Bloom; RayEmma Week 2019 Day 1
Ray could only stare at the younger girl in confusion when he saw her awake in the dining room sometime after midnight. His grey, half opened eyes stared into her green, wide ones—they were probably wide because he surprised her when he walked into the room.
She was in her pajamas—obviously—and a chair was pulled out just slightly so she could sit on it. A glass of what Ray thinks is water was in front of her on the table. And strangely her hair didn't look messy—well, messy like she had just woken up and decided to get out of bed for whatever reason.
He didn't need to ask her what was bothering her; it was obvious—to anyone really. Tomorrow both of them, along with that weird bunker guy, would be heading out to Goldy Pond. Anything could happen, Ray didn't doubt that this man was planning to kill both of them, but he wouldn't let that happen. Ray would protect Emma at all cost—from both that man and the demons outside. Even if it meant he would lose his own life, as long as Emma didn't lose hers.
He slightly grimaced at his own thoughts; it was a bad habit to think that way, a habit he was trying to break out of since Ray really did want to continue living. But it was probably going to take a while to stop thinking this way, but he was okay with that. As long as it meant that in the end he would stop those bad thoughts, then he didn't mind if it took some time from them to go away.
He finally—finally—took a step into the dining room.
"You nervous?" He asked as he opened a cabinet door and grabbed a glass for himself. Emma only nodded in reply as he walked over to the sink and turned on the faucet, letting the cold water splash into his cup. After he switched it off, he turned around to face her, letting his back lean against the counter, using his elbow as support.
"Is it that obvious?" She asked, and before Ray took a sip of his water, he couldn't help but to make a sarcastic reply.
"No, I think you come out here into the dining room around one in the morning on a daily basis right?"
Emma only laughed at his remark—a genuine laugh. This brought a smile on Ray's lips at the fact that he made her not only smile, but also laugh. He didn't feel proud of himself, no he felt—happy? Happy that he was able to lift her worries just a tiny bit and made her feel just a bit better. Yeah, he felt happy.
When he finished his drink he noticed Emma's glass was also empty. So without saying a word he walked over to her and scooped it up with his other hand. After placing both of them in the sink he walked back over to her and gave her a gentle expression.
"It's late, come on. Let's head to bed, we have a busy day tomorrow."
He started to walk away but was barely able to take one step before Emma grabbed onto his sleeve. Causing him to look at her once again, she looked nervous—well again, obviously—but this one looked different. She looked to her side for a second before her green eyes met his.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked, and he stared at her with a blank face as he thought it over. It wasn't like this would be the first time they would sleep together, back at the House, him, Emma, and Norman would sleep on the same bed as children all the time and even sometimes as they got older. It wasn't any different for this time. So Ray sighed and turned his back to her before he vaguely shrugged his shoulders.
"It's up to you." He said, and before he even started walking away he heard her stand up and push the chair back in. Though she was no longer holding onto his sleeve, he could feel the warmth of her body against his arm and back. And the pair went back to the room they shared with their siblings in silence.
It wasn't late, but it also wasn't early.
Emma could only stare at Ray in amazement as he made dinner for over sixty children—both she and he included. It amazed her how he can cook for over sixty people and still looks so calm, like, how? She couldn't help but to feel bad, it was usually only him cooking for everyone—heck, even Yuugo himself said, quote, "I feel bad for the kid. But he refuses to let anyone help."
So with determination sparkling in her eyes, she made her way over to the kitchen slowly—she had just woken up and though she didn't need crutches anymore, she knew her limits, she didn't want Ray to scold her for pushing herself—and when she arrived she opened her mouth and was immediately distracted by Ray himself—
It was the way he moved, he moved so calmly around the kitchen. Grabbing kitchen utensils or making sure he had the right ingredients, chopping some food and then walking back to the pot to make sure it was all cooking properly and not getting burnt. It strangely entranced her. And later, when he moves his attention to the pot and was stirring it, a small hair strand of his long bangs fell out of place. And without even looking away from the food, he lifted his left hand and tucked it behind his ear.
It was that, that made her chest get this tiny fluttering feeling. Yet, she didn't know why. She felt like the word was on the tip of her tongue but it wouldn't come to mind. And while trying to think, she kept on staring at him. But she wasn't aware of this; her mind was too busy trying to think of that God-dang word.
"Take a picture it'll last longer."
His voice made her yelp in surprise and jump back just a bit. Emma gave him a sheepish smile in reply as she started walking towards him.
"I would, but I don't have a camera." She said which caused Ray to look at her and raise his eyebrow. But Emma didn't miss the small tint of pink on his ear despite his face color looking the exact same. This made sense because she was staring at him and, in a way, just admitted that if she could she would take a picture of him right now and probably stare at it later. (Which she low-key, totally would.)
He shook his head at her before hitting his spoon against the pot to get the food off, and then made his way to chop up more ingredients.
"What do you want?" He asked and she only gave him a simple smile.
"I want to help!"
He stopped chopping for a second to look up at her to say, "No, you'd only get in the way." And then looked back down at the food and continued cutting. She pouted at him, and puffed her cheeks out in a glare, which caused his frown to turn into a smile making her smile also. He released a sigh of defeat, before looking up at her once again.
"Fine, but wash your hands first!" He said and Emma happily nodded, walking over to the sink and doing exactly what he told her to do. After drying her hands he called her over and handed her the knife, telling that she'll finish chopping while he stirred the food.
Emma happily complied with his directions, and started cutting up the food into bits and pieces while he stirred the pot. The pair didn't say anything for a few minutes; then again, she's noticed that they can share a comfortable silence with each other. Well, they always have been able to, but something about it was different now. Something that, again, Emma couldn't quite put her finger on. But her thoughts were once again interrupted when Ray had asked her why she wanted to help in the first place.
"I just—well, felt bad." She said awkwardly while tucking a piece of her hair behind her right ear. "Every day you come in and cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner, for over sixty people, and I, wanted to help."
He didn't say anything for a bit, and when he did, Emma didn't need to see him to know that he turned around to look at her. She could feel his gaze on her which made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
"Yeah, but that's not what you wanted to talk about now is it?"
Emma couldn't help but to click her tongue in reply.
"Observant as always, Ray."
"Especially when I'm around you." He replied. And she didn't know if that was a compliment or not. But either way it made her heart flutter just a bit because it meant that he paid attention to her. This strangely made her feel nervous when it shouldn't. Of course he paid attention to her, so did Gilda, Don, Violet, Yuugo—everyone really—because she didn't know her limits and is reckless.
But something about it being Ray specifically paying attention to her made her nerves go crazy just a bit. Maybe it was because in a way, he paid attention to not only her actions, but also how she felt and the way she looked when something was bothering her.
It had only been about a month or two since they escaped from the House, and Emma knew that her and Ray had gotten closer during this time. And she knew that he knew also.
It was something that they never said out loud, but they didn't need to at the same time. They just knew it, they could feel it.
Emma shook her head slightly, now wasn't the time to get distracted. She hesitated for a moment before she spoke.
"Gilda told me that you didn't leave my bedside for a whole week. Not even for food, she had to bring you food."
"Your point is?"
Emma stopped cutting the food, and after a few seconds of thinking. She placed the knife down and walked away from the food, and towards Ray. Before he could even say anything, she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in his back. He let out a small yelp in surprise before scolding her.
"Emma! Be careful, you're going to make spill the food—"
"You're important to me also!"
There was a moment of silence. And Emma could hear—and feel due to hugging him—Ray gasp just a tiny bit.
"You're an important person to me also" She continued. "And I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For what? I'm not sure either. I just... I just wanted to say sorry."
He didn't say anything, and neither did she. And once again they shared a comfortable silence. And Emma's eyes widen when she felt his right hand snake its way on top of hers.
"Dummy..." Is all he said, and for some odd reason, it brought a smile onto her lips. And she didn't need to see his face to know his lips curled into a smile also.
It was the night of Emma's 13th birthday. And as much as their entire family celebrated it with her, at night she wanted to spend time with Ray in the library.
He asked her why but she only replied with that she wanted to. It wasn't like this was a first, there were many times over the past few months were he would drag her somewhere or she would drag him somewhere just so the pair could be alone together.
They both knew why the other did it, but they never said anything about it out loud.
They didn't need too.
When they arrived Ray just somehow knew that Emma just wanted to read with him. He didn't know how, he just knew.
So wordlessly they both started searching for their own books. And when they're both done, instead of sitting on the chairs—you know, like a normal person—she led him to sit down on the tile floor. Ray opened his mouth to protest, but he sighed and closed it before sitting down with her. He didn't know what type of book she had and he didn't really want to know—okay he kind of did, but like hell he was going to admit that out loud.
They had been reading in silence for maybe an hour or two, a comfortable silence which was very normal for the two of them now. However during the silence, when he would steal a glance at her sometimes he would catch her staring at him. And after his heart would do a backflip he would give her a smirk which caused her cheeks to become red and her eyes to widen, before shoving her nose back into her book as he snickered.
And again, he looked up at her and caught her staring. But this time he gave her a smile, a kind of goofy, almost sheepish like smile that only she would see, and she returned it.
Now it was normal for his heart to do both a backflip and a leap when she smiles like this. But something about it was different this time, and only one thing ran through his mind.
'Emma, have you always been this beautiful?'
It was like then he couldn't control his actions anymore. Without thinking he closed his book and placed it on the floor. His right hand was on the ground to support him as he leaned into her. Before he closed his eyes he saw her eyes widen, and softly he placed his lips on her right cheek. He pulled away but his lips were still brushing her cheek when he said.
"Happy Birthday, Emma."
When he fully pulled away he watched her face become red. He was red too, but her entire face was an apple. But he only smiled at her in reply as she tried talking to him in nonsense due to her stuttering.
He couldn't help but to laugh as he grabbed her hand and pulled her into him. Her face landing in his chest and the two fell onto the ground, one hand on her head and the other around her shoulders. And again, they shared a comforting silence.
"Your hearts beating fast..." She muttered into his chest, Ray let out a breathy laugh.
"So is yours..." He replied.
The next morning Gilda came in looking for them. She walked into the library calling out their names until she saw them asleep on the ground next to each other. Ray's arm draped over Emma's waist, his other arm was under his head. Emma's face was against his chest, her arms lazily wrapped around his waist also.
Gilda couldn't help but to sigh but then smile at the two before walking out and leaving them alone.
Emma was ending this.
After months of subtle—highly awkward because they're thirteen—flirting, light kisses on the cheeks, hugs that lasted a bit too long, she was ending whatever this was.
She wanted to know what this was—what they were.
So she walked up to him while he was talking to Yuugo and Gillian, grabbed his hand and started walking away from him, trying her best to ignore Gillian's cheering and Yuugo saying "Finally!"
She didn't answer Ray constantly calling out her name and asking where they were going. Positive that he could feel her hand shaking just a bit since he stopped asking at a certain point.
She opened the door to the library—which was practically their place. They always come in here to either look for clues for the Seven Walls, read together, or just to do stupid things together—and closed the door.
He barely got halfway through saying her name before she turned to face him.
"What are we?" She asked him, cutting him off. And he gave her a confused look before answering.
"What are you talking about?" He asked, and Emma glared at him.
"Don't pretend to be dumb with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about."
Ray clicked his tongue.
"Right to the point..." He muttered before looking at her in the eyes.
"We're friends, Emma. Best friends even."
"No we're not."
She immediately regretted wording it that way when she swore she saw his eyes widen for a split second before going back to normal.
"What makes you think that?"
"It should be obvious."
"We're friends, Emma."
Was he trying to play with her emotions right now? Emma was getting annoyed, between thinking that both her and Ray have feelings for each other, and then him doing things like this making her think otherwise, she couldn't help it.
"But best friends don't look at each other the way we do." She watched as his eyes widen and continued.
"So what are we, Ray?"
He looked like he had to genuinely think about it. And he let out a little laugh.
"I guess... We're best friends that fell in love." He said with yet another laugh.
Emma felt like the world stopped around her and Ray. She felt her fingers tingle, and her heart started beating faster as this feeling of warmth took over. And her brain felt like a mess, and when she opened her mouth she could only stutter. And the fact that when she looked up Ray's face was a tomato didn't help. So she took in a deep breath and started talking.
"So... You do love me?"
"I thought the answer to that was obvious."
Emma felt her heart do a cartwheel as Ray made his way over to her, stopping only a few feet in front of her.
"When did you start falling in love with me?"
He shrugged, his gaze no longer meeting hers. His blush gone but even so, Emma could tell that his expression was a loving one.
"I'm not sure. Maybe back at the House? I know that as a kid I cared about you deeply. And it was only until recently when I realized that was love, so..."
Emma quietly gasps at his words as her eyes widen. The feeling of warmth in her chest intensifies as a nervous smile starts to form on her lips.
"That's... That's a long time..." She lets out a nervous laugh. Ray turns his head back to her as his right hand gently cups her cheek, causing Emma to look up at him. And his grey eyes meet her green ones.
"I never needed time to fall in love with you, Emma."
Her eyes widen and it felt like she might cry. That line was so cheesy, but also so ducking sweet. And without thinking her hands cupped his face, pulling him down as she stood on her toes.
And their lips met, his lips were soft, yet kind of chapped. But that didn't bother her, not one bit. Their kiss ended as soon as it started, Emma's face felt like a volcano and Ray's was just as red. Yet they still rested their foreheads against each other's.
"I love you, Ray." She whispered.
"I love you too, Emma." He whispered back.
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