Wolf Attempts to Write Something Funny Revamped #2

 This episode is inspired by one of the worst sins a married person could commit... adultery. And it's also inspired by a true story.

 Back when Wolf was a sixth grader, her sixth grade Social Studies teacher was this nice tall blonde lady who wore a lot of make up, and if you weren't a sixth grader, you wouldn't have been surprised to hear about what happened because she looked like the kind of person. She was married to the Biology teacher... who I had this year. 

 Now she had a kid with him, and they adopted one or two from Africa, she was constantly participating in fundraisers for AHope. People loved her a teacher. 

 Well turns out she was screwing the High School principal.

 This is not a rumor, it's not fake. One of my close friends was in my Bio teachers class that year... and he brought it up several times during that year.

 The next year, the Middle School Principal replaced the High School one, and from what I've heard from Middle Schoolers, the Social Studies teacher I had no longer works there and has been replaced by another tall blonde lady.  

 Episode Two: A Random Encounter

 Wolf agrees to help with a summer reading program, and hosts it at the Book Store, where a teacher catches Randomers eye. Cheker struggles to keep up at work after her roommate had a baby.

 (Randomer is watching Kronis and Lion play Go Fish. Lion clearly seems to be winning. The deck of cards have magnets attached to them, and Kronis pulls out a toy fishing rod with a magnet attached to the hook, and uses it to pick up the card, and reels it in toward him. Lion rolls her eyes. Randomer shakes his head and opens up his book, A Dummies Guide to Being Friends With an Idiot. Lion looks at the book cover, and snickers. Kronis coughs loudly to get her attention.)

 Lion; Do you have a six?

Kronis: Go fish.

 (She picks up the card normally. The door opens, and a woman wearing a cheery floral button up shirt, a tan pencil skirt and heels walks in, and black glasses. Her fawn colored hair is nice and wavy, and she wears cherry colored lip gloss. So she's pretty much the sexy teacher stereotype. Randomer watches her walk up to the check out, and Wolf looks up from her book. He's awestruck. Wolf and the woman keep talking, and Lion and Kronis notice Randomer staring.)

Kronis: Damn. 

Lion: Kronis, could you please stop drooling, I have a game of Go Fish to win. 

Wolf: (calling over to them) Kronis, could you please come here a moment?

 (Kronis gets up, and Randomer awkwardly follows him. At the checkout, there's a fat orange cat sitting on the desk.)

 Wolf: I'd like you to meet Kronis, he is the one who reads to the cr-children each week. Kronis... this is Mrs. Stephanie Harding, one of the Kindergarten teachers who put this together. 

 (Kronis is clearly holding back snickering, and Randomer looks to not be paying attention to anything Wolf has just said.)

 Kronis: Nice to meet you Mrs. Harding.

 (Stephanie smiles, and holds out her hand, which Kronis shakes limply. Stephanie laughs slightly. Wolf looks at Randomer)

 Wolf: Randomer, do you need anything?

 Randomer: Ahhhh....ummm.... Do you need anymore help.

 (Wolf looks slightly shocked to hear this, Kronis looks genuinely surprised. Stephanie gives a wide smile.)

 Stephanie: Sure, I'm going to need as much help as I can get with the kids. 

 Randomer: Well, what do you need me to do.

 Stephanie: Lets all three of us talk over a cup of coffee. (To Wolf) Once again Wolf, thank you for helping us out.

 Wolf: No problem)

 (Randomer leads the way to the Cheerful Check, where Cheker is asleep, her head resting on the counter. Kronis goes to poker her awake, but Sampson comes out of nowhere, and gives him a long cold glare. Kronis slowly retracts his finger, and Sampson silently hands them a note pad with the message, Write your Orders Down. They all write everything down and hand it to Sampson.)

Randomer: (Whispering) So... what's you name? I was zoning out a bit when Wolf introduced you.

 Stephanie: (she smiles) I'm Stephanie.

 (Sampson hands everyone their drink, leaning over Cheker. Stephanie, Kronis and Randomer leave. Erin walks out of the kitchen, talking loudly)

 Erin: Okay Sampson, I was think-

 (Sampson shushes her, but the damage is already done. Cheker groans as she gets up.)

 Erin; Why the hell are you asleep! You work in a coffee shop, and you have access to like... and unlimited supply of this shit.   

 (Erin pulls out one of the clear cups the café uses for iced coffee, and fills it with ice.)

Sampson: Cheker, this is the third time this week this has happened. Is everything alright?

 Cheker: Huh? Uhh... no.

 (Erin starts places the cup under the coffee machine, and Sampson hands her the milk)

 Sampson: So then, what's going on?

 Cheker: Urgh... ever since my roommate had her kid... it's been crying in the middle of the night. Don't get me wrong, I love children, but this thing is so annoying, and guess who's changing the dippers.

 Sampson: Her.

 Erin: Dwayne the Rock Johnson?

 Sampson: Erin, what the hell?

 Erin: You know, like in Daddy Day Care. (She hands Cheker the coffee) 

 Cheker: (takes a giant sip of her iced coffee) No... me. Every... single... time... (She removes the lid from her iced coffee, and starts downing it).

 Sampson: You should talk to her. 

 Cheker: I've tried, but I don't want to be rude. And this isn't the only thing she does. She doesn't clean up after herself, she comes home late... and she uses the air conditioning in the winter because she thinks it helps her condition her hair.

 Erin: What a genius. 

 Cheker: Yeah... I've been meaning to ask her to move out... but when she got pregnant, I thought it'd be mean... and now Pikachu... and the one time I did.

 Sampson: Pikachu?

 Cheker: The baby.

 (Both Erin and Sampson both nod.)

 Cheker: As I was saying, the one time I did, she got angry, and I just couldn't say no to her.

 Sampson: Chek... that's not good.

 Cheker: I know,

 Erin: All you need is some practice saying no. Say it now.

 Cheker: What?

 Erin: Say no.

 Cheker: Look, I'll talk to her when Pikachu is a bit older.

 (Sampson runs over and grabs Chekers shoulders and starts shaking her)

 Sampson: God damnit woman, I'm agreeing with Erin on this. Just say no.

 Cheker: (meekly) No?

 Sampson: (shaking her even more) Just say no!

 Cheker: (at the top of her lungs) NO!!!!!

 (Everyone stops and stares. They see a terrified Cheker, and Samspon holding on to her. Benny and Camera stop putting toy guns in goodie bags, and look at them.)

 Benny: Hey, you! (Sampson looks over there terrified, Benny stands up) You're not sexually assaulting her or anything... right.

 (Camera pulls out one of the toy guns from the gift bags, and points it at Sampson)

 Camera: Yeah! You better not.

 (Camera points his toy gun in the air, and pretends to shoot it and goes Bang! Bang! Bang! as a group of Kindergarteners stand in the entrance looking all kinds of excited to see some action. A disgruntled man in a It's Fun to Read, shirt looks terrified, and he walks through the door. Stephanie sighs)

 Stephanie: This is going to be a long two months. (Looks at the man,) Don't worry James, I'm coming to help!

 (As soon as she finishes her line, a little montage happens. Kronis is reading books to little kids, and one who's picking his nose flicks his booger at Kronis to express his boredom while Randomer and Stephanie chat up a storm. Cut to Cheker asleep at the café counter, where Erin takes out an air horn to wake her up. Cheker instantly falls back asleep. There's another shot of Randomer and Stephanie having coffee together, while Kronis and James are trying to get the kids to read from a play about a fox in the background, while one kid is playing on his DS... which James snatches out of his hands. Now three weeks into the program....

 James and Kronis are playing Pitch with Lion before the kids come.)

 Lion: I didn't think they let men become Kindergarten teachers.

 James: I didn't either.

Lion: Hey, what was that other ones name again? I've been avoiding the Gremlins for the past three weeks, but in my few encounters, I swear I heard them call her Mrs. Harding.

 James: They did.

 Kronis: Fitting name too.

 (James scowls, and they all throw down their cards. Stephanie walks in, with Randomer. She's clearly flirting with him. James looks at her and drops all of his cards in shock.)

 Lion: Oh... he had all trump.

 James: (to Lion is Kronis) Does he (points to Randomer) know that she's married. 

 Kronis: I don't think Randomer would go after a married woman. He at least has some sense of honor.

 James: Apparently not. 

 (Stephanie kisses Randomer. James stares at them in shock, Lion casually deals more cards, humming, Kronis starts texting someone rapidly. Stephanie walks over to the café counter where Cheker is asleep, and Erin is taking orders, she's currently giving Dark his drink, Dark looks at Stephanie.)

 Dark: You, must be Mrs. Harding. How is the program going?

 Stephanie: Great. James got the kids through the first line of a play. We've never gotten past that before.

 Dark: (with some concern) You're saying, that through out the entire school year, you didn't get the kids to read past the first line of anything?

 Stephanie: I think James might have, but all of my kids were too busy talking about the games they play on their parents phones, and something called Paw Patrol.

 Dark: Kids these days... when I was in school, my teacher rewarded us with candy to get us to read.

 Stephanie: I can't... we can't have any food I the classrooms due to allergies.

 (Darks phone goes off)

 Dark: (mumbling as he pulls out his phone) What the hell has the world come to.. (he pauses for a moment and looks at Stephanie.... they runs over to Randomer, who is also surrounded by James and Kronis.)

 Randomer: She isn't married!

 James: Have you not payed attention to what the kids have called her! Mrs. Harding. Mrs. MRS!

 Kronis: Dude, where's you sense of honor?

 Randomer: Hey, I didn't know.

 Kronis: Because you didn't want to know.

 Dark: (he walks up to Randomer and slaps him) No. Bad.

 Randomer: (rubbing his face) What the hell was that for. 

 Dark: Being stupid.

 James: You... whatever you do, don't go near her for the rest of the program.

 Randomer: Fine...

 (Stephanie walks over to the table, and give Randomer his coffee. He looks and Kronis and James who are mouthing no, and Dark is giving him a disapproving glare. Randomer slowly takes the coffee)

 Randomer: Stephanie... are you married?

 Stephanie: Wait... what?

 Randomer: Are you married.

 Stephanie: No. 

 (Randomer, for some reason looks utterly convinced... Dark, James and Kronis all look disappointed in him.

 Back behind the café counter, Erin wakes up Cheker)

 Cheker: Huh... whattda want?

 (Erin places a pamphlet in front of Cheker, and iced coffee. Cheker takes a sip of the coffee and picks up the pamphlet. On the cover it says How to Say No!: A Teens Guide to Staying Abstinent. Cheker looks confused)

 Cheker: Erin... why did you give me this? It's on how to say no in regards to-

 Erin: Oh it doesn't matter if the pamphlet says it's how to say no to Sex. It's the same basic principals for saying no to an annoying roommate when they ask you to do something... or let them stay.

 Cheker: (opens the pamphlet to a random page, where the heading says, In Case you Decide to.) I didn't think saying no to a roommate involved buying a condom.

 Erin: In the pamphlets situation it does... in your situation, you still should. But just for her. It seems obvious she doesn't know that they exist.

 Cheker: Look the pamphlet is a bit too much. I'm fine. I think you and Sampsons scolding is helping.

 Erin: No. Sampsons scolding defiantly didn't help. It got him beat up.

 Cheker: What?

 (Sampson walks through into the café area from the kitchen carrying a plate of Cinnamon rolls. He has a giant bandage on his nose.)

 Cheker: Sampson... what happened?

 Sampson: I've told you seventeen times... but you always fell asleep in the middle of my story.

 Cheker: I won't... I promise.

 Sampson: Well, after work, Benny dragged me into an alleyway and starting punching me, and Camera was in the background doing finger guns pretending to shoot me, because Benny thought that I was harassing you. When I told him what actually happened, he said "Good man." and bought me an ice cream to apologize.

 Cheker: I'm so sorry.

 (Upstairs in the kiddie corner, Stephanie is handing each of the kids a book. James and Kronis and both reading kids books while they wait. Randomer is putting away Readers Theater masks. Wolf is observing the group. Stephanie looks at Randomer)

 Stephanie: Hey, I'm going to get all of us coffee, wanna help?

 (Randomer nods, and Stephanie gives him a kiss, and her phone goes off)

 Stephanie: Sorry... I have to take this.

 (She picks up the phone and walks away. You can hear James' warning again. Randomer follows her)

 Stephanie: Don't worry honey, I'll make dinner. Oh yes, its going great. James just finished up another Readers Theater with them. I love you-

 (Randomer rips the phone out of Stephanie's hand)

 Randomer: By the way... she's cheating on you. (He hangs up)

 (Stephanie looks shocked, and just starts crying to try and get some sympathy. All of the kids go to investigate, so do Kronis, James and Wolf. Randomer runs down stairs)

 Stephanie: Fu-

 James: There are children around.

 (All of the children whisper amongst themselves.)

 Wolf: Did you know you can read about this stuff all the time in books? But in order to get to the juicy drama filled stuff, you gotta read what you're reading now to raise you reading level.

 Kid: Yeah, but I can watch TV and stuff to see this.

 (Wolf falls silent... and lowers her head in shame)

(The next day, only James shows up, and he pats Randomer on the back, then walks up to the café counter, where Cheker is wide awake)

 Cheker: Hello, and welcome to the Cheerful Chek, I'm Cheker. 

 James: Aren't you usually asleep?

 Cheker: Can we just not mention that.

 (James orders his coffee, and Sampson puts a plate of cookies in the display case, Erin observes Cheker like a proud mama)

 Erin: She finally stood up for herself.

 (Cheker walks over to the coffee machine, and starts making the coffee)

 Sampson: So is she gone?

 Cheker: Huh? No. I just took a bunch of Melatonin last night, put in ear buds and blocked my door so she couldn't open it. It's amazing how much sleep someone can get when no one is bothering you. 

 Erin: So you didn't ask her to leave?

 Cheker: Oh no. That's a bit cruel for a woman with a baby that's a couple of weeks old.

 (Cheker gives James his coffee)

 Erin: She failed.... she failed us.









 And almost everyone got a happy ending... almost. 

 I like... and yet I don't like this episode... meh.




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