Week 4 of May
The show opens with pyro.
Mauro:BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA IS THE STAGE FOR RAW IS WAR! FOLKS WE ARE LIVE HERE ON NBC!! What a night we have ladies and gents! As always im Mauro Rannollo back here for Raw! Thanks to Joey Styles for replacing me and Excalibur last week.I had travel issues and Excalibur had personal reasons but we are back! Speaking of the devil as always im joined with Excalibur an-
Corey:Dont you dare say it
Mauro:You know what...im here with The Savior of Misvehavior Corey Graves!
Corey:I.....thank you Mauro
Mauro:I missed you Core so i decided to be nice.
Excalibur:I missed you too Corey.
Corey:Yeah whatever i still hate you guys.
Mauro:Anyway folks we have a great night so lets start it off!!!
Charlotte is walking when she bumps into someone
She walks off.We see who she bumped into
Bianca Belair:What a bitch...
Brian Zane:The following contest is scheduled for one fall!!!! Making her way to the ring by Kip Sabian...From Philadelphia Pennsylvania,weighing in at 119 pounds....Penelope Ford!!!
Penelope walks out with Kip.They enter.
Brian:And her opponent from The Queen City!!! Weighing in at-
He couldnt finish as Bianca Belair runs out and attacks Charlotte.She hits her over and over.She drags her up to stage.She lifts her up and throws her off the stage!!!!!
Mauro:MY GOD!!!!
Bianca grins and walks off.
We see Wyatt Danger backstage walking and drinking his coffee
Mauro:Well folks up next its time for the face to face between Wyatt Danger and Daniel Boyce but before that a word from Jimmy Havoc.
We cut to Jimmy standing in the rain.
Jimmy:We all heard that legendary announcement by Eric.So...seems like we are getting a new title......im excited.Lets just say im very adamant about getting this.Ive never held a title or had a title match.Theres been too many politics in this business and its my job to well.....eliminate them.Soon you will see me and when you do you will be scared to watch as i RIP OUT EVERYONES EYES OUT OF THEIR SOCKETS!!!!! *Breathes heavily* Ladies and Gents after months on the shelf......im back.
Mauro:Well i uh....that was interesting but folks up next we finally have the face off between Wyatt Danger and Daniel Boyce.These two know each other well and for the first time in WWE they are facing off at Backlash.Folks lets take it away to Chris Van Vilet!
Chris is standing in the ring.
Chris:This sunday live in Atlanta Georgia we will see two men go at it.Without further ado lets welcome One of the men Daniel Boyce!
Chris:And his opponent...Wyatt Danger!!
Chris:For years you two have known each other.This sunday at Backlash you are gonna face off.Now gents is the time to get anything off your chest.So if you have any words say them now.
Daniel:That is true.We have known each other for years but this sunday that means nothing.You can take our friendship and put it on a shelf.I wont hold back.
Wyatt:And neither will i Dan.You know better than anyone that in the ring i dont hold back.But hey may the best man win.
Daniel grins
Daniel:Oh Wyatt...so naive...what should i tell Toni.What should i tell your best friend when she asks at breakfast at the hotel where you are monday morning.Maybe ill tell her you were disposed of and couldn't make it.Maybe she will cry,maybe she will slap me...
Daniel:Or maybe she will move on to a real man?
Wyatt immediately tackles him.The two trade lefts and rights.Daniel pushes Wyatt off of him.He gets up but eats a superkick.Wyatt lifts him up but Daniel gets off and low blows him.He rolls out and walks off as Chris checks on Wyatt.
Mauro:Oh come on!
Excalibur:That was bulls-
Corey:OH HUSH IT! Wyatts got no balls.No pun intended.He deserved it
Excalibur:Yeah and ill be president one day Core.
We cut backstage and see Seth Rollins sitting putting on his wristbands when someone walks up to him
???:Big night for you huh?
Seth:Yep.I wont fail man.
Seth looks up and hugs him.
Dean:I know you wont.
Seth:Thanks for sticking by my side.
Dean:Sure.Im glad the draft brought us here.Wrestlemania we took care of Roman.Also no hard feelings about the black eye.
Seth:Its cool it was a triple threat.
Dean:Anyway.If youd like i can come out with you.
Seth:I apperciate it Dean but i think this time i do this by myself
Dean:Oh yeah of course.Your gonna take that title,beat AJ at Backlash and we are gonna be kings.
Seth:Hell yeah man!
They fist bump.
*Commerical Break*
Brian:The following contest is scheduled for one fall!Introducing first from San Diego California,Weighing in at 175 pounds....he is the United States Champion.......RRRRREEEEEEEY MYSSSSSSTERIO!!!!
Brian:And his opponent from Gause Texas,weighing in at 273 pounds...He is the Murderhawk Monster....Lance Archer
Lance walks out and enters.The bell rings and the two stare down.Lance grins.Rey runs but Lance nails a Big boot!He grabs Rey but Rey wraps his legs around his head and nails a hurricanrana!!!!! Lance gets on his knees and eats a shiny wizard.He falls onto the ropes.Rey goes off the ropes and goes for a 619 but Lance grabs his legs and pulls him in.He lifts him up and slams him down!Lance grins.He grabs Rey and tosses him! He rushes over but Rey trips him and Lance hits the turnbuckle.Rey rolls him up but Lance kicks out.Rey gets up and knees Lance.He heads up top and goes for a splash but Lance catches him in a uranage!!!!!! He grabs Rey and goes for Blackout but When Lance goes to slam him Rey nails a stunner! He dropkicks Lances knee and then his back which causes Lance to fall onto the ropes.Rey goes off the ropes and nails a 619.Lance pops up and Rey nails a west coast pop for the three.He holds his title high but all we hear is this
Out walks Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore.
The old Graphics pop up but updated slightly.We see the first ever Mattitude Fact in a while...
"Matt only eats Sandwiches that are cut horizontally"
Matt looks at Rey and doea a motion around his waist basically telling him hes coming for the belt.
We cut backstage and see Hangman who is stopped by someone.
Karl:Hey Big LG look who it is
Adam:Hey guys.
Karl:Its been a while how are ya?
Adam:Good im getting ready for my match.
Luke:Oh really? Good luck man.Your gonna do great.
They pat him on his back and walk off
Adam:The fuck?
Mauro:Aleister Black and Adam Page will face off later but up next folks Tessa Blanchard has a word for Britt Baker.
Tessa is standing out in the ring
Tessa:*sighs*Well its almost time.Britt its almost time for me to kick your ass.I cant wait.I cant wait to prove why i am the best goddamn wrestler in this business.Im better than AJ,Than Cena,
She grins
Tessa:Even better than Punk.Oops sorry.
The crowd boos
Tessa:Britt you are nothing.Im the true womens superstar.And you will find that out this sunday!
We cut to a different angle and one of the Cameramen sets down their camera.They remove their hold and hat and its Britt Baker!!! She stands behins Tessa who keeps talking.She taps her on the shoulder.
Tessa:Go away ill give you a autograph later.As i was s-
She taps again
Tessa turns around and sees Britt who waves at her.
She mouths "Oh Shit"
Britt hits her.They start brawling.Britt grabs her and kicks her knee.She goes off the ropes and nails a Last Shot!!! She grabs her knee and hits it over and over.
She stomps on it over and over.She grabs the belt and slams it into Tessas face.She rolls out and walks off.Tessa holds her knee and cries in pain.
Excalibur:Oh f**k off! Thats bullshit Core!
Corey:Yeah yeah whatever.
Mauro:Enough! Folks up next we have Hangman Adam Page taking on Aleister Black.
Brian:The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Halifax Virginia, weiging in at 228 pounds....HANGMAN ADAM PAGE!!!!
Out walks Adam Page.He enters the ring.
Brian:And his opponent from Amsterdam,weighing in at 215 pounds...ALEISTER BLACK!!!!
Aleister rises up.He walks and enters the ring.
The two tieup.Aleister gets Adam in a headlock.Page sends him to the ropes and goes for a lariat but Black ducks and kicks him.He kicks his leg and then his other leg.Then superkicks him.He steps back and goes for a Black Mass but Hangman ducks.Black then knees him and german suplexs Page.Page rolls out.Black runs to the ropes,jumps,but does a moonsault and lands in a seated position.Page is shocked.Black gets up.Adam gets in and Black runs at him he throws him over the ropes and Black lands on his feet.Page jumps over the ropes to the apron and kicks Black in the face.Black falls and Hangman nails a moonasult on Black.
Hangman lifts his arm up.He grabs Black and throws him in.Aleister gets up.Hangman goes on the apron and goes for a Buckshot Lariat but Black knees him! He grabs Page and drives his face into his knee.He then steps back and nails a Black Mass! He pins him for the three.Black grabs a mic and sits in the middle.
Aleister:For far too long people have been brainwashed.Its time to open your eyes.Soon you will all fade to black.This is your warning!
He gets up and walks off as Adam is leaning against the barricade just thinking and staring.
We cut to the interview area
Chris:Please welcome my guests at this time The Young Bucks
They walk into shot.
Chris:Gents this sunday you will face off against War Machine for the Raw Tag Team Championships.What are your thoughts on your opponents.
Matt:Well they are tough and we've faced off before and now its time to do it again but this time i know we will win.
Nick:We are better than we've ever been and we havent won any belts in WWE but that will change Sund-
War Machine walk in shot.
Hanson:Well you may be good but we have had these belts since Rumble.
Raymond:I believe we even beat your friends The Good Brothers for them.Listen boys.We respect the hell out of you but come sunday everyone knows who will win.And thats me Raymons Rowe and Hanson....War Machine
The two stare down as we cut to the GMs office.
Eric is sitting with Bianca Belair
Eric:Bianca that was wrong what you did but its fine...its gives me ratings so next week you and Charlotte will face off.
Bianca:Nice i like it.Ill tell you what though Eric.I should be womens champ.
She gets up and walks off.
Eric sits back and puts his feet up
We cut back to the arena.
Mauro:Ladies and Gentlemen its time for our main event!
Seth walks out and enters the ring
Shinsuke walks out and enters
Brian:The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!!!!Introducing first The Challenger from Davenport Iowa,weighing in at 217 pounds....SETH ROLLINS!!!!
The crowd cheers
Brian:And his opponent from Kyoto Japan,weighing in at 229 pounds.....He is the World Heavyweight Champion.....SHINSUKE NAKMAURA!
The ref holds the belt high.
The match begins and the two tieup.Seth gets him in a Waistlock.Shinsuke elbows him and gets him in a headlock.Seth lifts him up and nails a german suplex.He gets up and knees Nakamura.Shinsuke rolls out.Seth goes off the ropes and nails a suicide dive!!!
*Commerical break*
We cut back and Seth and Shinsuke are hitting on the top.Seth pushes Nakamuta off.He stands up and goes for a Phoenix Splash but Shinsuke moves.Seth lands hard.He gets on his knees and eats a Kinshasa from Nakamura!!!!!Shinsuke pins him but Seth kicks out.Nakamura grabs him and throws him to the corner.Seth runs up the turnbuckle and goes for a moonsailt but Nakamura moves.Seth gets up.Shinsuke goes for a kinshasa but Seth ducks and superkicks him.He kicks him in the gut and goes for a Curb Stomp but Nakamura moves.Seth turna around and Nakamura nails a kinshasa.He pins him for the three.Nakmaura holds the title up.Seth rolls out and sits up against the steps looking disappointed.
AJ Styles walks out and enters him and Shinsuke face off as he holds the belt up.
End of week 4
A/N:So u may be wondering about the tag match.I cut it due to time and tjis chapters taking me long enough.I hope you understand and sorry if this seemed rushed or anything.Ive worked on this for 2 days.
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