An Interesting Day (Sollux X OC)

My headphones and cellphone found their way to my hands as I yawned widely and meandered downstairs to my computer. I turned it on and waited for a minute, then logged into my personal user file. After glancing at the clock and seeing it was a little after seven, I clicked the shortcut to the internet and pulled up Youtube and an interactive chat website. Quickly, I plugged my headphones into the audio jack.

My cheeks reddened when I saw Sollux was on.

"2up?" he messaged me. That quirk was so adorable, and one of the many reasons I thought he was cute.

"Hey. Nm. U?" was my reply message.

"Nothiing really, just beiing bored." he typed back. The conversation carried on for a while.

My phone started vibrating. I yanked my headphones out, closed the computer tabs, and answered my phone.

"Hey Sara. What's up?" my usual friendly phone greeting came clear and bright.

"Hey Lily, I'm throwing a party. Be at my house at three sharp. Okay?" came one of my closest friend's voice in an excited reply.

"I don't know." I uttered, unsure.

"Please. Come on." Sara whined.

"Maybe." I sighed.

"Sol said he might go." Sara stated, clearly trying to persuade me. It was working.

"R-really? Um. O-okay. I-I'll be there." I managed to nervously squeak out. She had broke me, in turn winning.

"See you later." Sara cooed before hanging up.

I scrambled to gather my favorite outfit, boots, and perfume. After that I searched for socks. Once that was done I collected my worn and slighty battered and stained hoodie, which was the only jacket I wore, and tossed it on the chair in my bedroom; even though it already was littered with all kinds of things.

After a shower I got dressed and put on perfume, then brushed and tied my hair up into a high ponytail.

By the time I was ready, my mom had already picked up my favorite meal, sesame chicken and french fries, for lunch. Since I skipped breakfast I was ravenous, so I scarfed my lunch down. My mom handed me a bottle of Faygo, so I chugged it, then informed my mom of the party.

Since it wasn't even one, I played Zelda.

At 2:45 I grabbed my jacket and left.

Once I had arrived, I was greeted by Jena, another friend of mine. We looked around and saw Eridan and Feferi disscussing something, probably something lame. Sollux was on a gameboy. Nepeta and Equius were chatting, well Nepeta was rambling and Equius was stuttering and sweating. Gross. Terezi was sniffing around Karkat, who was sulking near Sara. Gamzee had made him go to the party. Kanaya and Vriska were chatting. Gamzee was chugging Faygo with Aradia. Tavros was hanging around the snack table. Jena asked him what he was doing, and he informed us that he was hiding from Vriska. John and Dave started chatting it up with Jena, so I wandered for a bit.

"Game time!" Sara yelled.

Everyone was instucted to settle into a circle. Then the guys were told to put an item into a hat. Tavros folded a picture of Peter Pan with horns and put into the hat. Dave replaced his cool, yet ironic shades with lame, pointy anime shades, then put his sunglasses in. John put his glasses in. Real original. Gamzee put in a Faygo rapper. Eridan put in a ring. Equius put in a scrap of metal. Sollux put in a pocket-sized stuffed animal in the form of a bee. Kakat tossed in a plastic crab toy and shook the hat.

"Oh no." I groaned. This was a bit terrifying. We were going to play 7 Minutes in Heaven.

"Just for that you have to pick first." Sara stated with a smirk.

Karkat impatiently thrust the hat at me. I slowly put my hand in. I cautiously felt around. My cheeks pinkened.

"Hurry up and pick something!" Karkat snapped.

Carefully, I grabbed something. The object was round, plush, fuzzy, and tiny. My hand slowly pulled the object out. The object was the little stuffed bee. My cheeks changed from a slight pink to flushing a bright crimson; they were burning hot.

I followed Sollux into Sara's dimly lit and poorly decorated bedroom, and flopped onto her bed.

"I'm sorry." Sollux mumbled in his cute lisp while sitting next to me.

"For what?" I inquired, confused.

"For picking me. You probably didn't want to come in here with me 'cause I'm a lowblooded freak." Sollux answered, quite dejected.

I sighed. Of course he didn't know how much I liked him.

"Look, I'm a rebelious human. That means I don't care about whatever you call that blood systems you trolls follow. Also, you're an exellent hacker," I started kissing him on one cheek; "and I've always thought you were cute." I finished, kissing him on the other.

Sollux flushed. It was pretty cute.

Suddenly, his lips crashed into mine. At first our lips didn't move in sync because I haden't expected the kiss. After a minute, our lips moved in sync.

Then the door was opened. There was a flash of light and I saw Dave and John, and Dave was holding a camera. I blushed and looked at the floor.

Then they walked away laughing. Sollux and I could hear Karkat yelling about many things.

Sollux led me back to the circle. I sat next to him.

"Before you say anything, I'm going to ask you one thing. Be my matesprit?" Sollux rambled in a hushed and somewhat nervous whisper.

"Of course." I replied in a whisper as I ut my head on his shoulder.

Evertdream I had, had come true; I had found my prince. He was unusual, and I had found him in an unusual way.

The End.


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