Forever WWE Tag
I noticed everyone doing this, so I did it, too. I was answering the questions in my head as I read them in other people's books, so it only made sense.
1. Who are your current favorite wrestlers and why?
Seth Rollins: He's been my favorite for a while. While everyone was foaming at the mouth for Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose, I was in love with Seth Rollins. He's an amazing wrestler, he's great on the mic, he was a great heel & champion, and he has the best music taste out of everyone on the roster. I can't wait for him to recover, come back, and continue being the best.
Cesaro: I've always kinda liked Cesaro, but recently I've fallen in love with his wrestling ability. He's better than 90% of the roster, but Vince McMahon refuses to acknowledge this because of his "lack of charisma" and it's a shame. I'm also sad because he's injured. :(
The New Day: With Cesaro and Seth Rollins out with injuries, these three men have become my favorite part of Raw. They are so energetic and hilarious, and none of what they're doing seems forced; they honestly seem like best friends. I always have a smile on my face when they're in the ring.
Natalya: Nattie has been my favorite Diva since day one. Shortly after I started watching WWE, she and Beth Phoenix formed the Divas of Doom and they were my favorite. She slowly got reduced to Tyson Kidd and Cesaro's manager, and now with both of them out, she's only on Total Divas, which I barely watch anymore. She can wrestle better than most of the Divas, but she hardly gets matches.
Team BAD: Before the "Divas Revolution", the only Divas I cared about were Nattie (see above) and Naomi. But with this revolution, teams were formed, and the only team I actually cared about was Team BAD. I've always loved Naomi; she seems so down to earth, and she is one of the only reasons I bothered watching Total Divas. Tamina is a powerhouse, who is usually either someone's bodyguard or not used, so I'm glad she got to be apart of the revolution. Sasha Banks is amazing in the ring, and I'm glad she got called up to the main roster. I love whenever they're with the New Day. xD
Paige: This list is getting long, so I'm stopping after her. xD I've loved Paige ever since she debuted and beat AJ for the title. She's great in the ring, she's great on the mic (as a heel), and she has great taste in music, even dating a band member!
2. Who are your favorite wrestlers of all time and why?
[I've only been watching since 2010, so I apologize for my lame list.]
Edge: I loved Edge a lot. I loved him and Christian, I loved everything he did in the ring, and I loved everything he said on the mic. When Christian inducted him into the Hall of Fame, I admit I cried. :') He was one of the greats, and I still miss him. (I do love when he shows up randomly, though. :P)
CM Punk: Up until his retirement, Punk was my favorite. No one on the roster compared to him for me. He was absolutely amazing in the ring, he was great on the mic, and he truly was the "best in the world." I did jump on the bandwagon after his pipebomb in 2011, but he's been my favorite ever since, whether he was heel or face. He was passionate about wrestling, even when he realized he didn't like wrestling for the WWE. While I was sad when Edge retired, I was shocked when Punk retired. He is still one of my favorites.
Chris Jericho: I absolutely loved Jericho's feud with CM Punk. They honestly seemed like they hated each other, and they put on amazing matches. While he does leave a lot to do other things, he always puts on great matches when he comes back. While Fozzy isn't necessarily what I consider my favorite music, it's still pretty good. I've read his first two books, and his dreams were always to be a wrestler and a rock star, and he managed to do both. :')
AJ Lee: I always liked AJ, but she became one of my favorites during her storyline with Bryan, Punk, Kane, and whoever else was involved. xD She was great and definitely passionate about wrestling. If you've never seen her WrestleMania 29 road diaries, you're missing out. (Especially if you ship Zigglee as much as I do.) She never had a bad feud, and I'm glad she's happy with Punk.
Lita: I didn't watch WWE when Lita was at her prime, but from everything I've seen, she definitely redefined what it meant to be a Diva. She would wrestle guys, she would wrestle in steel cages, she would have a live sex celebration. ;) I don't know anyone who didn't like Lita.
3. If you had the power to give any wrestlers the championship belts, who would get which belt and why?
WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Since Cesaro will (most likely) be returning before Seth, I'd give him this belt. He and Roman Reigns put on a great match in the tournament (even if it seemed like I didn't think so. xD) and I think he's capable of holding his own. (Plus, he's better than most of the roster.)
Intercontinental Championship: I'd probably give this back to Kevin Owens. Everyone was talking about how he'd have great matches with Sami Zayn, but what about matches with Dolph Ziggler? ;) If not Kevin Owens, I'd definitely give it to Cody Rhodes (once he drops the Stardust gimmick) because I loved it when he was champion.
US Championship: I'd give it back to Cena because of his awesome open challenges. And then I'd have Dolph Ziggler beat him for it (assuming he doesn't win the IC Title, like I mentioned above) so that he can be relevant again and have a good feud with someone credible. When Ziggler and Cena had that feud – the one with AJ involved - they put on great matches, so I'd love to see them feud again.
Divas Championship: I'd give this to Naomi. She's had chances to win it, but she never has and I'd love to see her hold the title. If she's still in Team BAD, she can even feud with Sasha Banks. Just imagine the matches they'd put on.
4. Do you watch NXT, and if so, do you like it?
I've never actually seen a full episode of NXT, but I've watched individual matches, and they were great. While I do love some of the girls on the main roster, the NXT Divas are beating them at EVERYTHING. Everyone has a place in NXT, while on the main roster, some people get one feud that lasts a PPV, and then they don't know what'll happen next.
5. Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, or Roman Reigns? Why?
I think I answered this already in question one. xD But I will add, that while they were in the Shield, Seth Rollins was severely underrated. Everyone loved Roman because he's big, Dean was always the one to talk, and Seth never really got a chance to shine (except for that time he dived off the balcony; that was awesome). I was glad that he was the one to betray the Shield, because look where he is now! (Well, not right now, because he's injured. But he was the champ!)
6. How long have you been watching wrestling?
I started back in 2010. I was visiting my dad's family in Massachusetts for the summer (the whole summer), and my cousin (who's a few years younger than me) was obsessed with wrestling. He had all the games and action figures. Whenever my dad was at work, we were at my cousin's house, and he's the reason I watch wrestling. I stopped watching for 1-2 months after I got home, but my brother was still really into it, so I started watching again.
7. Would you consider becoming a professional wrestler?
Well, considering I have to stop everything whenever I accidentally bang my finger into a wall, or I trip, I don't think I should be a wrestler. xD I don't like pain, and I'm definitely not in shape. If I were to become a wrestler, it wouldn't be with WWE, because they don't even know what to do with the Divas they have now. I'd love to be a writer, or just do something backstage.
8. Who are your least favorite wrestlers, and why?
Roman Reigns: Unpopular opinion, I know. I just never understood why everyone liked him so much when he was in the Shield. I still don't understand why everyone loves him so much. I personally find him overrated, and I think someone else should be champion right now. He doesn't have very good mic skills (which might explain why all he ever said in the Shield was "Believe that."), and he was only brought up because the WWE wanted a big guy in the group. (CM Punk, the one who came up with the group, wanted Chris Hero.)
Rusev: Like Roman Reigns, he was shoved down our throats. When he first debuted, I was okay with him, mostly because I liked Lana. But then he got annoying and boring really quick. And there was that feud involving Lana, Dolph Ziggler, and Summer Rae. I don't even know what was going on half the time, and I honestly didn't care.
Eva Marie: She is going to be the only Diva on this list. If you'd like to know why I don't like her, see my rant Eva Marie (PART TWO) that is located earlier in this book.
9. Who are your least favorite wrestlers of all time, and why?
I thought a long time about this, and I've realized that I don't really hate someone enough to be my least favorite of ALL TIME. There was John Laurinaitis, but even then, I liked that he existed because he gave Punk some great promos.
10. Have you ever watched a WhatCultureWWE video? If so, what did you think of them?
I've only seen a few, and they were all "10 Things WWE Wants You to Forget About ___." They were definitely interesting (and sometimes funny). I haven't seen these "how to book" videos that everyone is talking about, but I'll check them out sometime!
11. Favorite WWE writer on Wattpad?
I read a lot of things on Wattpad, and I really don't like picking favorites. >.< But if I had to pick, it'd be a tie between @Bloodsen and @SDA_wrestlechester.
12. Favorite WWE fan fiction on Wattpad?
Again, more than one, but they are Skyscraper by @Bloodsen, the Fearless Savior series by @SDA_wrestlechester, and Torn by @legitbanks- (even if she's in the process of changing it).
13. Favorite wrestling theme song of all time?
CM Punk (This Fire Burns), Lita (whatever her song was called xD), Edge (Metalingus), and Maria (the one that's like HER LEGS GO ON AND ON FOR DAAAAAYS)
14. Favorite wrestling finisher/submission of all time?
Edge's spear!
Seth's curbstomp!
Cesaro Swing!
Natalya's sharpshooter! (Plus the rest of the Harts')
Naomi's Rear View!
15. PG Era or Attitude Era? Why?
I feel like a lot of people said the Attitude Era, but I gotta say the PG Era. While wrestlers can't do a whole lot in the PG Era like they could in the Attitude Era, when something Attitude Era-esque happens, people are excited. They're out of their seat and they're cheering. It surprises people.
16. In your opinion, who is the biggest jobber in the business right now?
Gotta say Heath Slater. Whenever he gets a match, he loses. I don't know why I like him so much, but he and 3MB were really funny. xD
17. Favorite wrestling maneuver? (e.g. Suplex, Body Slam)
Also, the Cesaro Swing, but I don't know if that counts. xD
18. Are you happy with the Slammy winners this year? If not, why?
I'm glad Seth won, and I thought all the LOL moments were funny, but other than those, no, I'm not happy.
Nikki won Diva of the Year, when it should've been Paige.
While Neville is great, Kevin Owens should've won Breakout Star of the Year.
The Usos – WHO WERE GONE FOR ALMOST HALF THE YEAR – won Tag Team of the Year, when the only tag team I even care about anymore is the New Day.
19. Who do you think is going to win the 2016 Royal Rumble?
Who I think will win: Dean Ambrose or Brock Lesnar
Who I want to win: Daniel Bryan or Cesaro
20. Do you think Daniel Bryan will ever wrestle again?
I hope so, even if it's not in the WWE. He should go back to ROH, or just not wrestle again, because he could get severely injured.
21. If you could bring any two NXT wrestlers (male and female) to the main roster, who would they be?
Male: Enzo and Cass (plus Carmella). Or Sami Zayn.
Female: Carmella (if Enzo and Cass come up). Or Bayley.
22. NXT or WWE?
I've only seen a couple of NXT matches, but I'd have to say NXT. In the WWE, I really only care about the New Day, since Seth and Cesaro are both injured. :-/ Everyone down in NXT is great, and Triple H ought to be in charge of WWE, too.
I'm the last person to do this, so I'm not tagging anyone. xD
I just spent five minutes centering everything, but Wattpad never lets me center things. :'( So watch everything not be centered. D:
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