Lance Comes Home (Part three)
When they finally broke apart they all laughed and just talked for a little bit. Lance then asked his mom if she wanted to see the moon up close.
"Is that even a question?" She replied.
"I'll take that as a yes then." He sat back down and called out to Blue, "Let's take a round trip from the moon and back." Then they shot out of the cave and into the sky.
"Mama! We're home!" Elena called into the house as her and her younger siblings hung there bags up. "Mama?" She called again. When no reply came she explored the house looking for her mother as she sent her brothers and sisters to there rooms to go do there homework. Elena had taken over the role that Lance had filled when he disappeared.
Lance had always been the one to take care of the family when Mami wasn't around and now that he was gone, she was the one to make everyone laugh and to cheer everyone up. But she wasn't her brother. She couldn't do things the way he could.
"Felix! Sofia! Did mami say that she was going to be home late?" She called up the stairs.
She heard the voice of her brother calling back to her, "She said that she would be home! Is she not here?"
"I can't find her!" She shrugged, "She will be home soon I guess!"
When they got back Lance's mother looked at her small watch amd gasped, "What is it Mami?" Lance asked.
"They got home from school ten minutes ago! Elena is probably worried about where I am." She quickly climed out of Blue and Keith and Lance followed her. They got back to the car and began to drive back home.
Elena was pacing back and forth across the kitchen, holding a glass of water that she had finished three minutes ago. "Where could she be" she thought to herself. Elena heard the front door open and she sighed in relief when she heard her mother's voice. She stepped out into the hallway and froze.
"Lance?" She dropped her glass and it shattered on the wooden floor, "You're alive? Where have you been?" Keith stepped into the house behind Lance, "Who are you? Did you take my brother?" She advanced on Keith, singling him out. "What are you doing here? Why are you in-"
"Elena." Lance cut her off, "This is Keith, my boyfriend."
Elena looked from Lance to Keith and stepped away, "Oh. Sorry, I'm Elena" she stuck her hand out for Keith to shake it.
"Keith Kogane, pleasure to meet you."
"Sorry about that." She turned on Lance, "You bastard." She hugged him a lot like how his mother had and began to cry.
"Language." Her mother said.
"Elena? Is Mami ho-" Felix was coming down the stairs and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Lance. "Lance?"
Lance smiled up at him with tears in his eyes, "Hey Felix."
"Sofia! Alberto! Get down here now!" He called up the stairs. Felix sprinted down the rest of the stairs and crashed into Lance and Elena.
Sofia and Alberto appeared at the top of the stairs and ran down to hug Lance too.
"We all thought you were dead." Sofia sobbed.
"I'm here Fifi, I'm not dead. Alberto, Felix, Sofia, Elena, I was in space. I was spending every day protecting you. Keith was spending every day protecting you," Lance looked over at Keith and so did all the people currently wrapped around Lance's bony form.
"How about we all go sit down in the living room and Lance and Keith can explain everything to you.
Everyone nodded and one by one they pulled away from Lance and moved into the living room. Lance waited behind and he turned to Keith when they were alone.
"Are you okay Lance?" He asked, taking his hand and running it down Lance's arm to grasp his hand.
Lance just nodded amd wiped away a tear from his cheek, "I'm going to be okay." Lance said, resting his forehead on Keith's. "I just need you beside me." Lance closed the space between them and kissed him. They broke apart suddenly when they heard a camera go off. They turned to see Elena trying to turn the volume down on her phone. She laughed nervously and waved to them, moving to sit back down and giggling.
"She kind of reminds me of Pidge." Keith said walking with Lance into the living room hand in hand. Lance sat down in the front of the room amd Keith sat beside him. Keith never really got the chance to look at all of Lance's siblings but now he looked around the room at all of them. Elena was built a lot like Lance but she had her mother's eyes and a softer, more round face. Felix was smaller but lean and he had bright blue eyes and hair like Lance's that was pulled up in a quiff and shaved on the sides. His face was also very angular like Lance's. Sofia looked a lot like Lance except she was rounder like her mother.
"You all probably have so many questions and I will try to answer them the best way that I can but for right now, I am just going to tell you everything you need to know. I have been in space for the past year. It wasn't for the garrison though. I was kind of taken but not really. I was with two of my very good friends, Pidge Gungerson and Hunk (imma give him a random last name cause he don't have one) Edwards. We snuck out if the Garrison one night and we saw a space ship crash. We were going to go down and investigate when Keith showed up. Keith was kicked out of the Garrison because of discipline issues, gee I wonder why?" He loomed over at Keith and saw that he was glaring right back at him. Everyone laughed a little bit and Lance got back to the story. "Anyway, I didn't want Keith to get into the spaceship first so I ran down to the ship but Keith still beat me."
Keith laughed a bit, "I beat you at everything Lance."
"Not true!" Lance thought for a moment, "Okay maybe slightly true but I can still beat you in somethings! Anyway, when we got into the ship we found Takeshi Shirogane or Shiro as I know him and he has this awesome robotic alien arm that glows purple and can do a whole bunch of stuff. But that is another story. So Keith took us all back to his little shack in the desert and showed us this whole science thing that I didn't understand and then we found Blue. Blue is a huge alien warship that I pilot. She is one of five gigantic robotic lions that combine to make this massive warship called Voltron. Blue took us through a wormhole wich is how I got back here and toa planet with this massive white and blue Castle where we met two Aliens named Allura and Coran. They are beings called Alteans and they're planet was destroyed by a race called the Galra. Galra are these purple guys that have big fluffy ears and yellow and purple eyes amd claws and they look like furries. Now don't freak out but Keith is part Galra." Everyone turned to look at Keith.
"But he isn't fluffy or purple." Alberto said in a small voice.
"He can be purple at times, can't you fuzzball?" Lance turned to Keith to see his reaction to the nickname.
"Don't call me that please and yes, I can be purple at times but I look human most of the time. The only thing that I can't change or cover up are my eyes. They are purple like most Galra." He explained.
"So yeah Allura told the five of us that we are the Paladins of Voltron. It is as cool as it sounds. Amd she told us about our lions. Keith is the red Paladin, Shiro is the black Paladin, Pidge is the green Paladin, and Hunk is the Yellow Paladin. So for the past year, we have been fighting the Galra and there leader Zarkon. We were able to defeat Zarkon recently but another has risen up. His name is Prince Lotor and we haven't really done any close combat with him but he is stonger then Zarkon." Lance looked around at everyone as he finished.
"So are you like a superhero?" Alberto asked.
Lance smiled and nodded, "Yes, I am like a superhero. I even have a costume and everything."
"It is more like armor then a costume." Keith said dryly.
"Have you met any other aliens?" Sofia asked.
"Yeah, plenty. Hunk and I went to one planet that was completely water and we met some hot mermaids and there queen who was also smokin hot." Keith rolled his eyes and punched Lance in the arm, "Ow! Keith! I wasn't dating you then, I could talk to other girls and guys then." Lance rubbed his arm and made a pouty face.
"I liked you back then though. You just never noticed me." Keith said.
"Well I notice you now and I like what I see." Lance winked at him and Felix whistled and Sofia and Elena squealed.
"Good." Keith grabbed Lance by the front of his shirt and smashed there lips together in a quick kiss.
"I have some questions for you Keith." Elena said.
"Oh quiznak, I was warned about your questions." He said turning towards her, "But ask away."
"Is Lance good in bed?" She asked abruptly.
"What, uh, um I uh..." He glanced at Lance who was just as much of a blushing mess as Keith was. "Um well, we haven't uh, we um..."
"You haven't slept together yet?" She seemed a little shocked. "Well you two need to hurry up."
"Elena..." Lance had his head in his hands and was trying to hide his blushing face.
"What? I was curious. And Keith, there are a few rules that you must know if you are going to date my brother." She suddenly seemed extremely scary to Keith.
"O-okay." He stuttered.
"Number one. You must ask before doing anything to him. Consent is important. Number two. If you hurt him, I will find out and I will hurt you in ways you have never hurt before. I don't care if you are in space. I. Will. Find. You." Keith was getting really scared. "Number three. Take care of him. Keep him from doing stupid things and getting himself hurt."
Keith nodded, "I will do everything in my power to protect him and I agree, consent is an important thing."
Elena nodded and smiled, suddenly she was not so scary anymore, "I like him."
"Me too." Felix and Sofia said.
They talked for a while and Lance noticed that it was getting late.
"I hate to do this but we have to go." Lance sounded so sad but he had to get back to everyone. "I will come back and next time I will bring my friends and my armor and my Bayard. I will visit as much as I can." Lance stood up and everyone else stood with him. He looked around at everyone and smiled weakly. "I love you all so much. Never forget that."
Mami had Lance and Keith go out to the door and sent people in one at a time to say good bye. Elena came first.
"Take care of my brother Keith." She said as she hugged him tightly. "Lance," she let go of Keith and turned to her brother, "Don't get killed." Lance nodded and hugged her.
"I'm going to miss you Elena. But I am coming back. I swear to you."
Tears were shed and promises were made. Each good bye harder then the last. It was Alberto's turn and he shuffluled out quietly and tugged on Keith's jacket, silently telling him to kneel down so he could whisper in his ear, "Bring my brother back safe and don't let anyone touch him. I trust you. Thank you for loving my brother the way he has always wanted to and for making him smile in a way that I haven't seen him smile in a long time. Thank you." He wrapped his arms around Keith's neck and hugged him tightly.
"I promise that I will keep him safe. He will come back to you." Keith stood back up and Alberto made grabby hands towatds Lance. Lance picked him up and held him close.
"I am going to miss you little guy. I love you so much." Lance put him down and he ran back to get his mother.
She walked out and turned to the two boys. "I am not going to say good bye because I will see you again. So don't make this sappy." She hugged Lance and then hugged Keith. "Come back home safely please. Be a good boyfriend Keith and don't let anything happen to him."
"I will Mama." Keith said smiling.
"I love you Lance. I love you so much." Shr hugged him again and then walked with them out to there car. "I will see you later boys."
"See you later mami." Lance said getting in the car and closing his door. She waved to them from the front porch and watched them drive off.
"Come home safe mijo."
Soooo.... Part three.....
I am debating on wether or not to make this a full length story or not so if you want more of this then tell me please.......
You probably don't so just let me know
If you have any questions about the words in Spanish just ask
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