Ninjas Back in Business

It was the beginning of another typical morning at the school of Norrisville High. Kids racing off to classes, trying to get last minute homework done and, the occasional kid getting picked on. Randy sighed as he went from one class period to the next, growing ever more anxious and frustrated about nothing happening once again. His good friend Howard caught him in between going from English to science and decided to strike up a conversation.

" Hey Cunningham how was english with Mr. Gil?" Howard asked. He was honestly starting to worry about his friend because it seemed that he was getting worse by the day, Randy didn't even wanna go to the game hole with him after school yesterday which really made him concerned.

" Hmm, oh ya he's alright." Randy said, still sounding as pathetic as yesterday.

" Randy you really need to let this whole Ninja thing go,  it's not so bad that you're not doing ninja stuff anymore." Howard repiled trying to reason with his friend.

" I know I know I just can't help it Howard." Randy said sadly.

"  Hey how about we go to the game hole after school and get some nachos, that'll cheer you up, besides you totally blew me off yesterday so you owe me." Howard said with a huff.

" Maybe.....sure..." Randy answered back. It would be good for him to go out and actually do something.

" Thats the Cunningham I know...uhhh....I didn't bring my wallet sooooo you'll have to pay." Howard said trying to pull off a innocent smile.

Randy glared and repiled " alright..." He didn't have the energy to start a argument with Howard.

" Thanks dude, see you at lunch!" Howard replied before he ran off to his class.

Randy waved and walked into his science class and went to go take his seat by Julian who was his lab partner.

As he began to walk to his seat he noticed something was very off with Julians hair. It look like he had burned it then tried to style it so no one would notice.

" Uuuhhh what happened to your hair bud?" Randy asked with wide eyes being very confused and concerned.

" I was attacked by a fire fox yesterday!" Julian repiled sounding like he was crazy as usual.

Randy's eyes widened.

"But no one in the school believes I was,  they all think I'm crazy!" Julian said in frustration.

" Hey it's ok I believe you." Randy replied, smiling a bit and sitting down in his' chair. If this was what he thought it was then that ment the ninja was back in town.

" REALLY!" Julian shierked with joy.

" Of course, now tell me everything that happened." Randy said, listening closely to whatever he was going to say.

" Well you see, I was just getting out of  magic club and, before I was going to head home I decided to get a drink of water so I took off my hat and took a long sip then I turned around and this fox that looked like fire was standing there, I panicked and spit my water at it, then it attacked me and it ran off." Julian explained relatively fast.

Randy nodded and said " interesting your positive it was a fox made of fire?" Randy asked.

" Cross my heart and hope to die that thing was a fox!" Julian said with confidence.

" Well if you see it again let me know." Randy replied.

Julian nodded and at that moment the science teacher threatened " no talking while the teachers talking Cunningham or I'll send you to the principals office."

Randy had the look of shock an annoyance on his face, Julian was also talking but he was the one that got called out for it.... he swears this teacher was out to get him somedays....

After all the classes from the morning ended it was now lunch time, everyone's favorite period. Randy was sitting at a table waiting on Howard as he ate his....whatever it's called.....

Howard walked up to him and waved. He wasn't too happy about the lunch but hey it was school food, can't expect anything good except gravy fries.

" Wow you're eating that? You must be hungry." Howard teased and threw his own lunch in the trash.

" Unfortunately I didn't have any chips to eat, I could have sworn I had a bag in my backpack." Randy answered Howard.

Howard hummed and  looked around all suspicious before smiling innocently at him and nervously saying " hehe yyyaaa maybe a animal got it when you left your backpack open this morning..."

" Hey, speaking of animals Julian told me something very weird in science today." Randy said with almost excitement in his tone.

Howard sighed in relief that the topic got changed and quickly said " oh ya what was it!!!???"

" Well when I came into class, I noticed Julian's hair was all weird." Randy explained.

" Isn't his hair always strange?" Howard asked raising an eye brow.

" well yes but it looked burnt so I asked him what happened and he told me he was attacked by a fire fox yesterday." Randy answered.

" Are you seriously going to believe what that weirdo says?" Howard said sarcasticly.

" Hey!...last time we didn't believe him, he got kidnapped and dragged to the shadow relem by a evil verison of himself!" Randy scolded.

" Ok you got me there but this is Julian were talking about, last week he thought a ghost stole his hat!" Howard said trying to reason with his friend.

" Ya but what if he was attacked by a fire fox, that would mean the school is in danger of a villian!" Randy said, almost being too happy about this newz.

Howard noticed that Randy was a little too excited and said " You know that means kids would get hurt right Cunningham?"

" Oh ya ya I know that would be bad if someone got hurt bbbuuuttt, that would mean the ninjas back in business!" Randy said with a smile on his face.

" Well that is true, no more dull class stuff and being terrorized by Bash." Howard responded.

From across the cafeteria a student was walking up to a trash can to throw away  what was left on there tray UNAWARE that the fire fox that had attacked Julian from yesterday was in there.

While the fox was temporarily lost the villains were keeping a close eye on it and had watched every move the fox made since yesterday.

" My poor baby." Kistune whined. She was still very much worried about her fox.

The Emperor honestly didn't care about her fox and was only curious about where the fox was so he kept the bird eye mirror up.

" Hmmm interesting...." The Emperor said to himself.

" Stop watching my fox suffer and help it!" Kistune snapped glaring at him with her deep orange eyes.

" Relax we'll get it back!" The Emperor shouted back at her before returning to the mirror again.

" Why have you been watching the fox in the first place?" Oni asked, wanting to know The Emperor intentions for watching a lost fox.

" Well I been watching the fox for a while and I realized this is a school...." The Emperor said, keeping his eyes on the mirror. 

" And?" Oni asked being sarcastic, crossing his arms.

" That means whatever is keeping us in this prison is because it's protecting these kids but whatever this force is has weaken because Kisunes magic got through." The Emperor Explained.

" OOOOOOOO." Kistune and Oni both said at the saw time.

" Yup so I'm checking out the school through your fox to see where the best place is to attack to weaken it even more." The Emperor said with a sinister grin.

" Hey we also wanna weaken it!" Kistune snapped not liking that he was trying to do all the fun stuff himself.

" Ya!" Oni scolded and huffed.

" Well too bad I'm the only one suitable to properly take down it, you two can't even stop fighting!" The Emperor shot back with a growl.

" No fair!" They both yelled.

" Yes fair, now leave me alone and let me do my thing!" He yelled starting to get frustrated with them.

They huffed and sat down being mad at him.

He looked back to his mirror and watched what was going on.

The student threw the trash in the bin and it got all over the fox which the fox thought it was an attack and hissed before making the trashcan combust in flames.

The student screeched " OH MY CHEESE!"

It soon caught the attention of everyone in the cafeteria and panic started to settle in, the sprinklers came on and some of the kids ran out.

The fox was now FLAMING mad because it hated water and it jumpped out of the fire being slightly bigger.

" SEE I TOLD YOU!" Julian cheered pointing to the fox being happy he had proof that he was attacked by a fire fox from yesterday.

Everyone was now in full panick and tried to flea out of the cafeteria in mass crowds.

Randy looked at Howard saying " Welp that's my cue!" He was so excited to see actual action again instead of a backpack filled with homework. He digged through his bag and went under the table putting on his mask.

Randy jumped out from behind the table as the ninja and dashed to to stop the foxs' rain of terror.

The fox had trapped a few kids in the corner with a fire wall. It was NOT happy.

" Were trapped who's going to save us!!!!" Heidi screeched in panic. She was one of the kids that the fox had trapped.

" Alright thats enough from you!" The ninja cheered standing before the fox in a heroic pose.

" Oh ya i forgot we had a ninja....WHOOO HOO THE NINJA IS HERE!" Heidi cheered and so did the rest of the kids.

The Emperor was watching all this unfold and said " Hey isn't that the kid who was fighting that strange one in the white outfit?"

Oni and Kistune gathered around The Emperor looking into the mirror.

" Ya it is, what the hades is he doing here in a school?" Kistune asked in confusion.

The ninja was fighting the fox head on and with a few water ninja balls the fox was defeated.

Kistune gasped seeing that her fox was destroyed and growled with anger.

" Yay the ninja saved the school!!!" A student cheered. Soon the entire cafeteria started to chant ninja over and over again.

Randy kinda got a tad cocky about this and cheered " Thank you Norrisville High glad to be your protector once again!"

The Emperor heard what the ninja had said and a frown formed on his face as he snarled in a nasty tone " he's going to be a problem...."

The three yokai glared at the ninja through the mirror all mentally agreeing he needed to be eliminated.

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