Forever WWE Tag (part two!)
Hey y'all!
I've been meaning to post more chapters in this particular rant book, and I finally decided to do this tag. I also decided to not limit this book to non-WWE things, so yeah, sorry if that's all you wanted. But once I finish the first book, I'll need to post my wrestling rants somewhere, right?
Anyway, I remember this tag going around maybe 2-3 years ago? I was looking through the one I did then, and I figured why not do it again! My answers will obviously have changed since then, but if you want to go find my original chapter on this and compare my answers, then go right ahead!
I can't remember who came up with this tag (sorry!), so if you know, or if it was you, let me know so I can give credit.
Let's get started. :)
1. Who are your current favorite wrestlers and why?
Hi I'm sorry I talk about Johnny Gargano so much.
Because of that, I'll try to keep this short.
He's a great wrestler, he's a great human being, and we are all better for watching his matches and knowing he exists.
This is your daily reminder to watch 205 Live. Mustafa Ali kills it every time he is in that ring, and I can't wait for him to win the Cruiserweight Championship at Mania.
Every move he does is just so good, and I highly recommend his 2 out of 3 falls match against Drew Gulak from last year.
He is also a genuinely good guy. Any time he pops up on my Twitter or Instagram, my heart just swells, and I wish for all the good things to go his way.
Literally every time I see/talk about him, I think, "Looks don't matter, but damn does he have some good ones."
He's an A+ guy.
He's not on TV nearly as much as he should be, but Tye will always hold a special place in my heart.
He's a good wrestler, and he's hella over with the crowd. I get that they probably want to stop the 10 chants, but he's the perfect guy to put in the US title picture. Get rid of Jinder Mahal, put Tye Dillinger in there instead, and it's perfect.
I think at this point, he's just happy to be working for the WWE, but I want to see him hold at least one title before he's done (especially since he never held the NXT Championship).
I can't tell you how happy I was when it was announced that Candice would be in the Mae Young Classic. I was somehow even happier when she officially signed with the WWE.
I always considered her to be the best female wrestler on the indies, so I was always holding out hope that she would come to the WWE (the only downside is no more World's Cutest Tag Team). And now that she's finally there, I have such high hopes for her.
All the dream matches in NXT, all the dream matches on the main roster (I'm especially looking for to her vs. Ember Moon and vs. Asuka).
She did really well in the Mae Young Classic, and she looked good in all her matches.
Right now, I'm just looking forward to her having actual matches in NXT, not just accompanying Johnny to the ring and chasing off Zelina Vega.
(Also, Candice + Johnny is the number one couple in WWE, and you are wrong if you think otherwise)
You ever notice how similar the careers of AJ Styles and CM Punk are?
Both started out in ROH (and are former champions), both came to WWE with a lot of hype, as well as people saying "oh, they won't be used right!" Both proved those people wrong, and both held the WWE Championship. They were also both the best wrestlers on their respective rosters, and are the Best in the World.
CM Punk is my number one fave of all time, so the fact that AJ Styles has had such a similar career path, and is the best wrestler ever, is the greatest thing ever.
He's kinda self-explanatory, so I won't go into too much detail, but I will say he's had the only Brock Lesnar match I've ever enjoyed.
The best wrestler on SmackDown is AJ Styles. The best one on Raw is Asuka.
Longest-reigning NXT Women's Champion, longest undefeated streak, winner of the first women's Royal Rumble. I don't think she's ever had a bad match.
She gives even the worst wrestlers their best matches. She had one of the best matches of 2017 against Ember Moon.
She is the best wrestler, hands down.
(and the whole show, tbh)
After losing the SmackDown Women's Championship, Becky hasn't done anything since. She had a feud with Alexa Bliss, but that was it. Now, all they get is 6-woman tag matches.
She is probably the best woman on SmackDown's roster right now, but she's had only one title reign (in her whole WWE career), has no feuds, and just deserves better.
She's a pure babyface that the fans love to cheer for. She's an amazing wrestler. She's great on the mic. She's part of the Four Horsewomen.
Match recommendation: Becky Lynch vs. Sasha Banks at NXT Takeover: Unstoppable.
This guy is so cool!!
He just exudes confidence, without coming off as cocky, if that makes sense. He's hella good in the ring, has a really great look, and had one of the best feuds on 2017 with Velveteen Dream.
2018 is gonna be the year of Aleister Black. I'm calling it.
Sasha never disappoints in any match she's in.
If Sasha is in a match, you know it's going to be good. Alexa Bliss had her best match against Sasha at Great Balls of Fire. Sasha had one of the best NXT matches of all time against Bayley (the Brooklyn match or the Iron Man match; take your pick).
She's already legendary, and she's still got years to go before she's even close to being done wrestling. I am looking forward to her being 100% heel, because that's when she is at her best, and I am looking forward to a main roster Sasha/Bayley feud.
2. Who are your favorite wrestlers of all time and why?
This man is 47(?) years old, and he just had a five star match two months ago.
Every time he returns to the WWE, he completely reinvents himself, and each time is better than the last.
He literally does it all: wrestle, act, sing, write. If he wants to do something, he does it.
My very first experience with him was in 2012, when he feuded with CM Punk. I hated his guts, so he must have been doing a pretty good job.
I loved everything he did with Kevin Owens.
He is most definitely a future Hall of Famer. He has the most Intercontinental title reigns of all time. However, The Miz is really close to beating him, and I think it'd be hella cool if they had a feud because of it.
He's the GOAT.
I remember being heartbroken when Edge had to retire. I only got to see him wrestle for maybe two years, but he was already one of my favorites.
I was so happy when he got inducted into the Hall of Fame; he truly deserved it. I just need him to induct Christian now.
He did literally everything there is to do in WWE (win the Royal Rumble, win MITB, win Elimination Chamber, hold all the titles). Very few people have even close to the number of accomplishments that Edge does.
He's an all-time great.
I know she still wrestles, but Natalya is my girl.
She was my very first favorite Diva, and she is still one of my favorite women's wrestlers. I felt like crying when she won the SmackDown Women's Championship.
She's one of the best wrestlers in the women's division, and was probably one of the first women from the independent circuit to sign with WWE. She's iconic.
I hope she doesn't quietly retire; I need her to have one last, epic feud before she goes.
"The best in the world in this ring, on that microphone, even on commentary."
I do admit that I wasn't a fan of Punk until his pipebomb, but after that, I stayed by his side until he eventually left the WWE.
Punk is the only person where I know how long they held a title - 434 days.
He truly was the best in the world, and while I'm happy that he's happy now, I do miss seeing him in the ring.
Just like Punk, I loved AJ until she left the WWE.
Compared to most of the other women in the division, she was a breath of fresh air. She could actually wrestle, she seemed to actually have a character, and she was good on the mic. Until Nikki Bella, she had the longest Divas Championship reign.
She was so good, and I was really hoping we'd get to see her in the Royal Rumble.
She's probably really happy with all the progress being made in the women's division.
3. If you had the power to give any wrestlers the championship belts, who would get which belt and why?
Finn Balor.
I will say this until the day I die: FINN NEVER OFFICIALLY LOST THE TITLE; HE HAD TO GIVE IT UP.
Also, Mick Foley promised him a match when he came back, and I know he's gone now, but why can't Kurt Angle go ahead and give him that match?
Sasha Banks.
I am so annoyed with how WWE will give Sasha the title for maybe a week, then just take it from her at the next PPV. She has yet to successfully defend the title.
Therefore, I will give her the title, and as heel Sasha Banks, she will hold it for many years to come.
The Revival.
I highly credit The Revival for getting me into NXT, so I'd love for them to hold the tag titles.
Even though it doesn't feel like it, they've been on the main roster for almost a year now. I would have them beat The Bar for the titles, and then they can have an epic feud.
The Miz.
At this point, I just associate this title with The Miz. If he doesn't have it, I'm just waiting for him to win it back.
Sami Zayn.
(I also wanted to say Seth Rollins, but he's not on SmackDown)
It makes me sad that Sami hasn't held any sort of title since coming to the main roster. And his NXT Championship reign used to be the shortest one in history.
I think a feud between him and AJ Styles would be phenomenal (no pun intended), and then he can feud with Kevin Owens again (but this time for a title!).
Becky Lynch.
Here is some fantasy booking: Becky beats Charlotte for the title in an epic WrestleMania match.
Shortly after, the Iconic Duo debut on SmackDown. We get a few tag team matches (Becky/Charlotte vs. Peyton/Billie), but the main story is Becky vs. Peyton.
Next PPV: Becky/Charlotte/Peyton. Next one: Becky/Charlotte (her one-on-one rematch), and finally, we get Becky/Peyton in a singles match.
That would be awesome.
That is all.
Tye Dillinger.
He's the best. I think he should do open challenges. And I also think he should feud with Bobby Roode (their NXT Takeover: Toronto match was hella dope).
Mustafa Ali.
The best cruiserweight should obviously hold the title. Then, if Neville ever comes back, we can get a proper feud between the two of them.
Johnny Gargano.
I mean... Did you expect someone else?
Imagine this Johnny/Tommaso feud, but for the title. And imagine Johnny finally getting the upper hand on Tommaso and WINNING IT AHHHH
Ember Moon.
Ember really deserves the title, and I don't want to take it away from her. I'm not a fan of Shayna Baszler, though, so I'd ship her up to the main roster. Then, Ember's main contenders would be Candice LeRae, Kairi Sane, one last match for the Iconic Duo, and Nikki Cross (as well as all the MYC women who haven't debuted yet)
They're my faves. Check out their match against DIY in Australia. It was dope.
4. Do you watch NXT, and if so, do you like it?
I love NXT with all of my (rebel) heart. It is by far my favorite show that WWE had every week, and the Takeovers blow me away.
Also, now feels like a good time to warn y'all that a ton of my future stories will take place in NXT. I just love it that much.
5. Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, or Roman Reigns? Why?
Forever and always, Seth Rollins.
If I didn't still love Seth, I would've changed my username ages ago.
He's an amazing wrestler (he was in a match for OVER AN HOUR WTF), he's great on the mic, and he's just a really great dude.
Also, he's a 3-time Madden Tournament champion.
6. How long have you been watching wrestling?
I started watching during the summer of 2010, during the height of that Nexus storyline.
7. Would you consider becoming a professional wrestler?
Honestly, if I got into shape, I would totally consider it. I would also move to a different state, as Arkansas doesn't have much of an indie scene. However, I think being an announcer or commentator would be really cool, too. Just working in the wrestling business, really.
8. Who are your least favorite wrestlers and why?
Yeah, that's right, go ahead and unfollow me.
By all accounts, Alexa seems like a sweetheart, so this is purely from a wrestling standpoint.
She's not very good at wrestling (though, I will say that she's been slowly improving, so good on her). She's good on the mic, but that didn't get Enzo Amore very far, did it?
(shit that sounds bad; to clarify, I mean that when he joined the cruiserweight division, he brought everything down to his level, which wasn't good. He dragged the show down, and it became unwatchable)
Upon coming to the main roster, she's been at the head of whatever division she is in. Which would be fine if she had a good character. I'm about to use writing/English terms here; she has a very static character, when she should be dynamic. She doesn't grow; she just stays the same.
She's always champion; she is currently holding the Raw women's belt hostage.
It also doesn't seem like she knows very many wrestling moves? Like, she knows her finishers, and she knows how to slap, but what else can she do?
(She did impress me in the Elimination Chamber match, though, so I don't hate her or anything)
Like Alexa, he seems like a nice guy, but my god, I can't stand to watch his matches.
He had AJ Styles' worst match. Like, he's the best wrestler in the whole world, and Jinder made him have a bad match.
Even when he wasn't being pushed, he gave Finn Balor a concussion. Why would you push this man??
During his title reign, he gave the exact same promo every week.
If he was still a jobber, I wouldn't have a problem with him, but they refuse to take him out of the spotlight.
(I say Alexa is holding the belt hostage, but my god Brock, defend your title once in a while)
9. Who are your least favorite wrestlers of all time and why?
Tbh just Brock.
10. Have you ever watched a WhatCultureWWE video? If so, what did you think of them?
So, since the main guys left and formed Cultaholic, I very rarely watch WhatCulture. If a video sounds really interesting, I might check it out, but I just stick with Cultaholic now.
11. Favorite WWE writer on Wattpad?
(lol jk I suck)
Definitely bloodsen -MammaMia- and theldrs
Also psychopathish ! (Which reminds me that I need to check out more of your stuff!)
12. Favorite WWE fan fiction on Wattpad?
Pieces by bloodsen .
13. Favorite wrestling theme song of all time?
CM Punk's first one (This Fire Burns), Finn Balor's, and Maria's first one (when she wasn't with Mike).
14. Favorite wrestling finisher/submission of all time?
I love Mustafa Ali's reverse 450, and Johnny's Gargano-Escape.
15. PG Era or Attitude Era?
PG Era solely because the women are finally getting a chance to shine.
16. In your opinion, who is the biggest jobber in the business right now?
If your answer isn't Curt Hawkins, you're wrong.
17. Favorite wrestling maneuver?
Anything that would be classified as "flippy shit."
(..also Joey Ryan's dick flip...)
18. Are you happy with the Slammy winners this year? If now, why?
19. Who do you think is going to win the 2016 Royal Rumble?
Something is telling me it's gonna be Triple H.
20. Do you think Daniel Bryan will ever wrestle again?
If you asked me this just two weeks ago, I'd have a completely different answer. I haven't fully wrapped my mind around the fact that he IS ABLE TO WRESTLE AGAIN AND HE HAS A MATCH AT MANIA.
On the one hand, there are so many dream matches, but I also want him to be safe.
21. If you could bring up any two NXT wrestlers (male and female) to the main roster, who would they be?
Female: Iconic Duo. Why aren't they on the main roster yet? I've been expecting them for months now.
Male: Aleister Black.
22. NXT or WWE?
All of my favorite wrestlers are either in NXT or they were in NXT, so I'm going with that.
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