The Climax
Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. Otherwise volume 3 would be volume 6.
Raven's POV
Summer was too excited about all of this. She keeps bouncing around with that stupid grin plastered across her face. Every time I face away from her or whenever she thinks I am too busy with a creature of Grimm she lets out a little squeal. I am starting to regret telling her. Too late now though I will just have to deal with it from now at least. I hope (Y/N) and the other two are alright. (Y/N) better not do something stupid. Once we get close to the town hall we come upon a makeshift barricade of rubble and various other things that could be found. As we grow closer bullets are fired near our feet. Summer jumps back as I ready my odachi.
"Hey! Do we look like Grimm!?" After some silence, a figure comes from behind the wall with a couple more behind it. As it comes closer I recognize it as the hammer-wielding huntsman who "welcomed" us when we arrived. Once he is in front of us he speaks in a gruff, tired voice.
"Hehe, who could blame us with those ugly mugs of yours." He then moves closer and in an accusatory voice "Thought you kids were supposed to stay out of any fights?" I narrow my eyes but before anyone can do anything Summer of all people speaks up.
"Y-yes but you also said that we were to follow the town leader's orders and he told us to try and repeal the Grimm while you were away." The "prick" as my brother so eloquently put it, turns his head to glare at Summer who, surprisingly doesn't falter when he does that.
"Is that backtalk I'm hearing?"
"N-no I'm j-just clarifying that w-we didn't g-go against orders, s-sir." And there's the usual nervousness from her. But she's trying so I will give her that. The "prick" moves away from us while rolling his eyes. Then he motions for us to follow behind him. As we start moving again Summer gets a little too close to me and whispers an apology.
"Sorry Raven I tried to-" With a gesture, I silence her and try to give a reassuring smile. She smiles back once she understands my meaning. After that, we follow the hunter and his compatriots to the city hall building. There are people scurrying about doing various things like fixing the barricade or tending to the injured. This must be where everyone evacuated to when the Grimm invaded the outer walls. Once we are at the entrance of the building the round town leader exits with a couple of people behind him. The "prick" spoke first.
"So what is the situation, ostaf?" Summer catching onto the little insult grew wide-eyed as a light blush grew on her cheeks. The leader either didn't notice or didn't care.
"From what I can gather we have most of the Grimm that have scattered from the break in killed. We can't let the villagers leave however since all the Grimm that are still alive are at the openings in the wall. We can't get to work repairing the walls until they are gone."
"Any word about reinforcements that aren't so green that they glow?" I am really starting to agree with my brother. This man is indeed a prick.
"Word from Vale is that we will have some hunters in a few hours to go and fight off the horde of Grimm that are still out in the field and by tomorrow afternoon we should have Atlas troops here to help us rebuild."
"What about the rest of the greenies? I know that there was more than two of em." Just as the prick finished speaking a loud roar could be heard from off in the distance. Everyone at the base stopped and looked in the direction of the grisly sound. Minutes after a large (F/C) flash blinded us. Once I could see again I noticed that there was still an (F/C) glow coming from that direction. Oum (Y/N) must be using his semblance. Summer then shouted out.
"Look it's Qrow and Taiyang!" True to what she said both of them were indeed heading our way. Taiyang had seen better days and was being carried by my brother. Those two idiots better have a good reason for leaving (Y/N) behind. Summer and I rush over to get them with Summer helping Qrow support Taiyang. Once we have the two rested on the steps of the town hall the mayor has one of the two what I assume to be assistants go and get a doctor. "What happened and where is (Y/N)?"
"We were fighting off some Grimm when the ground began to shake causing some of the buildings to fall on us. Luckily Tai" Qrow nudges Taiyang with his foot "over here was able to use his semblance to save our asses." Summer slaps my brother's shoulder.
"Qrow!" He mischievously grins.
"Sorry Summer." As he was talking the presumed assistant had arrived with a doctor and began to heal Taiyang. I placed my hand on Qrow's shoulder.
"I am glad you are alright but what about (Y/N). What happened to him?" Qrow's expression darkened after my question.
"When we got out from the rubble we say what had caused the tremors." Everyone but the doctor leaned in when he said that. "It was a monstrous Grimm that easily towered over the buildings around it. The Grimm stood on its hind legs and carried around this tree-sized club like a toddler would carry a stick." The prick who up until this point looked like he didn't care one way or another seemed to stiffen at my brother's words. Curtly he spoke.
"What did it look like?" Qrow thought for a moment before replying.
"Kinda like a mix between a bull and a man." The huntsman's face turned dour after hearing the answer.
"Shit! A Minotaur." Everyone besides my teammates and I gasped at his words. Even the doctor was taken back. Summer hesitantly asked what I was thinking.
"What's a Minotaur?" The huntsman solemnly spoke.
"A Minotaur is a dangerous and long thought extinct type of Grimm. They have all the strength of a Gugalan and enough smarts to make and use crude weapons. What makes them even worse is a herd of Toros are never too far from them. Tell me was it scarred or show much battle damage? How many "bones" did it have?" The huntsman turned his attention back to Qrow.
"Um I didn't get a very good look but it mostly had extra bones around its chest and shoulders."
"Good, good. It's still young. Oum could only help us if it was much older." The huntsman relaxed a little. I, however, was not. Getting Qrow's attention I spoke worriedly.
"But what about (Y/N)?"
"The... Minotaur saw us after we got out of the debris. (Y/N) stayed behind to distract it." THAT IDIOT! I have to get to him before he gets himself killed! Turning I head off into the direction of the light from earlier. There's still a faint (F/C) glow so he is at least conscious. A hand, however, grabs my arm and prevents me from going much farther. The huntsman is stopping me from helping (Y/N) which I reward his efforts with a glare. He whoever meets mine with his own.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" How dare he ask that question!
"To help."
"You'll get you and your boyfriend killed." My faces heats up at his words, whether from embarrassment or rage I do not know. He then points towards Taiyang before saying, "Once your friend over there is awake and we know that there's no permanent damage then we'll help your little boyfriend. Now sit." His words indicate there is no room for negotiation and as if to emphasize his point he moves his hand to rest on his hammer. With great reluctance, I go back and stand next to Summer. My eyes, however, stay focused on the direction that (Y/N) is. The huntsman moves over to his two associates and utters something that I can't hear. After a minute or two, a loud gasp signals that Taiyang is awake. Summer is the first to react.
"Tai!" A couple of strained coughs are followed.
"Hey, Summer. Always fun to wake up to your lovely face but could you maybe not squeeze so hard? I like my ribs not broken." Summer then lets out an embarrassed chuckle. We don't have time for this.
"Can you fight?"
"Whoa, there pretty bird I-" I jerk my head over to glare at him. I try to calm down as I speak.
"Can. You. Fight." He flinches away before getting up.
"Yeah I'm good." No flirting this time. Good, he's learning. The huntsman speaks in his unlikeable voice.
"Good. Little birdy over here is concerned about her boyfriend so let's go save him." I am not very fond of him but at least he isn't trying to stop me this time. I start to head off towards (Y/N) and I am quickly joined by my team, the huntsman, and his colleagues. (Y/N) you better not be hurt.
After what feels like an eternity we finally reach (Y/N). With his back to us, he is facing what I assume is the Minotaur and its herd of Toros. His weapon is broken and I can hear him gasping for air. I start to tremble with rage as I rush to him with the others not far behind.
(Y/N)'s POV
Okay, so round two hasn't been going so well. Got (W/N) broken but hey the cannon part still works. Sorta. Killed about ten Toros so that's good, right? Right. Plus I think Tiny is getting worn out and he lost his club. So what the heck am I saying. I mean I can't really see out of one of my eyes and it hurts to breathe, but I pissed Tiny off! That's got to teach it not to laugh at me. While thinking all of this five Toros come charging from my front and a pack of Beowolves come from my right. Huh thought all those guys left. Raising (W/P) name I fire at one of the Toros. Just as it hits I can hear the sounds of gunfire and the other four Toros explode. Before I can look back, however, I am quickly grabbed and hugged/strangled by... Raven? She hasn't done that since we were kids. Didn't realize I missed it so much.
"Hey, Raven. How's it going?" I don't really want her or the others to know I am struggling so I attempt to smirk while saying that. Raven doesn't seem to like my little facade and shoots me a glare while hugging me. When she lets go of my whole body I finally notice the back up that she's brought. Summer looks happy and quickly rushes over but stops short of hugging me. Weird but then again I probably smell like a dead animal so who can blame her on that. She talks a hundred miles a minute while glancing every now and again at Raven. Qrow simply nods at me before rushing at the herd of Grimm with Tai and two other huntsmen, one of which is the hammer guy who greeted us when we got here. Looking over at the sounds of fighting I see a huntsman clad in blue fighting off the Beowolves. Good for him/her. Bringing my focus back to Raven I notice she still hasn't let go of my arm. Another weird thing but okay I'm not going to complain. Summer then gains my focus.
"Okay, I'm going to go help the others." She glances at Raven again before drawing her weapon and joining the rest in battle.
"Welp *pant* we can't just stand around here like a couple of bumps on a log. Let's get em." I am yanked back as I say this and Raven pulls me into another hug. This one, however, seems less like she is glad to see me and more like she's trying to stop me. "Raven?"
"Come on. We are going back to the town hall." She holds just my arm now and begins to pull me away from the others.
"What? No, we need to help the others take that thing down." She looks back at me with that chilling glare of her's.
"No, you have been fighting alone, are heavily injured, and your weapon is broken. WE are going back to town hall NOW. The others can handle themselves." Raven begins again and like before I stop her but this time I am able to pull my arm free too.
"Raven we are huntsmen. This is our job." I activate my semblance again and rush off towards Tiny and his crew before Raven can protest. I fire another round at Tiny's feet hoping to stagger him. When the does I hit him with full force knock him back a good distance. As I land my semblance deactivates and I cough up blood. Damn, I must have pushed myself a little too far. Qrow quickly comes over and helps me stay upright. Over to my left, I see Summer fighting some of the Toros and Qrow moves over to her after I tell him I'm alright. Raven must still be to my back and is undoubtedly pissed. I'll have to make it up to her later. Tai, the hammer hunter, and the other magenta-haired hunter are working their way to Tiny while the blue hunter is still dealing with the Beowolf pack. Tiny then busts out of his crater and charges at me. Tiny easily knocks Tai out of the way. The magenta-haired hunter is able to hold Tiny of while Tai and I try to get over there and help. A Toros gets in my way and tries to gouge me with its horn. I block it with what's left of (W/N). To my horror, I watch as Tiny tries to crush Tai but crushes the magenta hunter instead. In a blind rage, I use my semblance to grab the Toros by the horns and break its neck. Then before it can start to dissolve I through its body at the giant Grimm. My weapon is now completely broken as I rush to kill the creature of Grimm. I jump in and start pummeling away at it. The hammer huntsmen the jumps onto the creature and fiddles with what looks like another hammer which makes a click sound and starts to tick. The Grimm breaks his grip however and throws the hunter into the remainder of the herd. Just as he lands the hammer explodes taking the hunter and most of the herd with it. The giant Grimm takes advantage of my distraction and grabs a hold of me and begins to squeeze. My semblance stops and I feel my aura shatter. Without the extra protection, I can feel my ribs begin to break and I scream in agony. Tai jumps up and punches the Grimm in the face while Raven slashes its arm. With two strong hits at the exact same time, the Grimm can't help but release it's vice on me and I plummet to the ground below. I hit the ground with a solid thud and for a moment everything goes black.
"(Y/N)!" When I finally come to I see Raven sitting with my head in her lap and her leaning over me with tears streaming down her face. I always hated it when those pretty eyes cried.
"H-hey Raven. Isn't there any b-better way t-to wake me up?" I wheeze out. Ravne quickly she pulls my head closer. A couple of tears hit my face as she does this. In a shaky voice, she speaks to me.
"Shh, it's g-going to be alright. I p-promise." She keeps rocking my head and I can faintly hear battle sounds around us. We must still be on the battlefield. My hand shakes as I lift it to wipe some of her tears away. I expected there to be a lot of pain when I did but there isn't any. Lucky me.
"Hey now don't cry." Is all I can say in between coughs. She envelops my hand into her own. Her voice cracks as she speaks.
"Don't f-force yourself. J-just rest okay?" More tears land on my face and I can't help but have some of my own well into my eyes. "Please don't leave me. Please."
"R-raven it's-" she cuts me off.
"Don't say it's alright! The love of my life is laying in my arms dying and all I can do is watch!" Wide eyed I stare at her for a few seconds. Quietly I speak again.
"I love you (Y/N)! I've loved you since we were little kids and I have loved you everyday sense!" She cries out. I let that settle in for a little bit. Finally understanding what she said I respond.
"Well if this is my last moments then I am going to make them the best fucking moments of my life." With that, I weakly grab her and pull her into a kiss. Her lips are soft and feel so warm and nice against my own. I hold us like this for as long as possible but sadly that isn't very long. I then let go of her face and her lips and fall into her lap.
"(Y/N)!" is all I hear as I fade away.
Raven's POV
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" I cry out his name while I try to shake him awake. "No (Y/N) please! Don't leave me!" He still doesn't respond. I don't think I can hear him breathing. "No no no no no no. Please stay! Please!" Summer and Qrow come up from behind me. Summer is the first to speak.
"Oh Oum. No." Qrow then shakes my shoulder.
"Raven we need to go. There are more Grimm coming and we can't handle that and the Minotaur." I shake my head and clutch onto (Y/N). He can't go. Not like this! Then the blue hunter grabs and pulls me up forcing me to drop (Y/N).
"Come on we need to go!" He speaks in an unsteady voice. He pulls me too far away so that I cannot reach (Y/N). Tai runs up but before he can grab (Y/N) a new horde of Grimm come in and force everyone away. I struggle to break free of the huntsmen.
"No, let me get (Y/N)! Please!" Nobody answers me as I am dragged away. I am struggling so much that the huntsman makes a move to knock me out. The last thing I see before falling unconscious is (Y/N) being picked up by the Minotaur.
Um so yeah. I really got nothing after that. Have a great day/evening depending on when/where you are reading this.
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