Hunger Games 3
In season one annabethgranger1403 won. In season two Klepto won. Who will win now? Welcome to the Hunger Games!
District One 🌋
booklover4lifes aka book
Dewdrop_fairy aka dew
(You guys can be team Jixie 😂)
District Two: 🏖️
Halebella aka Hale
1purpleflower aka purple
District Three: 🏜️
ThAtFaNgIrLmAdI aka Madi
District Four: 🏝️
Teen_Shadows aka teen
District Five: 🏚️
Darkflames99 aka dark
DmitrusXavierWalker aka walker
District Six: 🏛️
Arikarose aka Arika
dafavhoe aka fav
District Seven: 🏙️
Horcrux_Eliminator aka Horcux
District Eight: 🏞️
Ash_Storm aka Ash
Ryro-Ruined-My-Life aka Ryro
(Team Syncer)
District Nine: 🏟️
emo-melody aka emo
lonely_jellyfish aka Jelly
District Ten: 🏔️
ellabellabugz aka Ella
EverfreePrime aka ever
District Ten: 🗽
annabethgranger1403 aka Granger
Call_Me_Malfoy aka Malfoy
(*Cough* dramione *cough)
District Eleven: 🌉
shymooneclipse18 aka shy
SlytherclawGirl2 alka Slytherin
District Twelve: 🌄
Akihokami aka Aki
The_Wild_Celery aka carrot stick
The Bloodbath:
Wxyward runs away with a lighter and some rope
Teen stabs dark while her back is turned (1st)
Dew runs away from the cornucopia
Carrot stick grabs a backpack and runs
Shy takes a handful of throwing knives
Madi grabs a sword
Slytherin runs away from the cornucopia
Pennie runs away from the cornucopia
Book runs away from the cornucopia
Emo runs away from the cornucopia
Jelly runs away from the cornucopia
Noir grabs a pair of sais?
Ever grabs a backpack and runs
Hale stays at the cornucopia for resources
Ash grabs a sword
Ryro snatches a pair of sais?
Walker runs away from the cornucopia
Purple receives a trident from the cornucopia
Ella grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia
Malfoy gathers as much food as possible
Aki runs away from the cornucopia
Horcrux snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag
Granger falls into a frozen lake and drowns (2nd)
Day 1:
Ash and Walker split up and look for resources
Book, shy, jelly, horcrux, and emo hunt for tributes
Noir searches for a water source
Wxyward practices archery
Carrot stick scares Hale off
Slytherin scares Ryro off
Ever picks flowers
Ella, Aki, Malfoy, and Dew raid Teens camp while she's hunting
Madi and purple split up and look for resources
Pennie goes hunting
Night 1:
Ever destroys Ryros supplies while they were asleep
Purple receives medical supplies from an unknown sponser
Madi kills emo with a hatchet (3rd)
Pennie attempts to start a fire but fails
Teen questions her sanity
Noir convinces Horcrux to snuggle with them
Book bets for Ella to kill them but Ella refuses, keeping book alive
Aki, Walker, and Dew successfully ambush and kill Wxyward, Carrot Stick, and Ash (4th,5th,6th 😭)
Hale Spears Slytherin in the abdomen (7th)
Jelly and Malfoy tell stories about themselves to each other
Shy goes to sleep
Day 2
Madi, Purple, and Ryro Hunt for tributes
Ever picks flowers (again)
Hale and Walker work together for the day (hmm I think Hale may win)
Pennie sets off an explosive killing Horcrux, Aki, Ella, and Jelly (sorry! 8th,9th,10th,11th)
Shy, dew, noir, teen, and Malfoy hunt for tributes
Book camouflages themself
Night 2:
Purple tried to treat her infection
Ever receives a hatchet from an unknown sponser
Teen receives fresh food from an unknown sponser
Noir destroys Dews supplies while she's asleep
Hale receives fresh food from an unknown sponser
Shy tries to sing themself to sleep
Pennie screams for help (??? maybe I'm being haunted by the ghosts of the people I killed)
Madi receives a hatchet from an unknown sponser
Book sets up camp for the night
Malfoy, Walker, and Ryro sleep in shifts
Day 3:
Ryro chases Dew
Hale, Malfoy and Pennie hunt for tributes
Shy explores the area
Ever sprains their ankle running from noir
Madi sets teen on fire with a Molotov (12th whhyyyyyy)
Book scares purple off (hmm Hale or book)
Walker receives an explosive from an unknown sponser
Pennie thinks about winning
Hale cries themself to sleep
Ever goes to sleep (lmao, ever is so peaceful)
Shy sees a fire but stays hidden
Ryro passes out from exhaustion (be like ever and sleep more)
Purple receives clean water from an unknown sponser
Malfoy dies from hypothermia (13th)
Madi questions her sanity
Dew goes to sleep
Walker stays awake all night
Book is awoken by nightmares
Noir receives clean water from an unknown sponser
Shy makes a wooden spear
Ryro camouflages themself
Noir, Hale, Dew, purple, and Pennie hunt for tributes
Ever sees smoke rising but chooses not to investigate
Book decapitates Madi with a sword (shouldn't have killed teen, 14th)
Walker injures himself
Dew cries themself to sleep
Ever attempts to climb a tree, but falls on book killing them both (15th,16th)
Shy stays awake all night
Ryro, Pennie, and Hale start fighting but Pennie runs away as Ryro kills Hale (17th, I was wrong)
Walker climbs a tree to rest
Purple is unable to start a fire, and sleeps without warmth
Noir thinks about home
The Feast:
Noir decides not to go
Shy and purple fight Dew and Walker. Shy and purple win. (18th,19th)
Ryro takes a staff leaning against the cornucopia (you're the new person I think will win)
Pennie stuffs a bundle of dry clothing into a backpack before running
Day 5:
Everyone hunts for tributes
Night 5:
Shy repeatedly stabs pennie with a sais? (20th 😭)
Purple destroys Noirs supplies while they sleep
Ryro accidentally detonates a land mine while aiming it (21st)
Night 6:
Noir practices archery
Shy convinces Purple not to kill them, only to kill her instead (22nd)
Day 7:
Shy shoots a poisonous blowdart into Noirs neck, killing them.
The winner is shymooneclipse!!!! From District 11!!!!
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