Muslim Ban
We're finally back to what I wanted this book to be when I first published it. Now that Trump is in office, I fully expect this book to be completed by the end of the year. I'll have to create another one.
Oh my god, I don't know where to start.
Oh, I know. If you support this, unfollow me right now and let me know, so that I can unfollow you, too. I don't need people like you on my newsfeed.
Muslim refugees from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen are now banned from entering the United States.
According to Trump, this will keep "Islamic terrorists" out of the country.
There is so much wrong with this. He is banning people of a certain religion from entering the country. They don't worship the same god as him, so he refuses to let them enter our country.
The United States of America was founded by immigrants. Trump's family emigrated to the United States.
No one in this country is 100% only American. Yes, I was born here in the United States, but I am also Irish and Italian (and I'm sure other nationalities, but I don't know which ones). My dad's mom lives in Massachusetts, but her parents came here from Italy. She is still American.
Trump says this has something to do with Christianity, but if you pay any attention in class, you'll know that the United States is not a theocracy.
theocracy - a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or gods
We should not be banning people from coming to our country because of their religion. It shouldn't matter what god or gods they worship; the United States is not allowed to discriminate against anyone because of their religion. Yes, this only applies to the workplace, but it is a freaking law.
ALSO! If you notice, Trump only banned Muslims from seven countries. If he was truly "against terrorism", he wouldn't have banned people from only those countries. Do you know how many terrorists have come to the United States from those countries? Zero. The terrorists in the 9/11 attacks were from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Lebanon, but Trump didn't ban anyone from those countries from entering our country. You know why?
He has business deals with these countries. He doesn't want to ban Muslims from countries that have had terrorists come to this country because of his businesses.
Donald Trump is letting his businesses get in the way of politics. He will always be a businessman first and foremost. I will never view him as a politician. He is just a TV show host who owns a few businesses that somehow convinced people to make him president.
While I'm angrily typing, let me say this. If you are a wrestling fan and you support this ridiculous ban, get off my page and stop reading this book. More than likely, you support a certain Superstar named Sami Zayn. He is Muslim. He doesn't want you supporting him, but not other Muslims.
Sami tweeted, "I can't articulate how truly disgusted I am right now. #MuslimBan" I'm so upset, and I'm honestly grateful that he isn't American.
If you've followed me for any amount of time, you'll know that I love Hamilton. There's a great song from the musical where George Washington says, "History has its eyes on you."
Right now, history has its eyes on you. It has its eyes on me. It has its eyes on everyone. We cannot let Trump do this. We cannot let Trump think this is okay. We cannot let Trump continue to abuse his power as President.
Years from now, do you want to be known as someone who supported Donald Trump's hateful presidency and horrible policies? Or do you want to be known as someone who fought against this man and let your voice be heard?
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