Darks Descendants rp Hunger Games Pt 2

District One:

Ryan Darkflames99

Logan ThAtFaNgIrLmAdI

District Two:

Chris Teen_Shadows

Sirena me

District Three:

Sparrow Teen_Shadows

Autumn: me

District Four:

Isaac: shadxw-wolf

Tyra: me

District Five:

Garett  @Akihokami

Lexi Darkflames99

District Six:


Zalin -chimslilac-

District Seven:

Mars Darkflames99

Viviane: me

District 8:

Aaron: me

Pennie: me

District Nine:

Fall: GalaxySnowLover

Jess Darkflames99

District Ten:

Alec: me

Evelyn @mischevousbookworm

District Eleven:

Hayden: me

Maya: Darkflames99

District Twelve:

Thomas Darkflames99

Tesley -chimslilac-


Logan takes a handful of throwing knives

Sparrow runs away from the cornucopia

Chris runs away from the cornucopia

Aaron breaks Vivianes nose for a basket of bread

Lexi shoots an arrow into Pennies head (1st death, why Lexiiii 😭)

Sirena severely injures Zalin but puts him out of his misery (2nd death, payback)

Autumn runs away from the cornucopia

Fall runs away from the cornucopia

Ryan grabs a backpack and retreats

Maya runs away from the cornucopia

Tesley runs away from the cornucopia

Evelyn runs away from the cornucopia

Garett runs away from the cornucopia

Navi scares Mars away from the cornucopia

Isaac and Thomas fight for a bag, Isaac gives up and retreats

Jess runs away from the cornucopia

Alec runs away from the cornucopia


Day 1:

Navi and Sirena work together for a day

Jess forces Lexi to kill either Chris or Aaron. Lexi refuses so Jess kills her instead (3rd)

Ryan steals from Fall while he isn't looking

Maya practices her archery

Logan is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Alec receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor

Tesley attacks Tyra, but she manages to escape

Viviane attacks Thomas but he manages to escape

Mars attacks Autumn but she manages to escape

Isaac receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor

Garett receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor

Sparrow begs for Ev to kill him. Ev refuses keeping Sparrow alive.


Night 1:

Aaron is awoken by nightmares

Hayden spears Chris in the abdomen (4th)

Tyra questions her sanity

Viviane looses sight of where she is

Sparrow and Logan tell stories about themselves to each other.

Garett fends Isaac, Autumn, and Alec away from his fire.

Maya is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth

Evelyn climbs a tree to rest

Navi, Tes, and Mars discuss the games

Thomas looks at the night sky

Fall and Jess run into each other and truce for the night

Sirena receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor

Ryan looks at the night sky


Day 2:

Alec and Sirena hunt for tributes

Mars picks flowers (lmao)

Isaac receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor

Fall searches for firewood

Sparrow collects fruit

Tyra tries to spear fish with a trident

Thomas tends to Jess's wounds

Viv makes a slingshot

Logan makes a shack

Autumn tends to Ev's wounds

Aaron and Ryan hunt for tributes

Hayden begs for Navi to kill him, Navi refuses keeping him alive

Maya kills Garett as he tries to run (5th)


Night 2

Aaron passes out from exhaustion

Thomas starts a fire

Hayden tends Tyra, Ev, and Sparrow away from his fire

Fall receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor

Ryan receives clean water from an unknown sponsor

Navi begs for Sirena to kill her, Sirena refuses,

Logan tries to start a fire but fails

Viviane looks up at the night sky

Tested receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor

Maya tries to treat her infection

Autumn receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor

Isaac goes to sleep

Jess receives clean water from an unknown sponsor

Mars receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor


Day 3:

Sparrow receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor

Autumn sees smoke but doesn't investigate

Mars sprains his ankle running from Thomas

Isaac receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor

Navi runs away from Hayden

Jess and Maya hunt for tributes

Viv, Tyra, Tes, Fall, and Alec hunt for tributes

Logan practices archery

Ev receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor

Ryan shoots a poisonous dart into Aaron's neck killing him (6th)

Sirena searches for firewood


Night 3:

Logan set off an explosive killing Mars, Sparrow, Viv, and Ev (lmao, the siblings 7-10th)

Navi climbs a tree

Jess, Hayden, and Ryan sleep in shifts

Autumn unknowingly eats toxic berries (11th)

Tyra tries to sing herself to sleep

Alec looses sight of where he is

Tes destroys Isaacs supplies while he's sleeping

Thomas fends Maya, Fall, and Sirena away from his fire


Day 4:

Navi and Alec work together for the day

Fall picks flowers

Ryan dies from dysentery. (12th)

Thomas runs away from Isaac

Tyra tries to spear fish with a trident

Hayden tries to sleep through the entire day

Tes travels to higher ground

Sirena questions her sanity

Jess chases Maya


Night 4:

Tes tries to treat her infection

Sirena stays awake all night

Thomas receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor

Maya stays awake all night

Alec, Navi, and Tyra discuss the games

Hayden questions his sanity

Jess, Logan, and Fall cheerfully sing songs

Isaac quietly hums


Day 5:

Tes makes a spear

Maya kills Sirena (13th)

Tyra begs for Hayden to kill her, he refuses

Navi attacks Fall but he escapes (dang it!)

Alec searches for firewood

Thomas kills Isaac (14th)

Logan tries to spear fish with a trident

Jess explores the arena


Night 5:

Hayden, Navi, and Alec sing songs cheerfully

Tyra accidentally steps on a landmine (15th)

Fall thinks about winning

Maya starts a fire

Jess defeats Tes in a fight but spares her life

Logan looks at the night sky

Thomas is awoken by nightmares


The Feast:

Tes sets off an explosion killing Thomas,nHayden, and Alec (16-18th)

Logan decides not to go to the feast

Jess decides not to go to the feast

Navi decides not to go to the feast

Fall decides not to go to the feast

Maya decides not to go to the feast


Day 6:

Tes makes a shack

Navi collects fruit

Maya catches Jess off guard and kills her (19th)

Logan makes a slingshot

Fall sees smoke but doesn't investigate


Night 6:

Navi screams for help

Maya taints Falls food, killing him (20th, yes!!!!)

Logan sees a fire but stays hidden

Tes is woken by nightmares


Day 7

Logan questions her sanity

Maya receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor

Navi accidentally steps on a landmine (21st)

Tes receives a hatchet from a unknown sponsor


Night 7:

Maya receives clean water from a unknown sponsor

Logan thinks about winning

Tes goes to sleep


Day 8:

Maya practices archery

Logan discovers a river

Tes travels to higher ground


Arena event: a tsunami rolls into the arena

They all survive


Night 8:

Logan climbs a tree

Maya cooks her food is then puts out her fire

Tes commits suicide (22nd)


Day 9:

Maya poisons Logan's drink, but thinks it's her own and dies (23rd, always poisoning things)

The winner is Logan from district 1!!!!!!!

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