Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY. If I did I'm sure the show would suck.
The young man jolts awake and is greeted by a familiar pair of red eyes. Rubbing the sleep from his own (E/C) eyes he answers.
"Oh hey, Raven. Isn't there any better way to wake me up?" He says while stretching his arms to warm up his muscles. Hearing this, the young woman smacks the back of her friend's head.
"Ow! Raven, what the heck!?" With that, he is smacked again.
"That is not how you thank someone who is trying to help, least of all how you should thank me." The young huntress glares down at her classmate, who is still sitting in his bed. "I am trying to help you, now get up or we will be late."
Rolling out of bed with a groan, (Y/N) stretches again. "But it's Saturday and last I checked I didn't sign up for any extra classes."
Noticing (Y/N)'s muscles move and flex from his attempts to wake up, Raven quickly turns her head away before her classmate can notice her staring or the blush that was quickly growing on her face.
"We are not going to class. We were assigned to help a local village with a Grimm incursion, remember?" Raven said while trying to calm herself down. "Now put your clothes on and hurry up. You only have a few minutes before we have to leave." With all that said, she quickly left.
Smiling at his old friend's usual actions, (Y/N) did what was asked and soon made his way to the docking area, (W/N) in tow. (Y/N) could see the other members of team STRQ standing around impatiently. Qrow had his arms crossed, while Tai tried and failed to flirt with Raven, Summer, and just about any other girl that was nearby. Qrow saw (Y/N) first and greeted him with his patented charm.
"Oh look, Sleeping Beauty has finally decided to grace us with his presence!"
(Y/N) rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Hehe sorry about that guys..."
Summer walked up next to him. In a quiet voice, "It's okay, (Y/N), we weren't waiting long." Tai and Qrow both scoffed at that. Summer shoots the two what she could muster up as a glare before turning back to (Y/N). Raven then stepped in between Summer and (Y/N), standing closely to (Y/N) as if the hooded young woman was trying to hurt him.
"Look he is here now so let's just get going." With that said Raven grabbed (Y/N)'s arm and dragged him to the bullhead.
"R-right! Good idea Raven." Summer then grabbed both Qrow's and Tai's respective arms and dragged them in a similar fashion to what Raven was doing to (Y/N). Moving fast to catch up with Raven she eventually overtook them and in a confident tone. "Alright, team STRQ plus (Y/N) let's move out!" To help emphasize her point Summer let go of the two hunters-in-training's arms and dramatically stuck her arm out while pointing forward. Tai and Qrow couldn't help but chuckle at their leader's childish behavior and Raven rolled her eyes in annoyance. Seeing her teammates' reactions made Summer revert back to her usual shy self. With her face now a dark shade of red she hurriedly made her way to her seat in the bullhead and hung her head. (Y/N) took his seat next to her in the middle seat which was to Summer's right and Raven sat in the last seat next to him while the other two sat across from them. Once everyone was seated Tai gave the pilot the go ahead and shortly after they were airborne. Seeing the downcast team leader (Y/N) decided to try and cheer her up.
Nudging Summer's arm, "Hey Summer, did you hear about the fire at the circus?"
"No, what happened?"
"I don't know, but I heard it was in tents!" (Y/N) then pulled out his scroll and played a "ba dum tss" sound bit.
"That was bad," was Summer's response through her giggles.
"Hey Summer, why did Santa go to music school?"
Cheering up a little Summer asked, "I don't know, why?"
"To work on his wrapping skills!" Ba dum tss.
Summer started to laugh now, "Oh dust that's awful!"
"Hey, Summer what is green and has wheels?"
"Grass, I lied about the wheels!" Ba dum tss.
"Is that *laugh* even a joke?!" was all she could muster before full heartedly laughing, forgetting all about her embarrassment from earlier. (Y/N), proud of his work, started to laugh with her. While this was happening they both failed to notice the green glares the others were giving them though each for different reasons.
Shortly after the two calmed down the bullhead began to slow and descended to the ground. Once fully landed the five left their seats a exited the bullhead. Upon leaving, they were greeted by a brown-haired hunter in black and red clothing. Strapped to his hip was a smaller than average war hammer, with some pouches on the same belt. With a mischievous grin, he spoke.
"Ah good, the bait finally arrived." At those words, Summer flinched and shrank away from him. The man continued, "Now that you're here, I'll give you a quick rundown on what you need to do."
"But we already know-" Before Tai could finish, he was silenced by a glare from the older man.
"Now then, you're supposed to run perimeter checks here at the village while we're out dealing with the Grimm. If you see any Grimm or some other unsavory sorts, you're under no circumstances allowed to engage. Simply alert the village and wait for instructions from the village head."
"But-" again Tai was silenced by the older hunter.
"You listen to him like what he is saying is coming straight out of the mouth of Oum. Got it?" he ordered while moving his hand over his weapon. After getting the desired response from the teens, he spoke for the last time. "Good. Oh, and welcome to Rosso Village. Hope you survive the experience." With those words of encouragement, he then left. Qrow broke the silence first.
"He's a prick."
"Qrow!" sighing at her teammate words, Summer then spoke. "Okay um... how about we go talk to the village leader and let him know we are here?"
After talking to the ball of a man that is the leader, the hunters-to-be decided to split up. Qrow using his semblance would keep watch from above. Knowing that Tai would get too distracted if left in the village or if partnered with either of the girls, was sent to guard the back gates of the village while Summer patrolled the tops of the walls. This left Raven and (Y/N). At first, Raven insisted that she and (Y/N) should watch the outer perimeter, but was shot down when Summer suggested that Raven stay in the village and patrol the inside. Raven countered that it would be more dangerous outside of the village walls and that none of them should be alone out there, but Summer countered back that (Y/N) could handle himself and that if any danger would arise, Raven would be the quickest to gather everyone because of her portals. Back and forth the two went for what felt like hours, until (Y/N) said that he would be fine by himself and quickly left the group. That was how they patrolled the city, Raven patrolling the inside, Qrow the skies, Summer the walls, Tai the back, and (Y/N) the surrounding area.
Hours passed and night soon blanketed the earth. (Y/N) was currently in the southeast woods when he heard movement in the trees. Quickly pulling out his great sword, (W/N), he readied himself for battle.
"Alright, come on out!"
Jumping out of the tree Raven landed quietly in front of (Y/N). Lowering (W/N), the young hunter-to-be spoke with annoyance in his voice.
"Raven, what are you doing here?"
"Watching over you." Her classmate sighed at the remark.
"You're supposed to be watching over the city. You know, from the inside."
"I am watching over you while you watch over the city, ergo I am watching over the city." (Y/N) facepalmed at this.
"Raven, that's not what I meant. You and I have our orders, now go back to the city. I'll be fine."
"No." was all he got in return.
"Raven I-" before he could finish the raven-haired huntress-in-training rushed up to him, stopping with just inches of air separating them. With an edge to her voice, she spoke with utmost authority.
"I'm staying, end of story. Understand?" Minutes went by as they stayed like that, just inches apart. The (H/C) male tried to look away from his friend but was forced to look at her again when she placed her hands on either side of his face. (E/C) eyes met red as she spoke again with anger creeping into her voice, "Understand?" Giving into his friend he finally answered.
"Good." and with that, she let him go and stepped away. Now that he wasn't looking directly into her eyes, he could have sworn that her cheeks had a tint to them. After recovering from that he spoke again.
"Just don't get us in trouble, okay?" He got nothing in response. Shaking his head at how stubborn Raven can be, he turned and started patrolling again when he felt a familiar grip on his arm. Looking back, he was greeted with Raven's words.
"We should stay in the trees. It will make it harder for anything to surprise us." Knowing it was not a suggestion, (Y/N) just nodded his head in agreement and quickly climbed to the top of a nearby tree with Raven close behind. Once at the top, the two went from branch to branch. Raven was moving extremely fast for some reason, in fact, too fast to actually be able to do their job. (Y/N) struggled to keep up with Raven as she carried on at her breakneck pace. After much, time Raven finally slowed when she reached the tallest tree in the area. Finding a sturdy branch, she sat and waited for (Y/N) to catch up. Once he reached her, (Y/N) nearly passed out from exhaustion. Through pained breaths, he spoke.
"What *pant* are you *pant* trying to do? *pant* Kill me?!" After his last word, (Y/N) took a deep breath. Looking over he saw Raven, in one of her rare moments of humanity, with her hand over her mouth stifling her laughs. "You enjoying yourself over there?" Instead of answering she simply patted the spot next to her on the branch. Taking the invite he sits next to her. Once seated (Y/N) looks up at the sky admiring the stars.
"The sky looks beautiful tonight." (Y/N) spoke.
"I find it depressing."
"Really, how so?"
"The shattered side is in full view, meaning that it is darker out, making it harder for people to travel and easier for the Grimm to hunt and kill." (Y/N) looks at her for a moment and then turns back to the sky.
"That may be true but because of that the stars get to shine even brighter." For the first time tonight, Raven is left confused.
"So, that means exactly what I said. Light shines brighter in the dark, both figuratively and literally and because of this, we can appreciate said light and can understand why it is so important." Raven digests those words for a moment. Her thoughts were, however, interrupted by (Y/N), "Here, how about this, look up at the sky again, but instead of focusing on any one detail focus on all of it at once." Doing just that she peered into the sky again. After a few moments, she spoke again.
"I still don't get it." (Y/N) sighs before letting out a laugh.
"It's okay. How about we just enjoy this moment then?" Deciding to head his words, Raven scooted closer to (Y/N) and rested her head on his shoulder. That's how they stayed for a while, just enjoying each other's company. Gathering her courage, which was new to her, Raven decided to ask a question that was burning in her mind since the ride here.
"(Y/N)?" She got a "hmm" in response. "Do... do you like Summer?" (Y/N) responded quickly.
"Of course, she is my friend like the rest of you." Raven grew frustrated at this response.
"No, I mean do you like her romantically." At this (Y/N) became confused. Straightening up, he turned to look at his friend.
"What? Where, is this coming from?"
"Just answer the question, (Y/N)." But before he could answer, the sound of an explosion followed by a loud roar could be heard in the distance.
"That sounded like it came from the village." (Y/N) sprang up. "Crap we let something get through!" Raven was infuriated at the interruption and at (Y/N) for possibly blaming their time together for the trouble. She stood up next to him, the edge from earlier was back in her voice.
"(Y/N), just answer the question!"
"Not now Raven! We had one job and we screwed up, now we need to fix this." He turns toward her, "Can you port us to the city?"
"Yes, but-"
"Then take us!" Reluctantly, Raven pulled out her sword and slashed into the air, creating a red and black portal midair.
"Fine, but this conversation is not over." With that said, the two of them jumped through the portal, not knowing what might greet them once they arrive.
Aaaaannnnnd done! My first attempt at this thing called fanfiction. Hope you like it, thanks for reading, and sorry if it sucked. Feel free to tell me how you feel in the comments if you want. Any and all feedback is appreciated and is greatly welcomed, so feel free to tear me a new one if need be. Have a great day and/or night, depending on when/where you read this.
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