* s I G H *

Imma get to the fun stuff in a minute-

Don't worry, Imma spoil you guys this time to make up for the time I've been gone-

You know how I have a habit of making books and not continuing them?
Examples, putting the Oneshot book to a break, giving up the yandere book, pretty much quitting the boyfriend scenarios book, etc.?
I'm making a new book where that hOPEFULLY won't be the case!
Here it is-

It's like the boyfriend scenarios book, except without a story.
Pretty much, I had no more motivation for the plot of the book (I completely forgot all the ideas for the plot I had in that story tbh-) and it's kinda like oneshots, but I think bETTER-
In my opinion at least-

Let's hope I don't quit this book too!
Also, sorry for not being online on my role play book a lot! I'm no longer aloud on my phone until I finish all my homework, sooo, yeah-

Anyways, let's get to the fUN STUFF!


Levi: Imma just turn this ceiling fan off if ya don't mind.

Donnie: LEVi nO YoU IDIOT-

Levi: *turns the "ceiling fan" off*

Everyone else in the helicopter Levi was piloting:


Levi: Here's my poem.

Levi: Roses are red

Levi: Violets are...also red

Levi: And...And so are my daisies...



Levi: Oh shiz my garden's on fire-


Kevin on the phone: Sis, c'mon, you promised we could hang out today!

Levi: Can't. I'm hiding some dead bodies.

Kevin: It's not like mom and dad are gonna find us!

Levi: I know. And I made sure of that. That's why I need to hide the two bodies.


Kevin: Now you just wait one second-


If Levi stayed with her parents...

Random person: What's the worst part about being a mom?

Levi's mom: The kids.


Levi, T-posing in the doorframe: Good morning, blood-related parental figure. Or, at least it was a good morning until I witnessed your mess of a face.

Levi's mom, sipping on her seventeenth cup of coffee, 'cause trust me, she's gonna need it when Levi's awake: Why, greetings, problematic abomination of a child. What explosions will you be attracting today?

Levi, casually making some toast: You shall see when father's car appears on the news.

Levi's mom:


Levi: Can you disown me now?

Levi's mom: I thought you'd never ask.

-Long story short, it wouldn't last very long-


Donnie: Worry not, dear brothers! We cannot lose, for we all have this! *points to chest/heart*

Mikey: We have our hearts?

Donnie: Hearts? No, we have me. I'm going to win this for us.


Donnie, watching some people doing stupid things: What idiots

Donnie, realizing they're his brothers: Shiz, they're my idiots-


Literally anyone: *says something bad about themself*

(That night...)

Mikey, on the roof, after four hours of screaming into a megaphone: ...AND THAT IS WHY THEY ARE THE BEST PERSON EVER


Donnie: Were you dropped on your head as a child?

Levi: Bold of you to assume I was held





Leo: Should I be concerned, or-


Kevin: I'm 50% intelligence, 80% power, and 70% a natural hero!

Kevin's dad: That's 200%

Kevin: I'm twice the man you'll ever be

Levi, tearing up: TheY GrOW Up SO FaSt-


Fortune Teller reading Levi's palm: All it says is "yikes"


Donnie to Levi: One universe. 13 plates. One earth. Seven continents, seven seas. 195 countries. 809 islands. And I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you.

Kevin shouting from the other side of the room: THERE ARE EIGHT PLANETS!



Levi: Look, I watched all the Kung Fu Panda movies, so I don't think you wanna be messing with me, I'm basically Bruce Lee-


Raph: You're smilin' a lot, Don. Somethin' good happen today?

Donnie: Can I not simply smile because I'm happy?

Leo, sighing: Levi fell off a roof.


April: Ey, Splinter, y'know where everyone else is?

Splinter, avoiding eye contact knowing full well that everyone else is elsewhere, Raph, Levi, and Leo taunting the villains with water guns, Mikey and Kevin throwing paint all over the city, and Donnie chasing one of his inventions and trying to keep it from murdering everyone in sight: Who?


Levi: Some say I don't swing that way, but I swing both ways.

Levi: Violently. With a chainsaw. Come at me, motherfu-


Kevin: *falls because gravity*

Levi: Ha, so clumsy

(5 minutes later...)

Levi, aggressively punching the air: What's your fukin' problem, hUH?! WhAT'D He eVer Do to yOU-


Levi: Listen, bud, if anyone doesn't like you, tell me. I'll gladly obliterate them.

Literally anyone she cares about that might do this: *slowly raises hands* Ok, just make it quick.




Levi: What's on your mind?

Donnie: M U R D E R

Levi: That's the spirit!

Leo and Kevin in the distance: Levi, Donnie, nO-


(smol thing for Nightbird305 )

Donnie: Let's play 20 questions.

Lucia: Alright. What's your favorite color?

Donnie, desperate: Tomato. My turn, do you have any romantic feelings towards anyone-


Leo: For someone who's supposedly a 'mad genius', I'm not seeing much of the 'genius'

Donnie: Keep it up, and you'll be seeing even more of the 'mad'


(Another thingy for Nightbird305 because I wanted to-)

Splinter: Lucia, would you do the honor of becoming my daughter in law?



Donnie: Dad, did you just propose to Lucia for me?

Splinter: Well, sOMEONE HAD TO DO IT-


Levi: Just admit it, Leon. You've fallen for me

Leo: Well, I-

Kevin: Don't lie, Levi. He didn't fall, you tripped him. I saw you.


Raph: We both saw you



Levi: Shut up and leT ME HAVE MY MOMENT-


Mikey: Are you giving me a sticker for taking down that bad guy?

Raph: Not just any sticker! It's a sticker of a kitten saying "Me-wow!"

Mikey, trying to be mature: I'm not a baby!

Raph: Oh, ok, I'll take it back-

Mikey, snatching the sticker and sticking it on his shell: NO, it's mine, I earned this, I deserve it-


Donnie: How did none of you hear what I just said?

Raph: I was zoning out for the past two and a half hours

Mikey: I got distracted halfway through

Leo: Ignoring you was my conscious decision


Kevin: If I died, how much would you miss me?

Levi: It's cute of you to think death can get you out of this sibling-hood relationship


Levi: Looks like we're on to plan B

April: Technically, this would be plan G

Leo: How many plans do we have? Is there like, a plan L?

Kevin: Yeah, but Levi dies in plan L

Donnie, totally not planning to purposefully fail every plan until they get to plan L: I like plan L


Levi: I am literally so mad right now! Like, nothing anyone could say or do would be able to calm down this eterNAL FLAME OF RAGE, I-

Kevin: *breathes*

Levi: I am now frolicking in the fields of eternal peace.


Kevin, humming: I don't want a lot for Christmas-

Donnie: No no nO DON'T-

Levi, kicking down the door: THERE IS JUST ONE THING I NEED

April, pushing Levi out of the way: I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PRESENTS

Leo, falling in through a portal: UNDERNEATH THE CHRISTMAS TREE

Raph, busting through the wall: I JUST WANT YOU FOR MY OWN

Mikey, swinging down from the ceiling on his weapon: MOOOOORE THAN YOU COULD EVER KNOW

Splinter, from the other side of the lair: MAKE MY WISH COME TRUUUUUUUEEEE

Levi, April, Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Splinter together: ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Kevin, genuinely scared:



Donnie, sighing: Jesus Christ-


Kevin: Responses for being stabbed with a knife?

Mikey: Ouch!

Donnie: Wha- How vulgar!

Raph: Rude!

Leo: That's fair.

April: So...I'm taking you don't want this knife back...?

Levi: Shiz, not again


Levi, to herself: C'mon, girl. Just tell your mom how much of a fukin jackazz you were back then!

Levi: Hey, mom?

Levi's mom: What?

Levi: I wanted to tell you about how much of a fukin jackazz you were back then-


Leo: Levi's kinda cool, I think I might wanna ask her out..?

Kevin, thinking about the time a middle school teacher had to put Levi down for a nap because she was screaming that worms were just tiny, harmless snakes: Good, because I'm positive nobody else does


Raph: Let me see what you have?

Leo, running towards Draxum: A SWORD!

Raph: N O !

Donnie: Oh my god, why does he have a sword-

(I may have made this already, but whATEVS-)


Levi: If I punch myself in the face and it hurts, am I strong or am I weak?

Mikey: Strong

Raph: Weak

Leo: I think you're too bored?? Have you tried video games? I heard they're pretty good at curing boredom

Donnie: You're an idiot is what you are

Kevin: You're a Levi in her natural habitat


Levi: Well, seems like all of you are right-


Levi: Ouch! I cut myself on my tessen!

Kevin: *le hug*


Levi: ??

Kevin: I'm making it a habit to hug you with my floof every time you get hurt to comfort you

Levi: ...I see...


Levi: Donnie, I need you to smack me in the face

Donnie, getting his bō staff ready: I've been waiting for this moment my entire life


Levi, to herself: Everything's gonna be okay, it's just a little crush

Leo: Hey Levs!

Levi: I love you too

Leo: Wha-

Levi: I said I love the number two. Speaking of two, I've gotta go jump off a two-hundred story building, bye-


Donnie: *choking*

Mikey: Help! I need to call 911 but the 9 button isn't working!

Raph: Just flip the phone upside down so the 6 becomes a 9!

Mikey: G E N I U S !

Donnie: *stops choking momentarily*

Donnie: What the fu-


Splinter: Where have you been?

Leo: We've been- uh- hanging out with April?

April, turning around in a swivel chair: Wanna try that again?


Leo: Would you rather kill Levi or-

Donnie: Kill her

Leo: I didn't even say the other-

Donnie: I don't need to hear it



Levi: I don't know how to respond to this-


Raph: Are we in trouble?

Splinter: Take a guess

Mikey: No?

Splinter: Take another guess


Draxum: Time to die!

Kevin, texting Levi: Hold on, let me ask my sister

Draxum: That's not how it wo-

Kevin: She says no


Donnie, watching the news: Some idiot tried to fight a squid at a restaurant

April, visibly covered head to toe in ink: Maybe that squid was acting like a bish and taunting the person, just asking for it


Kevin: Levi is our moral compass!

Levi: I am? We're fu-


Kevin: Imagine if someone handed you a box of all the things you lost in your life

Levi: Wow, my childhood innocence

Leo: My sense of purpose! I haven't seen it in years

April: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!

Donnie: Mental stability, my old friend!

Kevin: Guys, I get it, we're all a bunch of edgy teenagers, but could you lighten up a bit?


Donnie: Why do you look so upset?

Levi: The Easter bunny is just the church's fursona

Donnie: I just remembered why I don't talk to you


Levi: How long did it take for you guys to start liking me?

Leo: Right from the start

Mikey: A couple of days

Raph: Several weeks

Donnie: Bold of you to assume I've reached that point


Levi: It's just...I know it's a funeral, but it's my mom's funeral. What do I even say if I don't have anything good to say about her?

Raph: Just say "sorry for your loss," then move on

(At the funeral...)

Levi: Sorry for your loss. Move on.



Leo: *latches to the ceiling*

Donnie: *flops face-first into the floor*


Levi: Bish, I am the floor-


Levi, after being shot: ...Hit or miss. I guesS THEY NEVER MISS, HUH-

Donnie, who hired the hitman: *through the walkie-talkie* Shoot her again


Donnie: I'd rather die

Leo: ...than?

Donnie: No, that's it



Donnie: What was that noise?

Leo: My mask fell through a portal and crashed into the kitchen

Donnie: How did just your mask make that much noise?

Leo: I was wearing it when it fell


Levi's mom: Have you seen my daughter and son?

Levi's mom: They both have brown hair, dark blue eyes, my younger son is literally a dog, and my eldest daughter is clearly mentally insane, and I definitely don't want any of them, but I'm just searching for them so my husband and I won't be charged for child neglect-


Levi: If I die, my funeral is gonna be the biggest party ever and all of you are invited

Kevin: "If"

Raph: Darn it! The only party we've actually been invited to, and we might never be able to attend...

Donnie, slowly pulling out his bō staff: Perhaps I could change that-


Levi: I like you

Leo: Excuse me for one second

Leo: *jumps through a portal to the other side of the city*


Leo: *walks back*

Leo: Cool, cool, that's cool

Levi, who totally didn't hear Leo yelling because he totally didn't forget to close the portal before screaming at the top of his lungs:


Donnie: Ugh...This is useless!

Leo: What's up?

Donnie: I dunno. I just haven't said anything negative for two minutes.

Leo: Wait, you time it?

Donnie: Wait, you don't??


Levi: Don't worry, bro. You have everything you need to face mom and dad and finally tell them off for everything they've done! You can stop this feud between us once and for all!

Kevin: My courage and the power to believe in myself so I can help them see the error in their ways and help them follow a better path and change as people?

Levi: What? No. Your naginata.

Levi: Stab them.

Levi: Problem solved.


Leo: Would you beat your dad up for a bunch of money?

Levi: I'd slice his throat open for free



Levi: But enough money to bail me out of jail would be nice, too-


Donnie: What are you doing?

Leo, standing on a chair: I'll let you know, this is my room, and I can stand anywhere I want, thank you very much!


Donnie: Where's the spider?

Leo: It's under the table please get it for me please


Leo: Guys, is Levi ok?

Donnie: You're talking about the girl who would probably forget to die if she was killed, what do you think?


Someone flirting: Well, aren't you a sweet little thing?

Levi: First of all, I am a Levi, not a thing, and second-

Levi: *licks her hand*

Levi: I wouldn't say I taste remotely sweet. Kinda bland, to be honest.


WoW this took a while to write-
Anyways, it's still not done yet! Cause if you go to the next part...

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