A Pain; Part 1

The library is empty except for a familiar duo. Emma sits on a chair, her book laid out in front of her on the table as Ray looks for other books containing any information for the Seven Walls. The room is filled with silence other than Emma flipping the page of her book every now and then.

But her eyes don't focus on the words. Instead they think about that night with Ray and the match. That one tiny match that she could've easily missed. She'll never forget his face right before he dropped it. It was a face that haunted her dreams that could've easily been her last memory with Ray.

To this day she still has nightmares about it. Nightmares were she missed the match, or didn't run fast enough. Nightmares which, Ray died.

But she never told him about those dreams. How could she? They had much more important matters to discuss. Talking to Ray about dreams and nightmares would be nothing more than a pain on him.

"A.. Pain huh?" Emma whispers to herself. She's been thinking that a lot lately. Anything she wants to tell Ray—or just anyone in general—she tells herself not to because it would be a pain for them. Her feelings aren't important right now. That's what she thinks.

"Hm?" Ray hums. He must've heard her. Emma turns his way and shakes her head with a smile.

"Nothing. I was just thinking to myself, that's all."

Ray raises an eyebrow but ultimately nodded his head and turned back to the bookshelf. Emma turns back to her book but her mind drifts off again. What exactly did Ray feel all those years, alone? Was... Was he pushed that far? Was he pushed so far that it... Didn't bother him to take his own life? Did he... Did he want too...?

Emma feels panic start to rise in her chest and thoughts. So to stop them she slammed the book shut. She didn't care if she got Ray's attention; she needed to clear her thoughts since she can't count on anyone else to do it.


She could hear the worry in his voice and though she wasn't looking at him, she could already see the concern in his eyes.

'I distracted him. I'm such a pain.' She thought to herself.

Emma clenches her fists. Questions burning in the back of her head now that she has Ray's attention. Questions she's wanted to ask since that night. She wanted answers. But was it right to ask him them? To ask him these personal questions? It had to be... She was worried about him after all.

Ray stares as he notices that Emma's shoulders start shaking a little and her gaze not leaving the book despite having closed it. His eyes slightly widen and he reaches out for the girl.

"Emma, are you—"

"Ray, can I ask you a question?"

Ray's slightly caught off guard by her voice. But he drops his hand and nods despite knowing that she can't see him.
"Sure." He says, a bit confused by her request.

Emma took in a deep breath. This was it, her questions would be answered. This was all she was good for after all. Emma was meant to comfort and be there for people. It isn't the other way around. So Emma asks Ray the question that has been haunting her mind for almost 2 years.

"Ray, have you ever wanted to die?"

Silence. Complete and utter silence fills the room. And Emma shuts her eyes closed and clenches her fist even tighter. Her body starts trembling a bit as she regrets saying a word. She can never take this back now. What was she thinking? How selfish of her to ask Ray such a personal question. But despite this she decides to be persistent, after asking a question like that it's too late to be shy.

"Emma, what're you—"

"Be honest please. This question has been bothering me for so long—since the night we escaped—I can't take it anymore. Just please answer honestly." The truth is all she says. And that feeling of guilt washes over her for some reason.

Ray opens his mouth but closes it. He looks down, he can't even look at her knowing the answer to her question.

"In that case, to be honest... I have."

Emma eyes widen despite knowing that was probably the answer either way. But hearing it come from his mouth, hearing it from his voice. It felt like her world just shattered. She didn't need to say more for him to keep on talking.

"Back at the House, if I wasn't with you or Norman my mind would just go into what ifs. And sometimes it lead me to thinking that way. And especially after Norman died, I was just... So tired, so frustrated. I figured if I couldn't save Norman, as long as I saved you I would be okay with death."

Emma bites her lip as her bangs cover her eyes. Ray continues talking as she pushes her chair out and walks over to him.

"I don't think that way anymore Emma. Because I can't protect our family if I'm dead. That's what drives me to live on. Emma?—"

Emma throws her arms around Ray's neck and tries to bury her face into his shoulder but is too small to reach. That's strange... When did he get this tall? She feels tears sting the corners of her eyes but refuses to let them fall.

"Do you ever still think that way?"

Ray opens his mouth but a smile takes form on his lips.

"In the beginning I did. But you know what Emma, I haven't thought that way in a long, long time. You know why? Because of our family, and because of you, Emma. Honestly, just you being alive is more than enough to keep me going." As he says the last part he slowly wraps his arms around Emma's waist and rests his head on her shoulder. Of course he has to bend down a bit now that he's taller than her.

Emma bites her lip as small tears slip down her cheeks.
"Ray..." She croaks out.

"Don't die. I don't want to lose you. So please, promise me you won't die!"

Ray pulls away as he gently grabs Emma's wrists that are still wrapped around his neck. He brings them out in front of her—her hands still in fists—and gives her knuckles a feather-like kiss. When he pulls away he gives her a gentle expression, one that Emma has only seen him give the younger kids when he comforts them.

"I promise."  

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