A Darker Shade of Love: Hunger Games

District 1

Eddison: Song_Of_The_Swan

Gracon: Cinneryn

District 2

Sebastian: Little-PotterHead

Erika: 1purpleflower

District 3

Jacob: musicbeastly

Theodore: captainkenz

District 4

Ether: Faeelyn

Connor: thebugboss_

District 5

Deborah: musicbeastly

Scarlett: TheYoungbloodfangirl

District 6

Roman: moonlight-huntress

Saoirse: A_Silent_Warrior

District 7

Mackenzie: captainkenz

Titus: Random_User16

District 8

Waverley: mxssed-up

Willow: littlebeancloud

District 9

Edric: Akihokami_

Phoebe: me!

District 10

Atlas: ArielleSowle

Claire: 1purpleflower

District 11

Madison: captainkenz

Alexander: TheYoungbloodfangirl

District 12

Cordelia: me!

Darius: Potter_Maze_Geek


The Bloodbath

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds...

Roman finds a canteen full of water.

Eddison rips a mace out of Titus's hands.

Erika runs away from the cornucopia.

Scarlett runs away from the cornucopia.

Deborah runs away from the cornucopia.

Edric runs away from the cornucopia.

Phoebe runs away from the cornucopia.

Ether runs away from the cornucopia.

Darius grabs a jar of fishing bait while Jacob grabs fishing gear.

Saoirse grabs a backpack, not realizing it's empty.

Gracon grabs a sword.

Atlas grabs a sword.

Willow stays at the cornucopia for resources.

Connor clutches a first-aid kit and runs away.

Theo and Sebastian fight for a bag. Theodore gives up and runs away.

Cordelia runs away from the cornucopia.

Claire runs away from the cornucopia.

Alexander takes a handful of throwing knives.

Madison finds a bag full of explosives.

Mackenzie runs away from the cornucopia.

Waverley gathers as much food as she can.


Day One

Ether, Willow, Darius, and Roman hunt for tributes.

Alexander tries to spear fish with a trident.

Eddison strangles Erika with a rope. (1st Death)

Waverley, Madison, and Sebastian hunt for tributes.

Gracon camouflages himself in the bushes.

Cordelia runs away from Atlas.

Edric, Saoirse, Mackenzie, and Theodore hunt for tributes.

Claire and Titus work together for the day.

Scarlett sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Deborah discovers a cave.

Phoebe goes hunting.


Night One

Waverley and Saoirse tell stories about themselves to each other.

Phoebe cooks her food before putting her fire out.

Scarlett loses sight of where she is.

Theodore is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Alexander and Sebastian work together to drown Edric. (2nd death)

Darius, Roman, Titus, Willow, and Cordelia sleep in shifts.

Ether attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Madison stays awake all night.

Connor receives medical supplies from an unknown sponser.

Mackenzie cries himself to sleep.

Eddison attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Claire received an explosive from an unknown sponser.

Atlas thinks about winning.

Gracon tries to sing himself to sleep.

Jacob screams for help.

Deborah cooks her food before putting her fire out.


Day Two

Cordelia bashes MacKenzie's head in with a mace. (3rd death)

Connor defeats Scarlett in a fight, but spares her life.

Eddison chases Willow.

Waverley sprains her ankle while running away from Deborah.

Saoirse stalks Claire.

Titus overhears Atlas and Madison talking in the distance.

Sebastian practice's his archery.

Alexander, Gracon, and Theodore hunt for tributes.

Jacob poison's Darius's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies. (4th death)

Roman hunts for tributes.

Phoebe defeats Ether in a fight, but spares her life.


Night Two

Waverley, Titus, Saoirse, and Claire sleep in shifts.

Madison begs for Scarlett to kill him. She refuses, keeping Madison alive.

Deborah tries to treat her infection.

Ether loses sight of where she is.

Roman, Willow, and Alexander discuss the games and what might happen.

Phoebe, Atlas, and Sebastian discuss the games and what might happen.

Cordelia, Gracon, and Theodore track down and kill Darius. (5th death)

Connor and Eddison run into each other but decide to truce for the night.


Day Three

Sebastian runs away from Phoebe.

Cordelia sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Waverley tries to sleep through the entire day.

Saoirse questions her sanity.

Alexander searches for firewood.

Scarlett scares Willow off.

Theodore explores the arena.

Titus receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Madison camouflages himself in the bushes.

Deborah collects fruit from a tree.

Eddison discovers a cave.

Roman set's Ether on fire with a molotov. (6th death)

Connor scares Gracon off.

Atlas sprains his ankle while running away from Claire.


Night Three

Cordelia and Alexander talk about the tributes still alive.

Roman convinces Saoirse to snuggle with him.

Titus cries himself to sleep.

Willow is awoken by nightmares.

Sebastian quietly hums.

Claire, Atlas, Gracon, Theodore, and Scarlett sleep in shifts.

Phoebe kills Madison as he tries to run. (6th death.)

Eddison receives medical supplies from an unknown sponser.

Deborah thinks about home.

Waverley cries herself to sleep.

Connor cries himself to sleep.


Day Four

Gracon discovers a cave.

Cordelia severely injures Roman and leaves him to die. (7th death)

Scarlett attacks Connor, but he manages to escape.

Deborah collects fruit from a tree.

Eddison tends to Theodore's wounds.

Phoebe scares Titus off.

Atlas makes a wooden spear.

Willow stalks Saoirse.

Sebastian attacks Claire, but she manages to escape.


Night Four

Sebastian defeats Phoebe in a fight, but spares her life.

Atlas is awoken by nightmares.

Saoirse, Gracon, and Claire cheerfully sing songs together.

Theodore goes to sleep.

Connor loses sight of where he is.

Willow tends to Waverleys wounds.

Cordelia and Scarlett huddle for warmth.

Eddison receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Titus attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Alexander strangles Deborah with a rope. (8th death)


Day Five

Eddison receives explosives from an unknown sponsor.

Waverley constructs a shack.

Titus receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Theodore makes a slingshot.

Gracon receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Saoirse receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Claire is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Atlas tracks down and kills Willow. (9th death)

Phoebe receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Sebastian overhears Connor and Scarlett talking in the distance.

Cordelia begs for Alexander to kill her. He refuses, keeping Cordelia alive.


Night Five

Waverley stays awake all night.

Theodore dies trying to escape the arena. (10th death)

Scarlett, Eddison, and Alexander sleep in shifts.

Atlas thinks about winning.

Cordelia is unable to start a fire, and sleeps without warmth.

Gracon shoots an arrow at Phoebe, but misses and kills Claire instead. (11th death)

Sebastian tends to his wounds.

Saoirse quietly hums.

Titus dies from hunger. (12th death)

Connor sees a fire, but stays quiet.


Day Six

Connor travels to higher ground.

Eddison stalks Phoebe.

Sebastian searches for a water source.

Scarlett begs for Gracon to kill her. He refuses, keeping Scarlett alive.

Cordelia camouflages herself in the bushes.

Saoirse discovers a cave.

Alexander falls into a frozen lake and drowns. (13th death)


Night Six

Atlas sets off an explosive killing Eddison, Waverley, and Cordelia. (14th, 15th, and 16th death)

Phoebe fends Gracon, Saoirse and Scarlett away from her fire.

Connor receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Sebastian climbs a tree to rest.


The Feast

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memories from the tributes families.

Sebastian decides not to go to The Feast.

Connor decides not to go to The Feast.

Atlas, Saoirse, and Gracon get into a fight. Gracon triumphantly kills them both. (17th, and 18th death)

Scarlett severely slices Phoebe with a sword. (19th death)


Day Seven

Sebastian tends to Scarlett's wounds.

Gracon searches for a water source.

Connor discovers a river.


Night Seven

Sebastian passes out from exhaustion.

Gracon receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Scarlett climbs a tree to rest.

Scarlett dies from hunger. (20th death)


Day Eight

Gracon receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Sebastian hunts for other tributes.

Scarlett tries to sleep through the entire day.


Night Eight

Scarlett tends to Gracons wounds.

Sebastian can not handle the circumstances and commits suicide. (Dang it! 21st death)


Day Nine

Gracon dies from an infection. (Scarlett did not treat your wounds well. 22nd death)


The Winner is Scarlett from District Five!!!


1. Scarlett
2. Garcon
3. Sebastian
4. Connor
5. Phoebe
6. Saoirse
7. Atlas
8. Cordelia
9. Waverly
10. Eddison 
11. Alexander
12. Titus
13. Claire
14. Theodore
15. Willow
16. Deborah
17. Roman
18. Madison
19. Ether 
20. Darius
21. Jacob 
22. Mackenzie
23. Edric
24. Erika

District Placements:
1. District 5
2. District 1
3. District 2
4. District 4
5. District 9
6. District 6
7. District 10
8. District 12
9. District 8
10. District 11
11. District 7
12. District 3

4: Atlas
4: Garcon
3: Cordelia
2: Alexander
1: Eddison 
1: Sebastian
1: Phoebe
1: Theodore
1: Roman
1: Scarlett

(If you want me to do another, just tell me what characters I should use. Thanks for participating in the hunger games!)

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