Based off of Darks Roleplay

District One:
Ryan: Darkflames99
Autumn: me

District Two:
Mars: Darkflames99
Viviane: me

District Three:
Sparrow: Teen_Shadows
Parents: me

District Four:
Alec: me
Tesley: KawaiiQIsDaMadHatter

District Five:
Zalin: KawaiiQIsDaMadHatter
Lexi: Darkflames99

District Six
Gen: xX_BrokenForGood_Xx
Hailey: OzOfMun

District Seven:
Thomas: Darkflames99
Maeli: KawaiiQIsDaMadHatter

District Eight:
Chris: Teen_Shadows
Logan: ThAtFaNgIrLmAdI

District Nine:
Jack: xX_Ratotaskr_Xx
Luna: Darkflames99

District Ten:
Fall: GalaxySnowLover
Jessica: GalaxySnowLover

District Eleven:
Maya: Darkflames99
Lynx: xX_Ratotaskr_Xx

District Twelve:
Navi: Showtime-
Ash: Teen_Shadows


Autumn runs away from the cornucopia.

Ryan finds a canteen full of water.

Mars runs away from the cornucopia.

Pennie runs away from the cornucopia.

Maya grabs a backpack, not realizing it was empty.

Logan runs in the cornucopia and hides.

Hailey runs away from the cornucopia.

Navi is unable to convince Gen not to kill her.

Thomas runs away from the cornucopia.

Luna grabs a first aid kit and runs away.

Chris grabs a backpack and runs away.

Zalin falls into a pit and dies.

Sparrow grabs a jar of fishing bait while Tesley grabs fishing gear.

Maeli runs away from the cornucopia.

Falls kills Lexi with a hatchet.

Jessica finds a backpack fill of camping equipment.

Lynx grabs a backpack, not realizing it was empty.

Viviane kills Alec for his supplies.

Jack runs away from the cornucopia.

Ash runs away from the cornucopia.


Day One

Ryan is picking flowers.

Mars overhears Logan and Gen talking in the distance.

Maeli is unable to convince Jack not to kill her.

Sparrow collects fruit from a tree.

Lynx recieves clean water from an unknown sponser.

Luna diverts Mayas attention then runs off.

Ash scares Hailey off.

Thomas defeats Fall in a fight, but spares his life.

Tesley sees smoke in the distance but doesn't investigate.

Viviane decapitates Pennie with a sword  (figures).

Autumm injures herself.

6 cannons go off:

Navi: District Twelve

Zalin: District Five

Lexi: District Five

Alec: District Four

Maeli: District Seven

Pennie: District Three

Night One:

Hailey defeats Jack in a fight, but spares his life.

Sparrow attemps to start a fire but is uncucessful.

Viviane starts a fire.

Jessica sets off an explosive, killing Luna ans Ash.

Mars thinks about winning.

Chris goes to sleep.

Thomas recieves fresh food from an unknown sponser.

Tesley, Lynx, and Fall sleep in shifts.

Logan and Autumn talk about the tributes still alive.

Maya destroys Ryans supplies while hes asleep.

Gen tries to treat his infection.

Day Two:

Jessicas stalks Autumn.

Tesley thinks about home.

Maya sprains her ankle, running away from Gen.

Ryan, Jack, and Hailey hunt for other tributes.

Thomas chases Lynx.

Sparrow attacks Chris but he manages to escape.

Logan and Viviane split up and search for resources.

Mars recieves an explosive from an unknown sponser.

Fall makes a slingshot.

2 cannons go off

Luna: District Nine

Ash: District Twelve

Night Two:

Mars looks at the night sky Malfoy

Fall tries to sing himself to sleep.

Gen tries to sing himself to sleep.

Ryan fends Lynx, Hailey, and Thomas away from his fire.

Viviane begs for Chris to kill her, but he refuses keeping her alive. (Not a smart move)

Autumn dies from hunger. (Figures)

Sparrow lets Maya into his shelter. (WHAT)

Jack cooks his food before putting the fire out.

Logan recieves an explosive from an unknown sponser.

Jessica and Tesley sleep in shifts.

Day Three:

Viviane defeats Jack in a fight, but spares his life.

Sparrow, Lynx, and Chris hunt for other tributes.

Logan questions her sanity.

Fall tends to Mayas wound.

Ryan fishes.

Hailey constructs a shack.

Gen questions his sanity.

Tesley constructs a shack.

Thomas silently snaps Jessicas neck.

Mars questions his sanity.

2 cannons go off

Autumn: District One

Jessica: District Ten

Night Three:

Gen attacks Fall, but Maya protects him killing Gen.

Mars recieves medical supplies from an unknown sponser.

Logan, Tesley, and Lybx sleep in shifts.

Sparrow and Jack huddle for warmth.

Hailey is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Ryan recieves an explosive from an unknown sponser.

Chris and Viviane sleep in shifts.

Thomas bleeds out due to untreated injuries.

Day Four:

Logan recieves an explosive from an unknown sponser.

Ryan defeats Chris in a fight, but spares his life.

Hailey searches for a water source.

Jack, Tesley, Fall, Viviane, and Lynx hunt for other tributes.

Sparrow begs for Maya to kill him, she refuses keeping Sparrow alive.

Mars is pricked by thorns whike picking berries.

2 cannons go off:

Gen: District Six

Thomas: District Seven

Night Four:

Fall goes to sleep.

Logan starts a fire.

Maya thinks about home.

Lynx recieves clean water from an unknown sponser.

Ryan looses sight of where he is.

Tesley, Sparrow, and Mars cheerfully sing songs together. (Lmao, I thought they were pessimists)

Chris tends to Jacks wounds.

Viviane dies trying to escape the arena.

Hailey stays awake all night.

Day Five:

Chris searches for firewood.

Maya hunts for tributes.

Tesley discovers a cave.

Lynx stalks Jack.

Hailey recieves medical supplies from an unknown sponser.

Logan attacks Sparrow but he escapes.

Ryan travels to higher ground.

Mars recieves a hatchet from an unknown sponser.

1 cannon goes off:

Viviane: District Two

Night Five:

Jack tends to Mayas wounds. (Why is everyone helping her????)

Chris is unable to convince Logan not to kill him. (Lmao)

Sparrow, Fall, Hailey, Tesley, and Lynx sleep in shifts.

Ryan and Mars hold hands. (Heck no)

Day Six:

Fall sees smoke rising in the distance but doesn't investigate.

Mars attacks Sparrow but he manages to escape.

Jack convinces Hailey not to kill him, only to kill her instead.

Logan dies from hypothermia.

Lynx recieves clean water from an unknown sponser.

Maya stabs Ryan in the back with a trident.

Tesley recieves medical supplies from an unknown sponser.

4 cannons go off:

Chris: District Eight

Hailey: District Six

Logan: District Eight

Ryan: District One

Night Six:

Fall, Sparrow, and Tesley cheerfully sing songs together.

Mars unknowingly eats toxic berries (nooooooooo)

Maya pushes Jack off a cliff during a knife fight.

Lynx recieves fresh food from an unknown sponser.

The Feast

Tesley decides not to go to the feast.

Maya decides not to go to the feast.

Sparrow gathers as much food into a bag as he can before fleeing.

Lynx decides not to go to the feast.

Fall gathers as much food into a bag as he can before fleeing.

Day Seven:

Sparrow attacks Tesley but she escapes.

Fall recieves clean water from an unknown sponser.

Lynx collects fruit from a tree.

Maya questions her sanity.

2 cannons go off:

Mars: District Two

Jack: District Nine

Night Seven

Lynx stays awake all night.

Maya thinks about home.

Fall, Tesley, and Sparrow discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Day Eight:

Fall travels to higher ground.

Sparrow injures himself.

Maya chases Tesley.

Lynx pickes flowers.

Night Eight:

Sparrow convinces Tesley to snuggle with him. (Heck no)

Fall recieves clean water from an unknown sponser.

Maya kills Lynx while hes sleeping.

Day Nine:

Fall overhears Sparrow and Maya talking in the distance.

Tesley injures herself.

1 cannon goes off

Lynx: District Eleven

Night Nine:

Fall poisons Maya drink, she drinks it and dies.

Sparrow stays awake all night.

Tesley recieves clean water from an unknown sponser.

Day Ten

Fall dies of dysentary.

Sparrow kills Tesley with a hatchet.


The winner is Sparrow from District Three!!!!! (Yay! So, ive dome the simulator a few times and no joke teens characters win every time)

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