Just some stuff that doesn't belong to me...

I was looking at some stuff from Fanfiction.net... I couldn't resist. None of this belongs to me.

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.

Fear leads to Anger,

Anger leads to Hate,

Hate leads to suffering.

Beware the dark side, Jedi.

May 25th is Star wars day. Wear something Star Wars-y! :)

If you hate when people mistake Star Wars for Star Trek, copy and paste this into your profile.

If you wonder why on earth they don't make Jedi Halloween costumes for girls (and are infuriated) copy and paste this into your profile.

When ever you here the word Star Wars you stop what you are doing, perk up, and eavesdrop, copy and paste this on your profile.

If you are madly in love with a fictional character copy this onto your profile

If you think Star Wars Geeks are awesome, copy and paste this to your profile

If you wish that a fictional character was real, copy and paste this to your profile.

Copy and paste this to your profile if you cried at the Great Jedi Purge (Operation Knight Fall) during Revenge Of The Sith.

Copy and paste this if you are mad Coruscant, Kashyyyk or Tatooine hasn't been discovered yet!

Nerds are cool. Nerds are smart. Nerds will one day rule the universe. If you're a nerd and proud of it, copy this into your profile.

May the Force be with you!

When you’re feeling lonely, think of Leia, who has no one left

When you hate your parents, think of Han, who never had any

When you’re feeling destructive, think of Anakin, who destroyed it all

When you’re feeling dumb, think of Jar Jar, who is an idiot

When you’re feeling old, think of Yoda, who is nine hundred

When you’re feeling short, think of Wicket, who is one meter

When you think your brother is annoying, think of Threepio, and be glad you’re not traveling to Bespin with him on a broken hyperdrive

When you think you’re not a good friend, think of Lando, who risked it all to say ‘I’m Sorry’

When you feel fat, think of Jabba, who can fit three people and a dwarf inside

When you miss your family, think of Chewie, who never sees his

When you’re feeling useless, think of Artoo, who is brought down every day and manages to kick butt

When you feel like you’ve lost a good friend, think of Obi-Wan, who lost his brother

When you’re feeling depressed, think of Padme, who lost the galaxy

When you think you can’t go on anymore, think of Biggs, who never got to hear Luke’s adventures

When you feel tempted by the Dark Side, think of Darth Vader, who was once the Chosen One

When you feel ugly, think of Palpatine, who is the definition of ugly

When you are mad that your brother or sister does everything you do, think of Boba Fett, who has a couple thousand identical brothers

When you’re feeling betrayed, think of Dooku, whose boss cut his head off

When you feel like you’ve had no childhood, think of Maul, who was trained from birth by Palpatine

When you feel like you’re working too hard, think of Mon Montha, who is the leader of the New Republic

When you feel like you’ve been stabbed in the gut, think of Qui-Gon, who was actually stabbed in the gut

When you’re feeling like no one will listen to you, think of George Lucas, who started it all with just a boy, a girl, and a galaxy.

Ways to annoy Han Solo

1. Call him a nerfherder

2. Paint all his blasters pink

3. Sing"Baby" whenever he comes into the room.

5. Call him and pretend to be Anakin Skywalker and yell at him for dating his Daughter.

6. Call Anakin skywalker infront of Han and tell him the naughty things he and Leia did last night

7. Call him a weak minded fool

8. steal all his money and blame it on leia

9. get a Greedo costume and haunt him when he is in bed.

10. Bore him to death on jedi talk

11. Tell him he does not deserve Leia

12. Tell him Leia cheated on him with Jabba the Hutt

13. Dress up as a storm trooper and arrest him

14. Go around screaming "Han's got a girlfreind."

15. Ask him if he needs help 24/7

16. Trash the Milliniunm Falcon

36 Ways to annoy Darth Vader Surefire ways to get yourself killed, or at least Force-Choked a few times

1. Call him Ani.

2. Tell him you've taken up podracing as a hobby. Ask him to give you lessons.

3. Ask him if he ever knew, "A cute senator from Naboo." If he says something or stays silent, say, "Ooh, Ani's got a girlfriend!"

4. Walk around tripping every other step. If he asks you what you're doing, say, "Mesa Jar Jar Binks!"

5. Imitate his breathing.

6. Steal his lightsaber and replace it with a hot pink one.

7. Blame it on Tarkin.

8. Ask him if he was ever arrested for child abuse.

9. When he does something really evil, shake your finger and say, "Now, now, Ani, would your mother approve of that?"

10. Have emotional conversations with him. Bring up Qui-Gon.

11. Follow him around singing "I Know a Song that gets on Everybody's Nerves."

12. Ask him how he goes to the bathroom in that suit.

13. Paint his TIE fighter yellow.

14. Stare at him. When he asks you what you're doing, say that you can't see how an evil jerk like him could've ever been a Jedi.

15. Throw mashed potatoes at him.

16. Whistle in his ear. When he comes after you, hide behind a stormtrooper.

17. Poke his shoulder.

18. Call him an "evil creep with a dysfunctional family."

19. Tell him he looks like a droid.

20. Sign him up for a quilting class.

21. Make up words to the Imperial March (Vader’s Theme). Sing them whenever he enters a room.

22. Jab him with a stick.

23. Talk like Yoda all the time.

24. Ask him to play Battlefront with you. If he does, make him be the Rebels.

25. Tell him his mask looks stupid.

26: Ask him if he's seen Obi-Wan lately.

27: Stick refrigerator magnets to him.

28: Follow him around talking about the similiarties between his life and Avatar: the Last Airbender.

29: Talk about how his life was like Luke's. Say, "It's almost like you're related!"

30: Tell him that you find his son attractive.

31: Ask him if he likes twins.

32: Whenever he gets close to you, pretend that you're being Force-choked. Loudly.

33: Have a loud conversation with a wall when he's nearby. If he asks you what you're doing, say that you're talking to Qui-Gon and that he's very disappointed.

34: Call him Dear Old Darthy, especially when you're near someone.

35: Ask him if he wants to buy some death sticks. Be sure to talk like that guy in the bar in Episode II who tried to sell some to Obi-Wan.

36: After doing number 30, tell him that you dumped Luke for Jabba the Hutt.

That was from Ashely Skywalker's fanfiction page. I own nothing!! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!

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