Object O.C. Bios

This is gonna take a long ass time to type out but HERE WE GO

I'm gonna try not to reveal any spoilery information as much as I may want to in case I actually write this object show-

For pre-show relationships, that's meant to compile any of the other objects in the show that they knew before coming on it.

Some of them aren't as fleshed out yet, so they have less written for them. If some of the characters seem slightly different than they were when I previously described them, it's because I decided to change things about them.

(By the way, it's getting renamed to The Object Observatory because that's a way better name lmao)


Name: Leukocyte (Leuko)

Species: Shapeshifter

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Female (Sexless)

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pre-show relationships: None

Unique abilities: Like the rest of her species, she can shapeshift into almost anything. This does have limits, however, as it requires a lot of energy, and she can't maintain complex forms for very long.

Other info: The non-object host of TOO, who started the show due to her fascination with the object species. She doesn't quite understand everything yet, and she can sometimes be insensitive on accident, but she's a very empathetic and caring person, and she's trying her best.


Name: Metronome

Species: Mechanical metronome

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Genderfae

Pronouns: They/She/Fae

Sexuality: Unlabeled

Pre-show relationships: None

Other info: They're Leuko's personal assistant, and the two of them have a sisterly relationship. She's pretty serious and devotes faeself to staying on-task, and they get annoyed pretty easily. This can make her come across as unempathetic, but fae's actually very caring, and they're sweet once you get to know them. She was born legally deaf in both ears, and fae prefers sign language as a form of communication.


Name: Spade

Species: Card deck spade symbol

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Agender

Pronouns: They/Xe

Sexuality: Trixic

Pre-show relationships: None

Other info: Despite their generally passive demeanor, xe is very headstrong and determined, although this can lead to them being a bit blunt. Xe's a skilled violinist and a decent composer, and they're trying their best to make it as a musician. Xe always tries to think with a clear mind and a logical line of reasoning.


Name: Mousepad

Species: Electric neon star mousepad

Limbs: Legs, no arms

Gender: Genderfluid

Pronouns: Preference changes

Sexuality: Minsexual

Pre-show relationships: Cilantro (long-distance partner)

Unique abilities: If they're plugged into a device such as a laptop, their green stars will glow.

Other info: They're not really the sharpest tool in the shed, but they're an all-around decent person who's enthusiastic and fun to hang around with. If one of their friends is having problems, they'll definitely be one of the first to try and help- even if said help isn't always the most effective.


Name: QR Codey

Species: QR code

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Love

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pre-show relationships: Cilantro and Cutting Board (best friends)

Other info: A beginning indie author with a lot of passion. She's a social person, but love's also very awkward sometimes, so Cilantro and Cutting Board are kind of her only very close friends. Love has a good moral compass, but sometimes she can be narrow-minded and focus on the wrong thing. In addition, love's easily excitable, a creative thinker, a daydreamer, and a hopeless romantic.


Name: Cilantro

Species: Leaf of cilantro

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Demiboy

Pronouns: They/He

Sexuality: Panromantic apressexual

Pre-show relationships: QR Codey and Cutting Board (best friends), Mousepad (long-distance partner)

Other info: In comparison to QR Codey, Cilantro is quite grounded, and is a bit more serious, although they loosen up a bit when he's with his friend group. They're kind of the "dad friend" as well, and he's always looking out for his two companions. They can be kind of overprotective in that aspect, and it can cause him great worry. They're ambitious, and want to do great things with their life, but they aren't quite sure what path they should take yet. His main passion is the culinary arts.


Name: Cutting Board

Species: Wooden cutting board

Limbs: Legs, one prosthetic arm

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Heteroflexible demiromantic

Pre-show relationships: QR Codey and Cilantro (best friends)

Other info: Cutting Board is a passionate and skilled mechanical engineer who's fascinated by what makes things work. He even built his own functioning robotic arm using only his mouth and legs, and he's currently working on building another. He's very smart, skilled, and resourceful, but he's a bit overly trusting sometimes, and that trust can blind him from seeing when certain people are doing wrong.


Name: Scythe

Species: Metal scythe

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Straight

Pre-show relationships: None

Unique abilities: Claw-like blades that she can unsheathe from her hands and forearms

Other info: Scythe came from a bit of a troubled background, and she's a bit rough around the edges. Despite having her fair share of regrets and mistakes, she seems to be making an effort to improve herself and form connections. She is very smart and good at planning things. She has a hard time warming up to the other objects, aside from Cutting Board, whom she formed a connection with early on in the show.


Name: Choker

Species: Leather choker with metal circle

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Non-binary

Pronouns: They/Them

Sexuality: Pansexual

Pre-show relationships: None

Other info: Choker is jubilant, energetic, and very anti-establishment. They're a free spirit who goes their own way and doesn't let people tell them how to express themself. They're the lead singer and guitarist for the band Ghost Pipe, which they run with their QPP Sour Cream, the drummer, and their close friend Electrolarynx, the bassist.


Name: Clothing Tag

Species: Acetate clothing tag

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Pre-show relationships: None

Other info: An actress who mainly dabbles in stage musical productions. She has a good voice and acting skills, but she's never really had a lead role, as being a trans girl makes it harder for her to get cast. Furthermore, despite being confident, she worries a lot about her appearance. Despite this, she knows what she's capable of, and she keeps pushing to someday get the larger role that she's always dreamed of. She's very hardworking, resilient, and determined.

...Although, she does wear herself out quite a bit, so maybe being on the show will provide her a good break.


Name: Warhammer

Species: Viking war hammer

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Pre-show relationships: None

Unique abilities: Seemingly able to pull almost anything out of nowhere. Nobody understands how she does this, and she refuses to explain.

Other info: Due to Warhammer's appearance, her loud, outspoken attitude, and her... less than positive family history, she is often profiled as a threat. However, she's not all bad like people assume. She's a bit brash, and definitely physically strong, but she's a very nice girl once you get to know her, and she wants to show that she's more than the unjust actions of those in her bloodline; she just needs to learn to slow down a bit.


Name: Oatmeal

Species: Bowl of steel-cut oatmeal

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pre-show relationships: None

Other info: There's... not much to say about Oatmeal. He's a nice guy, but he's very... monotone. He doesn't talk about a lot, and most people don't know much about him, other than that he takes things at a very slow pace. Maybe, if he's presented an opportunity, he could show what more he has to him.


Name: Belladonna

Species: Atropa belladonna flower

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Aroace

Pre-show relationships: None

Other info: Belladonna is the youngest of the Nightshade family. She came from a very prestigious family, and she grew up as a bit of a trophy child. As an adult, she is considered a sight to behold; well-put together, smooth, intelligent, and just about anyone who likes girls is attracted to her, at least a little bit. She seems to take pride in this, although she seems to show some slight resentment to the expectations her parents have set up for her. Behind her seemingly perfect exterior, it's possible she's dealing with some identity issues underneath.


Name: Orange Slicey

Species: Crescent-shaped orange slice

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Male + electrigender + sodagender

Pronouns: Shock/It/He/Fizz

Sexuality: Unlabeled

Pre-show relationships: None

Other info: Orange Slicey is a very mischievous object who likes to pull pranks, get into trouble, and scare people, although fi tries to keep it all in good fun. Shocks other hobbies include drawing and making very bad puns.


Name: Shrubby

Species: Potted shrub

Limbs: Arms, no legs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

Pre-show relationships: Shamrock (younger sister)

Other info: Shrubby is very mature, in part due to the fact that he had to grow up a bit too fast. He's used to having to take care of Shamrock, so he takes a lot of responsibility for making sure she's safe, even when he doesn't need to. The two of them have a very close relationship. He is quite hesitant about quite a few things, but he's generally lighthearted, and wants people he cares about to feel secure and at home.


Name: Shamrock

Species: Trifolium repens/white clover

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Xenofluid + girlflux

Pronouns: Lace/She/They

Sexuality: Aromantic polysexual

Pre-show relationships: Shrubby (older brother)

Other info: Shamrock's whole aesthetic is very cute and soft. La likes crocheting, stuffed animals, and nature. She loves snails, and they have two pet snails named Tweek and Craig. La speaks in a very gentle manner, and she's a positive and pleasant person. In contrast, some of their interests are a bit jarring; la also really likes heavy metal music, and forms of media containing dark subject matter. She is a bit resistant to change, and they have a hard time seeing the bad in things.

Few things actually make Shamrock angry, but if you insist upon calling lace "Clover", she will likely be a little less pleasant with you.


Name: Christmas Card

Species: Holiday greeting card with glitter snowflakes

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pre-show relationships: None

Other info: Christmas Card is a bit camera shy, and came onto TOO as a way of overcoming this. He's generally quiet and reserved, but when he does get to talking, he's a great conversationalist. He's a right-brained person, and his passion is cinematography. He one day hope to film something great.


Name: Inkwell

Species: Glass inkwell with feather

Limbs: Legs, no arms

Gender: Female

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Lesbian

Pre-show relationships: Drill (Romantic partner)

Other info: Inkwell has devoted his life to editing and directing films. He hasn't worked on any major projects yet, but he's got a lot of potential. He's got a bit of a habit of throwing himself into his work for too long, and is often worn out because of it. He's a rather social person, and likes making friends.


Name: Drill

Species: Electric power drill

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Non-binary

Pronouns: It/Its

Sexuality: Lesbian

Pre-show relationships: Inkwell (romantic partner)

Other info: Drill is pretty much a gentle giant. It's a construction worker, and it's very strong, but it wouldn't hurt an innocent soul. Confidence and sense of identity are something it struggles with a little bit, although it knows things can always get better. It's very supportive of its partner Inkwell's passions.


Name: EKG Monitor

Species: EKG monitor

Limbs: Legs, no arms

Gender: Demigirl

Pronouns: They/She

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Pre-show relationships: Mortar (best friend)

Other info: A very empathetic and caring person, EKG Monitor is a trained medical doctor. They're pretty much the first person to go to for health advice, and she's quick to help in the event of an emergency. They have a bit of a hard time talking about themself, since she's not quite sure how to describe her own personality. They try to have a smile on their face whenever possible, and she's good at providing comfort and cheering others up. In contrast, though, they seem tired a lot of the time, and she often seems to disconnect from her environment.


Name: Mortar and Pestley

Species: Mortar and pestle

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Straight

Pre-show relationships: EKG Monitor (best friend)

Other info: Mortar is a good friend and a generally trustworthy person. However, he sometimes has trouble keeping his anger in check, and has to be calmed down. He's a bit clingy, and seems to mostly enjoy spending his time with EKG Monitor, whom he affectionately calls "Moni" (platonically.) He has some slightly violent tendencies by nature, and he's slowly finding healthy ways to vent his negative feelings.


Name: Coloring Book

Species: Adult coloring book

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Gender apathetic

Pronouns: Any pronouns

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pre-show relationships: Easel (younger brother)

Other info: Coloring Book acts a bit like a parental figure, and she has a naturally very levelheaded and collected disposition. He's mostly participating in the show so he can spend time with his younger brother, Easel, so he prefers to stay on the sidelines.


Name: Easel

Species: Wooden canvas and easel

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: Ae/He/Bug

Sexuality: Aroace

Pre-show relationships: Coloring Book (older sibling)

Other info: Easel has a tendency to be a little bit childish, but ae wants to become more mature. Perhaps rather befittingly, he enjoys painting, and bugs other main hobby is playing the ukulele. Ae's not a troublemaker by nature, but if Orange Slicey tries to pull him into his shenanigans, bug'll usually happily go along, granted it doesn't go too far.

Easel is actually only seventeen, but ae was allowed onto the show due to his eighteenth birthday being not too long away.


Name: Baoding Balls

Species: Box of metal Baoding balls

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Genderhoarder

Pronouns: Spirit/They/He/Ae/Ze

Sexuality: Aromantic omnisexual

Pre-show relationships: None

Unique abilities: Spirits metal balls seem to have some kind of strange properties. Exact details are unknown.

Other info: Baoding Balls is... interesting. They are a calm, untroubled soul, and he will gladly give advice, but this advice is often strange. Normally, aer speech is normal and comprehensible, but sometimes zir speech patterns will be so bizarre that you have to analyze spirits sentences to understand what the heck spirit's saying. Baoding Balls is a believer that "slow and steady wins the race", and they try not to worry about trivial things.


Name: Yen

Species: Japanese 10 yen coin

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Straight asexual

Pre-show relationships: None

Other info: To put it in simple terms, Yen has the ego of most political figures. That combined with the fact that he just doesn't shut up makes him a bit of an annoyance. He's not exactly beyond redeeming, though. Maybe he just needs to learn some humility.


Name: Toffee

Species: Toffee candy in plastic wrapper

Limbs: All limbs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

Pre-show relationships: None

Other info: Toffee isn't very physically expressive, but he's a bit of a deadpan snarker. Usually, he's a civil person, but if he feels annoyed, he's gonna get pretty dang sarcastic. He doesn't communicate much on a regular basis if it isn't necessary, but once he develops a strong connection with someone, he'll want to talk about everything.

Toffee is selectively mute, due to being autistic. He can talk to certain people, like his family and boyfriend, but since pretty much everyone on TOO is a stranger to him, he communicates using a text-to-speech application on his tablet. He also likes using sign language with anyone who knows it.


I didn't keep track of the exact time but I looked at the clock a few times and this took me like 2 hours

Hope this is good lol

EDIT: If you're re-reading all of this and thinking "hey I don't remember (x) being a part of it" it's because I changed some things about the characters so I reworked the bios. Also Highlighter and Snuffer aren't part of the show anymore so uhhhhhh they gone :^)

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