hunter myself to check on you."

Power: "The bowel hunter is weak last week I fought her off myself bare handed!"

Power's boasting is ignored however Rem is taken aback by the news that this to her knowledge "escaped slave" was capable of not just fighting but killing the bowel hunter Elsa Granhiert

Rem: 'If he proves to be an enemy he may be difficult to deal with. Whatever I do I can't fight him head on.'

Reinhard puts the large bag of coins on the table and pushes it over to Denji

Reinhard: "Because you killed Elsa the reward isn't as high as it would otherwise be but 10,000 gold coins is 10,000 gold coins I suppose."

Denji eyes the bag with a shimmer in his eyes

Denji: 'If Elsa was called something like "bowel hunter" and 10,000 gold coins was her bounty that's gotta be a lot.'

Roswaal: "Reinhard why don't you join us for breakfast while you're here. Emilia-sama should almost be finished talking to the lesser spirits. Denji would you be a dear a go fetch her."

Denji: "Sure I've been wanting to hang out with Emilia anyway Roswaal."

Denji stands up, grabs the bag of gold coins and goes outside to see Emilia (So far Denji's only actual friend in this world)

Denji: "Emilia!"

Denji is wandering around the outside of the mansion aimlessly while calling out to Emilia eventually Denji comes upon Emilia talking to what appears to be many small orbs of light then suddenly without warning the light orbs surround Denji

Denji: "Hey stop that it tickles!"

Emilia turns and looks at Denji who is being mobbed by the lesser spirits Emilia being dumbfounded that even with a devil for a heart Denji's spirit affinity is this high

Emilia: "They've never done that before you must have some incredible spirit affinity."

Denji: "What's spirit affinity?"

Puck: "Ya know for someone as amazing as you Denji it still baffles me how dull you are."

Puck flies out of Emilia's hair and over to Denji

Puck: "Spirit affinity in it's simplest form is in essence how connected you can be with spirits like myself."

Denji: "So I'm super in tune with spirits?"

Puck: "I'd say your affinity is just as good as Lia's maybe even a little higher. Lia could teach you spirit arts later if your interested."

Denji: "Hell yeah I'm interested that sounds badass!"

Emilia: "So why are you out here Denji?"

Denji: "Oh, yeah Roswaal told me to come get you for breakfast."

Emilia: "Oh, you've met Roswaal already?"

Denji: "Yeah he's weird but hey he's alright."

A few minutes later Denji comes back with Emilia and they sit down next to each other for breakfast with Reinhard sitting next to Roswaal and after a few more minutes of talking the food finally arrives

Denji: "Wait I actually get to eat something that smells that good?"

Roswaal: "Of course you are my guest after all."

After Rem sets a plate down in front of Denji the boy who never got to eat food this luxurious starts devouring his food like a ravenous animal making a mess all the while and visibly annoying Ram who is standing behind Roswaal next to Rem and Power

Denji: "This food is amazing! Who made it?"

Roswaal: "That would be our dear Rem she's quite the chef."

Denji: "So she's a good cook? What about the other two?"

Ram: "Ram excels at devil hunting and cleaning."

Denji: "So Rem is bad at cleaning?"

Ram: "No my sister excels at all household chores."

Denji: "Then why are you here?"

Power: "Because Ram is my best friend and I the mighty Power like keeping my best friends around!"

Denji: "What do you do anyway?"

Power: "I am the greatest of all maids! I excel at cleaning, cooking, and I'm an excellent devil hunter!"

Rem: "Power lies she is incredibly lazy and is only good at killing devils."

Power: "You trying to start something!?"

Roswaal: "Now then Denji I simply must reward you for helping Emilia get her insignia back."

Denji: "Oh yeah what's the deal with that by the way? Is it like some family heirloom or something?"

Roswaal: "You mean you do not know the state of the kingdom?"

Emilia: "Forgive him Roswaal he was running away from slavery in Vollachia."

Reinhard: "You used to be a slave?"

Denji: "Well yeah I was." 'Well in a way I was a slave anyway.'

Reinhard's divine protection of truth doesn't detect him lying so Reinhard respectfully lowers his head in sympathy for Denji's situation

Roswaal: "Well then I guess I should inform you of the current state of affairs then. It started 13 years ago when the fear of the witch cult was at it's apex "it" appeared and brought with it the devils. This creature was the witch devil and in a matter of minutes it wiped out 1.2 million people."

Denji doesn't know how to respond to that but it oddly sounds familiar so he keeps listening

Roswaal: "After it's initial rampage the witch devil broke apart into countless pieces and one of those fragments of the witch devil ended up in the royal palace of Lugunica a year ago and single handedly slaughtered the entire royal family. Ever since then the country has been governed by a council of wise men while the next ruler is selected. And the insignia you helped retrieve proves Emilia-sama to be a candidate for the throne."

Denji: "Wait so Emilia is a princess?"

Emilia: "In a way I guess I am."

Roswaal: "Now that we have that out of the way I shall grant you any wish. I can give you anything within my power money,fame,land, or even a title if you wish."

Denji doesn't have to think long about what he wants he was looking for a job when he met Emilia after all so...

Denji: "Hire me to work as a butler!"

There's an awkward silence for a moment which gets broken by Ram sneezing

Roswaal: "Is that all?"

Denji: "Well I guess I would also like to work part time as a devil hunter but mostly I wanna give the butler thing a shot. Besides before I met Emilia I was looking for work as a butler anyway."

Roswaal: "Very well then from today onwards you shall serve as a butler and part time devil hunter of the Mathers household. A pleasuuuuure to have you Denji-kun."

(Well there's chapter 3 I hope you guys enjoy it I'm gonna hold off for a bit on chapter 4 and try to work out a schedule where new chapters will come out weekly but I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and I appreciate you guys for reading)

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