tmi story

In language arts, we have to write a story about three characters and yourself, and you have to be stranded in a place. The place I chose was a deserted island. The three characters are: Will, jace and from warriors, Firepaw. Here's my story so far:

(I don't know Jace, Will, or Firepaw)

My P.O.V:

"Section 2H" The loudspeaker rang, dinging in my head. I rolled my luggage over to where the overhang sign hung. Looking up, I made sure this was the correct section- and it was, my ticket matched the sign above me. I hauled my large green suitcase over a seat, and handed my ticket to the flight attendant. "Pickles Herondale?" The attendants eyes shone light the blue twinkling ocean, soothing my nervousness of the airplane ride. "Yep, that's me." I returned the smile back as she handed me my plane ticket. "You can enter the plane now, just make sure to..." I wasn't listening to the rest of her sentence, my nerves got the best of me and I slowly started to plan bad scenario's out in my head. What if the plane went down? What if the plane started rocking and it crashed? What if- The voice in my head was interrupted by a hand being clammed down on my shoulder. "Excuse me miss, but we are boarding the plane now. If you don't get on now, I'm afraid you'll miss your wonderful flight." A man with black hair, and dark blue eyes beamed. His eyes were so blue, it reminded me of the dark nights in the sky. I stared into his eyes for a few more seconds before responding. "Um, yes. I think I should go on the plane now." My smile faded as I stepped onto the shaky plane.

My feet were shaking and my heart was thumping in my ears as I searched for row 28. "Aha!" I exclaimed, quickly scampering into my tiny row. 3 seats were displayed neatly in my row, each an inch apart from each other. I sat down, brushing off my pants, just in case I had crumbs on it. Just as I skimmed my fingers along my pants, a man plummeted into the seat next to me. "Hello, lovely miss." His whole face lit up when he smiled. "I'm Jace Herondale. Your lovely plane partner." I chuckled at his humor, and he laughed too. "I'm Pickles, um..." I totally forgot what my last name is- my nerves were tingling so much, I could feel them! Jace looked into my eyes, and I returned the look back. I could tell he was searching for what was wrong, anybody can tell when I'm nervous. "You ok?" Jace asked, his gold eyes were worried. "Yeah," I lied. "I'm fine." I turned my gaze out of the window, since I was the one who got the window seat. My peacefulness was interrupted by a loud commotion at the entrance of the plane. "I do not want to go on this plane with that monster." The guy who I was talking to before, the one with the dark blue eyes, retorted in disgust. I peered over Jace's shoulder to see what this guy was talking about. There was a duck in a cage sitting next to an old man. "You must never trust a duck!" He screamed, announcing to the whole airplane. "And if I complain-" The man's grumbling stopped as the attendant asked the man with the duck to move to the back of the plane. The dark blue eyes guy smiled in happiness as the other man left. As the old man walked down the aisle holding the duck, Jace let out a yelp as he passed by. "Ah!" Jace jumped back in his seat, bumping into me. "Ouch." I rubbed my shoulder even though it didn't hurt. "Sorry." Jace returned back to staring at his seat as I returned back to the window. But once again, I was interrupted. Why couldn't I get peace and quiet on this plane?

Out of all the people I had to sit with it, it just had to be this guy. The guy with the dark blue eyes that kept telling me to never trust a duck. He had just found his seat, which was next to Jace. I sighed at the luck I had- was it ever good luck? "Oh, and I'm Will." Will stuck out his hand stiffly. I accepted the handshake and shook very firmly. My teachers always said the firmest handshake meant a good first impression, and I wanted to make a great impression. "I'm Pickles- and this is Jace, uh, Herondale." Will looked as if he saw a ghost. His skin turned a deadly white, and his smile turned straight to a frown. "Did you just sa-" The loudspeaker boomed on, echoing each word into my head. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Today, you have all ridden on Airplane 2H to arrive at the destination of The Fiji Islands. We hope you enjoy this wonderful ride and we want to remind you of a few things. First of all, our pilot is trying his best, so please do not complain of anything. Secondly, turn your cellphones into airplane mode, and keep their volume down to the lowest it can be. Also, we are going to take off after this announcement, so buckle your seatbelts! And lastly, have fun! Thank you all for listening, enjoying, and riding Airplane 2H." The jolly voice ended, leaving Will to finish his sentence. "As I said before, did you say that this handsome man is Jace Herondale?" Jace smirked, but Will was still as serious as before. "Yes, and you are Will, correct?" Will relied hastily, "Yes. Infact, I am Will herondale."

"What?!" Jace's voice and mine were in unison. "Yes, I guess I'm related to you." Will shrugged his shoulders. The plane started rumbling, and I felt my stomach churn. "Oh gosh." I whispered to myself. "We are taking off." Soon, it felt like the plane was flying on a cloud. The first few seconds were terror, but now it was a smooth takeoff. The ground shook a little, but the seats remained as still as a tree. My eyes followed me to the window, and white scruffs of clouds were passing by. The clouds were made the windows foggy, but I could still see the ground. It was amazing how high we were- I could see a ton of blue lakes, green grass, and even some tiny tiny people. "Wow." I inhaled, letting everything sink it. The views were amazing! I had never seen anything like it before. "Liking the views?" Will leaned over Jace to speak with me. "Yeah, they're pretty amazing." "Reminds me of someone." Will said thoughtfully. "Who?" "Me!" I laughed- Jace and Will had the same sense of humor, both were arrogant, sarcastic, and funny, which were traits I loved. "So why are you going to fiji?" I started to make a conversation with Will. But, it was quite hard leaning over Jace, and especially uncomfortable for Jace. "Let's talk later. Just read this book if you're bored." Will gently placed a book in my hands. A tale of Two Cities. My eyes glanced over the blurb, and soon enough, my hands were gliding over the swift pages. My whole world was blocked out for now, right now I was a different world, a world full of words and magical things.

The night soon swept upon me, and the sky was filled with bright silver stars. My eyes fluttered shut and soon I was asleep, laying my hands across my head as a pillow. But, of course, I couldn't just get 5 minutes of sleep, something always had to go wrong. I went from sleeping for 2 minutes, to screaming my lungs out. The plane was crashing! My heart thudded in my ears and it was so loud, I couldn't even hear anybody else scream. But, knowing something like this would happen, I pulled out my parachute and sprinted to the exit. "Wait!" Will grabbed my arm, Jace behind him, and slowly yelled. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LET ME JUMP WITH YOU!" I could barely hear with the loud thumping in my ear, but I could just make out the words. "YOU CAN TRY TO, BUT WHAT ABOUT JACE? CAN HE FIT IN THE SAME PARACHUTE! I DON'T THINK YOU EVEN CAN!" I shouted back at Will. He absorbed what I said before answering back. "I BROUGHT AN EXTRA PARACHUTE FOR ME AND SOMEONE ELSE! JACE CAN GO IN THAT ONE! NOW LET'S GO!" Will grabbed my hand and yanked me forward. Screams erupted like a volcano as all three of us sprinted towards the exit. We stopped suddenly, all three of us stumbling into each other. "THE ATTENDANTS WON'T LET US PASS THROUGH THE EXIT AND JUMP, FOLLOW ME TO THE SECRET EXIT WHERE NO ONE WILL KNOW WE JUMPED!" Jace took the lead, sending us to sin around and head in the opposite direction. We marched like soldiers into a stairway, and plummeted down the spiral stairs. "Are you sure this is an exit?" I didn't have to raise my voice anymore since we were away from all of the screams. "Yes! Never doubt me!" Jace exclaimed confidently. The plane swayed side by side and I was launched across the room, into a door. I groggily got up to find Jace and Will, both had their parachutes on and ready. "Ok Pickles, put your parachute on now! And fast!" My arms flew like spaghetti into my backpack, searching for the parachute. Once I found it, I slipped the straps onto my shoulders, and tightened the loose buckles. The weight of the parachute pulled me down to ground, but I forced myself to look strong, and pulled myself up. "Ok, ready?" Will looked between Jace and I, and took a deep breath. "One, two, three!" And we dropped into darkness.

I scrunched my eyes shut, groaning in my pain as I lay on my back. Pain seared up my arm of I reached to feel the ground. Sand. Moving like a snake, I slithered on my back to find Jace and Will. But, sand was encrusted in the gaps between my eyes, so I could barely see. Once again, I attempted to get up, and actually didn't fail. I grunted in pain as a long scratch traveled from my shoulder all the way down to knees. The scratch was deep, but nothing I couldn't handle. I had to find Jace and Will, and nobody else. Pushing the pain away helped a little as I glanced from side to side, trying to find my plane buddies. My eyes were glued to a spot, where something orange moved around. I limped over to the orange moving object, and soon realized it was a cat. The cat purred at my appearance, and did something I never thought would do. "Hello, I'm Firepaw!" The carrot colored cat meowed. My eyes opened as wide as the equator- this couldn't actually be happening. "Wha-what? Am I sick?" I questioned to Firepaw. "Oh no twoleg-" I cocked my head. "A two-what? My name is Pickles, ok? Now, I don't want to hear anymore cat blabber. I'm here to find my... plane buddies. Can you help me?" I jumped right to the point, there really was no time to waste. The cat hesitated. "Fine. Only because I want to show you I'm a warrior, not a dumb little cat. I can sniff somebody way better than you, so I'll be sure to find these twolegs before you do." The cat's tail wiggled, telling me this was a contest. "Challenge accepted." I smiled into Firepaw's green eyes before setting off to find Jace and Will first.

I ran as fast I could with my leg, which didn't serve me so well. At first I was just glancing at the area to get a good look at it. It seemed like we were stranded on an island. Palm trees were drooped down, many rocks were scattered across the dirty sand, and the sand was surrounded by a giant mass of water. But now after surveying the island, I could search for Will and Jace- well, I could, except that Firepaw found them already. "What? That was quick! You cheated somehow!" I sounded like a sore loser, but I didn't care. Firepaw had to have cheated because it's nearly impossible to find someone in less than 20 minutes. But, as he said before, he did have some talent. "No! I didn't cheat! Do not accuse me as a cheater! If you want to see a cheater, go look-" "Ok, shut it, kitty. What were you thinking? Finding a cat to find us?" Will boomed at me frustrated. "Hey, you saw the cat! He did a pretty good job finding you. Now let's just settle down somewhere. Have any idea's?" Will didn't seem as angry now, but his eyes still flashed some anger. Jace, being quiet until now, peeped up. "I saw a little hut. Once again, follow me." Jace gestured with his hands to follow him, and we listened. As we were walking down the sandy trail, bits of pebbles embedded in my foot and made it awkward for me to walk. Even though I still caught up, I was wobbling like a penguin which made Firepaw stare at me. "Can I stay with you?" I couldn't resist how cute Firepaw, so of course I would say yes, but Will and Jace were the questionable ones. "Jace, can Firepaw stay with us?" I nagged like a little kid. "Sure. He brought us to you, so he's ought to be a good use to us. Will? What about you?" Will looked calm now, unlike before. "Yes, he may. I was a little.... Disrespectful before, so sorry about that Firepaw. I'm just not used to people being better than me. Because if you didn't know....." I blocked out Will's friendly arrogance, and skidded next to Jace. "How much farther?" My feet were aching and all I wanted to do was flop down on a bed or something comfy. "Pretty much, yeah. Just about 2 minutes." I noticed Jace wasn't as peppy as before, so I wondered what was wrong. "Jace, is anything wrong?" I heard Will and Firepaw chatter like birds in the background. "It's just my girlfriend, Clary. I miss her to pieces right now. Her smile always lights me up, and her green eyes make all of my days happy. Without her, I felt as if a piece of my heart has been torn out. I am not used to this kind of loneliness. Clary is part of me so without her, I'm not always me. She is the most beautiful girl in the world, and she is so brave and-" Jace slumped down onto his knees. "I'm falling apart without her." Jace pushed his hands to his face and sunk down on the wet sand. I felt helpless. I kneeled on the wet sand too, trying to comfort Jace. Getting himself back together, Jace stood up, Will helping him up, and Firepaw licking Jace's leg. "Salty." Firepaw complained.  We all had a good laugh, and returned on our journey.

"Is this really it?" Will and Firepaw asked in unison as they both stepped inside. "Yep." Jace replied, his eyes searching all over the place. We were at an abandoned beach house. The curtains that draped across the windows were ripped,  the furniture was covered in a pile of dust, and the air smelled like a salty ocean. "Lets fix this place up, go to bed and try to get used to this place. We aren't going to be rescued for a while." Jace suggested. We all yawned and said goodnight as we each went into a different bedroom. "Can I come with you Pickles?"Firepaw's tail twitched nervously. "Yeah, sure." I cracked open the door. The door, rusty and dirty, made a terrifying screech as the bedroom came into sight. In the center of the bedroom was a bed, neatly made with blankets pushed aside. I hopped into the cloud soft bed, Firepaw tagging along my side. As I plopped myself into the comfy bed, firepaw cuddled up next to me, his tail bristling against my pale skin. "Goodnight Firepaw." "Goodnight Pickles." That was the last thing I heard before drifting off into a peaceful dream.

The next day, everyone went to a different place- well, we splited up by teams. Team Herondale was Jace and Will, and Team Firepaw (since firepaw won the challenge before). "Team Herondale, you go to the west side of the island, and team firepaw, you go to the east side." Jace directed us. "Whoever catches the most food wins the competition!" Will shouted, acting like he and Jace were going to defeat us. "Good luck and we will have an hour! Start now!" Both teams raced off. Whoever won this would be the real champion of the deserted islands games.  

Me and Firepaw raced against time in this competition. We had to prove those to Herondales that we can win too! So this was VERY important.  "Pickles, up here!" Firepaw called from infront of me. I raced to catch up, even though my leg was aching still. Ignoring the pain, Firepaw and I both caught up to a bird on the ground. "You expect me to eat that?" I whispered loudly. "We are on a deserted island and you are with a warrior cat. What did you expect?" I whimpered. "But we have to kill that bird to eat it and I don''t li-" Firepaw launched his tiny body against to birds feathers, nubling its wing. The bird flapped away fiercely, but Firepaw held on tightly. Next thing I know, Firepaw has the bird stuck in a tackle, but soon the fighting stops when the bird goes limp. "I told you, you have to get used to this. There's no use to look away." I disagreed and still hastily tore my gaze from Firepaw. "We are wasting time! Come on, let's keep going!" I realized suddenly.  "Oh starclan!" Firepaw yelped, racing off again. We made it all the way down to the ocean, and we each had 4 pieces of prey by then. "Come on! There is more down here!" I screeched, letting all of my energy send me off to catch some more food. My feet carried me over to a small little hole filled with a gazillion birds flying around. "Wow." I held my breath as Firepaw scarcely snuck up on a giant bird. He crouched down in a hunting position, getting ready to strike. Firepaw leaped as high as the sun and skillfully drenched his paws in the bird's feathers. Just as he landed on the grounded, we added that bird to number nine on our food list. Just as we were about to catch the tenth piece of prey, Jace and Will came charging by us. "TIMES UP!" They both shouted in unison. Firepaw and I looked at each other, we both did really well!

Lets bring both piles in the kitchen." Jace demanded to me and Firepaw. We were back at the beach house, ready to count up the prey to see who won. "Ok." Firepaw padded his paws against the cold floor, racing to get our prey pile. Just as Firepaw plopped down the pile, we saw we had more than the Herondales. "And the winner is..." Will waited for a suspenseful moment. "Team Firepaw!" "Oh, thank the starclan!!" Firepaw shouted in joy. "Thank god we won!" I expressed the same happiness. "By the angel, we both did bad." Will and Jace exclaimed. We all started laughing for no reason. Happy as can be, team Firepaw even happier. "TEAM FIREPAW FOREVER!"Firepaw and I giddily beamed. We all looked up in the sky- night had finally fallen. As if the stars agreed, "TEAM FIREPAW"was written in the depths of the sky.

How did you think of the story? tell me if there are any typo's because I didn't proofread this!

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