Special Someone
(Wild's POV)
We just got dumped in my Hyrule, in the Gerudo Desert. Because we were closest to Gerudo City, we decided that we could try to find some form of transportation to Kara Kara Bazaar. (I think that I got the name right, but please correct me if I'm wrong) I could get into the city, but I did not want them holding that over my head.
"How are you planning on getting in?" Time asked me. "I've got friends in town, they might help me." I explained. "Well I hope we get there soon! I'm melting! And I grew up on an island!" Wind complained. "We get there in about half an hour, I think. It could take longer though. I've never gone in with other people, and I haven't walking here since I first came to the town."
Time began to question me about how I managed to not be imprisoned for walking near town, and I again gave the response of "I have friends in town." "Wild, it's too hot!" Wars complained. "Well drink the cooling potion, and I might have some gear that could fit you. But only if you stop complaining!" I told him.
"DEAL!" He quickly replied. "Good, now I might have enough gear that everyone can use something. Give me a sec." I pulled out my Slate, and took out the three sapphire circlets that I had, one I bought, two were gifts.
I gave one to Four, who quickly pulled his headband off his red face, and quickly replacing it with the cool metal. I gave another to Sky, who looked like he was in Skyloft he was so relieved. I made sure to give Wars one. "Pretty pretty princess you are, so here's your tiara." I made sure to mock him, he kinda deserved it. He insulted my cooking yesterday!
He scowled at me, but quickly put it on, very audibly sighing from sheer relief. I threw my Voe headband to Time, and my Voe Gear to Twilight. I pulled out my Lobster Shirt, which I gave to Wind. "Wait, this looks just like my shirt!" With wide eyes, he held up my shirt and fingered his own. Everyone else looked at it confused.
"Well, I have a lot of you guys' gear, and things that you had used and/or encountered on your journeys. It's kinda weird, but I know that this is magically enhanced to keep you cool." I explained it to the best of my ability. With a skeptical look, Wind put it on. Even though he grew up on an island, a very hot one at that, he was overheating. I didn't want the Hero to get heat stroke, and was relieved to see the redness fade from his face.
"Wild," Twilight started. "Don't you need something? You're clearly overheating!" I could tell that if I didn't do something, this conversation would never end. "I'll be okay, I just need to take a cooling elixir quick." Twilight gave me a glare, but he didn't argue with me after that. I down the elixir as the walls of the town came into view.
After another fifteen minutes of walking, and took them over to Bozai's tent. As much as I hate the guy, I needed his shaded spot. When he asked why he should let them, and I quote, "interfere with his turf" I told him that I would convince his "mystery girl" to talk to him. He quickly agreed, and much to my relief he didn't ask questions.
Before walking away, I told the group, minus the creepy guy that stares and women, that I would be back in a couple hours. I also told them to keep Bozai far away from anyone entering or exiting the town, he's kind of creepy towards Vai.
Saying that made me feel a bit safer to have to follow through on the promise that I made. His "Lady" would have to show up. He's an ass, true, but I don't like breaking promises. But I really want to throw a bomb at him. I mean, just once! Not close enough to hurt him, just scare him away from town.
Forever is nice.
I walked away to the North Entrance, instead of the main entrance, where I normally came through. I quickly changed into my bright blue Vai gear, dyed in Hatento, by simply tapping my Slate. I replaced my Soldier's Broadsword for a Moonlight Scimitar, my Knight's Shield for my Radiant Shield, and my Soldier's Bow for a Golden Bow.
I went inside and was instantly greeted by a rush of familiar noises, colors, and people. The guards greeted me warmly, as usual, but it still made me feel good. They all knew I was a Voe, but they let me in town. On one condition: I would still wear my disguise, so that no one would realize that men could enter. It was special circumstances for me, but not everyone knew we that. Bozai was a prime example of who cannot know anything at all.
After stocking up on arrows and some food supplies, I hurried into the throne room, where I was promptly tackled by Riji. I hugged the child chief, who was like a little sister to me. She pulled out of the hug-tackle, and I expected her to ask where I've been. Instead I got smacked for disappearing like that.
I might have been wrong.
"Where have you been?! I thought you were DEAD!" She yelled. I wouldn't be surprised if Twilight could hear her. Most probably wouldn't be able to hear her over the noise, but he had good ears and the ability to sort through many loud sounds.
"Actually, Hylia isn't done with me yet." I started. "Tell. Me. EVERYTHING!" She said, both afraid and excited at the same time. I told her everything as we sat in her room, hugging seal plushies and eating chocolate. You wouldn't think that the Gerudo would have so much chocolate in town, with how it melts, but they get regular deliveries of ice. And I swear, you will never have better chocolate in your life!
"So, just to recap, you have been traveling through portals and into different eras of Hyrule's past, with the Heroes of Old, to stop an enemy that nobody knows who. Did I get that right?" Riju asks. "Yep, pretty much."
"CAN I MEET THEM? PLEASE???" She asks. It was really more of a beg than an ask, but I don't really care which it is. The answer is all the same. "Of course, they'd probably love to meet my family." "What?" Riju asks. "I consider you my family. You're like a sister to me. If you don't like me calling you that I'll-"
I was cut off by Riki's hug. "I don't mind. You're my brother. And nothing can change that." I hugged her back. We broke apart and started to go outside. I was about to rent the seals when Riju put an arm out, blocking my path. She turned to me with mischief in her eyes. That meant that she was either planning something great, or we need to evacuate Hatento again.
"I've got an idea." This was going to be good.
}Time Skip brought to you by Kronos doing the Moonwalk{
I walked up to Bozai, my hands on my hips. "O-oh! Hello there!" He quickly hurried over to me, and started talking. He was disturbing to be around, and even though I was a guy cross dressed and not one of the Vai that have to deal with this daily, I felt my skin crawl like my skeleton wanted to run. I felt like I was in severe danger, and not the type from a boko.
This actually felt worse, not like he wanted to attack me with weapons, but he wanted something. He did want to hurt me in a way that was certainly different from a boko. Make no mistake, he was still a monster, he just didn't look like the rest.
I quickly turned and fled after a minute, not being able to stand it any longer. I know that the Chain saw the entire thing. I walked back into town and was quickly given a hug by Riju, who both knew how much it bothered me, as well as understood the feeling. It's horrible to know that a 13 year old would know that feeling.
3rd Person POV
Riju quickly walked out and put one hand on her hip, the other hovering close to her blade. "O-oh! Hello there! Wow! It's an honor to meet yo-" "SAVE IT!" She cut him off. She was done with him scaring the Vai that came in and out of town everyday. She was done with seeing how badly he scared her friends, especially the friend that she considered a brother.
"I am done with you hovering around my town, and I am done with you scaring my friends!" Link slowly walked out of the safety of the walls and just behind Riju. He was still in his Vai clothes, but the fear in his eyes was genuine. The entire Chain saw the fear in the oddly familiar eyes,but they couldn't place where they knew them from. It was on the tip of their tongue...
But frankly, Warriors wasn't thinking about that. No, he was thinking how ironic it was that the girl that had talked to that creep had been wearing the exact same clothes he had found in Wild's bag a few weeks earlier. Is this his special someone, I wonder Warriors thinks.
"You have been scaring innocent Vai, something that I will never forgive, just like none of them with ever forget!" Riju placed her hand on her blade, quickly unsheathing it in one swift movement. "LEAVE! While I still give you the chance, you THILHY VOE! RUN!" She shouted. Bozai quickly scrambled, barely grabbing his pack as he ran through the sand.
"He'll never hurt anyone near Gerudo Town again." She turning to Link, whose fear was just beginning to fade. "I'll have any Vai traveling to spread the word about him. We can make his life a living hell." She smiled and hugged him.
Wild's POV
I went back through the gate, and talked to the Sand-Seal vendor. She rented me eight seals, all properly trained. I paid and thanked her. I walked to the gate and over to the side, before tapping my Slate.
Now standing in my Rito garb, with sand boots equipped in place of the warm trousers that were part of the set. It was getting dark and cold out, so I thought ahead.
I looked at the guards and thanked them, before saying goodbye and promising to come back in a few months. "You better!" Lashley said in the teasing manner that she only used with me and Riju. Her partner Laine nodded as she chuckled at their Voe friend.
I smiled as I turned and walked back to the Chain. I lead the seals to the rest of the group, before stopping and smiling at them. Time gawked at me, and I simply said "Like I told you, I have friends that will help me."
I turned to Riju. "I would like to introduce you all to my sister, Chief Riju. And it's a chosen family situation, not blood, before any of you ask. It makes no difference to us." Riju laughed at me, before rushing up to Time. "Are you really the Heroes of Legend?"
"That would be me!" Legend said, raising his hand. Time smacked him on the back of the head, which was basically his way of saying "I love you."
That's what we told ourselves anyway. -_-
"Yes, we are. I'm assuming Wild explained everything to you." Time raised an eyebrow. "He did. Now, HOW DID YOU GET IN?" She demanded. After talking for hours, it was finally too cold to stay out. Riju bid us goodbye, and after squeezing me half to death, she seemed to remember something.
"Wait right there!" She shouted as she ran back to her mansion. I took the time that she was gone to explain how we would travel to Kara Kara Bazaar via sand seal. I showed them how to ride, and they quickly learned how. Especially Twilight and Wind. Wind sailed, so he had good balance. Twilight, well, I knew his situation with animals. They listened to him perfectly.
By the time that the rest understood what they were doing, Riju was back. She had her arms behind her back. She had a very large smile on her face, and I think she was trying to suppress it. She was incredibly excited as she ran up to me. "I was going to give it to you, but you went missing before I could see you!"
She pulled a blue sand seal plushie out from behind her back. I was speechless. This was one of her favorites! It had green and white accents on it, with blue ribbons. She always said it was perfect for me. My mouth hung open as she stuffed it into my arms. "Riju, I can't take this. It's your favorite!"
"That's why I want you to have it silly! I did say that it fits you perfectly!" She said. "But-" I couldn't finish my sentence, as she cut me off. "I want you to have it. You're my brother, blood or not, and I love you." She pulled me into a hug, which I quickly returned.
Tears welled in my eyes, from both her gesture and words. "Bye Link, I'll see you soon." "Bye Riju, I'll see you soon. I promise." I said as I walked to the rest of the group. I looked at the large toy in my hands and smiled, a few of the tears that still came in a weak, yet steady, stream.
"You good Cub?" Twilight asked. "Yeah," I wiped my eyes as i looked at my friend. "This is just very important to her. This one is her favorite, she has a lot. And she gave it to me. It means a lot. But I better keep this safe." I put the seal into my Slate, where it immediately appears in the Key Items section.
I smiled as I told everyone to latch onto their seals, and remember their shields. (Sky forgot to use his shield the first time and kissed the sand)
"Oh, Wild, I'm curious about something." Warriors asked me privately, just before we left. "What is it?" "A girl came out and talked to that creep, I see what you mean by the way, but she ended up running away from him. Then Riju came out and went crazy on him. She mentioned that he'd hurt her friend, and that girl came out. But the thing is, she was wearing the exact same clothes that I found a few weeks ago. So, is she your special someone?" He asked, a gigantic smirk on his face.
"No, but it's a very long story, and I'm not telling a word of it." I said. "Well then, who is she? Why did she have that clothing?" He still had that dam smirk on his face.
"I'm not telling you anything." A bit of my speech impediment was leaking through my control. I had a speech impediment because I had woken up with no memory, including how to speak. It wasn't much, but words sounded weird sometimes.
"Sureeee-wait. Is she?" Oh shit he was on to me. "Don't worry, I won't tell them. Okay?" He wasn't being sarcastically or lying. I was grateful as I said "Thank you!"
"But that's pretty awesome, special someone."
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