Sizeshifter Kid Reader x Jacksepticeye-part2-
requested by @SS2Septiceye0!!!
My head shot up as the teacher dropped a book harshly on my desk. "Ms. Mcgloghlin, I would appreciate it if you did not SLEEP in MY class." She snapped as the other students snickered. I lifted my head drowsily, just wanting to return to my daydream.
"Yes, Ms. Bicàrse." I said monotone. I wasn't sleeping, but she wouldn't appreciate a retort.
"Good, now pay attention." She spun on her heel, not only to return to the lesson, but-unknowingly- to leave me to my brooding. My eyes stung and felt puffy from the effects my unchecked thoughts left behind. I wiped my eyes hoping nobody saw how broken I was, I didn't need another trip to the school therapist.
Since the teacher wasn't paying attention anymore, I checked my phone that my new dad had gotten me. After putting in the pass code, I smiled at my background, it was a picture of me and 'Jacksepticeye' or, dad-as I've come to call him- smiling goofily with a googly-eye effect on, and the words 'PMA' above us. It reminded me of what I got to come home to now that all the shit-shiz, in my life is over. It's been over a year since I last saw my sister, and I've come to call Brighten home, with a new life and a new adopted father. Of course I still live through the memories every day, and I still don't understand why Dadsepticeye decided not to leave me to suffer, but it's still better then what I had.
I went straight to Wattpad after my little bit of reminiscing, and clicked on the fic I'd been reading last. I needed a good laugh right now, and what's better than reading terrible fan fiction about your adopted dad? I just loved the father daughter ones SO much since I have actual experience in knowing his reaction, so I get to laugh at how wrong some people get it.
I'd only read one sentence before the bell rang making me jump. I hurriedly put my things into my bag and almost ran out of the eighth circle of hell. On the way back home someone pushed me down.
"What's up freak!" A male voice exclaimed, I recognized it as Antinio the one person at school who knew my secret. I felt the weight of his foot connect with my back as he pushed me down. Memories from what happened a year ago came flooding back to me and I couldn't help the tears that started to flow from my eyes. Why was I so weak? Was the one question bouncing around my mind. "Aw, you're crying, how pathetic!" He lifted his foot only to kick me seconds later. I whimpered as I felt smaller. All that practice, all that time spent practicing with dad; wasted in this one moment, along with the memories of many more like it. I began trying to stand, ignoring the amused chuckle from nearby. "You aren't trying to leave are ya? The fun's just beginning!" He sang.
"Please..." I whimpered, "Just leave me alone.."
"And what? Get rid of my favorite toy!" He teased, "I could always just, throw you away, put you in the trash with all the other unwanted hunks of plastic!" I felt a weight circle around my waist. No no no no! Please no, I practiced so much! I yelled in my head. I knew I'd shrank, and when I opened my eyes, I could tell that I was about the size of a Barbie doll. I was slowly lifted to meet his smiling face. Tears fell from my eyes hot and fast, not only from fear, but from memories of my sister, and how she had put me in situations like this one so many times. I closed my eyes in pain as he squeezed me in his hand, I could feel my conscience leaving me.
"Hey!" And as luck would have it, there was a voice from nearby, not dad's but I recognized it. "What're you doing to her Antinio!?" It was my one friend Chase, I only knew him because we walk the same road home together but, again, I have no other friends.
"It's NONE of your business! Ya drunkie!" Anti's(as he insists everyone call him) voice hurt my ears as he used his full volume, his nickname for Chase also making him flinch as well. I wanted to comfort Chase since it wasn't his fault that the stupid rumor had started, all just because his parents divorced.
"Sh-shut up! And-and let her go!" If it wasn't so hard to breath, I would've just told Chase to just let it go, and to leave me here so he wouldn't get in trouble. I didn't get to think on it anymore as they were cut off by my own squeak of fear, Anti forcefully shoved me into his pocket and the next thing I knew was that I felt g-force and heard Chase make an 'oof' sound, followed by a sickening crack.
"Chase?!" I called, fighting my way out of the pocket, only to be horrified by the sight before me. Case was slowly getting off the ground, a bruise forming on his chin and blood covering the back of his head. He groaned looking up at Anti, and I heard the giggle above me. Looking at Chase all I saw was rage before he tackled Anti to the ground, I shrieked jumping out of the pocket and getting away before I was accidentally squished.
"HEY!" There was another shout, and I had the temptation to roll my eyes at the irony, if my only friend wasn't fighting the school bully then I probably would have. I looked over to the corner to see a guy from our class running forward with his clique on his heals, barely keeping up. The one who shouted(who was running far ahead and faster then everyone else) I recognized as the most popular kid at school, Jackie Chan, named after the some guy from a movie, he wore a red Spiderman t-shirt paired with red gym shorts, with his famous Spiderman hoodie tied around his waist, and a police badge sticker from his dad. Behind Jackie, were the rest of his clan, Henric, the son of the school nurse, Marvin, his dad runs the town news station, J.J. no one knew his full name since teachers refused to make an attempt, and Robbie, being J.J.'s brother, they both being mute's.
Remembering how most people react to seeing me, I reacted quickly and hid in the grass beside the sidewalk. Neither Anti or Chase seemed to notice Jackie as they continued rolling on the ground fighting.
"Jackie!..." I heard Marvin call, along with heavy breathing, "Slow down...we-we can't...keep up!" Each time he paused he gasped for more air. I peeked out of the grass just in time to see Jackie pull the two fighting children apart.
"Hey!" Anti yelled, "Let me go!" He was currently being held by the collar of his shirt while Chase was held from his bicep.
"Now, what's all this fighting about?" Jackie's voice boomed from above.
"Nothing!" Anti and Chase both stopped struggling as that one word was said in unison. Jackie dropped them both, with a simultaneous 'oof' from both of them.
"A fight can't start from 'nothing'" he used air quotes, "so one of you better fess up or I'm calling my dad!" He crossed his arms, and I watched as Chase and Anti looked back and forth between each other, as if having and unspoken conversion on if they should say.
"Ah fuck it!" Anti broke the antagonizing silence. I watched as he reached into the pocket I was previously occupying with Chase reaching up to stop him.
"Anti, wait, no!" Chase tried to stop him but Anti just shoved him off. When Chase landed on the ground he was right next to me.
"Chase!" I whisper yelled, causing him to slowly turn his head towards me, and I saw a little relieved smile crawl onto his face as our eyes met.
"The fuck!" Our trance was broke at Anti's voice, "I could've sworn she was in here!" he proceeded to pull his pocket inside out in search of, what I presume, is me. I squeaked as Chase picked me up without warning, but once I knew was him we began to silently giggle at Anti.
"She?" Jackie tilted his head in confusion.
"Yeah...wait..." From the look on Anti's face I could almost see the cogs turning in his head as he tried to figure out what happened.
"Hey, what's that?" Chase and I jumped at Marvin's voice that erupted from behind us. Wait how and when did he get behind us?(I swear to god I'll prove this kid is magic one of these days) I didn't get to think much more on it though, as he tried to take me out of Chase's hands.
What happened next, I couldn't explain even if I tried, all I know was that I panicked and could only scream something I remembered from one of Dad's videos.
"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE!!!!" And everything stopped.
"What the..."Trailed off Jackie.
"Zer hölle!?" Henric yelled.
"Holy..." Then came Marvin. J.J. and Robbie just looked at each other. Then finally...
"Ah HA! There you fuck'n are!!!" There was Anti.
And all eyes were on me.
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