Separation and Revelation

(I'm sorry if this sucks I'm tired and feel like sh*t)


After the frightening and surprising events of Halloween, the Autobots, along with their new addition had rushed back to the safety of their base. Ricochet was in a bad way and once back they barely had time to explain the evening's events to Optimus as they rushed to the medbay, leaving little Comet to entertain himself.

The little Sparkling sat in his Holoform at the kid's level of the base, sitting opposite Floofers and munching on the bowl of sweets the children had left behind. He was due his next helping of Energon round about now but he knew his Sire and the others were busy helping Ricochet. He didn't mind though as he knew making her better was far more important then his dinnertime. He had hoped the sweets would fill the gap for now, but it didn't quite hit the spot like Energon.

So for a while Comet sat patiently, sharing his sweets with Floofers of course. Eventually Ratchet came out of the medbay, wiping the Eneron from his servos with a cloth as he caught sight of Comet. And he couldn't help but smile as he saw him having a one sided conversation with Floofers that he was sure to Comet was an important two way debate about something innocent and fun.

"Having fun?" Ratchet asked with a small smile reserved for Comet and Optimus only, prompting his son's Holoform to look up at him, chocolate smeared around his grinning mouth.

"That isn't going to be good for you." He sighed softly. Then he realized that Comet was likely hungry by now and he grimaced guiltily. "Oh Comet you're Energon. I'm sorry."

Comet simply smiled sweetly and deactivated his Holoform, his Bipedal mode appearing beside Ratchet, he instantly getting scooped up for a cuddle. "It okway Sire."

Because Comet had been left alone to his own devices for the past few hours, and because Ratchet was feeling somewhat bad about it, he decided that after he'd given Comet his Energon that he would find a way to make it up to him. Comet had asked to go outside and look at the stars while he refuelled. It was a simple request but to the little boy stars were the most magical thing in the world. Ratchet couldn't find the spark to refuse, though he still worried since mere hours ago Comet had once again been at the mercy of the Decepticons. And every time they seemed to get closer to succeeding in taking him.

The very thought was enough to make Ratchet's spark shudder.

Pushing his worries aside for now, the medic sat atop one of the highest cliffs in the desert near the base, Comet cuddled up in his lap and slowly drinking from his Energon bottle as he contently stared up at the shining orbs in the sky above. Arcee usually was the one who took Comet out to see the stars but she'd retired for the evening after making sure Jack was okay, she currently parked as a guard in his garage just in case any 'Cons were still hanging around the Jasper area.

Ratchet was silent as he watched the dark scenery around them, keeping his guard up at all times and finding it impossible to relax despite the calming scenery and the extra calmness he could feel from Comet via their bond. Ratchet envied his Sparkling somewhat as he seemed oblivious to the tension the adult Autobots often felt. Childhood ignorance. Nobody appreciated that luxury until it was gone.

Exhaling a soft sigh the old mech cuddled his little one closer, Comet in response smiling with a happy chirp and snuggling up happily in his Sire's arms. Both felt a happy vibe radiate from one another, Ratchet finally finding an excuse to relax somewhat.

"Ready to go home?" Ratchet asked softly.

"Bit longer?" Comet pouted, his big bright optics shining like a Cybertronian alternative to puppy dog eyes. They resembled Bumblebee's in a way and Ratchet was sure that said Uncle Beep Beep had been teaching the kid how to do puppy dog eyes to get his own way.

"Pweaseeeeeee Sire!"

"Comet..." Ratchet sighed, just about ready to give in when he froze up, his audio receptors picking up sounds of movement nearby.

Panic once again took hold as he shot to a standing position, clutching Comet tightly and protectively to his chassis as he readied himself to fight. To protect his Sparkling.

At the back of his mind he considered that it could just be a docile Earth animal, but he knew what it likely was.

Comet frowned as he sensed his Sire's anxiety, it in turn making him worry as he looked around for whatever was making Ratchet so on edge. "What wrong Sire?"

Ratchet didn't respond, shifting on his peds slightly as his optics scanned the area for any assailants. When he heard more rustling in the bushes behind them he spun around, holding Comet securely in one servo while his other transformed into a blade. He waited in silence, Comet too to see what, or who was there.

The bushes rustled more violently, and both mechs looked apprehensive as something jumped out. Ratchet rushed forward, yelling his infamous "Hoo-ah!" as a battle cry, but he skidded to a halt and felt quite embarrassed when he saw it was just a rabbit.

"For Primus sake..." He mumbled with a groan. "Decepticons making me paranoid--"

He cut himself off when he heard a metallic humming closing in behind them. An all too familiar one that filled him with dread.

Slowly turning, Ratchet and Comet came face to face with Soundwave's dead stare, Laserbeak hovering with that hum beside his master.

At the sight of the tall, dark, menacing mech reaching out to them with that expressionless stare, Comet couldn't stop himself from screaming.


The cell the Decepticons had locked Ratchet and Comet in was small and not well lit. It was obviously not designed for comfort and Comet rightly felt terrified as he looked around the cell, burying himself in Ratchet's arms tighter, making his Sire sigh. Right now he felt powerless to protect his child, but he didn't want his child to know that.

"Comet, hey, look at me Comet." Ratchet said softly, carefully tilting the little Sparkling's head up to look at him. Carefully rubbing the tears from Comet's cheeks with his thumb, Ratchet spoke.

"Nothing is going to happen to you, Comet. No matter what happens I will keep you safe, trust me." He spoke seriously, gaze flickering to the cell door as two Vehicons entered the room. Ratchet felt even more uneasy as their gaze fell on his Sparkling.

"We have orders to take the Sparkling to Lord Megatron." One spoke simply and motioned for Ratchet to hand his child over. Normally the mech would be full of fight and determination to resist such a thing. But right now he was trapped in the middle of the Decepticon Warship itself, surrounded by thousands of Decepticons. Fighting would only scare Comet more and Ratchet didn't want him to be afraid. He figured that Comet wasn't in immediate danger of being hurt, as Megatron may have been a tyrant, but he wasn't a monster that would stoop to harming an innocent child.

So trying to keep as calm as he could for his son's sake, Ratchet set Comet down very gently on the ground and wrapped him in a loving hug.

"It's alright, don't be afraid Comet. I'll see you very soon. I love you." He whispered as a promise before the Vehicon was careful as he pulled Comet away, making him frown and whimper as he was lead away from his father.


The cell door slammed between them, leaving Ratchet alone in the cramped cell as Comet was pulled away.

"Sire!" Comet cried out as he was picked up extremely carefully by the Vehicon and within moments he lost sight of Ratchet as he was carried from the cell blocks and down the Nemesis' long corridors. Comet nervously looked around the new, in his opinion creepy surroundings.

He was taken into a large room that resembled a conference room, with a large table. And stood in front of it was Megatron himself. The large silver mech turned at hearing the doors open, and crimson optics landed on the little Sparkling as he was set on the ground and the Vehicons left. His mouth curved into a toothy smile.

"So, you are the famous Comet I've waited so long to meet." Megatron spoke in his usual manner, but it somewhat lacked its usual darkness as if in an attempt to be gentle. He crouched down so Comet could look at his face easier, but Comet shuffled back nervously.

"Who you?" He asked quietly, Megatron's blood red optics scaring him.

In response, Megatron gave one of his witch like cackles, his smile changing to a smirk.

"I am Megatron. Now, won't you get comfortable, little one? I have things to tell you."

Back in Ratchet's cell a screen appeared on the far wall, its sudden glow prompting him to look up and watch it. Seeing Megatron in such close proximity to Comet scared him enough to stand sharply and watch with wide optics.

Whatever Megatron wanted to tell Comet, it appeared he wanted Ratchet to hear too.

And the Warlord's next words almost made Ratchet's spark stop in horror.

"You see, little Sparkling, you are not an Autobot. You are one of us."


Wanna take the opportunity to thank 5carletteRose and DarkNight2202 for their constant support and love for this story and for helping me when I needed ideas and help and a pickmeup when I was being self hateful and negative.

mechanomorphic helped me decide a lot to do with Comet's family and they constantly keeps me going and I owe them a lot for telling me I'm good enough when I don't believe I am. They're amazing and I couldn't do it without them. Please go follow and check out their stuff  <3

To our Wattpad fanbase (Which we now dub "The Almighty Wrench Cult") recently I have come to reliaze how loving and supportive everyone is of eachother. You look out for eachother and that's amazing. Going forwards please continue to do so. Everyone needs people fighting their corner.

I think most of you have guessed by now this book is dead in the water. Nobody's fault, inspiration changes and slips away to other projects. I've grown a lot as a writer since this story and have moved on to better things.

Thanks to everyone who's joined me here since 2017 and beyond. I hope some of you may join me on my future writing endeavours, such as my current work "Galaxy Eyes".

Best wishes to you all, and thanks for three great years!

~ DarkerStars x

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